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Chapter Vv


Specific Objectives:

At the end of the module, the students should be able to:

1. define social mobilization and the elements of social mobilization

2. discuss the benefits of social mobilization to the community
3. relate the management process and role of community workers
4. draw the mobilization cycle
5. come up with situation analysis report of their community.
Effective social mobilization goes beyond community organizations, hamessing the
potential and efforts of government or non-government sector and citizens to work
sustainable socíal, economic and political development. The benefits of social mobilization
to community organizations and its impact locally and nationally can be best Sustained
within an enabling political, policy and regulatory environment and where mechanisms for
tinking experiences and lessons at the community level to policy are developed.

The Concept of Social Mobilization

Social mobilization is an approach and tool that enables people to organize for
collective action, by pooling resources and building solidarity required to resolve common
problems and work towards community advancement. It is a process that empowers women
and men to organtze their own democratically self-governing groups or community
organizations enabling them to initiate and control their own personal and communa
organtzations which enable them to initiate and control their own personal and communal
developments, as opposed to mere participation in an initiative designed by the government
or external organization.

Key Elements of Social Mobilization

From worldwide experience there are four (4) basic elements of social mobilization:
Organizational development a process in which community members and, especdally the
poor form their own groups cr organizations based on common development interests
and needs that are best served by organizing themselves as a group. "Before one
becomes a member of a CBO, the individual struggles against a harsh environment
Once he/she is organized in a broad-based group, the individual has the leverage with
which to address and tackle problems which he/she could not have done alone
(Pandey, 2002).
Promoting self-reliance, especially of the poor members of the organization which would in
tum, enhance their ability to participate in the organization's affairs on an equal basis.

Capital Formation for Development through Communtty
enhances a
Capital formation (through mobilization
of savings) community
individual memher
organization's power to realíze its
full potential. "Savings generated by
towards their self.
are the assets of the community
organization and are the first step
can be used for internal
credit withinterest
reliance" (Pandey, 2002). Accumulated savings at the same
to enable individual members to engage
in income generation activities whilst,
base. They can also be used for enterprise
time, accumulating the organization's capital serve as the basis for access to external
development at the community level. Savings can
can also form the basis for community
services, for example, micro-finance. They which is essential in localities
organizations' contribution to local development initiatives, are very limited.
where government capacity to address all social needs of community

Training for Human Resource Developmentt

Community members can maximize their potential not only by organizing themselves
but also by upgrading their existing skills to better manage new inputs business and
community initiatives and establish effective links with local government and other actors.
The Change Agent (i.e. the organtzation or individual facilitating the social mobilization
process) can support direct training, exchange visits and other capacity building activities
based on needs identified by the members of the community organization. These can cover
organizational development, leadership, savings and credits programmes, agriculture, natural
resource management, and other key areas. Local human resource development can best be
promoted when trained individuals take up the responsibility to train other community

Socio-economic development
Socio-economic development initiatives are a great incentive for community members
to organize themselves. It is important therefore that an initiative which includes social
mobilization provides support in the form of matching grants or access to credit, marketing
and other services that will lead to tangible improvements in social economic conditions
within the community. The process of identifying community priorities, participatony
planning, implementing and monitoring of actors helps not only to improve locatl conditions
but also to empower people and their organizations. If well facilitated, this process can
resuit in increased institutional capacity, enhanced social status and voice (especially for
disadvantaged people, including women, the poor and youth). These results in tu
motivate people to remain organized as they begin to enjoy the benefits of collective action
and recognize its potential to create or influence
change in their communities.
Facilitating the social mobilization process
Whilst there are grassroots or social movements that
have emerged from witn
communities, the isolation of poverty and resulting passivity or
powerlessness of citize
particularly in rural areas of developing countries, calls for external
stages of the social mobilization support at the n
In countries with limited
international and national community
of social mobilization, a combination
mobilizers brings to bear international experiencE a
ocal knowledge which are both essential factors for
The following
should be undertaken in social mobilization
Advocacy element which is focused on various actors
which could create the
environment for program or service positive
Information, Education _and Communication (EC) a set of
information on the programs and services as a accurate and
timely response by thoseconsistent
contact with the communities. in direct

Community Organizing Individual and community groups are able to get of what
they can do among themselves to ímprove their
a sense
Capacity Building Social mobilization can

only be sustained if the network of the advocates

and mobilizers are
.Capacity building (people) expanded through
.Institutional Development (organization)
Communit Empowement and Program Sustainability
Empowerment isthe process of
people taking action to overcome the obstactes to
progress where this action involves getting more control over
their situation.
Community Empowement enables individuals and the
thinking and reflection to improve their situation. community to do their own
Sustafnability comes only when individuals, groups, and communities have
of the problem
and are able to act on their own

Institutional Development
seeks to
improve the ability of the institution to carry out its
vision and achieve its
goals and objectives.
mandate, mission and
key levels: Systems, processes, networks financial
and capacity, physical infrastructure
management of resources.
Networking and Alliances Building:
Social Mobilization's success depends
on the identification of relevant
groups which can contribute to the achievement of the individuals and
Partners are those with whom we work directly. program's goals.
Allies are those who have similar interests and
programs with us, but with whom
we may not work directly.

Benefits of Social Mobilization

Poverty AlleviationSocial mobilization is an important tool in the poverty alleviation

process, it enables communities and the poor themselves to

engage actively in
their owm problems and
effectively tackling poverty in its multi-dimensional form.solvings
principles of social mobilization ensure equity, hence issues of gender based, racial and
ethníc based discrimination are most
likely addressed.
Promoting Democratic Governance experience shows that poverty and bad govemance
mutually reinforce, as they foster exclusion of citizens from decision making processes, lack
of access to basic services, lack of opportunity, dependency, and timited availability of
for it to be
institutionalized within government
mobilization must be
public goods. Social in decision-making, build capacity f
effective. This would encourage participation
and ensure transparenoy
common vision on development
participatory planning. build a if decentralized system
Institutionalization of such efforts can only
be effective a
functional. Socíal mobilization
fiscal decentralization fs in place and
can facilitateincluding
govermance, tripartite leadership at the local level, making society more effective as a
third and legitimate partner in development.
Creating demand for good govermance through social mobilization must be completed
with increased capacity of the local govemment to manage and effectively respond to this
demand and improve its govermance practices. Capacity building. efforts must therefore
target civi society organizations (including CBOs, elected representatives, etc) and

Evironmetal Management is the act of organtzing people to better manage their natural
resources and fight against practices and organizations that degrade the emMronment
through promoting appropriate legal, regulatory and institutional frameworks and policy
Cornfict Preventon as people organize to address common problems, and to collectively
improve their socio-economic conditions in an equitable, democratic and transparent manner,
passibitity of The series of mobilization and management
training interventions goes something like this
(modified according to varying situation).

Sensation and

Awareness Raising

Official Completion
Ceremory Mobilizer Training

Work Contimues Organizing
Until Completion

Mobiltzation Assessment
begins Cycle
Monitoring & Recording
Community Action
Plan (CAP)

Community Project
Sensitization and Clearance Sessions with local leaders and govermment
with members of target
Awarenéss Raising - Public meetings workers
Organizing the community
Mobilizer Training-
units or members
Unity Organizing Putting together different communityleaders

and mobilizers (e.g. how to

Management Training The training of community
prepare and write effective project designs).
Participatory Assessment ldenttfying priority problems (therefore priority goals as

Community Action Plan (CAP)
Consistent with District plans and community priorities.
Community Project Designs created from and submitted by target communities as

Negotiation- Proposals discussed until they meet everyone's expectations
ImplementationBegins Work on community projects by community members

Monitoring and Reporting - Following up and preparing updated reports development


Work Continues Until Completion Implementation, monitoring, reporting, payments

Official Completion Ceremony- Invite more community project designs.

Community Managerment Processes:

Situation Analysis
I t is a collective process of examining the prevaiting social, political, economic,
environmental, cultural and spiritual conditions of a given community. It is a
preparatory step to the actual planning process.

Roles of Community Workers in Situation Analysis

1. Determine how they can improve the prevailing situation to achieve community goals.
2. Collectively understand and define community needs and problems.
3. ldentify change strategies and resources, and making decisions on how to implement
the identified solutions.

Steps in Faclitating Stuation Analysis

1. Cornmunity Orlentation
2. Data Gathering
3. Data Processing
4. Preparation of Community Profile of the Community Profile
5. Presentation, Validation and Approval
Profile and Dissemination
6. Finalization of the Community
. Community Planning8
define their priority problemns,
I t is a process through which the people collectively
determine their development vision, set goals and objectives, identify resources
to achieve community goals.
which they can utilize, and develop a plan of action

Roles of Community Workers in Planning

1. Enable people to address their community needs and problems

2. Develop planning skills
3. Involve community member in decision-making
4. Provide the community members with a process where they can plan their own
5. Guide the community members in developing a plan of action geared towards
achieving community goals.

Steps in Facilttating Community Planning

1. Fomation of Community Planning Team
2. Community Visioning
3. Setting of community goals and objectives
4. ldentifying resources and constraints
5. Preparation of community plan of action and budget
6. Presentation, communty validation and approval of the
community plan of action and
7. Finalization of the community profile and its dissemination

. implementation
It is a process of carrying out the proje ts and activities in the community action
plan. Its main purpose is to test the feasibility of the planned projects and
activities, and institute necessary change or modifications when necessary.

Roles of Community Workers during Implementation

1. Oversee and direct the
implementation of projects and activities.
2. Conduct an information and
advocacy campaign on the community
3. Motivate the
community members to contribute to the projects andplanactivities
4. Monitor the status of
status of projects/activities)
(come up with a checklist or data board on the
5. Make quick
adjustment in consultation with the community members when
arise. problems
6. Coordinate various
7. Mobilize
activities, tasks and efforts of community member
8. Conduct regular
resources for the projects or activities
consultation and feed-backing with
9. Clarify roles of each
member on community members
10.Manage interpersonal relationships projects activities
and conflict
11.Facilitate team-building management
activities (reflection processes, values-formation)
Social Moblilization Planning Framework

Stuatton Analysle
Political Emviomet
Problem Needs Desired Acton
Vislon, Misson Oblect
Program Goas
and Obiectves
Socil Mobllzaton
- Political Wl
Service Providers
- Target Beneficiartes
Gaps in Legislation,
Implementation of
Media Scene
AND Infomaton,
Expected Outpu Educaton, and
- Timetable
- Responsibility Center
Resource and
Budgetary Aliance

What ts Community?

A community as described by Ross (1967), and cited in Tucay (2002), in her paper
regarding commurity organizing, is an aggregation of families and individual areas, settled in
fairly compact and contiguous geographical area, with significant elements of common life
as shown by manners, customs, tradítions and mode of speech. She further elaborated that
the patterns or relationshlp among the people of the
community may by ordered by special
groups or entitles (schools, churches, professions or welfare bodies).
A geographic
Community must have special interest groups and sectors, and also a combination of social
units and systems: economic, political and socio-cultural.

What is a Communtty Organizing?

It is a social development approach that aims to transform the
individualistic and voiceless poor into dynamic, participatory and apathetic,
politically responsive
community. In other point, it is stmilar to a form of experiential learning, and a non

With this knowledge in community
organizing, how do you go
fomal learning process.
about cbmmunity welfare service?

participatory, transformative.
Community welfare service is applying a collective,
to improve the quality of their ltves and the
iberative, sustained and systematic process basic and social welfare needs in an area
of the
Community. it encourages the improvement
or community welfare service; you anre mobilizing
the citizen-based groups to exercise their
we can produce successfut results that
collective effort to initiate programs/projects where
are useful to them. Making them aware of the importance
of cooperation in their endeavors
the community organize their
is one of CWTS students in their pursuit of helping
of the roles
projects for their well beíng.

Conditions to Consider in Community Organization

1. Recognize and deal with the problem accordingly.
2. Provide the community self-determination.
3. Engage the community in the solution of the problem actively.
4. Move at a pace that is deemed comfortable for the community.
5. Encourage growth through problem solving.
6. Encourage community self-integration and understanding.

Goals of Community Organizing

1. People's Empowerment. It aims to teach how to achieve effective power for the
to initiate
people in-order to overcome their powerlessness to develop their capacity
and develop their own plans, assert their rights and stand dignity.
Permanent Structures and People's Organization. It aíms to establish and
2. sustain of people to ensure their maximum participation and to provide a
venuefor them to link up with other groups and sectors. It can be internalized to
become the building blocks for a better future.
3. Improved Quality Life. It is the mobilization of resources (human and material)
geared to gain concession in fulfilling basic needs,like food, clothing, shelter,
education and health. You can introduce programs that can develop an environment
conducive for use in their resources and creativity in improving the condition of their
lfves. Activities should be geared towards the equitable distribution of power and


Social Mobilization is an approach that empowers people to participate actively

development processes through their own local initiatives and through well-informed ano
Constructive dialogue at the policy level. it is an essential tool for mobilizing and enga
isolated, passive and poor members of society; hence, its popularity with poverty reducu
and decentralized governance programmes worldwide. Its effectiveness depends, to a lar
extent, on the appropriateness of the approaches used within a given cultural, soCo
economic and political environment. On the whole, it is an effective tool for building
well-informed, proactive and strong civil society, making it a valuable partner for

govemment and the private sector in shaping national development that is
sustainable. equitable and

Suggested Activities:
Activity 1: Draw me a picture

Purpose: To get the students idea on Social Mobilization

Materials Needed:
Several sheets of manila paper, crayons, pentel pens, masking tape.
1. Explain the purpose of
Divide the participants fnto small groups..
and documentor.
Ask each group to choose their
Provide each group with a set of manila paper, crayons, and
pen pentel
3. Ask each group to discuss the
a. What is your
following questions
understanding of social mobilization?
b. Why do you have to undertake social
C. What are the
specific objectives of the social mobilization?
d. How would you like to
e. What are your
participate in the social mobilization?
operational plans for social mobilization?
f. How woutd you envision the
community you decided to work with after your social
4. Ask them to draw the results of their
5. During the plenary, ask each group to present their drawing and discuss it in context.
6. Summarize the presentations, and take note of the
7. Guide the participants in
similarities and differences.
coming up with a common vision of the community they
decided to work with.
Activity 2: Role Playing

Purpose: To enable the students to identify existing

problems which they need to be
aware of as their guide in socíal mobilization.

Materials Needed:
Role play scripts, and other materials necessary for the
1. Divide the students into small groups of four (4) or five (5) each.
2. Tell them to discuss what they think are the major problems confronting their
community and come-up with a play which they think will perfom as a group.
3. Get feedback from all groups after
every presentation.
4. After all groups have presented their
play, discuss the problems presented and try to
reach consensus on what they think should be consldered as major problems of the
5. Summarize the results of the discussion.

Activity 3: Social Moblization Workshop
of your community.
Purpose: Come up with Situation Analysis Report
and other needed materals
Materials Needed: Manila paper, Pentel pens

1. Divide the students into small groups.
2. Tell them to do the following:
ldentify projects/programs that can solve prevailing situations in the community
on the following areas:
1) Poverty alteviation
2) Promoting democratic governance
3) Environment
4) Conflict Prevention and Resolution
5) Defining the commyunity needs and problems
6) ldentifying change strategies and resources, and making decisions on how to
implement the identified situations.
7) Coming-up with base-tine data
8) Identify Resources and Constraints

3. After the group discussion, allow the students to write their output on the Manila
Encourage the students of other groups to give comments after every presentation.
5. Summarize the group project plans of the students. Recognize the efforts of the
students and guide them in the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the

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