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OCAMPO, Elisha Gale T.

BSA 1- A
1. Concept of Physical Education
 Physical education it is an arduous task. It is that, in the academic field, there
are different conceptions and approaches referred to the term. Physical
education can be an
activity educational, recreational, Social, competitive or therapy, for instance.

 The term that we are going to analyze is made up of two clearly

differentiated parts. Thus, in the first place it is made up of the word
education whose etymological origin is found in Latin educatio which,
in turn, is the result of the sum of the prefix former which means
“outward”, the verb ducere which is equivalent to “guide” and the suffix
–tion which is synonymous with “action.”
 Secondly, there is the physical word that emanates from the Greek and
more specifically from the union of two perfectly delimited parts: the
term physis which can be translated as “nature” and the suffix –
ica which is equal to “science”.

 We claimed that physical education is a discipline and not a single

science since it draws components from a number of scientific fields to
create its theoretical framework.
 Physical education goes beyond the traditional conception of the
human being as a composite of the body, mind, and soul; rather, it
focuses on all facets of the person as a Unit.
 In addition, in secondary school, the primary goals of the
aforementioned topic are for students to develop good lifestyle habits,
learn to deal with challenges, accept their own bodies, and enhance
their physical attributes. Therefore, among other things, it is dedicated
to creating various sports like basketball, football, or tennis so that kids
may learn to strive, work as a team, compete, and also accept.
 The many currents of physical education may be categorized based
on how the subject is emphasized. There are currents that concentrate
on education (whose target audience is schools and the educational
system as a whole), health (physical education is seen as a health-
promoting agent, with the goal of preventing diseases), competence
(the discipline as sports training for the development of high
performance), recreation (fun activities to connect the subject with the
environment), and body expression (from the influence it receives from
dance, yoga and music).

2. The major goal of Physical Education

 Is to improve students' physical skills, movement awareness, and safety
knowledge so they may apply them in a variety of activities that support the
development of an active and healthy lifestyle. Additionally, it helps students
build their self-assurance and general abilities, particularly those related to
teamwork, communication, creativity, critical thinking, and aesthetic appreciation.
These serve as a solid foundation for students' lifetime learning, together with the
development of strong values and attitudes in physical education.
To understand physical education, we must understand the skills it seeks to
promote, which are its main goals to improve in a person:

Cardiovascular fitness. This is the ability of your heart and lungs to deliver the
oxygen your body needs for your daily tasks.
Force. This is the amount of physical power that a muscle or group of muscles
can use against a weight or resistance.
Resistance. It is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to repeat
movements or maintain a position for a certain period of time.
Flexibility. It refers to the range of motion of the body. Pilates, yoga and
gymnastics help promote this particular fitness component.
Body composition. It refers to the proportion of the fat component of the body
versus its lean mass.

3. Purpose and Objectives of Physical Education

A major objective of physical education is to promote interpersonal skills
Effective, as they are essential for participation in meaningful and satisfying
relationships in the family, school, recreation, work and community contexts.
 Manage knowledge of how individuals learn and develop and can provide
opportunities that support students' physical, cognitive, social and emotional
 Develop effective verbal, non-verbal and media communication techniques to
improve learning and participation in physical activity settings.
 Encourage students' physical, cognitive, social and emotional development

One of the purposes of physical education in education is to give individuals tools

to have a healthy body. Body health can lead to better performance in students'
daily activities
1- Maintain body and mental health
- This allows to develop the four physical valences, which are strength,
speed, endurance and flexibility.
2- Encourage teamwork
- Many of the activities practiced in the chair of physical education are
group. For example, football, basketball and the volleyball are practiced
with two groups facing each other.
3- Create discipline
The practice of any sport or any physical activity generates discipline in
students. Physical education as a chair teaches individuals certain
behavioral patterns that make their performance within a group effective.

4- Develop an attitude of respect

In addition to discipline, physical education develops an attitude of respect
in students. This respect is given on two levels:

At a first level, sports are governed by a set of rules that players must
follow. In this way, students learn to respect the rules.

At a second level, there is an arbitrator who enforces the rules and

punishes those who have not complied with them. Thanks to this, players
learn to respect a figure of authority.

5- Create an environment of healthy competition

Through sports, physical education creates an environment of healthy
competition. The student learns the importance of striving to the maximum
regardless of the outcome.
While winning is satisfactory, it is okay to lose as long as you have made
the best effort.
In fact, in physical education there are no winners and losers, there are
only individuals who play to develop their motor skills and create
fellowship and cooperation.

6- Promoting leadership attitudes

In football, basketball, volleyball, among others, there are captains who
guide the team and develop strategies to ensure the best performance of
the group.
In the chair of physical education recreates this situation. In this way,
students are given an opportunity to develop their leadership qualities.
This allows them to get to know their peers better, since a leader must be
aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the people he or she guides.

7- Foster the attitude of self-demand

The chair of physical education creates an environment conducive for the
student to develop their physical skills.
In addition to this, the fact that the student is in constant competition with
the other mates makes him decide to demand more of himself. Then, the
requirement of the instructor adds to the requirement itself.

8- Provide values to students

In addition to discipline and respect, physical education provides other
values. To begin, it teaches them to cooperate, since many sports require
group participation. This reinforces bonds of friendship.

4. Purpose of PATHFIT1
Fitness does not only refer to being physically fit, but also refers to a person’s mental
state as well. If a person is physically fit, but mentally unwell or troubled, he or she will
not be
able to function optimally. Mental fitness can only be achieved if your body is functioning
You can help relax your own mind and eliminate stresses by exercising regularly and
eating right
(Health Status, 2018)
Fitness does not only refer to being physically fit, but also refers to a person’s mental
state as well. If a person is physically fit, but mentally unwell or troubled, he or she will
not be
able to function optimally. Mental fitness can only be achieved if your body is functioning
You can help relax your own mind and eliminate stresses by exercising regularly and
eating right
(Health Status, 2018).
Physical fitness is the ability to carry out daily tasks that involves vigor and alertness,
without undue fatigue, and with ample energy to enjoy leisure-time and
respond to
emergencies defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Physical Fitness
encompasses everything from getting out of bed to hiking to performing CPR based
from the
description above.
Haffar (2015), defined fitness as an all-encompassing term that describes a
set of
physical attributes needed to perform a person’s tasks in a safe and healthy manner.
 Fitness does not only refer to being physically fit, but also refers to a person's
mental state as well, if a person is physically fit, but mentally unwell or troubled,
he or she will not be able to function optimally. Mental fitness can only be
achieved if your body is functioning well. You can help relax your own mind and
eliminate stresses by exercising regularly and eating right (Health Status, 2018).
 A state of general well-being, market by physical health as well as mental
stability It is about having cardiovascular and overall muscular endurance, as
well as strong immunity system, and most importantly a satisfied and happy state
of mind. Is the ability of the individual to do his/her daily task without undue
fatigue, but with extra or reserved energy in care of energy.
Basic fitness can be classified in four main components: strength, speed, stamina and
flexibility. However, exercise scientists have identified nine components that comprise
the definition of fitness (Tancred 1995):
 Strength - the extent to which muscles can exert force by contracting against
resistance (e.g., holding or restraining an object or person)
 Power - the ability to exert maximum muscular contraction instantly in an
explosive burst of movements. The two components of power are strength and
speed. (eg. jumping or a sprint start)
 Agility - the ability to perform a series of explosive power movements in rapid
succession in opposing directions (e.g., Zigzag running or cutting movements)
 Balance - the ability to control the body's position, either stationary (e.g. a
handstand) or while moving (e.g. a gymnastics stunt)
 Flexibility - the ability to achieve an extended range of motion without being
impeded by excess tissue, i.e. fat or muscle (e.g. executing a leg split)
 Local Muscle Endurance - a single muscle's ability to perform sustained work
(e.g. rowing or cycling)
 Cardiovascular Endurance - the heart's ability to deliver blood to working
muscles and their ability to use it (e.g. running long distances)
 Strength Endurance - a muscle's ability to perform a maximum contraction time
after time (e.g. continuous explosive rebounding through an entire basketball
 Coordination- the ability to integrate the above listed components so that
effective movements are achieved.

2022 UPDATED!!! Definition of Physical Education - What it is, Meaning and Concept -
What Are the Goals of Physical Education? | Life Persona
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