OPR: Mon Fight

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Monster Friends Underground Fight Club by Patrick Reilly

General Principles Mons in base contact, with the Trainer in Interact

base contact with the rear of their Mon.
Required tools: six-sided dice (d6), measuring If a Trainer is in base contact with a friendly
tape (inches), one each of cards that say Attacking a Trainer: Both Trainers secretly Trainer or an NPC, they may interact.
“Innocent”, “Jaded”, and “Dive” per player. decide to make the attack Innocent or
Jaded, and then reveal at the same time. If Friendly Trainer: Friendly Trainers may
Innocence Tests: Roll 1d6, and if you score equal
one Trainer chose a Jaded attack and the trade Mons or Items they possess. A Trainer
to the Trainer’s Innocence or lower, you succeed.
other chose Innocent, the Jaded attacker must always have at least one Mon.
Measurements: You may measure distances at
rolls one additional die. If your Mon has a NPC: a Trainer may use the Services of an
any time.
Trait that is strong to their opponent, that NPC, usually in exchange for MonBonds.
Preparation Mon rolls one additional die.
The Table: The game is played on a 24”x24” Roll one Innocence Test, plus one test for
surface. One half is the Wild Zone, and contains 3- each additional die. If you made an A trainer may fight in the Tournament if
5 appropriate pieces of terrain. The other half is Innocent attack, count your successes. If they are inside of or in base contact with
the Arena, and is more open, with a clearly you made a Jaded attack, count your the Ring in the Arena. This functions like an
defined 3”x3” Ring in the middle. There should be Attack, but they may challenge any other
failures. This is your Combat Total. The
at least two entrances into the Wild Zone.
Trainer with the highest Combat Total wins. Trainer in the Arena. If that Trainer agrees,
Wild Mons: 5-10 neutral Mons should be placed Highest Innocence wins ties. move their model to the Ring.
in the Wild Zone. You can generate them
randomly or design them together before the The losing Mon is knocked Unconscious, The winner of a Tournament gains 3
game. and can’t be used in an Attack or Use their MonBonds for their team.
Traits until restored. After each Tournament action has been
The Arena: The arena features neutral NPC
models to represent shops and services. If the winner rolled more than twice as completed, move the involved Trainers into
Teams: Players begin with a team of 3 trainers, many failures as successes, the losing Mon base contact with the outside of the Ring.
each having one Mon. A Trainer can have up to 3 suffers a Brutal Death. The Mon is removed Add one to the Tournament Matches.
Mons. Each team begins with 3 MonBonds, a from play, the owner of the dead Mon gets Either trainer may choose to Take a Dive.
currency that can be spent on goods and services. -1 Innocence, and any Innocent Trainer gets Reveal this choice when revealing your
Deployment: Each player picks one side of the -1 Innocence. attack type. The Trainer who takes a dive
table, in both the Wild Zone and Arena. Players automatically loses the round and gets -1
If you defeat another Trainer, your team
alternate placing one trainer in either zone,
gains 1 MonBond. Innocence. If both Trainers take a dive, they
within 3” of the table edge.
change stats but must still fight. They may
Objective: Players will build and fight their teams Attacking a Wild Mon: The Trainer chooses
not choose to dive again this round.
of Mons to have the most MonBonds after 6 Innocent or Jaded as above. The Trainer
Tournament Matches. wins if their Combat Total is at least half the Defeat
dice they rolled.
Playing the Game When a Trainer’s Innocence is reduced to 0
If you defeat a Wild Mon, roll an Innocence or less, they are disillusioned and removed
The game is played in a series of rounds. Test. If you get at least one success, you from the board. Their Mons are set free,
Players alternate activating one Trainer at a may capture that Mon to use later. You and their items are distributed to their
time, with the first player to act decided by cannot capture a Dead Mon. A Trainer who teammates.
a roll-off each round. Once all available made an Innocent attack rolls one
Trainers have activated, a new round When a Trainer has no living or conscious
additional die to capture.
begins. Mons left, they are Unconscious and sent to
After defeating a Wild Mon, place another the Medic. This Trainer cannot be activated
Activation one randomly in the Wild Zone. until they are given a Mon and the Medic is
When a player activates a Trainer, they may paid.
After each attack, Trainer’s Mons are
move the model 6”, and may perform one removed from the table. Sponsorship
of these actions:
Frolic After 6 Tournament Rounds, or if there is
 Attack only one team with an active Trainer
 Frolic A Trainer may Frolic with their Mon to
remaining, the game ends.
 Use a Mon Trait or item strengthen their friendship. Roll an
Innocence Test. If you get at least one The conscious Trainer with the highest
 Interact with a Service or Trainer
success, get +1 Innocence. Innocence gets a Sponsorship deal, gaining
 Fight a Tournament Match
7 MonBonds for their team. If there is a tie,
Attack Use
it goes to the Team with the highest
A Trainer can Use a Trait of one of their combined Innocence score. If there is still a
A Trainer may attack another Trainer or
Mons or an Item they possess. tie, no one gets the sponsorship.
Wild Mon if they move into base contact
with them. Place one of each Trainer(s)
Trainers The Butcher: Make an Innocence Test. If 8. Fly: Trainer may Use to move to
you succeed, you may purchase MonNoms anywhere on the table
Pick three of the following. You may pick for 1 MonBond each. If you fail, you may
multiples. Innocence will fluctuate 9. Blast: When Used, the Trainer may attack
sell any of your Unconcious Mons for 2
throughout the game. A Trainer cannot have a Wild Mon or Trainer from up to 6“ away.
MonBonds each, and/or sell a Brutally
more than 5 Innocence. This Mon cannot be defeated in this attack
Killed Wild Mon for 1 MonBond each. If
unless the other Mon also has Blast
The Kid: Innocence 5 you do this, get -1 Innocence.
10. Adorable: Roll 1 additional die when
The Pro: Innocence 4 Items performing a Frolic
The Expert: Innocence 4 An item may only be used once, unless 11. Terrifying: A Trainer that loses to this
specified. Mon is knocked Unconscious
 Special: The Expert is a specialist.
At the beginning of the game, pick MonNoms: a delicious treat. Use to cause 12. Paralysis: A Trainer that loses to this
one Mon Trait. If they are fighting any Wild Mon within 6“ to come into base Mon may not move or take an action on
with a Mon that has that Trait, roll contact with you. 1 MonBond from the their next activation. They use their
one additional die, otherwise roll Butcher only. activation to end Paralysis
one fewer dice. They always roll a
Better Ball: a superb trap. Use to roll one 13. Thief: A trainer can Use this Mon to take
minimum of one die.
additional die when capturing a Wild Mon. one item from any Trainer within 3“
The Criminal: Innocence 3 Regular Item. 1 MonBond.
14. Essence Siphon: When this Mon’s
The Thug: Innocence 2 Antiseptic: a super-effective medicine. Use Trainer defeats another Mon, this Mon is no
to restore an Unconcious Mon. Regular longer Unconscious
 Special: The Thug is Hardened.
Item. 2 MonBonds.
They cannot be reduced below 1 15. Vicious: If this Mon gets more failures
Innocence and cannot have more Skateboard: totally rad transportation. You than successes and wins, the other Mon
than 4 Innocence. can move up to 12“ when activated. suffers a Brutal Death
Unlimited uses. Regular Item. 3 MonBonds.
The Mascot: Innocence 3 16. Badly Trained: This Mon won’t stay in
Festive Hat: it looks great on you. Use to it’s MonBall. If this Mon is conscious, you
 Special: The Mascot is its own
succeed on your next Frolic. 2 MonBonds. MUST fight with it
Mon. They can’t capture other
Mons. At the end of the game, the Steroids: all the cool kids use them. Get -1 17. Mimickry: This Mon can copy one trait
Mascot is worth 2 additional Innocence to Use. Start your next fight with of any Mon it fights for the duration of the
MonBonds if concious. 1 additional failed Innocence Test. Illicit fight
Item. 2 MonBonds.
NPCs 18. Evolution: After this Mon wins two
Poison: handle with care. Get -1 Innocence fights, replace this Trait with any other Trait
Populate the Arena with some or all of to Use. The next Mon you fight suffers a
these NPCs. The Medic must be present. Brutal Death whether you win or lose. Illicit 19. Heal: Use this Mon trait to restore an
Item. 4 MonBonds. adjacent Unconscious Mon or Trainer
The Medic: For 1 MonBond each, restore an
Unconscious Mon or Trainer. Shock Collar: better discipline through 20. Lucky: Once per game, this Mon lets
science. Get -1 Innocence to Use. your reroll any Innocence Test.
The Coach: Improve a Mon’s combat
strength. Make an Innocence Test. If you Automatically succeed on the next Wild Example Mons
succeed, one of your Mons may roll one Mon you capture. Illicit Item. 1 MonBond.
additional die in your next Attack or Moultry: The flame-broiled chicken
Mon Traits
Tournament. If you fail, you get -1  Fire, Blast
Innocence, and one of your Mons may roll Mons can have between one and three
one additional die in your next two Attacks traits.. You can roll 1d20 to determine Tundrat: The freezer-burned rodent
or Tournaments. random Traits, or pick traits for custom  Ice, Adorable
The Black Marketeer: Make an Innocence Shockodile: Someone gave that croc a taser
Test. If you succeed, you may purchase 1. Fire: strong against Ice and Lightning
Regular Items. If you fail, you may also  Lightning, Stunning
2. Water: strong against Fire and Earth
purchase Illicit Items. Rokape: The literally-a-mountain gorilla
3. Ice: strong against Water and Earth
The Bookie: You may place a bet on an  Earth, Hardy
upcoming Tournament Match. Write down 4. Earth: strong against Fire and Lightning
which Trainer you think will win the next Zombee: Don’t let it sting you
5. Lightning: strong against Water and Ice
Match. If you are correct, your team gets  Ghost, Essence Siphon, Terrifying
MonBonds equal to 6 - Your Innocence. If 6. Hardy: Isn’t knocked Unconcious when
you lose, your team loses MonBonds equal defeated Tsardine: The crime king of fish.
to your Innocence. 7. Ghost: cannot suffer a Brutal Death  Water, Thief

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