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Information of the graphs

This presentation leaves very well evidenced the results of a survey that was made to 2,000

employees of the company Vision Company and in the series areas that we emphasized

were in these:

Growth opportunities.


Flexibility, commitment and benefit.



Organizational support.

All these six areas have their proper explanations.

The growth opportunity is important because each employee has different long-term goals

and the most important thing about the company is that our workers grow and become

better every day. There is no point in them doing their work without any objective to

fulfill. That's why it is important to push them and motivate them to be better.

The company's commitment to our employees is to teach them how a more efficient job can

be done to meet our goals. In addition to providing them with the best tools so that they can

grow and better every day. The more experience they receive, the more opportunity they

will have of better positions in our company or other companies.

Flexibility and benefits for an employee is very important because first they are motivated

to do things in a better way and they will not feel so much pressure and thus perform well.

We as heads of vision company have a obligation to be good leaders. For example

motivate, direct and try to make strategies in a better way. If there are good bosses or good

leaders, the company and the same working group will benefit.

Diversity must be implemented in the company. That is to give everyone a chance equally.

It does not matter your gender or your age. The goal is to create a good working

environment where we look at everyone equally and who is rewarded with the one who

does the job best.

The organization's support for our employees is very important because we want them to

feel happy and motivated with us. That's the key to success because if we all work the same

way and looking to improve, great things are going to be achieved.

Strategies to improve the company:

Garfico 1:

This graph shows that 19% of women rate this question as a little opportunity to grow to

other positions as a professional indicating that women in our company need to be given

more important positions.

It is also evident that 21% of men rate this question as little opportunity to grow as

professionals. Which indicates that younger men should be given more opportunity in

important positions so they have new ideas that benefit the company.

The company should implement a strategic plan to improve the company's leadership, as

there are people who do not feel with many opportunities in the company. In both men and

women there was a high percentage of negative responses which means that younger

people and more women in important company positions could be generated. The most

important thing is that we have equality and a good work environment.

Graph 2:

This graph shows 31% of people rate this question as low equality, equity, and inclusion.

The company must implement a strategic plan for the company to implement more

diversity and inclusion of workers because it is a large percentage where people do not feel

good about the company and so we will not meet the proposed goals.

You have to give people more opportunities but equally. Because that's how we're going to

get a working group where we work at the same pace and get things done more easily and

more effectively.

This graph shows 39% of the people who rate this question as an average level of

leadership in the company.

The company must implement a strategic plan where people feel safer with their leaders.

Because leadership is a very important issue and the company's leadership should be very

high or good.

One strategy we should implement is to train better and make people see that we can really

do a better job as company leaders. That is to say that you feel more accompanied and with

better support from the organization.

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