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MaxPeak limiter threshold and Power rating into nominal load

specified maximum amplifier output and MaxPeak limiter threshold

voltage at Amp Gain 32 dB at Amp Gain 32 dB

Load [Ω]
MaxPeak Amplifier max 2 4 8 16
threshold output voltage / Power into Recommended MaxPeak setting
[dBu-pk] ISVPL [Vpk] load [W] [dBu-pk]
17,5 231,6 50 -7,1 -4,1 -1,1 2,0
17,0 218,7 75 -5,3 -2,3 0,7 3,7
16,5 206,5 100 -4,1 -1,1 2,0 5,0
16,0 194,9 150 -2,3 0,7 3,7 6,7
15,9 192,7 225 -0,5 2,5 5,5 8,5
15,5 184,0 300 0,7 3,7 6,7 9,7
15,0 173,7 450 2,5 5,5 8,5 11,5
14,5 164,0 600 3,7 6,7 9,7 12,7
14,0 154,8 750 4,7 7,7 10,7 13,7
13,9 153,0 900 5,5 8,5 11,5 14,5
13,5 146,2 1000 5,9 8,9 12,0 15,0
13,0 138,0 1200 6,7 9,7 12,7 15,8
12,5 130,3 1500 7,7 10,7 13,7 16,7
12,0 123,0 1800 8,5 11,5 14,5 17,5
11,5 116,1 2100 9,2 12,2 15,2 18,2
11,0 109,6 2400 9,7 12,7 15,8 18,8
10,5 103,5 3000 10,7 13,7 16,7 19,7
10,0 97,7 3500 11,4 14,4 17,4 20,4
9,5 92,2 4000 12,0 15,0 18,0 21,0
9,0 87,1 4500 12,5 15,5 18,5 21,5
8,5 82,2 5000 12,9 15,9 18,9 22,0
8,0 77,6
7,5 73,3 NOTE: The purpose of the table is to find the MaxPeak threshold that can be used to avoid
7,0 69,2 severe clipping in the amplifier. The input should be the rated power of the amplifier into the
6,5 65,3 nominal load it is to drive. If the distortion is below 1% it will be fair to use formulas for
6,0 61,6 sinusoidal signals. It has been calculated like this:
5,5 58,2
5,0 54,9 Maximum output voltage: V pk = 2 ⋅ P ⋅ Z
 V pk 
Converted into dBu-pk: MaxPeak = 20 ⋅ log 10  − Amp Gain − 0.3
 0.775 
An Amp Gain of 32 dB and a margin of 0.3 dB gives the table above. The purpose of the
margin is to allow for the rail to sag a little without audible clipping.

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