Agri Assignment 1

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Name: Kavish Somwaru

Form 4C-1
Subject: Agricultural Science
Teacher: Miss Vanda Lonke
1. Cattle Breed – Jamaica Hope
Commodity - Milk

2. Pig Breed – Landrace

Commodity – Meat

3. Goat Breed – Toggenburg

Commodity - Milk
4. Sheep Breed – Barbados Black belly
Commodity - Meat

5. Rabbit Breed – New Zealand White

Commodity - Meat

6. Poultry Breed – White Leghorn

Commodity – Eggs

⦁ Jamaica Hope cattle were developed in Jamaica by crossing Zebu cattle from India
with Jersey cattle from Europe.

 Barbados Black Belly sheep are reared for their meat and were likely derived from
sheep brought by settlers to the islands.

Animals on the farm serve roles such as:
⦁ They provide food.
⦁ They supply power for ploughing (bullock, buffalo, mule) and transport (mule,
donkey, buffalo, horse, bullock).
⦁ They provide raw materials.
⦁ They create employment opportunities and provide farm income.
⦁ They provide recreation and serve as pets.
⦁ They provide opportunities for agricultural research.

⦁ The most common type of bee is the Western Honey Bee (Apis mellifera), which is
also known as the European Honey Bee (EHB). This species was domesticated for honey
production and crop pollination 9000 years ago.
⦁ Carpenter bees- pollinate avocado, eggplant, pumpkin, pigeon pea, lemon,
watermelon and tomato crops.
⦁ Long horned bees- these bees pollinate pepper plants.
 The European Honey Bee comes in several varieties that are difficult to distinguish
from one another. These bees are widespread in the Caribbean. AHBs are Africanized
Honey Bees. A cross between EHBs and African bees that originated in Tanzania.

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