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quinta-feira, 14 de abril de 2022 18:46

The flag is from brazil- it is from brazil

a) She is very( muito) happy
b) They are at school
c) He is not tired (cansado)
d) They are from Brazil
e) She is from Portugal

Página 1 de revisão
quinta-feira, 14 de abril de 2022 19:06

To go out (in) (after) (behind) To walk (stroll) To watch To talk (conversar casualmente, resenhar) To speak (falar línguas) To learn ( aprender, "lãrn"
To like
I go out I walk I watch I talk I speak I learn
I like to go out - i like to play- i like to watch tv- i like to
You go out You walk You watch You talk You speak You learn
You like to go out
He/ she/ it goes out He/ she/ it walks He/she/ it watches He/she/it talks He/she / it speaks He/ she/ it learns
He/she/ it likes to go out
We go out We walk We watch We talk We speak We learn
We like to go out
They go out They walk They watch They talk They speak They learn
They like to go out

I like to go out (I go out) with my friends I walk in the week I like to watch series - I I talk to my family I like to learn new things-----
I like to go out with my family watch series You like to learn new things
I like to go out with my girlfriend I like to watch TV - I He/she/ it likes to learn new
I go out for a stroll in the week watch tv things
I like to watch movies- I We like to learn new things
watch movies They like to learn new things

Página 2 de verbos
quinta-feira, 14 de abril de 2022 16:35

Conjugação- verb to Combinação com adjetivos Verb to be negativo

be (ser ou estar)
Happy(feliz): I and my friends aren´t very happy I am not
I am
Tall(alto): the buildings (construções) aren´t tall You are not (aren´t)
You are
Short (baixo/ curto): my mom isn´t short; my patience is He/she/ it is not (isn´t)
He /She / It is short
We are not (aren´t)
We are Handsome/ pretty/ beautiful(bonito): the girl isn´t
handsome They are not (aren´t)
They are
Ugly (feio): the painting isn´t very ugly

Verb to be interrogativo (perguntas)

Painting- pintura
To paint- pintar

Rachel is nice (legal) ----- Is rachel nice? / Yes, she is. No, she isn´t.
Jealous(ciumento): my fianceé (noiva/ noivo) isn´t jealous
of me / my fiancée is jealous
They are sick------- Are they sick? / Yes, they are. No, they aren´t.
Sick (doente) : I am not sick today
We are friends------ Are we friends?/ Yes, we are. No, we are not.
Funny(engraçado/ divertido): the cartoon isn´t so funny
I am strong---------- Am I strong?/ Yes, I am. No, I am not.
Angry (bravo): my wife (esposa) isn´t angry

Rich (rico) : my friends aren´t rich

Poor= bad : it isn´t a poor (bad) decision; my friend is

poor; my friends are poor

******SO= VERY = MUITO ( advérbios)

Página 3 de verb to be
quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2022 14:02

Verbos terminados em -o, -z, -ss, -ch, -sh, -x Present simple no negativo
É preciso acrescentar -es no final do verbo.
Sujeito + verbo auxiliar (conjugado) + not + verbo principal no infinitivo sem o "to" + complemento

She does
not play videogames
to teach (ensinar) - teaches

to watch (assistir) - watches

• I do not live in Brazil. . To do
• He does not teach Spanish at the university.
• They do not prefer Italian food. (Eles não preferem comida italiana.) - I do
to push (falso cognato, empurrar) - pushes verbo to prefer (preferir).
• She doesn't watch TV every day. (Ela não assiste TV todos os dias.) - You do
to kiss (beijar) - kisses verbo to watch (assistir). He/she/it does
• We do not like to go to the beach during the week. - verbo to like (gostar). We do
to go (ir) - goes They do
Infinitivo= " a versão não-conjugada do verbo"
to fix (consertar) - fixes

to do (fazer)- does
I play
Present simple no interrogativo You play
He/she/ it plays
verbo auxiliar(conjugado) + Sujeito + verbo principal+ complemento They play
Verbos terminados em -y precedido de consoante
We play
Retira-se o -y e acrescenta-se -ies Does it work? (Isto funciona?)
Do we know her? (Nós a conhecemos?)
Do you have a car? (Vocês têm carro?)
Exemplos: Do they go out on weekends? (Eles saem nos finais de semana?)

to fry (fritar) - fries De <>

to fly (voar) - flies,

to study (estudar) - studies

to worry (preocupar-se) - worries

Verbos terminados em -y precedido de vogal

Acrescenta-se somente o -s.


to say - says

to play - plays

Página 4 de present simple

quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2022 16:46

Present simple no negativo

Sujeito + verbo auxiliar (conjugado) + not + verbo principal no

infinitivo sem o "to" + complemento

She does
not play videogames

Conjugação e suas exceções para (he/she/it)/ negativo do present simple Versão interrogativa do present simple

I play video-games: Do I play video-games?

Kleyton goes to bu(i)siness school in Brazil/ Kleyton does not go to business in Brazil
I and my brother hate the winter: Do I and my
Camilla studies in a private school/ Camilla does not study in a private school brother hate the winter?

The airplane flies very fast/ The airplane does not fly very fast Milena studies economics at usp: Does Milena
study economics at usp?
My mom (worry) worries about everything/ My mom does not worry about everything
My friends love to tell jokes: Do my friends love
Claudio (push) pushes the door when he (get) gets in the store/ Claudio does not to tell jokes?
push the door
You accept my apologies: do you accept my
Marcio (teach) teaches his son to play the guitar on weekends/ Marcio does not teach apologies?
his son the play guitar on weekends
She accepts my excuses: does she accept my
My friend (watch) watches football matches on TV all day (throughout the day)/ My excuses?
friend does not watch football matches on tv all day

My friends watch football matches- My friend do not watch football matches

Everyday- todo dia
My dad (say) says kind things to me everyday/My dad does not say kind things to All day- o dia todo
me everyday

I am sorry
I apologize (to apologize)- contexto mais
Obs: formal

Worry with everything This is my apology

Worry about - everything- the weather
Excuse= desculpa para não realizar algo, o
ato de fugir
When- quando

Why- por que?

How- como/ quanto

What- o que, qual

Play= tocar qlqr instrumento

Play the piano
Play the guitar (violão)
Play the electric guitar (guitarra)

Mom- mommy (mamãe)

Dad- daddy (papai)

Página 5 de present simple- prática

quinta-feira, 5 de maio de 2022 18:51

Conjugação- verb to be (ser ou estar) Verb to be negativo Verb to be interrogativo (perguntas)

I am I am not
Rachel is nice (legal) ----- Is rachel nice? / Yes, she is. No, she
You are You are not (aren´t) isn´t.

He /She / It is He/she/ it is not (isn´t) They are sick------- Are they sick? / Yes, they are. No, they aren´t.

We are We are not (aren´t) We are friends------ Are we friends?/ Yes, we are. No, we are
They are They are not (aren´t)
I am strong---------- Am I strong?/ Yes, I am. No, I am not.

Present simple no negativo

Sujeito + verbo auxiliar (conjugado) + not + verbo principal no infinitivo sem o

"to" + complemento

She does
not play videogames /She does not play video-games

Página 6 de revisão pt2

quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2022 17:35


Present continuous Am I breathing? I am breathing ( to breathe)

Are you coming back home ? I am coming back home

Sujeito + verbo ser/ estar+ verbo acrescido de -ing
Is Ana watching TV? Ana is watching TV
Serve para expressar ações que estão ocorrendo no momento (ou durante a fala)
Is he washing the dishes ? He is washing the dishes
Corresponde ao gerúndio em português

Exemplos: (identifique as três partes)(sujeito, verbos e complemento)


She is teaching a lesson to the children- ela está ensinando uma lição para as crianças
He isn´t (is not) behaving well - Ele não está se comportando
We are playing soccer together- nós estamos jogando futebol juntos
I´m not (am not) paying attention to the class- Eu não estou
I am loving the weather in Europe- eu estou amando o clima na europa
prestando atenção na aula.

1.Verbo principal termina em -e e é precedido de consoante, retira-se a vogal e acrescenta-se o –ing. Carla and Lia aren´t (are not) having a good time- Carla e Lia
não estão tendo um bom tempo (se divertindo)
To dance (dançar)- dancing/
To take I am taking english lessons- eu estou tomando lições de inglês
To make She is making a cake- ela está fazendo um Carla isn´t doing the dishes right now (to do) Is Carla doing the dishes
To come They are coming back home- eles estão retornando para casa right now?
Marcelo and I aren´t studying mathematics (to Are Marcelo and I
Exceção: verbo to be - being study) studying mathematics?
I am being nice (eu estou sendo legal)
My friends aren´t going to the cinema (to go) Are my friends going to
the cinema?
2. Quando o verbo termina com –ie, troca-se essa terminação por –y e acrescenta-se –ing They aren´t playing in the garden right now. (to Are they playing in the
play) garden right now?
To die (morrer)- dying We are dying inside Sally isn´t leaving the country in two days. (to Is Sally leaving the
To lie- lying I am lying to my wife leave) country in two days?
We aren´t going to the prom together. (to go) Are we going to the
3. Quando o verbo é monossílabo ou dissílabo e segue o padrão de consoante+vogal+consoante ( CVC), prom together?
duplica-se a última consoante. I am not eating my favorite chocolate cake. (to Am I eating my favorite
eat) chocolate cake?
To swim (nadar) – swimming I am swimming on the sea- Eu estou nadando no mar Richard isn´t dating Monica (to date) Is Richard dating Monica?

To travel- travelling Carlos is travelling around the world- Carlos está viajando ao redor do

To cut (cortar)- cutting The company is cutting expenses - a empresa está cortando despesas

To run - running I and my mom are running a marathon- eu e minha mãe estamos correndo

To sit (sentar)- sitting Carla is sitting on the bench - carla está sentando no banco

You are (You’re) learning a lot about that country.

mostrar ações que estão acontecendo no momento da fala
He is (He’s) washing the dishes now. Exemplos: The baby is sleeping. He is so calm. I am leaving tomorrow

It is (It’s) raining today. descrever ações que estão se modificando no momento ou na época I am having breakfast with my friend tomorrow/ next week
da fala.
You are (You’re) running a lot. Exemplo: The kids are getting very smart. As crinças estão ficando muito To be going to (ações com um grau maior de certeza)
We are (We’re) saving money to buy ice cream. I am going to play football
descrever ações que podem ou não acontecer no momento da fala. She is going to play football
They are (They’re) learning Spanish today. She is studying a lot (very much). Ela está estudando muito.
Will (incertas)
I´m playing / I am playing
I will play football
She will play football

Página 7 de present continuous

Modal "can"
quinta-feira, 12 de maio de 2022 18:40

O verbo auxiliar "can" representa uma exceção dentre os • Can they do a favor to me? (Eles VERSÕES NEGATIVAS
verbos em inglês, por se tratar de um verbo modal. podem me fazer um favor?) They can
do a favor to me • His father cannot (can’t) run at
Expressa: HABILIDADE- PERMISSÃO- PEDIDOS INFORMAIS the park anymore (any longer).
• Can the student go to school by foot? Seu pai não pode mais correr
• We can´t see very well at night. – habilidade (O estudante pode ir à escola a pé?) no parque
The student can go to school by foot
• My sister can’t sing.(Minha irmã não consegue/ pode cantar) – habilidade • My brother cannot (can’t) go to
• Can you give me a ring? (Você pode the party because he has
• It can happen with you too (isso pode acontecer com vc tb) – possibilidade me dar um anel?) You can give me a homework. Meu irmão não
ring pode ir à festa porque ele tem
• Anyone can make this wrong. – possibilidade tarefa de casa
• Can João clean his shoes? (João pode
• My sister can dance with you. – possibilidade/ habilidade limpar os sapatos dele?) João can
clean his shoes • She cannot (can’t) help me
• My sister can be very angry sometimes- possibilidade tomorrow. Ela não pode me
• Can you come at/to my house? (Você ajudar amanhã
pode vir até minha casa?) You can
come to my house • I cannot (can’t) save the planet
alone. Eu não posso salvar o
planeta sozinho.

Man x men Prática

Can Can I use the restroom? Eu posso usar o (cry) Men can cry out loud Can men cry out loud?
(wear) We can wear a lot of Can we wear a lot costumes?
I can
You can Could I use the restroom? Eu poderia usar
He/she/ it can o banheiro (talk) You can talk loud in this Can you talk in this room?
We can room
They can Can- lata (breathe) I can breathe underwater Can I breathe underwater?
(leave) You can leave stuff here Can you leave stuff here during
I am using a can during the winter the winter?
I am dumping in the trash can
(wash) Carlos can wash his clothes Can carlos wash his clothes on his
Grandmothers- grandmas on his own own?
(tell) Grandmas can tell very good Can grandmas tell very good
Grandmother- grandma stories stories?
(hate) You can hate other clubs Can you hate other clubs?
Child- criança
(pay) Carla and Stella can pay their Can carla and stella pay their
Children- crianças
credit card credit card?

Responsible + y= responsibly (join) I and my friends can join the Can I and my friends join the
study group study group?
(behave) Children can behave Can children behave responsibly?

Página 8 de modal can

Pronomes interrogativos Por que, por quê
quinta-feira, 5 de maio de 2022 19:40

what qual/ quais/ o que What Who Why

who quem
What does your mom do for a living? Who is he? Why do you like soccer? You like soccer-
why porquês interrogativos do you like soccer? Why do you like soccer?
how como What are your friends doing? Who is making noise?
when quando Why does she feel angry? She feels angry-
Who are they? Does she feel angry? Why does she feel
where onde
What is favorite show?- angry?
Who do you prefer: neymar or messi?
What is the 2nd largest country? Why are we fighting so much? We are
Who plays the guitar? (he/ she/ it) fighting so much- Are we fighting so
What time is it? much?- Why are we figthing so much?
Why are you sad? I am sad, because I
lost a match/ I feel sick I like what you said
What are your sister´s plans for the future?

I am sad, for I feel sick How When I am nice- Am I Nice?

What makes you strong? (he/ she/ it)

How are you feeling today? When is your birthday? Your birthday is...- I play football- Do I Play football?
What causes earthquakes? (he/ she/it)
Is your birthday...? When is your birthday?
How is your sister? She plays football- Does she play football?
When do you intend to travel to Canada?
How can you play soccer? You intend to travel to Canada- Do you
Where intend to travel to Canada? When do you
How can I get to the supermarket? intend...?
Where do you go on weekends?
When can you teach me French? You can
Where is your favorite restaurant? teach me french- Can you teach me french?
When can you teach me French?
Where does she go to college?

Teacher- até o ensino médio

Mr. Smith is a professor at University of
In, on, at cambridge


• What do they do at half past six? They have dinner at half past six

• What do they do on weekends? They go to the cinema or theathre .

• What does Kim like to do on the evenings? Kim likes to read a book or
listen to music.

• What do Kim and Tim like to eat for breakfast? Kim likes toast and tea
and Tim likes to eat an egg and to drink milk.


• Where do they go on holidays? They go to Izmir in Turkey on holidays

• Where does kim go to work? Kim works at a college- Kim goes to a


• Where does Tim go to work? Tim works at a hospital.


• Who is Tim? Tim is a doctor and kim´s husband

• Who is Tim´s wife? His wife is Kim- Tim´s wife is Kim- Kim is tim´s wife


• How does Tim have lunch? Tim has lunch in the cafeteria

• How do they spend their evenings? Tim watches Tv and Kim reads a
book or listens to music,


• Why do they go to Izmir on holidays? They go to Izmir on holidays,

because they like it very much there.

• Why does Kim walk around? Kim walks around, because she doesn´t
know how to ride a bike.

• Why does Tim eat at the cafeteria? Tim eats at the cafeteria, because the
food there is very good


• When do they go to Izmir? They go there every summer/ They go to

Izmir (there) on holidays/ every august- They go there every summer on

• When do they go to the cinema or theathre? They go there on weekends

Página 9 de why^J how^J what^J when

quinta-feira, 26 de maio de 2022 17:35

I’ m Tim Black. I’m a doctor. I work at a hospital. My wife, Kim, Doctor- médico, doutor
is a teacher. She teaches Music at a college. We
Physician- médico
get up at seven o’clock every morning.
College- universidade
Kim sets the table, and we have breakfast. Kim likes toast and tea,
but I don’t. I eat an egg and I drink milk at breakfast. Then, University- universidade
we leave home at a quarter past eight.
To get out- sair

I start to work at nine o’clock. Get up- levantar-se

I am very busy, so I can’t have a break. At half past twelve,
I have lunch at the hospital cafeteria. To set- configurar, arrumar

Quarter to eight- 7:45

The food at the cafeteria is very good, so I don’t go out for lunch.
Kim Quarter past eight- 8:15
returns home at three o’clock in the afternoon, and I come back at five
o’clock. Lunch- almoço

Then, we have dinner at half past six. I watch TV in the evenings, I have a snack

but Kim doesn’t. She reads a book or she listens to music. I have dinner/ lunch/
We go to bed early after a tiring day. breakfast

At weekends we go to the cinema or theatre. But- mas/ porém

My wife and I like shopping, so we usually go on shopping on Saturday
Bed- cama
s. We have a holiday every August. We often go to Izmir in
Turkey for holiday. Early - cedo

I ride a bike and Kim walks around, After- depois

because she doesn’t know how to ride a bike.
Vacation- férias
We like Izmir very much, so we go there every summer.
Holiday- feriado
1-) Tim is Kim’s husband.
So- portanto
2-) Kim and Tim get up at nine o’clock. It is false, because they get up at seven o´clock.
Always- sempre
3-) Tim’s wife sets the table in the mornings.

4-) They always have a holiday in Ýzmir every summer. Caio´s bike
5-) They don’t like cinema. It´s false, because they go out on weekends to the cinema.

6-) Kim works at a college.

7-) Dr. Black goes to a restaurant for lunch.It is false, because he has lunch at the cafeteria in the hospital Lucas Hohmann

8-) Kim comes back home at five o’clock. It is false, because she doesn´t come back home at five o´clock Mr Hohmann
9-) Mrs Black goes on shopping with her husband.
Lia Hohmann
10-) They leave home at a quarter to eight in the mornings
Miss Hohmann/
Ms Hohmann

Mrs Hohmann

Página 10 de interpretação
quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2022 15:21

Lawyer- advogado
Outside- do lado de fora Verbos
There- lá
While- enquanto To cry- chorar (gritar)
But- mas, porém... To invite- convidar
All- todos (as) To join- juntar-se
New- novo To hate- odiar
Brand new- novinho em folha To tell- contar
Brand- marca (roupa, carro) To breathe- respirar
Napkin- guardanapo To wash- lavar/ enxaguar
Trousers- calças To behave- se comportar
Wardrobe- guarda-roupa To push To pay- pagar (prestar)
Together- juntos To pull To leave- deixar (no sentido de se retirar)
Weather- clima atmosférico To date- namorar
Inside- dentro To intend - pretender To meet- se encontrar
Expenses- despesas To pretend- fingir To bring- trazer
Expensive- caro To happen- acontecer
To press- pressionar To schedule- agendar
Press- imprensa To forget- esquecer
Dish- louça To understand- entender
Prom - baile de formatura Middle school- ensino fundamental To keep- manter/ continuar/ guardar
Date- encontro romântico To think- pensar
Homework- tarefa de casa High school- ensino médio ( a partir To trust- confiar
Out loud- em voz alta do nono) To place- colocar
Costumes- fantasias To order- pedir
Stuff- coisas (= things) Freshman- 9 To attend- participar
Here- aqui Sophomore - 10 To worry- se preocupar
Now- agora Junior- 11 To shine- brilhar
Sad- triste Senior- 12 To borrow- pegar emprestado
Share- compartilhar To lend- emprestar
Bread- pão
Wise I love you too.
Pottery- artesanato Nice to meet you too. To get in- entrar dentro
Pot- weed-green: maconha To get over- subir; (superar)
Wall - parede She is too angry. To get out- sair
ter- inverno I am too busy.
Summer- verão
Autumn- outono I like it too much. To lie= mentir, estar sobre uma superfície (deitar, jazer)
Spring- primavera I like it so much.
Cafeteria- cantina I am lying to my wife
Coffee- shop(cafe)- cafeteria She is so nice ( conotação positiva)
Noise- barulho She is too nice (conotação negativa) I am lying next to my wife- estou deitando ao lado de minha esposa
Bill- despesas domésticas The pie is lying on the kitchen table- a torta está "descansando" na mesa da
Schedule - cronograma cozinha
Appointment- consulta I like to lie on the sand- eu gosto de deitar na areia
Reasonable- razoável
Well- advérbio de good
Proud- orgulhoso
Pride- orgulho
He plays soccer very well
Kind- gentil
He studies very well Break + fast
Gentle- cuidadoso
Soon- em breve
Well- poço (substantivo) To fast
Prize- prêmio
Clothes- roupas
Well- interjeição
Order - ordem, pedido
Faith- fé
Pregnant- grávida
Internship- estágio
Intern- estagiário
Crowd- multidão
Slum- favela
To be alone
Window- janela
Wall- parede
To be on my own
Cute- fofo/ bonito
Cozy- confortável
Weak- fraco
Pleasant- agradável
Equal- igual/ igualitário
Clever- esperto
Tall- alto (pessoas)
Narrow- estreito
Tight- apertado
That building is very high (alto)
Brave- corajoso

Engaged- estar noivo, engajado

Have a table in my bedroom
Busy- ocupado
There is a table in my bedroom
Verbo "to work"
Singular- There is
Work= trabalhar
Plural- There are

Página 11 de léxico
Busy- ocupado
There is a table in my bedroom
Verbo "to work"
Singular- There is
Work= trabalhar
Plural- There are
Work= funcionar/ dar certo
There are two tables in my bedroom
The machine does not work
My relationship works out
(napkins) There are napkins on the table

(trousers) There are trousers on my wardrobe

(apple) There is an apple inside the basket

(many people) There are many people walking through the

mall (shopping mall)

Página 12 de léxico
quarta-feira, 8 de junho de 2022 20:29

Middle school- ensino fundamental Hard- hardest

Tough- toughest
High school- ensino médio ( a partir
do nono)

My name is John (A1)

Hi! Nice to meet you! My name is John Smith. I am 19 and a student in

college. I go to college in New York. My favorite courses are Geometry,
French, and History. English is my hardest course.

My professors are very friendly and smart. It's my second year in college
now. I love it! I live in a big house on Ivy Street. It's near the college
campus. I share the house with three other students. Their names are Bill,
Tony, and Paul.

We help each other with homework. On the weekend, we play football

together. I have a younger brother. He just started high school. He is 14
and lives with my parents.

They live on Mulberry Street in Boston. Sometimes they visit me in New

York. I am happy when they visit. My Mom always brings me candy when
they come. I really miss them, too!

My day (A1)

First, I wake up. Then, I get dressed. I walk to school. I do not ride a bike. I
do not ride the bus. I like to go to school. It rains. I do not like the rain.

I eat lunch. I eat a sandwich and an apple. I play outside. I like to play. I
read a book. I like to read books. I walk home. I do not like walking home.

My mother cooks soup for dinner. The soup is hot. Then, I go to bed. I do
not like to go to bed.

Página 13 de exs pronomes

Verb to be
quinta-feira, 30 de junho de 2022 16:44

Skill- habilidade
• I and my friends are sad- Are I and my friends sad?
Skilful- habilidoso

• Louise is very disappointed with her friend Carla - Is Louise very disappointed with her friend
Carla? Hope- esperança

Hopeful- esperançoso
• Jason is a very skilful athlete- Is Jason a very skilful athlete?

• The politicians are corrupt - Are the politicians corrupt?

Página 14 de revisão geral

Present simple
quinta-feira, 30 de junho de 2022 16:50

Present simple no interrogativo

verbo auxiliar + Sujeito + verbo principal+ complemento

Does it work? (Isto funciona?)

Do we know her? (Nós a conhecemos?)
Do you have a car? (Vocês têm carro?)
Do they go out on weekends? (Eles saem nos finais de semana?)

De < > To have

I have
Show- programa
You have
• (to have) I and my friends have a band- Do I and my friends have Soap opera- novela
He/she/ it has
a band?- I and my friends do not have a band They have
Irresponsible-> irresponsibly

• (to play) Fernanda plays a lot of video-games- Does fernanda

play a lot of video-games? Fernanda does not play a lot of video-

• (to see) We see car accidents everyday- Do we see car accidents Does she know how to drive?
everyday? We do not see car accidents everyday
Does she not know how to drive?

• (to run) My dog runs away when I open the gates- Does my dog run What do I not like?
away when I open the gates? My dog does not run away when I open
the gates

• (to watch) My sister watches tv shows all day - Does my sister

watch shows all day? My sister does not watch tv shows all day

• (to behave) Teenagers behave irresponsibly - Do teenagers

behave irresponsibly? Teenagers do not behave irresponsibly

Página 15 de revisão geral

Present continuous
quinta-feira, 30 de junho de 2022 17:01

• (to get) Silvia and her friends are getting dressed for
Right now- exatamente agora
the party - Are Silvia and her friends getting dressed for
the party? Now- agora

Careful- cuidadoso
• (to feel) I am feeling sick today- Am I feeling sick
Country- país
today? Country music- música do interior EUA

• (to wash) My brother is washing the dishes right now -

Is my brother washing the dishes right now?

• (to date) Josh is dating Maria - Is Josh dating Maria?

• (to leave) Careful! The criminal is leaving the country-

Is the criminal leaving the country?

Página 16 de revisão geral

Modal can
quinta-feira, 30 de junho de 2022 17:09

Free- de graça/ livre

(to play) Carla can play the drums very well, because she (to be) is young - Can Carla
play the drums very well?

(to see) I can see why you feel sad, because you (to miss) miss your parents- Can I
see why you feel sad?

(to invite) Jeff can invite you to his party, because he (to live) lives in a big house-
Can Jeff invite you to his party?

(to use) I can use this room freely, because it (to be) is public- Can I use this room

Página 17 de revisão geral

Adverbs of frequency
quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2022 15:56
I have a clean house Week- weekly
I clean my house

Daily Diariamente
We clean the house daily. How often do you clean How often?
the house?
Weekly Semanalmente
I wash my dog weekly. How often do you wash your
dog? How often do you go to the cinema?
- I hardly ever go to the cinema
Monthly Mensalmente
We pay our bills monthly.How often do you pay our
How often do you play football?
Yearly Anualmente
I visit my family yearly.How often do you visit your - I never play football
Always* Sempre
She is always late. How often is she late?
Frequently Frequentemente
She is frequently at the shopping mall. How often is
she at the shopping mall? On my own
Generally Geralmente; usualmente
We generally go to the gym in the morning. How On your own
often do you go to the gym? On his/ her/ its own
Hardly ever* On their own
Quase nunca
I hardly ever see my neighbors. How often do you
On our own
see your neighbors?
Never* Nunca
He is never tired. How often is he tired? By myself
Often* By yourself
I often go to the beach by myself. How often do you
By him/her/itself
go to the beach on your own? By ourselves
Occasionally Ocasionalmente
They live in another city but they come home By themselves
occasionally. How often do they come home?
Rarely* Raramente
He rarely mentions his family. (ele raramente
menciona sua família). How often does he mention
his family?
Sometimes Às vezes
Sometimes I prefer staying home on Friday nights.
How often do you prefer staying home?
Usually* Usualmente; geralmente
We usually play tennis on Sundays. How often do
you play tennis?

Always *
Verb to be
She is always late
He is always ready

Present simple
She always plays video-games
They always make cake together

Expressões de frequência
every day/month/week/year (todo(a) dia/mês/semana/ano)

once a day/month/week/year (um vez por dia/mês/semana/ano) Exemplos:

twice a day/month/week/year (duas vezes por dia/mês/semana/ano) I wash the dishes everyday

four times a day/month/week/year (quatro vezes por dia/mês/semana/ano) She visits her boyfriend twice a month

every other day/month/week/year (dia/mês/semana/ano sim, dia/mês/semana/ano não) I schedule appointments every minute

Once in a lifetime- uma vez na vida The teacher solves her students´ problems once every
Once in a blue moon- algo impossível de ocorrer

You let the cat out of the bag- deixar um segredo ser revelado

Página 18 de freq. adverbs

Let- deixar
He let
He lets

(he) (play soccer) - everyday : How often does he play soccer? He plays soccer everyday

Ele é mau
(she) (listen to music)- never : How often does she listen to music? She never listens to music.
Ele se comporta mal

(he) (play the piano)- always: How often does he play the piano? He always plays the piano. Bad- mau
Badly- mal

(they) (go to the theatre)- once a week: How often do they go to the theatre? They go to the
theatre once a week.

(we) (draw pictures)- every other month: How often do we draw pictures? We draw pictures
every other month.

(Carla) (go to the bank)- frequently: How often does Carla go to the bank? Carla frequently goes
to the bank

(Mark) (behave badly)- hardly ever: How often does mark behave badly? Mark hardly ever
behaves badly.

(Catherine and Mary) (watch a movie)- twice a week: How often do Catherine and Mary watch a
movie? Catherine and Mary watch a movie twice a week.

(Ashley and Finn) (visit a museum)- six times a year: How often do Ashley and Finn visit a
musem? Ashley and Finn visit a museum six times a year

(John) (sneeze)- every minute: How often does John sneeze? John sneezes every minute

Página 19 de freq. adverbs

quinta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2022 18:01

• What does Karl do for a living? To wake up- acordar

Karl is an engineer at Bosch and he lives in New York. Everyday, What does Karl work with?
To get up- levantar
before breakfast, he wakes his children up and then takes a shower. Karl is an engineer
Afterwards, he sets the table and, once a week, offers a chocolate Challenge- desafio
cake to his kids.
• Where does Karl live? Challenging- desafiador
After breakfast he drives his children to school and then goes to Karl lives in New York Abroad- fora do país
work. His job is very challenging, so he usually travels abroad every
month. When he travels, he talks to his family through the phone • How often do Karl’s children eat a Through- através
and always brings presents when he returns to New York. chocolate cake?
To bring- trazer
The children eat a chocolate cake
Next week Karl will go to Italy and he hardly ever learns the once a week
country’s language, but he is studying italian. Sometimes he brings To learn- aprender
a camera with him, but he never takes a lot of pictures. • Why does he travel abroad every
Language- língua
month? gramatical
Every other year, Karl and his family visit their relatives in Minnesota He travels abroad every month,
and, monthly, they go hiking on the mountains. He never forgets because his job is very challenging Tongue- língua anatômica
about his family and he is a very responsible husband and a nice
To forget- esquecer
dad. Sometimes his family surprises him with a secret party on his • How often does Karl brings
birthday and he always loves it. presents to his family? Nice- legal
Karl always brings presents
Electric guitar- guitarra
Karl has a lot of hobbies and he is a very talented musician. He
takes guitar lessons twice a week and he frequently plays the piano. • Where is he going to next week? Guitar- violão
He also likes to read, so he goes to the library every other Karl will go to italy/ Karl is going to
weekend. italy

• How often does Karl’s family visit He also plays

Minnesota? He is also nice
The family visits the relatives every
other year
• What does Karl do for a living?

• How often does Karl get a suprise

• Where does Karl live? party?
Sometimes/ Karl sometimes gets a
surprise party (qlqr lugar)
• How often do Karl’s children eat a chocolate cake?

• Why does he travel abroad every month? • What are Karl´s favorite hobbies?
He likes to read, to play the piano and
• How often does Karl brings presents to his family? the guitar
His hobbies are the piano, the guitar
• Where is he going to next week? and the books

• How often does Karl’s family visit Minnesota?

• How often does he take guitar
• How often does Karl receive a suprise party? lessons?
He has guitar lessons twice a week
• What are Karl´s favorite hobbies? He takes guitar lessons twice a week

• How often does take guitar lessons?

• How often does he go to the
• How often does he go to the library? library?
He goes to the library every other
Gravação de áudio iniciada: 18:04 quinta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2022 weekend

Página 20 de interpret. advb

quinta-feira, 4 de agosto de 2022 19:02

To let the cat out of the bag- Deixar algum segredo transparecer To let

She let the cat out of the bag during the family meeting Let

A piece of cake- Algo fácil*

This exam is a piece of cake

This challenge is a piece of cake

Break a leg- Boa sorte*

Hangover- ressaca
Break a leg!
Get in/

To break the ice- Quebrar o gelo/ descontrair *

The atmosphere is very awkward , so you need to break the ice

Hang in there- Não desisir*, persistir, aguentar firme

Hang in there, because time heals the wounds

To hit the sack- Dormir

I´m very tired, so I have to hit the sack!

To lag behind - estar atrasado, não conseguir acompanhar

He is lagging behind in the class

Página 21 de idioms
Advérbios de modo
sábado, 13 de agosto de 2022 15:14


Careful Carefully
Noisy Noisily
Quick Quickly
Happy Happily
Happily- alegremente Charlie is a good boy, so he behaves responsibly
Smart Smartly
Easy Easily Fortunate- sortuda (He is a very fortunate man)
Slow Slowly
Dry Drily I can´t understand what she says, because she
Bad (mau) Badly (mal) (un)fortunately- felizmente (Fortunately, I recovered from my illness)
Shy Shily speaks slowly
Efficient Efficiently
Lucky Luckily
Proud Proudly
Sad Sadly He is a bad musician, because he plays noisily

I have to finish my homework quickly

CASOS IRREGULARES I am not feeling well today

Adjetivos terminados em "le"
comprehensible comprehensibly
Good* well He wakes up very late everyday
reasonable reasonably
fast fast
indestructible indestructibly
early early It is early now- é cedo agora
I wake up early- eu acordo cedo
Keep driving straight to your final destiny
late* late
straight straight
Straight- reto, em diante/ heterossexual I can easily solve these problems

Do not be stupid! You have to think reasonably

Lately- ultimamente

Página 22 de adverbs-gnrl]
quarta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2022 21:34


- Ordens, sugetões e conselhos etc • ordem: Listen to them.

- Sujeito irrelevante • pedido: Open the door. To hear: instintiva, barulhos
- Sem o "to" • conselho: Be careful! Noise, shot, scream, shout

To listen: deliberado, sons

Radio, music,

To listen To have To be Convites

Listen to me! Have a glass of milk! Be kind! Let´s go to the cinema!
Listen to the radio! Have some bread! Be responsible! Let´s play football!
Listen to your mom´s advice! Have some self-respect! Be ready for life! Let´s study!

Formas negativas Formas acentuadas

Don´t scream! Do listen to your parents
Don´t be stupid! Do make your dreams come true
Don´t forget it! Do trust your friends Play football

Listen to your mom

Gentle- cuidadoso

Exercícios de fixação Polite, kind

To listen to your mom Listen to your mom Don´t listen to your mom
To behave responsibly Behave responsibly Don´t behave responsibly
To respect your elders Respect your elders Don´t respect your elders
To be gentle Be gentle Don´t be gentle
To study hard Study hard Don´t study hard
Hear x listen
To go for a walk on the park Let´s go for a walk on the park
To hang out together Let´s hang out together
Gentle x careful
To celebrate your victory Let´s celebrate your victory
To be honest Let´s be honest

Página 23 de imperative
Interpret/ revisão
quarta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2022 08:17 *Speak/ say/ tell *
How are you?
How are you doing?

• Why is Brad sad?

Brad and Mary are childhood friends and they like each other very much.
When they meet , they talk about a lot of things, such as music, college, Brad is sad, because the professors
movies and books. Brad is 21 years old and goes to Harvard University to treat him badly
get a degree in sciences. Mary is 23 years old and goes to business school
at Boston University. They meet each other in a café near Harvard
University : • Why does Brad want to quit
Brad: Hey, Mary! How are you doing? Brad wants to quit college, because
the professors treat him badly
Mary: Hi! I´m doing well, and you?
• What advice does Mary give
Brad: I´m doing well too! Thanks for asking Brad?
Mary tells him that he has to think
Mary: Well, let me see... How is college going? wisely before quitting
Mary says: "think wisely before
Brad: Unfortunately, it is going badly, so I am quitting"
thinking of leaving soon...

Mary: Why? You are so dedicated and smart. What is • How is Mary feeling?
the problem? Mary is feeling well.

Brad: My professors treat me poorly.

• What does brad say before they
Mary: I understand, but think wisely before leave?
quitting. Do not give up. Brad says: "Keep the good work and
do not forget our friendship!"
Brad: Thanks for your help! What about you?

Mary: I love my college courses, because they are

efficient and helpful.

Brad: It is so nice to hear that! How often do you

study? Wise- sábio

To give- dar Children- crianças

Mary: I usually study twice a day. To give up- desistir Childhood- infância
To give in- ceder Adulthood- fase adulta
Teenagehood- adolescência (youth)
Brad: Keep the good work and do not forget our Advice- conselho
friendship! Warning- aviso (tom perigoso)

Mary: Yes, for sure. See you soon!

So, but, because,
Brad: See you!
Soon- em breve

Página 24 de interpret
quarta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2022 17:14

Listen: prestando atenção

Hear: ouviu por acaso
RADIO: listen to the radio

MUSIC : listen to the music

A SCREAM: hear a scream

A SHOT: hear a shot


Hear -pronome- out

Hear me out: escute- me com carinho/ compreensão

Hear him out
Hear them out....

Listen: tom de coação, ordem

Listen to me!
Listen to her!
Listen to him!
Listen to them!

Página 25 de hear x listen

terça-feira, 30 de agosto de 2022 22:21

Simple future tense

Verbo auxiliar will

Estrutura going to

Immediate future



• Lewis will do my homework

• Britney will cry a lot

• Brad will behave responsibly

• Karl and John will pay their bills

• Samantha will drive to the airport

→ Fazer previsões que não são definidas ou exatas; I think that PSG will
win the league

→ Fazer promessas; I will study much more next year.

→ Expressar o futuro como um fato; Certainly, my brother will be a great


→ Expressar ordens formais. You will have to finish this work by tomorrow


Lewis´ll do my homework
Página 26 de will
• Lewis´ll do my homework

• Britney´ll cry a lot

• Brad´ll behave responsibly

• Karl and John´ll pay their bills

• Samantha´ll will drive to the airport


• Lewis will not (won´t) do my homework

• Britney will not (won´t)cry a lot

• Brad will not (won´t) behave responsibly

• Karl and John will not (won´t) pay their bills

• Samantha will not (won´t) drive to the airport


• Will Lewis do my homework ?

• Will Britney cry a lot ?

• Will Brad behave responsibly ?

• Will Karl and John pay their bills?

• Will Samantha drive to the airport?

Página 27 de will
terça-feira, 30 de agosto de 2022 22:12

Present tenses
• A1 Present simple forms of ‘to be’ – am/is/are CALENDÁRIO
• A1 Present simple – I do, I don’t, Do I? 23/11- comparative/ superlative
• A1 Present continuous – I’m doing, I’m not doing, Are you doing?
• A1 Present simple or present continuous? 1/12- comparative/ superlative
• A1 have got
8/12- past simple

Past tenses 15/12- past simple/ modal would

• A1 was/were – past simple of ‘be’
• A1 Past simple – regular/irregular verbs 20/12- this, that, those/ whose, possessive ‘s
• A1 Past simple – negatives and questions
05/01- countable and uncountable nouns

Future 12/01- countable and uncountable nouns

• A1 ‘will’ and ‘shall’ – Future
• A1 be going to – plans and predictions

Modals, the imperative, etc .

• A1 can, can’t – ability, possibility, permission
• A1 The imperative – Sit down! Don’t talk!
• A1 Would you like…? I’d like…

-ing and the infinitive

• A1 Verbs + to + infinitive and verbs + -ing

Articles, nouns, pronouns, and determiners.

• A1 a/an, plurals – singular and plural forms
• A1 a/an, the, no article – the use of articles in English
• A1 this, that, these, those
• A1 Possessive adjectives and subject pronouns (I/my, you/your, etc.)
• A1 Object pronouns vs subject pronouns – me or I, she or her?
• A1 a, some, any – countable and uncountable nouns
• A1 much, many, a lot of, a little, a few
• A1 whose, possessive ‘s – Whose is this? It’s Mike’s

there and it
• A1 there is, there are – there was, there were
• A1 There or it

Adjectives and adverbs

• A1 Adjectives – old, interesting, expensive, etc.
• A1 Adverbs of manner (slowly) – or adjectives (slow)?
• A1 Comparative adjectives – older than, more important than, etc.
• A1 Superlative adjectives – the oldest, the most important, etc.

• A1 Conjunctions: and, but, or, so, because


Página 28 de index
• A1 at, in, on – prepositions of time
• A1 at, in, on – prepositions of place
• A1 next to, under, between, in front of, behind, over, etc.

• A1 Questions – word order and question words

Word order
• A1 Adverbs of frequency with present simple
• A1 Basic word order in English

Página 29 de index
In, on, at
terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2022 08:23

In: "dentro de", "em", "de", "no" e "na". On

Partes do dia: Data específica

• I am going to the supermarket in the morning - His birthday is( on february 3rd- on the third of february )

• I study mathematics in the afternoon - The world cup will start on november 20th

- OBS: à noite- “at night”, " in the evening" Dia específico

Indicação de um ano/mês : - I will attend pottery class on sundays

- He was born in 2003 - They are going to their grandma´s house on Saturday

• The event will happen in 2025 Lugar: superfície

• The eiffel tower is not going to open in october - The fruits are on the table

• I‘ll visit the eiffel tower in may - The books are on the shelves

Meios eletrônicos
Estação do ano
- I am speaking on the phone with my mom
• I love to travel in the spring
- I will work on my computer at the office
• I don’t leave my house in the winter
Meios de transporte:

- I will travel on a plane to paris

Lugar : espaços amplos
- I will travel on the subway to arrive at the eiffel tower
Cidade :
• I am living in Rio de Janeiro I will go to church in the afternoon 1959: nineteen fifty nine
• She is going to be in NYC tomorrow 19- Nineteen
My friends like to walk around the park on saturdays 59- Fifty nine
• I will graduate in United Kingdom (UK)
At: "à(s)", "em", "na" e "no"
My appointment with the doctor will be on february 1867: eighteen sixty seven
• They are working in Netherlands 11th 18- Eighteen
Indicação de tempo
67- Sixty seven
Cômodo I will be at the shopping mall at 11pm
- The meeting will begin at 7 o´clock
• The guests Will stay in the living room 2010
- The event will happen at 9:30 p.m
• The band is going to perform in the garage The papers are on your desk 20- Twenty
Indicação de lugar 10- Ten
At Christmas , I will be with my family
- I am going to be at home at 8:30 am 2003: twenty o´three
- I am learning english at school Neymar is living in Paris 20- Twenty
3- o´ three
I am taking basketball classes at school
007: double o´seven
Can we meet at 5pm?
The game will take place at 10am

The best time to visit Russia is in the summer

I love to go out at night

Página 30 de Preps
quinta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2022 16:47

Going to


Mary is going to visit her grandma

They are going to study abroad (fora do país)

We are going to move out soon

I am going to prepare for the exam

He is going to play football tomorrow

Versões abreviadas

Mary´s going to visit her grandma

They´re going to study abroad

We´re going to move out soon

I´m going to prepare for the exam

He´s going to play football tomorrow

Versões negativas

Mary is not (isn´t) going to visit her grandma

Página 31 de going to
Mary is not (isn´t) going to visit her grandma

They are not ( aren´t) going to study abroad

We are not (aren´t) going to move out soon

I am not going to prepare for the exam

He isn´t going to play football tomorrow

Versões interrogativas

Is Mary going to visit her grandma?

Are they going to study abroad ?

Are we going to move out soon?

Am I going to prepare for the exam ?

Is he going to play football tomorrow?

*Versões informais* Traços da oralidade "gonna"

Mary is going to visit her grandma- Mary gonna visit her grandma

They are going to study abroad- They gonna study abroad

We are going to move out soon - We gonna move out soon

I am going to prepare for the exam - I gonna prepare for the exam

Página 32 de going to
He is going to play football tomorrow- He gonna football tomorrow

Página 33 de going to
quinta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2022 17:01

-dever ( might, should)
Contest x championship
• "WE" "I"

She shall be very succesful

I shall be happy in the future

They shall win the contest

Karl shall be the next nobel prize winner

Versões negativas

She shall not be very succesful

I shall not be happy in the future

They shall not win the contest

Karl shall not be the next nobel prize winner

Versões abreviadas

She shan´t be very succesful

I shan´t be happy in the future

They shan´t win the contest

Karl shan´t be the next nobel prize winner

Página 34 de modal shall

*Versões interrogativas*

Shall I open the door?

Shall I schedule an appointment?

Shall we see the kitchen? Shall we see the living room?

Shall I serve food?

Shall I boil the tea?

Shall we discuss the business plan?

Shall we start?

Shall we?

Página 35 de modal shall

quarta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2022 21:07

Will: geral
I ( play ) video-games tomorrow: I will play video-games I (visit ) Canada in October : I am going to visit Canada in
Going to: grau maior
tomorrow/ I won´t/ Will I play video-games tomorrow? october/ I am not going to visit.../ Am I going to visit
de certeza
canada in october? SHALL
She ( keep) her promises: She will keep her promises/ Will
Shall: deve, contexto I (be) more specific : Shall I be more specific?
she keep her promises? The students ( study) history tomorrow at The
formal, pedidos e
students are going to study history tomorrow at 9 am/
permissões We (continue) the presentation: Shall we continue the
Gina (schedule) an appointment with her doctor : Gina will The students aren´t going to study.../ Are the students
schedule an appointment with her doctor/ Will Gina going to study...? presentation?
schedule an appointment with her doctor?
Jeffrey (learn) a new skill on his new class: jeffrey is going We (see) the room upstairs: Shall we see the room upstairs?
Scarlet ( promote) peace in Africa: : Scarlet will promote to learn a new skill on his new class/ jeffrrey isn´t going to
peace in Africa/ Will Scarlet promote peace in africa learn a new .../ Is Jeffrey going to learn...? I (remove) this from your schedule: Shall I remove this from
your schedule?
Henry (share) his views with the classroom: Henry will share Elliot (wash) his clothes when he gets home: Elliot is
his views with the classroom/ Will Henry share his views going to wash his clothes when he gets home/ Elliot isn´t We (sign) the agreement: Shall we sign the agreement?
with the classroom? going to wash his clothes when.../ Is Elliot going to wash
his clothes...? I (place) an order: Shall I place an order?
John and Mark (win) a scientific prize for their studies: John
and Mark will win a scientific prize for their studies: Will You (apply) for a job in finance: you are going to apply I (give) other examples: Shall I give other examples?
John and Mark win a scientific prize for their studies? for a job in finance/ you aren´t going to apply a job in
finance/ are you going to apply for a job..?
My professor and I (develop) a research on genetics: My
professor and I will develop a research on genetics/ Will my
professor and I develop a research on genetics?

Genética- genetics
I will work in a big city and I will be rich. I will have a happy life Matemática- mathematics (maths)
Economia- economics
and I will have a beautiful wife – my wife will have six children.
My children will love me and I will love my children. I won’t have Skilful
serious problems and I won’t feel down every day. I will work
from Monday to Saturday - on Sundays, I won’t work.

My wife will help me and I will help her. We will be more than
Child- criança/ filho
husband and wife: we will be best friends. I will have a great job Children- crianças/ filhos
and I will love my job.

My family will be a very special family and we will love each

other. In our family, there will be peace, love, faith, dedication,
respect and sincerity. This is my dream.
Yes, I do, because ..
Answer the questions – Responda as perguntas No, I don´t.

A. Where will Allan Jones work? He will work in a big city.

B. Will Allan Jones be rich? According to Allan Jones, he will be

rich. Yes, he will.

C. Do you think Allan’s dream is possible? Explain your

answer.No I don´t, because he doesn´t have work.

3. Mark True or False – Verdadeiro ou Falso

A. Allan Jones will not have a happy life. False .

B. Allan Jones won’t have children. False

C. Allan Jones will feel down every day. False

D. Allan Jones will have a very good wife. True

E. Allan Jones will have faith. True

F. Allan Jones will love his job, his wife and his children. True

Página 36 de revisão futuro

quinta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2022 17:18

Transcreva os termos para o futuro com "will"

I / to play the guitar: I will play the guitar/ I will not (won´t) the guitar / Will I play the guitar?

Mark/ to visit France : Mark will visit France/ mark won´t visit france/ will mark visit france?

I and Johnny/ to learn russian : I and Johnny will learn russian/ I and Johnny won´t learn russian/ Will I and John
learn russian?

Shayenne/ to work at Samsung : Shayenne will work at samsung/ Shayenne won´t work at samsung/ Will
Shayenne work at samsung?

Transcreva os termos para o futuro com "going to"

Andrew/ to work with finance : Andrew is going to work with finance/ Andrew is not going to work/ Is Andrew
going to work with finance?

Aleisha/ to be at the party: Aleisha is going to be at the party/ Aleisha is not going to be at the party/ Is Aleisha
going to be at the party?

Sarah/ to develop a project : Sarah is going to develop a project/ Sarah is not going to develop a project/ Is
Sarah going to develop a project?

Dan/ to enlist to the army : Dan is going to enlist to the army/ Dan is not going to enlist to the army/ Is Dan
going to enlist to the army?

Página 37 de will x shall x going to

Revisão verbos
quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2022 08:26

Verb to be
Estrutura complexa: verbos auxiliares

Present simple - Does she know how to ride a bike?

- He doesn´t have to be at school tomorrow
- What do they plan to do in France?
Present continuous
Estrutura simples: conjugação do verb to be

Modal can - She is very nice

- He is doing his homework right now
Imperative - They are going to Disneyland next summer

Estrutura muito simples: sem conjugações, verbos no imperativo

- Shall we see the dining room?
- Respect your mom!
Going to - I can be tough sometimes
- She will visit her friend Charlie tomorrow

Modal Shall

Página 38 de REVISÃO- VERBOS

Verb to be
quarta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2022 14:54

Quando utilizamos o verb to be?

Frase Afirmativo Interrogativo Resposta

Charlie ( ) a strong man Charlie is a strong man Is charlie a strong man? Yes, he is. No, he
isn´t .
Clarence and Mia ( ) a couple Clarence and Mia are a couple Are clarence and mia a Yes, they are. No,
couple? they aren´t.
Karl ( ) a very skilful football player Karl is a very skilful football player Is Karl a very skilful Yes, he is. No, he
football player? isn´t.
Shayenne ( ) a tall girl Shayenne is a tall girl Is shayenne a tall girl? Yes, she is. No,
she isn´t.
The government ( ) satisfied with the The government is satisfied with the Is the government Yes, it is. No, it
public safety in the state public safety in the state. satisfied ...? isn´t.
Joshua and I () friends now Joshua and I are friends now Are joshua and I friends Yes, we are. No,
now? we aren´t
You ( ) ready for the championship You are ready for the championship Are you ready for the

Página 39 de REVISÃO- VERBOS

Present simple
quarta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2022 14:55
To judge/ judge

He doesn´t play ...

Does he play ?

Quando utilizamos o present simple?

Frase Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo Resposta

Mr. Sanders (to judge) his Mr. Sanders judges his Mr. Sanders doesn´t judge ... Does Mr. Sanders judge his children? Yes, he
children children does. No,
he doesn´t.
Daniel and Mark (to hate) Daniel and Mark hate Daniel and Mark don´t hate... Do Daniel and mark hate political Yes, they
political debates political debates debates? do. No,
they don´t
Jennifer (to cry) out loud Jennifer cries out loud Jennifer doesn´t cry out loud when she Does jennifer cry out loud when she
when she (to feel) down when she feels down feels down feels down?
I usually (to play) football
with my neighbors
My mom and I (to love)
cinema and literature
Mr. MacGregor (to fight) for
a living
David and his sister (to go)
to the zoo every month
Lindsay and I (to want) to
make a cake
Mrs. Gordon (to lecture) at Mrs. Gordon lectures at Mrs. Gordon doesn´t Does Mrs. Gordon lecture
cambridge university cambridge university
lecture at cambridge at cambridge university?
Sponge Bob square pants
(to work) at crusty crab
My dad (to tell) stories to
little children

Página 40 de REVISÃO- VERBOS

Present continuous
quarta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2022 14:55

Quando utilizamos o present continuous?

Frase Afirmativo Interrogativo

I (to do) my assignments right I am doing my Am I doing my
assignments right now assignments right
Mrs. Viviano (to teach)
american literature to her class
Cinthia and James (to clean) Cinthia and James are Are cinthia and
their home
cleaning their home james cleaning their
You (to think) about her all the
Andrew (to try) to be kind with
Messi (to perform) very well
this season

Página 41 de REVISÃO- VERBOS

Modal can
quarta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2022 14:55

Quando utilizamos o modal can? Habilidades, possibilidade, pedidos

Frase Afirmativo Interrogativo

All my friends (to play) football All my friends can play football Can All my friends
play football?
Miss. Carlson (to teach) multiple Miss. Carlson can teach multiple Can Miss. Carlson
subjects at the same time
subjects at the same time teach..?
Jenny and I (to enter) the room

The programmers (to develop) very

complex scenarios
My brother (to be) very disrespectful

Página 42 de REVISÃO- VERBOS

quarta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2022 14:55 Quando utilizamos o imperative?

Frase Afirmativo
To respect/ your mom Respect your mom!
To show / me your documents Show me your documents!
To speak/ slowly

To be/ careful

To have/ some dignity

Página 43 de REVISÃO- VERBOS

quarta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2022 14:55

Quando utilizamos o "will"? Previsões incertas, indefinidas...

Frase Afirmativo Interrogativo

I (to learn) a new language in 3 I will learn a language in three Will I learn a
months language in
three months?
She (to sing) a song in her recital at She will sing a song in her recital Will she sing a
at school song in her
recital at school?
They (to behave) well in front of They will behave well in front of Will they behave
their teachers
their teachers well in front of
their teachers?
Larry and I (to take) the road to Las Larry and I will take the road to las Will Larry and I
vegas ake the road to
Dorian (to recieve) an award for Dorian will recieve an award for Will dorian
being the best student at college
being the best student at college recieve...?

Quando utilizamos o "going to"? Previsões certeiras , prováveis

Frase Afirmativo Interrogativo

I (to be) a doctor after I finish I am going to be a doctor after I Am I going to be a
finish college doctor...?
She ( to become) more patient She is going to become more Is she going to
when she goes back home
patient when she goes back become more
home patient when she
goes back home?
They (to camp) away from the They are going to camp away Are they going to
from the forest camp away from
the forest?
Hailey and Vincent (to marry) in Hailey and vincent are going to Are hailey and
marry in december vincent going to
marry in
Jimmy (to watch) the football Jimmy is going to watch the Is Jimmy going to
match at the old trafford next
Página 44 de REVISÃO- VERBOS
Jimmy is going to watch the Is Jimmy going to
match at the old trafford next
football at the Old Trafford next watch the football
week match at the old...?

Quando utilizamos o "shall"? Sugestões polidas- I / we

Frase Interrogativo
(we) / to see the new room Shall we see the new room?
(we)/ to start the business plan Shall we start the business plan?
(I)/ to continue the presentation Shall I continue the presentation?
(I)/ to bring the documents Shall I bring the documents?
(I)/ to be more specific Shall I be more specific?

Página 45 de REVISÃO- VERBOS

quarta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2022 17:33

Jason is a lawyer who works at a law firm in New York. He is very Fond of- subst., verbo- gostar de algo

fond of studying and going to the gym. He studies a lot of different

He is very fond of coffee
topics, such as science and mathematics and he goes to the gym He is very fond of playing
three times a week. They are ver y fond of me
Every week, he takes his wife Clara for lunch at a pizza place
downtown. He has two children: Mathew and Lindsay. Clara is
pregnant, so the couple is going to have another child in 5 months. Uptown- northern side
Downtown- southern side
They all live in California.
West side
Matthew is 17 years old and he wants to be a lawyer too. He East side
plays the guitar beautifully and he takes classes every other week.
He usually prefers to stay at home with his family but he ocasionally
hangs out with his friends. To beat- derrotar
He is going to apply for Stanford and Harvard in may. In june he
To beat up- espancar
is going to do an internship at his dad´s firm. In december he is
going to travel with his girlfriend to Alaska
Lindsay is 23 years old and has a bachelor´s degree in agricultural
sciences. She dances very well, so she can easily beat anyone. She is To worry- se preocupar
going to travel abroad next year, because she has a different job
When she is in California,she likes to walk her dogs and go to the
cinema. She will be a very sucessful professional in the future, but
she hardly ever worries about her status.

1. What does Jason do for a living?

Jason is a lawyer

2. What does he like to do?

He likes to study and go to the gym

3. Does he have children? How many?

Yes, two children. Yes, he does. He has two children

4. What does Matthew like to do?

Matthew likes to play the guitar.

5. How often does he hang out with his friends?

He ocasionally hangs out with his friends.

History- conhecimento
6. What is he going to do in june?
Internship. He is going to do an internship. Story- história contada

7. Does Lindsay have a bachelor´s degree in history?

No, she doesn´t. She doesn´t have a bachelor´s degree in history.

Página 46 de REVISÃO- 2
8. Can she dance?
Yes, she dances. Yes, she can.

9. What will she be in the future?

She will be a very sucessful worker

Página 47 de REVISÃO- 2
Prepositions of place
terça-feira, 18 de outubro de 2022 10:15

Inside- dentro de
Above/ over- acima de, sobre
The lion is inside the cage between-in-front-behind-etc/3/
The bird is flying above the buildings
There is a ball inside the box
The stars are shining above the sky

Her english is above average Outside- fora de

James is outside town

Below/ under- abaixo de , embaixo de
Go outside and see the sunset
The temperature is below 20 celsius degrees today
The garage is outside the building
Her english is below average

Rob´s knowledge is below our expectations Next to- ao lado de

The hospital is next to the mall 1- There is some pizza inside the box
Between- entre (duas coisas)
2- There is a guitar between the lamp and the plant
I´m sitting next to your friend 3- There are two dogs under the table
Bradley is sitting between Charlie and Shayenne
4- There is a window behind the sofa
Linda is living next to a slum 5- There is a racket next to the bag
The lion is sleeping between the tree and the river
6- There is some cheese over the plate
7- There is a rug in front of the sofa
Near- perto de, próximo de 8- There is a lamp below the shelf
Among - entre (+ de duas coisas)
9- There is trophy among the books
The bears are near extinction 10- There is a picture over the wall
He is fighting among us
11- There is a bird flying above the trees
The restaurant is near the post office 12- There are two fish inside the bowl
They are lost among the people
I go to a gym near my house
I do not want to be among other students

Around- ao redor
In front of/ opposite- na frente de, em frente a-...
We are walking around the park
There is a dog in front of the bakery
He is beating around the bush- se enrolar
I am waiting you in front of the stadium
I will be around town tomorrow
They hate to be in front of everybody

Behind- atrás

The students are lagging behind

There is a squirrel behind the tree

James is walking behind the crowd

He is behind bars

Página 48 de preps of place

quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2022 21:13



A- usado antes de palavras/adjetivos iniciados por consoante

• I´m thinking of buying a bike: eu estou pensando em comprar UMA bike

• Can I have a pie for lunch?: Posso ter uma torta para o almoço? //// Can I have the pie for lunch?

• I´m trying to grab a fruit from the tree: Eu estou tentando pegar uma fruta da árvore////

• They are a new couple : Eles são um novo casal////

• He is a skilful architect: Ele é um arquiteto habilidoso////

• This a delicious apple: Essa é uma maçã deliciosa ////

AN- usado antes de palavras/ adjetivos que comecem com som de

• Can I have an apple, please?: Posso pegar uma maçã, por favor?////

• My sister is an adorable person: Minha irmã é uma pessoa adorável

• His grandfather is an honourable gentleman: Seu avô é um cavalheiro de honra

• I want to have an altruistic friend : Eu quero ter um amigo altruísta

• James is an intelligent student : James é um estudante inteligente ////

• Samuel is an architect with a degree from oxford: Samuel é um arquiteto com um diploma de oxford ////

PRÁTICA You hate yourself

I can do it by myself/ on my own

i) Garry is an obedient snail

i) Clinton goes to a supermarket near his home

i) Can I borrow an eraser, please?

i) Lindsay is an artful woman

i) Linda and Carol don´t know how to drive a car

i) Michael is a horrible friend

i) Doritos is a salty snack

i) His mom was born in a slum in front of a river

i) There is a hospital behind the school

i) It is an honour to be here

i) He´s an heir to the throne

i) Are we going to stay at a hotel?

Página 49 de articles- indef

quinta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2022 16:44

THE- o, a, os, as- singular e plural

*Antes de substantivos precedidos ou não de adjetivos, de instrumentos musicais e danças*:

• She is the little girl who lives on the upper side

• This is the car that I want to buy

• Can I see the kids?

• I can play the guitar very well

• I am going to Argentina to see the Tango

Antes de nomes geográficos, como mares, desertos, canais, oceanos, polos, golfos, grupos de
ilhas, cadeias de montanhas:

• The government is trying to protect the Amazon River

• One of Africa´s best places to see is the Saara Desert

Antes de nomes de locais públicos como cinemas, teatros, hotéis, restaurantes, clubes, museus,
bibliotecas e galerias de arte:

• I have an account at the Bank of America

• Do you want to go to the movies?

• My favorite band is the beatles

Antes de substantivos que indicam algo específico, único em sua espécie:

• Elon Musk is going to travel to the moon (sun, earth ...)

Em expressões de tempo

• I do the dishes in the morning

• I go to class in the afternoon

Página 50 de articles-def
Antes de superlativos

• The best song

• The prettiest girl

*Antes de adjetivos usados como substantivos no plural*

• People hate the rich: As pessoas odeiam os ricos

• The young are getting lost: Os jovens estão se perdendo

Antes de famílias e nacionalidades

• I live next to the Kennedies

Nomes de países compostos

• The United States are a big country

• The United Arab Emirates

Antes de numerais ordinais

• This is the first time that I see an elephant

• The second time gets better

Página 51 de articles-def
quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2022 09:25

To remind x to remember
Jeremy is a law student at a college in Ohio and Drake is a musician
It reminds me of my childhood: isso me
who plays the electric guitar at a punk band. They are childhood
faz lembrar da infância
He reminded me of the meeting: ele
Jeremy: Hey, Drake! What´s up? me fez lembrar da reunião

They keep reminding me of my duties:

Drake: Hey, Jeremy! I´m very excited about something they continuam me lembrando dos
meus deveres
Jeremy: It is so nice to hear that! About what?
I can´t remember the date: eu não
consigo me lembrar da data
Drake: My band is going to play at the pub we go on every friday
Do you remember your childhood?: Vc
se lembra da sua infância?
Jeremy: What pub? The one with the yellow roof?
Can you help me remember the day of
Drake: Yes! There is going to be a special celebration the event?

Native american
Jeremy: Seriously? What for? "One" em inglês
African american/ black
Drake: One of the members is going to get married to an indian girl Who is your friend? The one with the
red cap

Jeremy: Awesome! Can you help me remember the location? What is your house? The one with the
pink garden
Drake: The pub is in front of a high school and near the chinese
Who do you want to hire? The
restaurant you like so much intelligent one

Jeremy: Cool, I can remember the directions now. Who is the most attractive? The tall

Drake: What about you? Are you studying a lot for the test? She is the one

Bar association- OAB

Jeremy: Yes, the bar is very difficult , so I´m preparing a lot

Drake: Are you taking an extra course or are you studying by

So, therefore- assim, portanto, então
But- mass, porém, contudo...
Jeremy: I´m studying by myself so far, but I´m thinking of hiring a
specialized tutor.

Blessing- benção
Drake: That is a very good idea! I wish good luck to you
Blessed- abençoado
To bless- abençoar
Jeremy: Thank you! Send my blessings to the kids

• Why is Drake excited?

Drake is excited, because he will play the electric guitar
at the pub.
Awesomer- more awesome

• Where is Drake´s band going to play at? Beautiful

He is going to play at the pub Nice- nicer

• Does Drake know the indian bride?

No, he doesn´t.

• Does Jeremy know the high school near the pub?

And the chinese restaurant?
Página 52 de articles- interpret
And the chinese restaurant?
No, he doesn´t. Yes, he does.

• What test is Jeremy going to take?

Jeremy is going to take the bar/ The bar

• How is he preparing for the test?

He is studying by himself, but he is thinking of hiring a

Página 53 de articles- interpret

More/ less
segunda-feira, 14 de novembro de 2022 21:04

Adjetivos curtos -er

Comparative Then x than
1 sílaba Old, fast Há também outra estrutura, quando queremos
More+ adjective+ than+ complemento
2 sílabas terminando Happy, easy, early indicar que algo/ alguém é "menos" do que
em "y"
He is more capable than my teacher M Termina em "e": Later (late), cuter
outro More or less/ mais ou menos
- Adjetivos compridos Roughly- aproximadamente
adicione "r" (cute), finer (fine)
Less+ adjective+ than+ complemento
Adjective+ -er+ than+ complemento Termina em cvc, Bigger (big)
They are stronger than everybody duplique a última
Gina is less effective than George -er
- Adjetivos curtos consoante
Termina em "y", Happier, easier, cozier, He is less strong than me Most
substitua por "i" earlier -st
Outros exemplos Stronger, weaker, People are less intelligent than we expect
A separação de sílabas em inglês é feita com base na faster, slower, older,
pronúncia, ao contrário da língua portuguesa que younger

adota a escrita como parâmetro

Person: per- son Fine- multa Adjetivos longos -more
Fine- Exemplos - more Revisão: more/ less
2 sílabas que não Modern, pleasant,
Computer: com- pu- ter Cute- fofo/ bonito terminam em "y" stupid, equal More:
Cozy- confortável (narrow) This path is more narrow than the other
3 sílabas ou mais Expensive, intellectual,
Complete: com-plete Weak- fraco Strong: I am stronger than him
intelligent (smart) James studies a lot, so he is smarter than Carol Cheap: This restaurant is cheaper than the chinese restaurant
Adicione "more" More modern Good: She is better than me in mathematics
Totally: to-tal-ly agradável Modern: United States is more modern than Angola
Equal- igual/ More pleasant (altruistic) Finn does volunteer work, so he is more altruistic than John
igualitário More expensive Less:
University: u-ni-ver-si-ty
Clever- esperto (early) You are late! Can you arrive earlier ?
Tall: John is less tall than me
Busy: bus-y Narrow- estreito Exceções Brave: Caroline is less brave than her sister
Tight- apertado (cheap) That watch is very expensive, so mine is cheaper.
Adjetivos com quiet → quieter/more quiet .
Automatic: au-to-ma-tic 2 sílabas que clever → cleverer/more clever
I am trying to (careful) Christine is patient, so she is more careful than Henry.
aceitam ambos narrow → narrower/more
People: peo-ple improve to myself
narrow (equal) The protesters are fighting for a more equal society
simple → simpler/more simple
Irregulares good → better (bad) My grandpa is sick, so he is feeling worse
bad → worse
far → farther/further (good) I exercise everyday, so I´m feeling better.

Exemplos- less

Mean- chato
(rude) You are so mean! Can you be less rude ?

(prepared) Lauren doesn´t like to study, so she is less prepared than Joshua

(attractive) Lia is very beautiful, so Jane is less attractive than her

(expensive) I lost a lot of money, so I´m looking for less expensive options

Página 54 de comparative
as/ as
quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2022 10:55

Há, ainda, outra forma de comparar dois elementos: compará-los sob um patamar de igualdade, nesses
casos a estrutura é bem simples:

as + adjective+ as + complemento

• He isn´t as strong as me : ele não é tão forte quanto eu

• Carlie is as tall as Drake

Documentários: natgeo; discovery channel; reino anial

• James is as thoughtful as his class of students

• I am as fast as my friends

Outra forma interessante de usar a combinação " " é para quando desejamos formular frases do

• Termine essa tarefa o mais rápido possível: Finish this task as fast as possible

• Seja o mais breve possível: Be as brief as possible

• Sonhe o máximo possível: Dream as much as possible

• Beba o máximo possível: Drink as much as possible

Outros exemplos

• Do not hesitate! Be as patient as possible: não hesite! Seja o mais paciente possível

• Keep calm! Think as straight as possible before making a decision

• They are not understanding your point of view, so be as specific as possible!

• This is as far as I can go: isso é o mais longe que eu consigo ir

• This is as high as I can climb: isso é o mais alto que eu consigo escalar

• As far as I know: até onde eu sei

Página 55 de comparative
quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2022 11:34

Superlative Adjetivos curtos -est

Termina em "e": adicione "st" Cutest (cute), finest (fine)
Most+ adjective+ complemento Termina em cvc, duplique a última Biggest (big), thinnest (thin), hottest (hot), • (strong) Alex Pereira is the strongest fighter
He is the most responsible person in the room consoante wettest (wet)
- Adjetivos compridos
Termina em "y", substitua por "i" Happiest, easiest, coziest, earliest, driest • (nice) Sandra is the nicest woman in the neighborhood

Adjective+ st + complemento Outros exemplos Strongest, weakest, fastest, slowest, oldest,

youngest • (interesting) Mathematics are the most interesting subject
They are the nicest friends
- Adjetivos curtos
• (dry) The saara desert is the driest place on earth

Adjetivos longos -most • (hot) Manaus is one of the hottest places in Brazil
Wet- molhado
2 sílabas que não terminam em "y" Modern, pleasant, stupid, equal, normal
Cozy- confortável 3 sílabas ou mais Expensive, intellectual, intelligent • (cute) My cats are one of the cutest animals on earth
Dry- seco
Adicione "most" Most modern
• (small) Worms are one of the smallest creatures in the animal
Most pleasant
Most expensive
Most normal
Most intelligent
Adjetivos com 2 sílabas que aceitam ambos quiet → quietest/most quiet Least+ adjective+ complemento
clever → cleverest/most clever
narrow → narrowest/most Alex pereira is the least strong fighter
narrow Sandra is the least nice woman in the ...
simple → simplest/most simple Mathematics are one of the least interesting ...
The saara desert is the least dry
Irregulares good → best
Manaus is one of the least hot
bad → worst
My cats are one of the least cute
little*→ least (mínimo/ menos)
far → furthest

Comparative: more/ er
Comaprative: less
Superlative: most; est
Superlative: least
Recorte de tela efetuado: 30/11/2022 20:33

Página 56 de superlative
segunda-feira, 21 de novembro de 2022 17:48

Kyle and Jennifer are co workers and they are having a conversation at
the cafeteria during lunch time.The topic of the conversation is about
politics. Kyle supports the democratic party and Jennifer supports the

Kyle: Hey, Jen! What´s up?

Jennifer: Nothing different! What about you?

Kyle: I´m wondering if you like politics

Jennifer: Yes I do and let me say: the republicans are the worst .

Kyle: Do you think so? I think they are usually more honest than the

Jennifer: The democrats have the best policies and they are nicer.

Kyle: I disagree, because I think that the republicans are the most
intelligent politicians in the USA. Their approach to economics is more
modern than the democrats´ side.

Jennifer: My opinions are more progressive than yours, so I prefer the

democrats. And I think they are more knowledgeable when they speak
to the public

Kyle: Why do you say that? The republicans are the most respectful
people I know and they always use a simpler language.

Jennifer: I don´t care, I will always support the democrats, because they
are as responsible as me.

Kyle: I understand your point, but the republicans are one of the most
patriotic people I know.

Página 57 de comp-super
Simple past
quinta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2022 17:11

O passado simples é a forma mais resumida do

passado na língua inglesa e pode expressar ações
no passado recente ou no passado distante, sem Sujeito+ verbo+ ed*
que seja importante analisar a duração dos She played- Did she play?: She played football yesterday?
• Columbus travelled to America in the 15th century Negativo

• I applied for a job yesterday

Sujeito+ did not+ verbo no infinitivo sem o "to"
• Cinthia ran five miles last week
They did not go: eles não foram

• The dinosaurs disappeared a million years ago

Um caso especial: o verb to be
O past simple, por acontecer no passado, é
Did + sujeito+ verbo no infinitivo sem o "to" I was
acompanhado de advérbios de frequência, como
You were
vimos anteriormente Did you watch? você assistiu
He/she/it was
Advérbios de frequência We were
Interrogativo negativo
They were
• We usually played football in the afternoon: nós usualmente jogávamos
futebol de tarde Didn´t + sujeito+ verbo no infinitivo sem o "to"
• I was a student at UCLA- I wasn´t a student at UCLA- Was I a student at UCLA?
• The couple hardly ever discussed Didn´t you watch? Você não assistiu?

• Daniel sometimes arrived at work earlier (early) • They were friends before- They weren´t friends before- Were they nice friends before?

• I often cried as a child

• We were nice people- We weren´t nice people- Were we nice people?
Negative Interrogative
Expressões específicas de frequência
Travis created a Travis didn´t create a Did Travis • It was very difficult to solve- It wasn´t very difficult to solve- Was It very diffcult to solve?
software software create a
• I went to the cinema last week
Jennet played volleyball Jennet didn´t play Did Jennet
Complete as frases a seguir
• I had dinner at eight o´clock
as a professional volleyball as a play volleyball
• I and my mom watched television on the sofa yesterday professional as a • Larry was an astronomer
Expressões vagas de frequência Charles travelled the Charles didn´t travel the Did Charles
• Carl and Fin were mathematicians
world twice world twice travel the be was/were

• I used to live in a big house a long time ago: eu costumava viver em uma world twice? beat beat

casa grande há muito tempo My professor cried a lot My professor didn´t cry a Did my • My mom was a doctor become became
yesterday lot yesterday professor cry a begin began
• The other day I visited my childhood friend: lot yesterday?
• Most of my friends were fat
bend bent
bet bet
Susy cleaned her Susy didn´t clean her Did Susy clean
computer information computer information her computer bind bound
used to: sujeito + used+ to+ verbo+ coomplemento information? • Her cat was hungry bid bid
bite bit
Joshua dreamed about a Joshua didn´t dream Did Joshua
beautiful world about a beautiful world dream about a • His company was bankrupt bleed bled
beautiful blow blew
world? break broke
breed bred
They produced a movie They didn´t produce a Did they
together movie together produce a bring brought
movie sujeito+ past simple do verb to be + gerúndio: PAST CONTINUOUS broadcast broadcast
together? build built
burst burst
Francis and I closed a Francis and I didn´t close a Did we close a • They were playing soccer together: eles estavam jogando futebol juntos
deal deal deal? buy bought
cast cast
• We were debating politics : nós estávamos debatendo política catch caught
choose chose

• Christopher was developing a company: christopher estava desenvolvendo uma empresa cling clung
come came
cost cost
• My mom and I were watching a documentary: creep crept
cut cut
Complete as frases a seguir com o past continuous deal dealt
dig dug
dive dove/dived
• (play) I in the garden with my brother
do did
draw drew
• (tell)He his mom about his day at school dream dreamed
• (ignore)James the principal´s advice drink drank
drive drove
• (try)I to be healthier eat ate
fall fell
feed fed
• (change)You your behavior feel felt
fight fought
find found
flee fled
fling flung
flt flew
forbid forbade
forget forgot
forgive forgave
freeze froze
get got
give gave
go went
grind ground
grow grew
hang hung
have had
hear heard
hide hid
hit hit
hold held
hurt hurt
keep kept
kneel knelt
know knew
lay laid
lead led
leave left
lend lent
let let
lie (as in lay
light lit/lighted
lose lost
make made
mean meant
meet met
mistake mistook
mow mowed
overtake overtook
pay paid
proofread proofread
put put
quit quit
read read
reset reset
ride rode
ring rang
rise rose
run ran
say said
see saw

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seek sought
sell sold
send sent
set set
sew sewed
shake shook
shave shaved
shed shed
shine shone
shoot shot
show showed
shrink shrank
shut shut
sing sang
sink sank
sit sat
slay slew
sleep slept
slide slid
sling slung
sneak snuck
sow sowed
speak spoke
speed sped
spend spent
spill spilt/spilled
spin spun
spit spat
split split
spread spread
spring sprang
stand stood
steal stole
stick stuck
sting stung
stink stank
strike struck
string strung
strive strove
swear swore
sweep swept
swell swelled
swim swam
swing swung
take took
teach taught
tear tore
think thought
throw threw
thrust thrust
tread trod
understan understood
upset upset
wake woke
wear wore
weave wove
weave wove
weep wept
wet wet/wetted
win won
wind wound
wring wrung
write wrote


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