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Position of exhalation port and mask design affect CO2 rebreathing

during noninvasive positive pressure ventilation*

Guilherme P. P. Schettino, MD, PhD; Sunisa Chatmongkolchart, MD; Dean R. Hess, PhD, RRT;
Robert M. Kacmarek, PhD, RRT

Objective: Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation may be Measurements and Main Results: A capnometer and a flow
considered a first line intervention to treat patients with hyper- transducer were placed in the lung model upper airway to mea-
capnic respiratory failure. However, CO2 rebreathing from the sure the volume of CO2 rebreathed and tidal volume (VT). The
ventilator circuit or mask may impair CO2 elimination and load inspiratory load was estimated from the pressure variation in the
the ventilatory muscles. This study was conducted to evaluate the lung model driving chamber (PDR). Volume of CO2 rebreathed was
effect of exhalation port location and mask design on CO2 re- smaller during Facial-MEP compared with the other masks in all
breathing during noninvasive positive pressure ventilation. tested conditions (p < .001). The VT and PDR necessary to de-
Design: Lung model evaluation. crease end-tidal CO2 20% (from 75 to 60 mm Hg) was different
Setting: Experimental laboratory of a large university-affiliated among the tested masks (Facial-MEP, VT 701 ⴞ 9 mL, PDR 8.1 ⴞ
hospital. 0.1 cm H2O/sec; Facial-WS, VT 745 ⴞ 9 mL, PDR 10.2 ⴞ 0.1 cm
Subjects: A dual-chamber test lung was used to simulate the H2O/sec; Total Face, VT 790 ⴞ 12 mL, PDR 11.4 ⴞ 0.2 cm H2O/sec,
ventilatory mechanics of a patient with obstructive lung disease. p < .001).
Intervention: Hypercapnic respiratory failure (end-tidal CO2 of 75 Conclusion: Facial-MEP with its exhalation port within the
mm Hg) and obstructive lung disease were simulated in a double- mask and the smallest mask volume demonstrated less re-
chamber lung model. A facial mask (inner volume of 165 mL) with breathed CO2 and a lower PDR than either the Facial-WS or
exhalation port within the mask (Facial-MEP) or the same mask with Total Face masks. Additional studies are necessary to confirm
exhalation port in the ventilator circuit (Facial-WS) and a total face if mask design can clinically affect patient’s inspiratory effort
mask with exhalation port within the mask (inner volume 875 mL, during noninvasive positive pressure ventilation. (Crit Care
Total Face) were tested during continuous positive airway pressure Med 2003; 31:2178 –2182)
and pressure support ventilation provided by a single-limb circuit KEY WORDS: noninvasive mechanical ventilation; mask; exhala-
ventilator at the same frequency and tidal volume. tion port; CO2 rebreathing; work of breathing

N oninvasive positive pressure the ventilatory muscles. However, CO2 chanics similar to patients with obstruc-
ventilation (NPPV) has been rebreathing from the mask or the single- tive lung disease was used to simulate
successfully applied to pa- limb ventilator circuit used in most of the hypercapnic respiratory failure. Masks
tients with acute or acute on ventilators designed for NPPV can impair with two different inner volumes along
chronic respiratory failure of various eti- CO2 elimination and ventilatory muscle with two EP positions were evaluated. We
ologies (1). However, the best outcome unloading (5). hypothesized that placement of the EP
associated with this technique has been The use of positive end-expiratory within the mask reduces the amount of
reported in patients with hypercapnic re- pressure (PEEP) or continuous positive CO2 rebreathing during NPPV.
spiratory failure (2– 4). When applied to airway pressure (CPAP) or the placement
these patients, NPPV increases alveolar of a nonrebreathing valve in the circuit METHODS
ventilation, decreases PaCO2, and unloads can reduce rebreathing from the ventila- Respiratory System Model. A dual-cham-
tor circuit (5–7). However, PEEP or CPAP ber test lung (Adult TTL; MI Instruments,
should not affect mask-related rebreath- Grand Rapids, MI) was used to simulate the
*See also p. 2247. ing if the mask is placed distal to the ventilatory mechanics of a patient with ob-
From the Department of Anesthesia and Critical circuit valve. Nevertheless, no data are structive lung disease (Fig. 1). One chamber
Care and Respiratory Care (GPPS, SC), Massachusetts
available regarding the influence of mask simulated the patient’s lung (lung chamber,
General Hospital, Harvard Medical School; and Harvard
Medical School and Respiratory Care Services (DRH, design, particularly for masks with large LC) and the other chamber the chest wall and
RMK), Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA. inner volume and alternative exhalation diaphragm (driving chamber, DC). The com-
Supported, in part, by FAPESP, Brazil (GPPS). pliance of LC and DC were set at 150 mL/cm
port (EP) positions (within the mask vs.
Address requests for reprints to: Robert M. Kac- H2O. An adult-sized fiberglass mannequin
marek, PhD, RRT, Respiratory Care, Ellison 401, Mas-
in the circuit), on the dynamics of CO2 head was connected to the LC by using a
sachusetts General Hospital, 55 Fruit Street, Boston, rebreathing. low-compliance circuit with deadspace vol-
MA 02114. E-mail: This bench study was conducted to ume of 120 mL (8). A linear resistor (20 cm
Copyright © 2003 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins evaluate the dynamics of CO2 rebreathing H2O·L⫺1·sec⫺1; Hans-Rudolph, Kansas City,
DOI: 10.1097/01.CCM.0000081309.71887.E9 during NPPV. A lung model with me- MO) was placed at the entrance of the LC.

2178 Crit Care Med 2003 Vol. 31, No. 8

The driving and lung chambers were con-
nected to each other by a metal connector as
detailed by Yamada and Du (9). A ventilator
(7200; Puritan Bennett, Carlsbad, CA) was
used to power the DC creating spontaneous
inspiratory efforts in the LC. One hundred
percent CO2 entered the LC via a flowmeter to
simulate CO2 production as described by Lam-
potang et al. (10).
A single-limb circuit ventilator designed
for NPPV and commercially available (BiPAP
Synchrony; Respironics, Murrysville, PA) was
used throughout the experiment to ventilate
the LC.
Masks and Exhalation Ports. The following
combinations of masks and exhalation ports
were tested (Fig. 2): a) facial mask (Adult Me-
dium; ResMed, San Diego, CA) with a mask
inner volume of 165 mL when attached to the
mannequin’s face and the exhalation port
within the mask (Facial-MEP); b) the same
facial mask with the mask exhalation port oc-
cluded and a Whisper Swivel II exhalation port
(Respironics) placed between the ventilator
circuit and the mask (Facial-SW); and c) total-
face mask (Respironics) with a mask inner
volume of 875 mL when attached to the man- Figure 1. Illustration of the experimental setup. A two-chamber lung model was used to simulate
nequin’s face and the exhalation port located spontaneous breathing. CO2 was delivered to the lung chamber. A capnometer and pressure and flow
in the front of the mask (Total Face). The transducers were placed at the output of the mannequin upper airway, allowing measurement of the
masks were tightly secured to the manne- volume of CO2 rebreathed each breath and tidal volume.
quin’s face to guarantee the minimum possi-
ble airleak through the mask-face interface.
Data Acquisition and Measurements. A
nonaspirating-type capnometer with flow and
pressure transducers (CO2SMO; Novametrix
Medical Systems, Wallingford, CT) was placed
in the circuit between the mannequin and LC,
allowing continuous recording of end-tidal
CO2 (PetCO2) and LC tidal volume (VT; Fig. 1).
The circuit deadspace volume proximal (upper
airway) and distal to the capnometer was 50
and 70 mL, respectively. CO2 rebreathed
(CO2REB, mL/breath) was electronically calcu-
lated based on the area defined by the product Figure 2. Illustration of the tested masks and exhalation ports (EP, arrow). A, facial mask (Adult
of the inspiratory VT and the CO2 concentra- Medium, ResMed) with the EP within the mask. B, facial mask (Adult Medium, ResMed) with the mask
tion (CO2%). EP occluded and a Whisper Swivel II (Respironics) placed in the ventilator circuit. C, total face mask
A pressure transducer (Ventrak, Novame- (Respironics) with the EP within the mask.
trix) recorded the pressure generated inside
the DC by the driving ventilator. The pressure-
time product of the DC (PDR) for each breath were applied using Facial-MEP, Facial-SW, because by protocol VT in the LC needed to
was calculated by integrating the area of the and Total Face masks. vary as we evaluated the PDR required to vary
pressure time curve above end-expiratory The influence of mask design on PDR dur- PetCO2 by 20% with each mask. This could not
pressure during the inspiratory phase. ing partial correction of hypercapnia was eval- be accomplished with volume control ventila-
The capnometer and the pressure and flow uated during pressure support ventilation tion since the DC and the LC were connected.
transducers were calibrated before the exper- (PSV). First, PDR was decreased to 30% of its Statistical Analysis. After a period of stabi-
iment as recommended by the manufacturer. baseline value, and then the tested ventilator lization, five consecutive breaths for each ex-
Experimental Protocol. The effects of EP (BiPAP Synchrony) was attached to each of the perimental setting were recorded on a per-
location and mask inner volume on CO2REB evaluated masks. This ventilator was set as sonal computer for off-line analysis. Two-way
were assessed during CPAP of 4 and 8 cm H2O. follows: PEEP of 4 cm H2O and the minimum analysis of variance for repeated measures
The driving ventilator was set in pressure con- PSV level necessary to ensure a VT of 600 mL with Tukey’s post hoc analysis (SPSS 10.0;
trol, PEEP 4 cm H2O, frequency 18/min, and in the LC for each of the tested masks. PDR was SPSS, Chicago, IL) was used to compare the
inspiratory/expiratory ratio 1:3, and the pres- then progressively increased, while PSV and f CO2REB when the studied masks (Facial-MEP,
sure level was adjusted to generate a VT of 600 were maintained constant, increasing the VT Facial-WS, and Total Face) were tested with
mL in the LC (baseline PDR). Next, the CO2 of the LC and, as a result, decreasing PetCO2 by the two different CPAP levels (4 and 8 cm
flow rate into the lung chamber was adjusted 20% (from 75 to 60 mm Hg). PetCO2, CO2REB, H2O). One-way analysis of variance for re-
to establish a PetCO2 of 75 mm Hg and kept PDR, and lung chamber VT were compared. peated measures was used to compare the
constant throughout all the experimental set- We used PC, as opposed to volume control CO2REB recorded when the model was tested
tings. CPAP levels of 4 and 8 cm H2O then with a sign wave flow pattern, to power the DC without mask (baseline) and during CPAP

Crit Care Med 2003 Vol. 31, No. 8 2179

measurements. One-way analysis of variance The PSV level necessary to ensure a VT The exhalation port located within the
for repeated measures also was used to com- of 600 mL when PDR was set at 30% of its mask was more effective in clearing CO2
pare the CO2REB, VT, and PDR during PSV. The baseline value was 19 cm H2O above from the mask and circuit than the Whis-
results are presented as mean ⫾ SD, and p ⬍ PEEP (peak inspiratory pressure of 23 cm per Swivel II exhalation port located
.05 was considered significant.
H2O) for all tested masks. At this setting, within the circuit; and b) the presence of
PetCO2 and CO2REB were lower with Fa- the exhalation port within the mask and a
RESULTS cial-MEP compared with the other two small mask inner volume reduced the
masks (p ⬍ .001, Table 1). Facial-WS and inspiratory pressure time product during
All protocol steps were successfully
Total Face had similar PetCO2 and CO2REB attempts to correct hypercapnia.
performed. No auto-triggering or missed
during PSV ventilation. Mask Design and CO2 Rebreathing.
inspiratory efforts were observed during
The target PetCO2 (60 mm Hg) was Although standard intensive care unit
any experimental setting.
reached during PSV (PEEP ⫽ 4 cm H2O ventilators can be used for noninvasive
There was no significant difference in
and PSV ⫽ 19 cm H2O) when the VT was ventilation, ventilators specifically de-
CO2REB between baseline without a mask
increased by increasing PDR. However, signed for mask ventilation have been
(8.0 ⫾ 0.4 mL) and Facial-MEP (8.1 ⫾ 0.3
CO2REB (6.4 ⫾ 0.2, 9.0 ⫾ 0.2, and 10.7 ⫾ used more frequently because of their
mL and 7.7 ⫾ 0.4 mL, respectively, for
0.2 mL/breath, respectively, for Facial- ability to compensate for system leaks
CPAP of 4 and 8 cm H2O), showing that
MEP, Facial-WS, and Total Face), PDR and their low cost (7, 11). Most of these
virtually no CO2 was rebreathed from the
(8.1 ⫾ 0.1, 10.2 ⫾ 0.1, and 11.4 ⫾ 0.2 cm ventilators are flow-generating units that
circuit or mask when Facial-MEP was
H2O/sec), and VT (701 ⫾ 9, 745 ⫾ 9, and are capable of providing CPAP or PSV/
used (Fig. 3). The use of Facial-MEP re-
790 ⫾ 12 mL) were different for each PEEP and operate with a single circuit as
sulted in less CO2REB compared with Fa-
tested mask (p ⬍ .001; Fig. 5). both inspiratory and expiratory limb. To
cial-WS (11.3 ⫾ 0.3 mL and 10.1 ⫾ 0.5
mL, respectively, for CPAP of 4 and 8 cm avoid excessive CO2 exhalation back into
H2O) or Total Face (11.4 ⫾ 0.5 mL and DISCUSSION the circuit, an exhalation port or a non-
10.5 ⫾ 0.4 mL, respectively, for CPAP of The most important findings of this rebreathing valve must be placed between
4 and 8 cm H2O) at both tested CPAP study can be summarized as follows: a) the circuit and the mask or within the
levels (p ⬍ .001). For the same CPAP mask. End-expiratory pressure level, ex-
level, CO2REB was similar with Facial-WS piratory time, VT, and exhalation port or
and Total Face (Fig. 4), and increasing valve types have been reported to affect
CPAP level from 4 to 8 cm H2O decreased CO2 rebreathing during NPPV (5–7).
CO2REB for Facial-WS (p ⫽ .001) and To- However, no data addressing the effects
tal Face (p ⫽ .04) but not for Facial-MEP. of exhalation port position and mask in-
Most of the CO2 rebreathed during CPAP ner volume on CO2 rebreathing are avail-
came from the mannequin upper airway able.
and not from the ventilator circuit or Ferguson and Gilmartin (6) studied
mask as illustrated in Figure 3. CO2 rebreathing during NPPV using a
single-limb circuit ventilator and a nasal
Figure 4. Volume-based capnograms for each mask in volunteers and stable patients
tested mask during continuous positive airway
with chronic ventilatory failure. The vol-
pressure (CPAP). Solid black line, facial mask
with exhalation port within the mask (Facial-
ume of CO2 exhaled into the circuit, and
MEP); dashed line, facial mask with circuit Whis- consequently the volume of CO2 inhaled
per Swivel (Facial-WS); gray line, total face mask back from the circuit, was greater when
(Total Face); CO2%, CO2 concentration; VT, in- using the Whisper-Swivel exhalation port
spiratory tidal volume. The area under the curve compared with two other nonrebreathing
(i.e., the CO2%-VT product), illustrates the vol- valves. This difference was more evident
ume of CO2 rebreathed for each tested mask when PEEP was ⬍8 cm H2O. The design
during CPAP 4 cm H2O, end-tidal CO2 75 mm of the current experiment prevented us
Hg, and VT 600 mL. Note that the CO2% tracing
from differentiating the volume of CO2
drops to zero during inspiration when Facial-
MEP was tested but not with Facial-WS and Total
rebreathed from the mask or the patient’s
Figure 3. CO2 rebreathing (CO2REB) during spon-
Face. upper airway from that rebreathed from
taneous ventilation without mask (dashed line)
and with continuous positive airway pressure
(CPAP) of 4 and 8 cm H2O. End-tidal CO2 was set
Table 1. CO2 dynamics during pressure support ventilation
a 75 mm Hg, and VT of 600 mL was generated in
the lung chamber in all tested conditions. Facial-MEP Facial-WS Total Face
Squares, facial mask with exhalation port within
the mask (Facial-MEP); circles, facial mask with PETCO2 mm Hg 72.4 ⫾ 0.1a 74.6 ⫾ 0.9 75.7 ⫾ 1.4
Whisper Swivel II exhalation port in the circuit CO2REB mL/breath 7.0 ⫾ 0.2a 9.9 ⫾ 0.5 10.4 ⫾ 0.3
(Facial-WS); triangles, total face mask (Total VT mL 610 ⫾ 5 611 ⫾ 4 606 ⫾ 9
Face). *p ⬍ .001 for difference among Facial-
MEP vs. other masks with the same CPAP level; Facial-MEP, facial mask with exhalation port within the mask; Facial-WS, facial mask with Whisper
†p ⫽ .001 for Facial-WS between CPAP of 4 and Swivel II exhalation port in the circuit; Total Face, total face mask; PETCO2, end-tidal CO2; CO2REB,
8 cm H2O; ‡p ⫽ .04 for Total Face between CPAP total volume of CO2 rebreathed per breath; VT, tidal volume.
of 4 and 8 cm H2O. a
p ⬍ .001 for differences between Facial-MEP vs. others.

2180 Crit Care Med 2003 Vol. 31, No. 8

Table 2. Flows through expiratory ports at end-exhalation (L/min)

End-Expiratory Pressure

Masks 4 cm H2O 8 cm H2O

ResMed Mirage (Facial-MEP) 24 36

Whisper Swivel II (Facial-WS) 15 24
Total Face 20 32

nonrebreathing valves may increase the Using a mask with a large inner volume
Figure 5. CO2 rebreathed during each breath expiratory resistance imposed by the ven- may theoretically impair ventilatory mus-
(CO2REB, mL/breath) and simulated inspiratory tilator (7). cle unloading during NPPV by two differ-
effect (PDR, cm H2O per second) during pressure
In our study, the calculated CO2REB ent mechanisms: by increasing the vol-
support ventilation required to decrease end-tidal
CO2 by 20% (from 75 to 60 mm Hg). Facial-MEP,
represented the total amount of CO2 re- ume of compressed gas, which can
facial mask with exhalation port within the mask; breathed from the ventilator circuit, decrease the ventilator’s performance
Facial-WS, facial mask with Whisper Swivel II mask, and mannequin’s upper airway and and, more importantly, by increasing the
exhalation port in the circuit; Total Face, total not simply the CO2 rebreathed from the volume of CO2 rebreathed from the mask
face mask. *p ⬍ .001 for differences among circuit as described in previous experi- each breath.
masks for CO2REB. †p ⬍ .001 for differences ments. Our results demonstrate that the A similar VT was generated in the LC
among masks for PDR. majority of the CO2 rebreathed came with the three tested masks during pres-
from the upper airway (8 mL/breath) and sure support ventilation while the PSV
not from the ventilator circuit or mask level and PDR were kept constant. This
the ventilator circuit. Lofaso et al. (5) (ⱕ3.4 mL/breath for all tested masks dur- data demonstrated that mask design (ex-
demonstrated in a lung model that ⬎50% ing CPAP of 4 cm H2O). We measured halation port position and mask inner
of the expired VT can accumulate in the CO2 as close to the exit of the airway from volume) has a minimal effect on ventila-
single-limb circuit at end-expiration the mannequin head as possible. The vol- tor performance. However, the PDR and
when a Whisper Swivel exhalation port ume of the airway from the lips to the VT necessary to decrease the PetCO2 from
was tested with PEEP ⬍2 cm H2O. Our capnometer equaled 50 mL. Actually, 75 to 60 mm Hg were highest during the
data showed that increasing CPAP level CO2REB during Facial-MEP was similar to use of a mask with greater inner volume
from 4 to 8 cm H2O had only a small that recorded during spontaneous and CO2REB (Fig. 5). When masks with
effect on decreasing CO2REB when masks breathing without a mask, showing that the same inner volume were compared
with exhalation ports within the mask the vast majority of CO2 exhaled back (Facial-MEP vs. Facial-WS), the presence
(Facial-MEP and Total Face) were tested, into the mask and circuit was cleared of the exhalation port within the mask
but during the use of a circuit exhalation before the next breath. We believe that decreased the CO2REB and allowed partial
port (Whisper Swivel II) the CPAP level the amount of CO2REB observed during correction of hypercapnia with a smaller
positively affected CO2 clearing. It is im- Facial-MEP and CPAP 8 cm H2O, which increase in VT and PDR. These data dem-
portant to note that all CO2 could not be was slightly lower than CO2REB without a onstrated that small differences in
cleared from the circuit and mask even mask, was a result of CO2 cleared from CO2REB may result in increases in venti-
when a high CPAP level (8 cm H2O) was the upper airway. Jet mixing created by latory load. Our data suggest that the
set if a circuit exhalation port or a mask the flow through mask exhalation port inspiratory effort of patients ventilated
with a large inner volume was used. It is may have cleared some CO2 from the noninvasively with the same level of pres-
important also to consider the flow model upper airway during this setting. sure support would be smaller when a
through the exhalation port at end- The amount of CO2REB during Facial- Facial-MEP is applied compared with a
exhalation. There are different flows from MEP and Facial-SW (both masks with the Facial-WS or a Total Face mask. This
the three exhalation ports used at the two same mask inner volume) clearly indi- observation is consistent with the results
end-expiratory pressure levels evaluated cates that the exhalation port within the presented by Lofaso et al. (5), who
(12–14) (Table 2). As a result, flow mask more efficiently avoids CO2REB than showed that CO2 rebreathing during the
through the exhalation port as well as using a circuit exhalation port. use of a single-limb circuit ventilator in-
position of the port must be considered. Mask Design and Inspiratory Effort. creased VT, minute ventilation, and work
In general, one would expect CO2 clear- Facial masks (oro-nasal), as opposed to of breathing in invasively ventilated pa-
ance to be directly related to flow from nasal masks, have been recommended for tients.
the exhalation ports on the mask. In ad- patients with acute or acute on chronic Limitations. The major limitation of
dition, leak at the interface of the mask respiratory failure (15). However, dis- this study is that it was performed on a
with the patient’s face, provided it is not comfort related to wearing a facial mask lung model and not in patients. However,
excessive, should also facilitate CO2 clear- and airleak around the mask, particularly it may be impossible to obtain similar
ance regardless of exhalation port loca- leak flow directed toward the eyes, are data from patients. The sizes of the exha-
tion or mask volume. Nonrebreathing important limitations of applying NPPV. lation ports of the Facial-MEP, Facial-
and plateau exhalation valves have been In an effort to minimize these side ef- WS, and Total Face masks were different.
recommended to decrease CO2 rebreath- fects, new devices (i.e., masks or helmets) This makes it more difficult to defini-
ing during NPPV when a low CPAP or have been developed, but with the cost of tively draw specific conclusions from the
PEEP level is applied. However, the use of increasing mask inner volume (16, 17). study. All currently available facial masks

Crit Care Med 2003 Vol. 31, No. 8 2181

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