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Class Task 2 - Preparation

Step 1: Choose a country from this list.

Country selected: FRANCIA

Step 2: General information about the country.

Using the internet, answer the following questions:
Where is it located? france
What’s the capital of this country? Paris
What’s the currency of this country? euro
What’s the population of this country?
It is famous for its haute couture brands, classical art museums such as the Louvre, and
monuments such as the Eiffel Tower. The country is also recognized for its wines and
sophisticated cuisine. Drawings of the ancient cave of Lascaux, the Roman theater of Lyon and
the imposing Palace of Versailles attest to its rich history
What’s the official language/languages in this country? Frances
What is the type of government of this country? Moniquie
Other interesting information or fun fact about this country: ____________________________
"France is a country in Western Europe. Its capital city is Paris, which is famous for the Eiffel
Tower and the Louvre Museum. France has beautiful coastlines along the Atlantic Ocean, the
Mediterranean Sea, and the English Channel.
The official language is French. French culture is known for its fashion, delicious food like
croissants and cheese, and famous artists like Claude Monet. France is also known for its
historic landmarks like the Palace of Versailles.
It's a popular tourist destination, with many attractions for visitors to enjoy. France has a rich
history and is famous for its contributions to art, science, and philosophy."

History: France has a long and storied history. It was home to the Gauls, a Celtic people, before
becoming part of the Roman Empire. In the Middle Ages, it was the center of the powerful
Carolingian Empire. The French Revolution in the late 18th century marked a significant period
of change, leading to the establishment of the French Republic.
Government: France is a democratic republic with a president as its head of state. The current
President is [insert current President's name if known]. It has a multi-party system and is known
for its strong emphasis on civil liberties and human rights.
Economy: France has one of the largest economies in the world. It's known for industries like
fashion, luxury goods, aerospace, and technology. The country is also famous for its wine
production, with regions like Bordeaux and Burgundy producing some of the finest wines
Tourism: France is a top tourist destination, attracting millions of visitors every year. Tourists
come to see famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedral, and Mont Saint-
Michel. The country is also renowned for its picturesque countryside, including regions like
Provence and the French Riviera.
Education: France is home to some of the world's most prestigious universities and schools. The
Sorbonne in Paris, for example, is renowned for its academic excellence. Education is highly
valued in French society.
Cuisine: French cuisine is famous worldwide. It includes dishes like coq au vin, escargot, and
quiche Lorraine. French bread, wine, and cheese are celebrated for their quality and diversity.
Cafés and restaurants are an integral part of French culture.
Art and Culture: France has made significant contributions to art and culture. It was home to
famous artists like Claude Monet and Henri Matisse. French literature, including works by Victor
Hugo and Albert Camus, has had a profound impact on world literature.
Transportation: France has an extensive and efficient transportation network. The high-speed
TGV trains are famous for their speed and comfort. Paris is served by an extensive metro
system, making it easy to navigate the city.

Step 3: Entertainment activities.

What famous entertainment sites can you find in this country? Why are they famous?
(Museums, theaters, stadiums, concert halls, movie theaters, amusement parks, etc.) Mention
minimum 4 places.
Ex: The Universal Studios amusement park in Japan is famous for its Jurassic Park, Harry Potter
and Super Mario Bros. Attractions.
1. The Eiffel Tower (Paris)
Because she is famous? Without a doubt, it is the most recognized symbol of Paris and all of
France. Designed by engineer Gustave Eiffel and built for the 1889 World's Fair in Paris, the
tower has become an emblem of love and architecture. At 324 meters high, it offers impressive
panoramic views of the city.
2.The Louvre Museum (Paris)
Why is he famous? It is one of the largest and most visited museums in the world. It houses
thousands of works of art, including some of the most famous such as Leonardo da Vinci's
Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo. The museum itself, formerly a royal palace, is an
architectural masterpiece with a history spanning more than eight centuries.
3.The Palace of the Popes (Avignon)
Why is he famous? During the 14th century, Avignon became the seat of papacy, and the Palace
of the Popes stood as the center of Christianity in that period. It is an impressive Gothic fortress
and is one of the most important Gothic palaces in Europe. The history and architecture of the
place make it an essential destination for history lovers.
4.Disneyland Paris (Marne-la-Vallée)
Why is he famous? It is the most visited theme park in Europe. Opened in 1992, Disneyland
Paris offers a mix of classic Disney attractions and experiences adapted to European culture. It
is famous for bringing the magic of Disney in a European context, and has two main parks:
Disneyland Park and Walt Disney Studios Park.
- Is a former royal residence
- There are a castle, museum, gardens and a park
- There are 800 hectares


- Built in the 12th century, modified in the 18th century and restored in the 19th century,
it is the symbol of Christian worship in Paris
- Classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1991
- The cathedral is a place of Christian cult and the most visited monument in France in

Step 4: Customs and traditions in this country

Look for the local customs of this country and answer:
Ex: In Japan, you can’t enter temples and shrines wearing shoes.
What are 2 things you can do in this country?
1. Celebrate Bastille Day: July 14 is the French national holiday commemorating the
Storming of the Bastille in 1789. Military parades, fireworks and festivities are held
throughout the country.
2. Participate in "La Chandeleur": On February 2, the Festival of Candles is celebrated,
where it is traditional to cook and eat crêpes. Popular belief says that if you can flip a
crêpe with one hand while holding a gold coin in the other, you will ensure prosperity
for that year.
What are 2 things you can’t do in this country?
1. Holocaust denial: France has strict laws against Holocaust denial. It is illegal and can
result in severe penalties.
2. Drinking in specific public places: Although public drinking is allowed in most places in
France, there are certain areas, such as some parts of Paris, where consuming alcohol in
public is prohibited
What are 2 things you should do in this country?
1. Taste local cuisine: France is famous for its gastronomy. From cheese and wine to
escargots and foie gras, you should try to try as many traditional French dishes as
2. Visit monuments and heritage sites: From the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre in Paris to
the castles of the Loire Valley and the beaches of Normandy, there are countless places
of historical and cultural interest worth visiting
What are 2 things you shouldn’t do in this country?
1. Speaking loudly in public places: The French value privacy and courtesy. Speaking
loudly in public places, such as trains or restaurants, may be considered rude.
2. Skip the line: As in many places around the world, it is important to respect the order of
arrival in queues, whether at a bakery, on the bus or anywhere else. Skipping the line is
frowned upon and can lead to conflicts.
These are just some of the customs and traditions of France. Of course, there are many
more and they vary by region and city. It is always good to do your research and learn
more about the local culture before visiting any country.

Step 5. Requirements to study in this country.

In the “Internacionalización” Website from the University, look for information to study in this
country for 1 semester.
What are 4 things you have to do to study in this country? (visa requirements, letters of
recommendation or other documents, vaccinations, etc.)
Ex: You have to get a visa to study in Japan.
1. "They have to have a clean disciplinary record."
2. "You have to obtain the program director's approval."
3. "You must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.7 or the one required by the faculty."
4. "You have to be a regular student or a student with a reserved spot."
5. "You have to meet the foreign language requirement."

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