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Answer these questions:

1. What is the project about? It´s a non-profit organization dedicated to improving

people's lives, eliminating war, poverty, and caring for the environment.
2. Who found it? Make a short biography about its creator.

Jacque Fresco was born in New York City in 1916. The Great Depression
significantly influenced his life. When he was young, he worked in a lot of sectors,
such as aerospace, architecture, basic science, industrial design and psychology. In
addition, he was in contact with indigenous tribes, organizations and dysfunctional
groups. Because of all these experiences, his work focused on problems associated
with human factors. In 1943, Fresco founded the Revell Plastics Company and in
1985 he founded the Venus project with his partner Roxanne Meadows. He was
diagnosed with Parkinson's and finally died on May 18, 2017, at age 101.

3. What is A resource Based Economy? Explain in detail

It is an economy that solves problems with the help of available resources and not
with money. Its goal is to satisfy human needs, not get money.

4. What is your opinion about it? Be specific

I think it´s a logical project because natural resources are the basis for the life of every
living being and not money. The Venus Project is what we should do and it´s a great step to
becoming in a civilized and cooperative society, however, it´s very utopian.

5. Do you think is possible to implement it in our country? Why?, Why not?

It´s impossible today, Ecuador is a country that moves and lives for money, and
changing this in a society so closed to change is extremely difficult. However, in the
future, with a progressive campaign and returning to our Andean roots, to the
Andean think, that based its philosophy on living in a community and respecting
nature, it could be possible.

6. Write one quote from Jacque Fresco that you like.

You need a different value system if you want to change the world.

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