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* Pa ecetnes 3 WN \ 5 a! eleven more food nouns in the wordsnake. Write them in the table below. Food adjectives —jmmm 4 Reorder the letters and match the words to the pictures. wetse ucijy ylast ures cipsy hyrcuen 2 Countable nouns —_| Uncountable nouns al | 4 wrilk | i I 6 Find the odd one out. beef ham chicken 2 milk butter cheese onion 3 biscuit juice bread cake 4 lettuce carrot potato fish 5 orange apple cheese banana Read the descriptions of food and drink. Match them to words from Exercises 1 and 2. 1 tsa vegetable. You can make chips with it. potato _ 2 You need this to make a sandwich or toast. 3 This is my favourite fruit. | prefer the red ones. 4 This meat comes from cows. 5 We use milk to make it. I's usually yellow and its good in a sandwich, 6 tsa green leaf and we have itin salad. eee CB CB © 5 Complete the sentences with the adjectives from Exercise 4. 1 I can't eat chilli con carne. It's very hot and spicy ___. 2 Id like some water, please. This pasta is too 3 Mmm! This orange is really 4 Apples are sweet and 5, How can you eat lemons and limes? Theyre so 6 leata lot of. things like cakes and chocolate. Mum says they're bad for my teeth 6 Complete the sentences with your own ideas. 1 My favourite meat is chicken 2 Inever eat 3 For breakfast, | like 4 Ilove 5 My favourite fruits are 6 I dont like because and food, like food like. enrece) and fe } Food, Glorious food _ Grammar Past simple: regular verbs ame 1 Choose the correct words. 1 @idn't cooky cooked dinner last night. 2 Did she carry / carried your bag? 3 We did like / liked that chocolate cake. 4 What time you arrived / did you arrive yesterday? 5 We watched TV every day / last night. 6 Lucas didn't order / not order juice. 2 Complete the sentences with the past simple forms of the verbs. 1 We decided (decide) to go toa new restaurant. 2 Sam (cook) us fish and chips. 31 (not finish) the salad. 4 My sister___=™ (tty) anew pasta dish - 5 (you / lke) the meal? 6 What food (you/ prepare) forthe party? / 7 They (not order) pizza last night. 8 The waiter (drop) my plate of spaghetti. 3 Complete the conversation. Use the correct past simple forms of the verbs below. burn eek do drop happen look “ nottaste prepare try use Tim: Dad '.cooked ___ dinner last night. Itwas horrible! May: Why??____he__it? Tim: No, he?. May: So? Tim: Well, he pasta and tomato sauce, It delicious. The tomatoes were really red and juicy. But he 7 sugar instead of salt in the sauce, and he? itbefore the meal! May: Oh no! What*___? Tim: Well, Mum’ some first. She was really surprised, and she "@_ her plate! May: Poor Dad! Past simple: irregular verbs a= 4 Find eleven more past simple verbs in the wordsearch. Match them to the infinitives. TH | BiH ° ce D Ry al ! z-lzle|alolz|o Zz ol-lalmlol>lzlale| J B H w G L E s F al<|>lulelsla zcl ~lslo|alz|m|s[z|> 7 choose. 8 give 9 have 10 see 11 drink 12 make 5 Complete the email with the past simple forms of the verbs. ain HiJim, Thanks for your email. You're very brave to eat insects! | went ___ (go) to an Indian restaurant with Mum and Dad last night. Weal? dishes. Mum (choose) different (have) a really spicy curry, and her face* become) very red! She 5 (cant) eat it, so she ‘ (give) itto Dad, He loves spicy food! The waiter? (bring) Mum some juicy mangoes her mouth |® (not eat) my curry because it was sweet, so Dad (cat) that, too! Next time, we're going to a pizza restaurant! Dave 6 Answer the questions. : 1 When did you last go to a restaurant? -Llast went to a restaurant last week, 2 Who did you go with? 3 What did you eat and drink? 4 What did you like best? Grammar Past time expressions mmm 1 Complete the past llast week 2t__ di_s a_o 1e expressions. 6 six m_ sa AL Bthree w____s a 2 Choose the correct words. 1 We had lunch an hour last. 2 Where did you eat yesterday / week? 3. Last month / ago we tried the new restaurant. 4 | had lunch with Lucy ago / last week. 5. | bought these mangoes yesterday / last day. 6 Mum made these biscuits af hour ago / last hour. They smell delicious! y Polite offers and requests Jam 3 Complete the mini-conversations with the phrases below. Phrases may be used more than once. Couldthave I'd like Would you like 1 A: Could | have a drink, please? This is very salty. B: Of course 2A: some cake? B: Yes, please. some chocolate cake. 3A B: No, thanks. instead, please? an ice cream, Sam? some crisps 4 Write sentences. Use past time expressions. 1 gotoa restaurant with my family | we uur with fami 2 eat ice cream 3 havea barbecue 4 cook dinner for friends 5 try something new Pu ae eer) make polite offers and requests. Practical English Ordering food Gieme 11 Complete the sentences with the words below. afraid could course get like would 1 What can | get you? 2 have apple juice instead? 3 ____you like anything else? 4id a cheese sandwich, please. sim ‘we havent got any spaghetti today. 6 OF you can. 2 Read the conversation. Correct six more mistakes. a Waiter: Hello. "What Ican get you? Customer: Hi.#!'m like a ham salad, please, Oh,’ afraid we haven't got any ham today. Customer: Oh, that’s pity. “Would I have chicken instead? Certainly. *Do you like anything else with it? Chips or rice, perhaps? Customer: ‘No, please. Waiter: Anything to drink? Customer: ?No. Id like some fruit juice. Waiter: Waiter: Waiter: Apple or orange juice? ‘Customer: Orange juice, please 1 What can | get you? 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 Complete the conversation with your own ideas. Wait Hello, What can | get you _? Customer: Hi, ________, please. Waiter: I'mafraidwe Customer: Oh, that's pity. Could _? Waiter; Certainly, Vean ares food fe } Food, Glorious food! Reading Gam |1 Read the article and choose the best title. a Junk food forever! b Healthy meals at last ¢ The end of school lunches Wrote Ty In Britain, school lunches are cheap, but many students stopped eating them because they didrit lke the food. In many schools there was no choice. ‘They only served one dish. If we did't like it, we didn't eat anything, said Oliva. I stopped going’ ‘Then schools brought in self-service canteens. ‘These were fantastic because ‘we could choose our meals’ said Joe. ‘They served great things like burgers ‘and chips, and pizza’ These canteens were popular and more students started having school lunches again. Unfortunately the food was very unhealthy. Some canteens stopped serving fruitand vegetables because students didn't eat them, At home, some students ate junk food,too. ‘Then a famous TV chef called Jamie Oliver started a TV show about school lunches. He told the country how bad some of the school lunches were for students, He visited schools and showed cooks how to make healthy meals He got teenagers to try new things lke spicy curry and unusual salads ‘These days, most school serve healthier food. There is always a choice of vegetables fresh fruit, and nuts. The junk food problem still exists, butts getting better. 2 Arethe sentences T (true) or F (false)? Writing 1 Students stopped having school lunches 4 Write about school lunches in Argentina. because they were expensive. Tor Answer the questions to help you. 2 Olivia stopped having school lunches 1 Doall students have school lunches in because she couldn't choose her food. Toro Argentina? If not, what other options are there? 3 Joe’ canteen served junk food Toro 2 Are school meals cheap or expensive? 4 Jamie Oliver was a chef in a school canteen. TL] FL] 3 Do students have a choice of food? 4 What types of food do they serve? 5 His TV show was about school lunches. TL] FL] clic fae uneatty el rca 3 Answer the questions. 6 What's your opinion about school meals? 1. Why were school lunches unpopular? e many students didn’ 2 Why did Joe like the canteen at his school? In my school, most / all students have .. 3 Why did some canteens stop serving fruit and — vegetables? — 4 What did Jamie Oliver tell the country? —e 5 What did he do when he visited schools? 6 Whatis different today? Peas fe je je } Carer mac Vocabulary Buildings and 8 features SEE 1 Match and write nine more buildings and features. 1 (unr t TEP. UTON 2 [SKA } br TAL 3 [eR_t BRA TAL 4 [Pou } <_VERS_>- CUE 5 [STA <_HEDR Ng Ty 6 fu} TAR CE 7 [ary kT] s [ot CE STA tum 9 [Ho } ALS ARK 1 [P_} spr TRY 1 university _/ 6 zt 7 Ga 8 4 9 5 10 Look at the pictures. Write the bui and features, 1 cathedral _ 2 3 4 5 6 ‘Complete the sentences with buildings or features. 1 visited Tom in hospital __ yesterday. He's very il 2 How many books can | borrow from the ? 3 tS relaxing to read under a tree in the 4 We reported the crime at the 5 Mary is studying medicine at 6 Theresa big match at the Se eer io To Je | tomorrow. Giving directions ree 4 Complete the directions with the words below. down over past fight take through os & 1 Turn right 2 Go into Park Road. the hospital oy Wy 3 Go Wilson Street. ms the 5 Go 6 the river. first left. 5 Match 1-6 to af to complete the directions. a s 1 Follow North Road as 2 Tum left 3 Go under 4 Go straight 5 Cross the road at 6 The library is on @ onat the traffic lights. b-far asthe bridge. ¢ the zebra crossing. d the right. : € the bridge. f into Grove Street. Choose a place not far from your home. Write directions. 1 Go down East Road as far as the school, 2 3 4 Eo ae fo Yo fe | Grammar should/ shouldn’t =m 1 Reorder the words to make sentences and questions. 1 university / visit / you / the / should You should visit the university. 2 travel / you / by car / shouldn't 3 go/where// should / we /? 4 see / we / the cathedral / should /? 5 miss / the / you / new / shouldn't / stadium 6 should /a bus tour / on / you / go / of the city 2 Complete the sentences and questions with should / shouldn't and the phrases below. book buy get notleave not mis stay ty 1 There's a great Chinese restaurant in the centre. You should try / it. 2 The cathedral is great. You it. 3 You ina hotel in the city centre, so you can walk everywhere. 4 Visitors without a visit to the stadium. It’s amazing. 5 You a map of the town, It's easy to get lost. 6 The restaurant is always busy on Saturdays —___we table? 7 Isa long walk to the hotel. | think we the bus. 3 Write advice for the situations. Use should and shouldn't. 1 Mia is very tired this morning. she sk 2 I'm really hungry. school ds 3 I don't feel well. 4 Matt's school results aren't very good. 5 There's a fantastic film on TV tonight. 6 William eats a lot of junk food Here Gne] there Imperatives preme 4 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with the verbs below. cross drive not park nottake not tum stop P= Va under the bridge. right Ba in front of the museum. “denadatoaa road on the zebra crossing. 3 outside the hospital ni thesecondleft. 5 Complete the sentences with imperatives. 1 Open the window. It's hot in here. 2 ____ Spanish in the English lesson! 3 your mobile phone in class! 4 photos in the museum! 5 to this song. | really like it 6 quiet! | can't hear anything. 6 Write imperatives for the situations. 1 The students are making a lot of noise. Be quiet! 2 Astudent isnt listening to the teacher. 3 It’s very cold, and a student opens the window. 4 Astudentis sitting on the teachers desk 5 A child is climbing onto a wall 6 Itsvery late, and a child isn't in bed, entices fe ye Ye VM Grammar Verb + to- infinitive mm |1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 Weneed to get (get) bus tickets. 2 Do you want (come) with us? 3 Didhe agree (do) the shopping? 4 | forgot (buy) a guide book, 5 They decided (visit) the museum first. 6 She preferred (stay) in a hotel 2 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verb pairs below. agree /design decide /go forget /take need/buy try/find want /stay 1 They decided to go ____on a bus tour of the city last Sunday, 2 The architect didn't the new stadium, 3 Iwas very cold because | acoat. 4 There's no sugar left. We some this afternoon. 5 We dont in an expensive hotel. 6 They the station, but they didn't have a map and they got lost. Prepositions of place and movement <=jaEae 3 Complete the text with the prepositions of place and movement below. across along around by outside towards To get to the museum, walk "along High Street ® the river. When you get to the river, you can see the cathedral * the bridge. The museum is behind the cathedral so you need to walk * it. Il meet you § the main doors, ¢ the big statue. 4 Complete the sentences with your own ideas. 1 Ineed to get a bus ticket 2 Doyou want. 7 3 | forgot 4 We decided 5 I tried Practical English Giving directions jem 11 Choose the correct words. 1 Walk down Park Road(antil) after you get to the library. 2 Go along Craig Avenue and turn right before / after you reach the bridge. 3 Cross the road before / as soon as you leave the train st 4 Its the building until / before the sports centre. 5 When / Until you get off the bus, cross the road 2 Complete the conversation with the words below. along asseeras before next reach take towards ‘A; How do | get to Jamie's place from school? B: Its easy, "As soon as_ you go out of school, turn left into Drew Road. Walk down the hill 2___ the traffic lights. But before you >______ them, turn left into Grove Street. A; That’ the small road after the café, right? B: Yes. Go Grove Street for about a hundred metres. After you pass the skatepark, 5____ the second right. I think Jamie's house is just ¢ the library on the left. What number is it? A: Number 58. B: Well, its”. A: Thanks. toa house with a blue gate. 3 Look at the map. Write directions to get to the supermarket from the museum. Here ane there Reading &rmm |1 Read the text. What type of text is it? a ablog banarticle ¢ anadvert ‘We send you text messages with directions and questions. SE x =) B_ Younced to text us the answer before you can move on to Se cena Oa the next place. As you walk around, we send yau interesting ‘gi facts about the places you visit. wi All bookings are online, Bring your mobile phone and a map. CA: That's right! Now, walk You should wear comfortable shoes because there's a lot of See tapwicital walking! Each adventure lasts two to three hours. a , “We did the History Adventure when we were on fliday in fergettorbonng cy aya able cy gaeand Lt, ean alr Sut fer a explore the ey like never before. and sam Parliament and Big Ben, We solved all the puzzles, City Adventure games are interactive city tours with a and laughed a lot Mig te mobile phone as your guide. You.can choose from five different games. You can play alone or compete against Meeker ‘We wanted +0 do something different on muy birthdevs, 80 we went on a Bizarre Adventure. We're. al Londoner’, but we visited new places. We exjcued the puzzles. We got lott oncel” Dan, 17 2 Complete the sentences. Writing 1. The guide on City Adventure tours is 4 Invent a walking tour for visitors to your town. your mobile phone Include the following information: 2 There are different tours. @ thename of your tour 3 The tours are for and © the starting point 4 Players receive with directions ‘* places you can see on the tour and questions. © one or two fun facts 5 You need to book your tour @ theend point 6 Dan and his friends went on a Bizarre Tour for his Now write a description of your tour, 3 Answer the questions. The dour starts at 1 Why are the tours called games? Because you IF 2 Why are these Adventures good for local people? 3. Why do you need to wear comfortable shoes? Perey 4. How long do the tours last? 5. What famous building did Mia see on the History Tour? ETT @ To je Bes are) Vocabulary Appearance Sam 11 Reorder the letters to make adjectives. Tat tal 2 hrost 3 mils 4 dabl 5 suehotacm 6 redab GM OD 9D [ao pe we 2 Complete the descriptions. 1 Annie has got blue eyes and fair__ hair. 2 Jamie ist___andh. Hesgotd hand am 3 Helen is sh ands. She's gotbr__eyes and | hair 4 Simon has got s hair anda b___-Hes gotg____ eyes. 5 Joe is b and he wears gl 3 Describe two people in your family. 1 Film genres om 4 Match the film genres below to the pictures. There are two extra film genres. action film cartoon comedy costume drama sciencefiction thriller war film western 1 science fiction 2 3 4 a 5 6 — 5 Choose the correct words. 1 The main character is so funny. Its a brilliant Genes ite 2 never watch romances / horror films late at night. | cant sleep when I'm scared, 3 | don't usually like musicals / war films, but La La Land is great. 4 The first western / cartoon | ever saw was The Jungle Book by Disney. 5 Love Forever isa boring action film / romance. Itends in a big wedding. 6 | love fantasy films / comedies like the Harry Potter films 7 Inever watch war films / romances. | hate fighting. 6 Answer the questions. 1 Whats your favourite film genre? Why? ui fil tl 2 What film genre don't you like? Why? are exci 3 Whatis your favourite film of all time? 4 What was the last film you saw? Penrice fo To fo } enerecans @B CB GD Grammar Comparative adjectives prem 11 Write the comparative forms of the adjectives. 1 tall taller 2 good 3 big 4 scary 5 exciting 6 bad 7 famous 8 far 2 Correct the mistakes. 1 Argentina is more big than Mexico. 2 The Last Jedi is more exciting La La Land, 3 The sun is farer than the moon, 4 My mum is younger that my dad. 5 | think that Emma Watson is a more good actor than Emma Stone. 6 The book is interesting than the film. 3 Complete the sentences with the comparative forms of the adjectives below. bad exciting expensive famous far good hot lazy 1 The sun is hotter __ than the moon. 2 Action films are than musicals. 3 James Bond is than any other spy. 4. My brother Tom is bad actor. But my dad is than Tom! 5 Cats sleep alot. They are than dogs. 6 Hollywood films are to make than Bollywood films. 7 Emma Stone is a singer than my sister! 8 New Zealand is from Europe than Australia, eens fe Ye fe | The silver screen Superlative adjectives (—jmmm 4 Choose the correct answers. 1 Lion was the(best) better film | saw last year 3 My brother is the most tall / tallest person in our family 4 Who do you think is the worse / worst actor? 5 Captain America: Civil War was the more / most successful film ofthe year. 6 What is the most funny / funniest film you know? 7 Alaska is the most coldest / coldest state in the USA. 8 Who is the youngest / younger Oscar winner of all time? 5 Complete the email. Use superlatives. HiTom, tim having ‘the best (g004) holiday cof my life. ™m with my parents and were staying in 2 exciting) city inthe world — Los Angeles! On Saturday, we visited Universal Studios. It was + interesting) place you can imagine. In the afternoon, we walked down Hollywood Boulevard and saw the names of ‘ (famous) actors in the world on the pavement. Yesterday was ® (hot) day of our holiday, so we went to the beach at Malibu I's song) and 7 heat) beach | know. In the evening, we ate ata beach restaurantand we had (sy) burgers of our holiday’ PRR See you soon, Maria 6 Write sentences with the adjectives below. Use superlatives and your own ideas. bad difficult exciting good interesting large | auuwne eon fe je | Grammar (not) as ... as; less ... (than) =n 1 Choose the correct words. 1 Hmas tall@) than my dad 2 | think history is ess interesting as / than geography. 3 Dev Patel is less /as famous than Ben Affleck 4 Isthe film less /as interesting as the book? 5 Nicole Kidman isn’t as young / younger as. Emma Watson. 6 Rugby isn't as / less popular as football 2 Write sentences with (not) as... as. *=notvery *=very 1 old: Joe* / Harry* Joe is as old as Harry. 2 exciting: the film-Lion* / the film Logan The film Lion, 3 difficult: English* / Chinese** English _ 4 popular: Batman’ / Star Wars* Batman 5 high: the Alps* / the Himalayas The Alps 3 Complete the second sentence so it has the same meaning as the first sentence. Use (not) as... as or less... (than). 1 The green car wasn't as expensive as the red car, The red car was less expensive than the green car, 2 The book is better than the film. The film isnt, 3. Batman was more popular than The Revenant. The Revenant was 4. New York is more exciting than Chicago. Chicago is 5. That film is more interesting than this TV programme. That TV programme isn’ 4 Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. 1 My mum / dad / brother / sister isn’t as _—_____as my mum / dad / brother / sister. 2 I don't think __films are as as films. Roun a eer ur) omc ets Practical English A film review —jem 1 Read the review. Answer the questions. 1 Whatis the genre? 2 Where does the film take place? 3 Does the writer like the film? 2 Complete the text with the words below. Fortunately Luckily Surprisingly Unfortunately Last week, saw the science im | Star Trek Beyond,’ Surprisingly | some people say it isn't as good as other Star Tek films, However, in my opinion, itis one of the best. The Enterprise spaceship is inadstant part ofthe universe, * aliens attack the spaceship and force Captain Kirk and his crew to abandon it. They land on the aliens’ planet and fighttosuvela _ they manage to steal a spaceship and escape. ‘At the start of the film, Captain Kirk plans to leave the spaceship. eee feasts mind, so there wl be more Star Tee Fis in theft There is alot of suspense and leader, Kall, s scary. lalso ange but my favourite characteris Spock. think he the best actor. inthe ie The alien The film lasted two hours, and | w the plot was more exciting definitely recommend it! s never bored. | thought tar Trek films. would 3 Complete the sentences with the words below. ip! ly Sadly Surprisingly Unfortunately 1 Surprisingly __, everyone liked the film. However, | thought it was boring, 2 Anton Yelchin played Pavel Chekov in Star Trek Beyond. . he died before the film came out 3 didn't see the film. 4 The last showing of the film is at 4 p.m. . finish school at 2 p.m. Luc 4 Write five sentences about a film. Use the words below and your own ideas. actors characters genre location plot | saw the film weune ence The silver screen Reading Gm 1 Read the article. Choose the best title. 2 IF you enjoyed the book, don't miss the film. b Fantastic films from boring books. © Forget the film; read the book. Itis difficult to make a film from a best-selling book, but not al film adaptations are bad. A few films are better than the books, for example Spielberg's thriller Jaws. Sometimes the film is almost as good as the book, like the Harry Potter series. But more often, the book is better. For many people. The Hunger Games science fiction films aren't as good as the books. Readers are often disappointed by a film adaptation of a book they enjoyed. ‘When you read a book, you create your own idea of the story’s setting and characters, and this is often different from a film directors idea Books are longer and have more details. It takes hours or days to read a book, so you can think about the’plot and the characters. Films are always simpler because they only last about ninety-minutes. Also, the story needs to move fast to keep the viewer interested. A writer often tells us what a effaracteris thinking and feeling, but this is difficult ina film. A good actor can express feelings, but they are never as clear as the words in the book. Generally, almost every film adaptation is less satisfying than the book, unless it isa bad book. So if you read a good book, maybe you should avoid watching the film. 2 Choose the correct answers. Writing 1 Jawsiis a... film and book. 4 write a short text comparing two film @bthrillerb science fiction ¢ fantasy genres. Choose a genre you like and 2 For many people, the film adaptation of The Hunger Games is. ‘one you don't like. Say. the books. 1 which genre you like and which you ‘a asgoodas b betterthan ¢ worse than dislike. 3 Areader’s idea of a story is. the same as the film adaptation. 2. what you like about one and give a never b often c rarely examples. 4. Film plots are usually .. than the written stories. 3 what you dislike about the other and a more complicated b less complicated ¢ more interesting give examples. 5. Film versions of .. books are often better than the original books. 4 summarise your opinion. a bad b best-selling ¢ good 3 Answer the questions. | A ike. films and | don't ike films. 1 What does the writer think about the Harry Potter films? the books. 2 What film genre is The Hunger Games series? most as good as 3. Why do some film versions disappoint readers? —H 4. Which have more details, films or books? 5 Why doesa film need to move fast? 6 From what type of book is it easier to make a better film adaption? SMe ns COT at RL Vocabulary Outdoor activities Gam 1 Complete the words. Tkay aking 2 Choose the correct words. 1 We go skateboarding /(windsurfing)pn a lake. 2 Roller blading / Surfing is a great city sport. 3 often go rock climbing / karting in the mountains. 4 Horse riding / kaye and broke my arm. 5. My favourite water sport is karting / kayaking. gis dangerous. | fell off 3 Complete the sentences with the words below. riding kayaking mountain biking rock climbing skateboarding surfing 1 Igo toa club, We have lessons on the river. kayaking 2_ I'm learning, but | still fall in the sea a lot 3 [ride Pablo. He's a beautiful animal. 4 We practise in a skatepark near the school. 5 Going uphill is hard. | like going downhill. 6 Rocks sometimes fall, so | wear a helmet. know some words for outdoor act (@ To Jo } Forms of transport jm 4 Find eight more forms of transport. 2 % 0 (Chip Ferrypiav® 1 ip ‘ 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 5 Complete the sentences with words from Exercise 1. Sometimes two words are possible. 1 When you travel by motorbike you can't carry a lot of things. 2 My grandparents live on an island, so we go by when we visit them. 3 The is the best way to travel ina big city 4 You can take the Eurostar. from London to Paris. 5. You can travel to Australia by Ittakes about forty days 6 Were getting the from London to Los Angeles. It takes eleven hours. 7 My grandparents dor't drive anymore, They travel by BA transports things by road. 6 Answer the questions. 1 How often do you travel by underground? L sometimes travel by underground, 2 What form of transport do you use to get to school? 3 What is the best way to travel long distances in your country? 4 When did you last travel by train? Where did you go? 5. What form of transport is the safest / most dangerous? know some words for forms of transport. fo Jo fo } Grammar Likes and dislikes: verb +-ing 1 Reorder the words. There is one extra word in each sentence. 1 watching / to / we / videos /love We love watching videos. 2 enjoy / football / play / do / playing / you / ? 3 stand / he / salad / can't / eating / do 4 mind / not / she / walking / doesn't / to school 5 classical / hate /listening / music / | /to / listen 2 Write sentences: Use each verb below once. Billy / swim Z 1 Elo nig 6 1/ cook / 2 1/ get up early 3 My friends / kayaking 4 Mia / horse riding 3 Complete the interview. Use hate, enjoy, love, (not) like, or can't stand with the verbs below. ‘A: Why did you choose basketball, John? B: Asa child, | "Loved playing __team games. ‘A; What are the best and worst things about your work? BI? matches and | matches! to different Do you‘. countries? B: Not really. 15 journeys are boring. ‘A: What do you free time? Br 17__________all'day, and I also ____w, Plane in your I can talk about likes and Cee Nees Out and about -¥. Infinitive of purpose frame 4 Complete the sentences with the correct forms ofthe verbs. 1 She went to the door to open (open) it. 2 Ileftearly (avoid) the traffic. 3 ___(pass) the test, you need to revise. 4 He phoned (say) he was with his friends. 5 We're going to the cinema 6 She bought tomatoes (see) Lion, (make) a salad. 5 Write answers with the verbs below and your ‘own ideas. 1 Why did he buy eggs? To make __a cake. 2 Why did he phone Maria? her toa party. 3. Why do you want to see the teacher? him a question about our science project. 4 Why are you going to the shopping mall? some new shoes. 5 Whyare youat the station? atrain to Oxford. 6 Whyare you going to the library? —______some books. 7 Whyare you visiting China? Chinese. 8 Why did you go to the swimming pool? «2 swimming lesson. 6 Answer the questions. Use the infinitive of purpose and your own ideas. 1 Why do people have mobile phones? Tocall their friends 2 Why do people take the underground? 3 Why do you goto school? 5. Why do people have jobs? ena fe je jo Wak Grammar Present simple for future Jamon 11 Match the questions to the answers. 1 What time does the train leave? 2 When does your cousin arrive? 3 What time does the lesson start? 4 What time does the film finish? 5 When do the shops close? a a Itstarts at nine o'clock. b It finishes at 10.30. eHeaves-in- fifteen minutes. d They close at 7 p.m, € She arrives on Friday. 2 Complete the mini-conversations. 1 A: Excuse me, What time -does the museum open (museum / open)? It (open) atten o'clock. A: Does it stay open at lunchtime? B: Yes, it (close) at five o'clock 2 A: | want to go to'Cardiff. What time (the next train / leave)? It (leave) in twenty minutes from platform 6. 3 A: What time (the match / start)? s It____(start) at 2 p.m. When (their plane / arrive)? B: It (arrive) on Monday. 3 Write questions and answers. Practical English Asking about public transport —ame 1 Complete the questions with the words below. single direct the journey the next train 1 Can you tell me the times of trains to Manchester tomorrow morning, please? 2 What time does leave? 3. How long does take? 4 isit 5 Do you want ora return ticket? 2 Complete the conversation with the questions in Exercise 1. A: Hello. "Can you tell me the times of trains to -Manchester tomorrow morning, please __? B: The first train leaves at 6.50 a.m. A: I'd prefer to get a later one. 2 2 B: The next one goes at 7.25. A 2 B: No, you must change at Bristol. Ast B: Three hours thirty-four minutes. It gets to Manchester at 10.59, A: Thats fine, BS ? A: Asingle, please. B: OK. That's £54, please. 3 Look at the table and complete the conversation at the coach station. 1 2 = i 1 What time / schoo stat mas aan RU What time does school start? — ; “It starts at 830, Departure times | 7.30 8.45 2 What time / your bus / arrive? Journeytime | 2hours Price £18 3 What time / your next lesson / start? 4 What time / supermarket / close? 5 What time /film /finish? ene A: Can you ‘tell me the times of the coaches _ please? B: The first coach?__andthe next one ®. A: I'd prefer + Howlong§_—- B: Do you want a7. A: Asingle, please. B: OK. That's *. eMeenst aes Out and about % Reading Gram 11 Read the online message board. Where is Trisha? | need to book my holiday and I'm looking for a centre with outdoor activities. 1 dont like camping or hiking, | did that last year and | hated it | ove windsurfing and kayaking, 50 Id like to be by the sea, but not.a crowded tourist place. Any suggestions? | went toa brilliant holiday centre on an island in the north of Scotland last summer called the Xtreme Camp. There were lots of activities. | think there was kayaking, but I'm ot sure about windsurfing. | did karting and rock climbing How did you get there? Did you go by plane? I'm in the south of England so its @ long way. 'No<1 took a night frain from London to Fort William. It took thirteen hours but | slept most of the way. The centre sent a minibus to get me atthe station, then we took a ferry to the island. The train is expensive, but if you get your ticket now, it should be OK. ‘Tm sure you can find somewhere nearer to home. There’ a PGL water sports centre rneapWeymouth inthe south of England. My sister went last year and she loved it Thanks, Scotland sounds great, but the transport is complicated. Maybe Weymouth is a {00d idea. | need to lookat the website. 2 Complete the sentences. Writing 1 Trisha doesn't want to go camping _ or hiking 7 4 Imagine you went to an activity centre 2 She likes and : last year. Write a message for Trisha. 3. She doesn't want to go to a place with Include the following information: 4 Xtreme Camp is onan in © the name of your tour 5 Max travelled to the camp by . ¢ where youstayed and © what activities you did i cehitalesealnai fae © what other activities there were ‘ean suggests a holiday centre not far from § Rew-you traveled there 7 went to this centre last year. 8 Trisha thinks that the journey to Scotland is 3 Answer the questions. 1 What did Trisha do last year? ieee She went camping and hiking. === Be 2 Where did Max go last year? . 3 What activities did he do there? 4 How long did the train journey to Fort William take? 5 What was expensive? 6 Why does Sean suggest the PGL centre near Weymouth? enter Your future career Vocabulary Careers —ex |1 Look at the pictures and complete the puzzle. Jobs adjectives rs 4 Match and write nine more adjectives. 1 [UNREt. nT 2 [vA CRP CHL 3 Ls } WARD ¢ {PAID 4 [Rept boy VE 5 [Ret RY UDING 6 [ou ESS {ao 7 [we AR OORS 8 [Poo <1 UNG 9 [Rew } CATR ING io [IN 1 to 1 unrewarding 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 2 Complete the sentences with the words below. 5 10 builder farmer lawyer nurse sales rep 1 Ima farmer because | like animals. 2 Joeisa He loves travelling and meeting new people, 3 I becamea after law school. 4 Ima because | love caring for people. 5 Mydadisa He works outdoors. 3 Write the jobs. 1 Linterviewed a footballer today. journalist 2 I keep cows and sheep. 3 I sell machines for a big company. 4 What style do you want? 5 Doyou feel better this morning? 6 I design planes. 7 Im good with numbers. 8 Last week, we stopped a big forest fire. 5 Match the adjectives below to the descriptions. outdoors poorly paid rep stressful varied weltpaid 1 Myuncle earns alot of money. well paid 2 | do the same thing all day. 3 Tom likes his job because it isn't inside buildings. 4. My mum loves her job because she does different things every day. 5. My brother doesn't earn a lot. 6 My job is often scary and dangerous. 6 Complete the sentences with adjectives. 1 I thinka firefighter's job is , but itis also 2 Anurse’s work is because you help people. 3 A farmer's work is mostly Itisn't , butitis 4 Builders usually work , and the work is enree Grammar be going to: all forms Jase 1 Choose the correct words. 1 Laren't (em nodgoing to study languages. 2 They isn’t / aren't going to leave school. 3 Mateo isn't / aren't going to be an accountant. 4 Anais / are going to find another job. 5. My parents is / are going to meet my teacher. 6 We're /'s going to study law at university. 2. Write questions. Match them to answers a—f. 1 you / revise / this evening? joing to rs 2 Sofia / be /an engineer? 3 When / Harry / arrive? 4 What / you and your friends / do / tomorrow? they / get / summer jobs? Oscar / leave / school / next year? a No, she isn't b Yes, they are. ¢ On Saturday. Yes. tam: e Yes, heis. f We're going to see a film. 3 Complete the conversation. Use be going to. Dan: What !.are you going to do (you / do) this summer? Lucy: | (get) a summer job. I need the money. Dan: * (work) all summer? Lucy: No,4—___—1. (not work) in August. My cousin from Canada ©. Your future career _ some/ any/ every/ no compounds jase 5 Choose the correct words A: What's that noise? B: | didn't hear @nything)/ something. A; | heard 2something / anything, There’ "someone / anyone upstairs. That's impossible. There's ‘anybody / nobody there. ‘Anybody / Everybody is downstairs in the living room, Listen! There it is again. Let's go and look. B: A B: Well, we looked Sanywhere / everywhere and there isn't ’anyone / someone here. ‘A: But I can hear anyone / someone talking! B: | know. Listen! The radio is on! 6 Complete the email with the words below. anything anywhere everyone nobody. nothing something somewhere HiTim, How are you? Are you doing "anything _ interesting this summer? im staying with my grandparents ina small village and theres 2___ todo here. There s*__ my age to talk to, My grandparents workall day so they car't take me My parents are coming tomorrow, so | hope welll do’. nice, ‘They are going to take met different for a few days. Say hello to” in your family. See you soon, Olivia (come) for two weeks. 4. Write about your plans. afterschool next weekend ‘on Friday evening this evening 'm going to meet a friend after schoo! RUNS [etrricurerernn re 7 Complete the sentences with your ideas. 1 Everyone | know likes footbal ss 2 Yesterday, | saw someone 3. Nobody wants 4 Everywhere in my town, 5 Does anyone in your class 2 EI whi eames fe yo fe | Grammar Adverbs of manner Jnmm 1 Complete the sentences with adverbs formed from the adjectives below. good happy polite proper quick terrible 1 Amyis pleased, She did well in the interview. 2 You should always speak 3 Ilove my job, and | always go to work to people. 4 Tom dances with him, 5 The kitchen is dirty. You should clean it Nobody wants to dance 6 Lucy always finishes first. She works very 2 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. One sentence is correct. 1 Don't speak angryly to customers. Don't speak angrily to customers. 2 Tims mum is angry. He did terribly in his exams. 3 She likes her job, and she works hardly. 4 The children are playing happy outside. 5 Joe runs very fastly, He wins all his races 6 | didn't have time to do the job proper. 7 You speak English very good. Where did you learn it? 3 Write sentences about you and your family. Use adverbs formed from the adjectives below. ‘bad beautiful fast hard terrible good ene ie To Je Practical English A conversation with a careers teacher aman 11 Decide who says these sentences, the careers teacher [C] or the student|[]. Then put the conversation in the correct order. a Tell me why you'd like to be a firefighter. b I dontt mind working at night. € Id like to do something exciting. What job would you like to do? € Iwant to bea firefighter. f Howdo you feel about working at night? _ 2 Choose the correct words. Teacher: What job would you like to do, Chloe? Chloe: | want to be a nurse. Teacher: Tell me why you'd like to be a nurse. Chloe: (suppose) | mean, Id like to do something rewarding. And | love helping people. Teacher: Great! Do you like working in a team? Actually / You see, nurses always work in teams. Chloe: 1 guess so. / So I'm good in a team, Teacher: How do you feel about working at night? Chloe: That's no problem, ‘Actually /| suppose | dont mind when I work, Teacher: Thats good, because factually / generally speaking, nurses work irregular hours. 3 Choose a career. Complete the conversation with pI your own ideas. :: What job would you like to do? ell me why you want to be. B: I suppose, I like to And I enjoy. A; Great! Do you like. How do you feel about A: Thats good because generally speaking, Peer Your future Career Reading &r= 11 Read the article. What careers do the people want to do? 1 Juan referee 2 Amy aos 8 Gl Pee Ce How are you going to choose your future career? Everyone wants to do something interesting. So why not make a career of your hobby? Read about three teens with plans to do exactly that. “ove football, and | want to bea referee. It's outdoors, and it isn't repetitive, so its perfect. | don't want to continue studying, After school, I'm going to get 2 job and take the referee ‘exams in my free time. | already referee children’s matches at my football club.This summer, I'm going to do a three week referee course.’ Juan, 16, Spain ‘After university, | want to be a journalist, so I'm going to study journalism at university. ‘It isn’t going to be easy, but | want to do something interesting. travel a bit. and meet new people. ‘And | don't want to sit in an office all day. | already write articles for our online school magazine, and-Text year I'm going to join a writers’ club.’ Amy, 15, UK ‘love music, so I'm going to be-a sound engineer and work in music studios and at concerts It's perfect for me because | play the guitar, and | like electronicthings. I'm a night person, and | work well with others. This summer, 'm going work at a music festival. When I leave school, | hope to study at Dublin University’ Carl, 17, Ireland 2 Choose the correct answers. 5 Where does Carl want to work? 1 Juan wants to do something that is a indoors. (varied. ¢ repetitive. 2 He plans to 6 Why is sound engineer the right job for Carl? a gotouniversity. b work at a football club. ¢ leave school and get a job. 3 Amy plans to a leave school early. b work fora magazine. Writing ¢ go to university. 4 Write about your plans for the future. Say: 4 She wants to... 1 what you like and what you want to be. a travelalot. b meet people. 2. why it the right job for you. ¢ have an indoor job. 3 what your career plans are. 5 After school, Carl wants to .. 4 what you're doing now. a play at concerts. b organise festivals. 5 how youre going to get experience. study at university. 6 He wants to work a during the day. b atnight. ¢ alone. 3 Answer the questions. 1 When is Juan going to take the referee exams? 's going to take them in his fr 2 What are his plans for the summer? 1 sol 3. How is Amy getting experience for her future career? 4 What are her plans for next year? ge entree aens Vocabulary Holiday equipment ms 1 Complete the words. 2 Match the words for holiday equipment below to the definitions. flip-flops guidebook insect repellent raincoat suitcase swim shorts swimsuit tent 1 You sleep in this. tent 2 You wear these on your feet. 3 Tom wears them in the sea. 4 This protects your body from mosquitoes. 5 This keeps you dry. 6 Travellers put their clothes in it. 7 You can find information about places in this. 8 Tina wears this in the sea, 3 Complete the sentences. 1 Put suncream on your skin in hot weather. 2 Sleeping ina is sometimes uncomfortable. 3 Icarryan in my bag in case it rains 4 My mum needs two. forall her clothes! 5 I boughta of London before we went. eee een Ways of celebrating a public holiday == 4 Complete the ways of celebrating a public holiday with words in the wordsnake. Use the extra letters to complete one of the expressions. fecardidisplayrdayeaparade,, sas® 5 PeaPYAddeysommsosos®® 1 send acard 2 give 3 watch: 4 have the off 5 wish each other a 6 watcha 7 remember the 8 weara holiday 5 Complete the sentences. 1 People in the UK send cards __at Christmas. 2 In some countries, people remember the on 1* November. 3 The British give to friends and family at Christmas. 4 On 5" November, British people watch displays. 5 In many countries, 1* May isa public holiday and workers have the 6 People wear amazing atthe Rio Carnival 7 Americans love watching on Thanksgiving Day. 8 At Thanksgiving, Americans wish each other a 6 Describe how you celebrate special days in your country. Use these days or your own ideas. Carnival Christmas Day of the Dead Independence Day Three Kings Day (6" January) Carnival day, we wear colourful costu Grammar Present continuous for future & jem 1 Correct the mistakes. One sentence is correct. 1 I meeting a friend this aftermoon : : 2 They're meet friends after school. 3 Katie is leaving at Saturday. 4 What are you doing this tonight? 5 Were going to the shops this afternoon. 6 Harry getting the bus home at 6 p.m. 2 Write present continous sentences. 1. Mum / fly / New York / Friday ‘Mum is flying to New York on Friday. 2 We/ meet /in a café / aftemoon 3 Lucas / camp / with friends / weekend 4 1 / go /surfing / Saturday 5 They / have / pizza / evening 3 Complete the conversation with the present continuous form of the words below. de do do go have meet Dan: What "are you doing this weekend, May? May: 12 my homework on Saturday morning. In the afternoon, i —— Chloe, and we to the sports centre. Dan: * anything in the evening? Sam ¢ a barbecue. May: That sounds great! 4, Write about your plans using the present continuous for future. Spam. Saturday morning this weekend tonight vit apes Happy holidays Ye Review orm 5 Choose the correct answers. 1 There was (@eré)a lot of people in the parade. 2. We come / came home yesterday. 3 She usually goes / is going kayaking in july. 4 Are you camping / Do you camp at the moment? 5 Where were / are you last Saturday? 6 They ‘re driving / drive to the airport right now. 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below. ‘be be fly go notsend stay 1 There were lots of people at Carnival last month. 2 Weusually camping in July 3 They to the US last week. 4 Right now | with my cousin. 5 a parade in the city centre yesterday. 6 She mea card last Christmas. 7 Complete the email with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. fone Hi Rosie, How are you? "Are you enjoying _ (enjoy) your holiday in Greece? Where [Bj 2__(you/ stay)? Last week, | ¥ (be) in Scotland with my parents. ‘We (camp) by the sea. We {be) very lucky because (not rain)! We also (go) to the Edinburgh Festival. (be) some amazing street events. On the last night, there (be) a big fireworks display. There® Now, | grandparents, They farm, and | always ® in the summer. See you next Saturday. Toby (stay) with my (ive) on a (come) here 8 Write an email with your news. Use the text in Exercise 7 to help you. Write 6-8 sentences. pF eee ans RUNG ena fe Yo Jo | etree ie je joe WR

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