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Dalam kalimat simple past tense disebutkan secara spesifik waktu terjadinya seperti yesterday,

last night/week/month, year, this morning, two days ago, two months ago, two years ago, a
month ago, a few minutes, hingga ini 2020. Simple past tense dibagi menjadi tiga berdasarkan
isi kalimatnya.

Pertama, bentuk kalimat positive (+) dengan rumus sebagai berikut: Subjek + Kata Kerja Bentuk
Kedua (V2) Contoh kalimat: I worked yesterday Your learned English since last night We saw a
horror movie two days ago

Kedua, simple past tense bentuk kalimat negative (-) dengan rumus sebagai berikut: S + did not
+ Kata Kerja Bentuk Pertama (V1) Contoh kalimat: I did not worked yesterday You did not
learned English since last night We did not saw a horror movie two days ago

Ketiga, simple past tense bentuk kalimat introgrative (?) dengan rumus sebagai berikut: Did + S
+ V1 Contoh kalimat: Did all the students do the assignment yesterday? Did you go to Jakarta

Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense Untuk lebih memahami materi simple past tense, salah satu
yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan mengerjakan soal-soal terkait.

Soal akan membantu Anda mengetahui seberapa jauh pemahaman tentang materi simple past

Berikut ini contoh soal simple past tense lengkap dengan jawabannya: Tuliskan kembali
kalimat-kalimat berikut ini dengan menggunakan Simple Past Tense.

1. My Mom (write) a letter to Aunt Tina in Japan just now.

Jawaban: My Mom wrote a letter to Aunt Tina in Japan just now.

2. Halimah (give) me some stationery as my birthday present this morning.

Jawaban: Halimah gave me some stationery as my birthday present this morning.

3. The children (sing) together in the choir competition last Sunday.

Jawaban: The children sang together in the choir competition last Sunday.

4. My dad and I (climb) Papandayan Mount together three months ago.

Jawaban: My dad and I climbed Papandayan Mount together three months ago.

5. Niken (fall) from her bike yesterday evening.

Jawaban: Niken fell from her bike yesterday evening.

6. Riana (not receive) the announcement last week.

Jawaban: Riana did not receive the announcement last week.

7. The students (not read) the text to discuss yesterday morning.

Jawaban: The students did not read the text to discuss yesterday morning.

8. Mr Joni (not teach) Math here last year.

Jawaban: Mr Joni did not teach Math here last year.

9. (he speak) politely to his elder brother just now?

Jawaban: Did he speak politely to his elder brother just now?

10. (the girls dance) beautifully on the main stage last night?

Jawaban: Did the girls dance beautifully on the main stage last night? Pilihan Ganda

11. She … her dog everyday

A. To feed B. Feed C. Feeds D. Feeding Jawaban: Feeds

12. I … always … to the dentist

A. Do not, go B. Does not, go C. Do not, went D. Does not, went Jawaban: A. Do not, go

13. Mozart ___________ more than 600 pieces of music.

A. Writes B. Wrote C. Writed D. Was wrote Jawaban: B. Wrote 14. We _______ David in town a
few days ago.

A. did see B. Was saw C. Did saw D. Saw Jawaban: A. Did see

15. It was cold, so I _____________ the window.

A. Shut B. Was shut C. Am shut D. Shutted

Contoh soal simple past tense kelas 8 pilihan ganda.

1. I __________In Solo last week.

A. Were B. Was C. Am D. Is

Jawaban: B

2. My mother was in the kitchen, she __________ some cakes for four hours ago.

A. Cooked B. Cooks C. Cooking D. Cook

Jawaban: A3. He __________ always study hard when he was a student.

A. Did not B. Does not C. Do not D. Did

Jawaban: A4. Shela: hi mela, what did you do last night?Mela: .

A. I am watching drama series on VIU last night

B. I watch drama series on VIU last night

C. I watched drama series on VIU last night

D. I watches drama series on VIU last night

Jawaban: C5.

Arrange the jumbled words below into good sentences of simple past tense (susunlah kata acak dibawah
ini menjadi kalimat yang benar dalam bentuk simple past tense)

1. Ignored 2. last day 3. She 4. my call

A. 2-1-3-4

B. 4-1-2-1

C. 3-1-2-4

D. 3-1-4-2

Jawaban: D

6. Mr. Angga _____________Mr. Joe in the afternoon.

A. Meet B. Have met C. Has met D. Met

Jawaban: C

7. The children _____and______

A. Sing and dance B. Were singing and dancing C. Sang and danced D. Had sung and danced

Jawaban: D8. She ___________out of the window.

A. Looks B. Looked C. Had looked D. Look

Jawaban: B

9. The boy __________ tell lies

A. Did not B . Do not C. Does not D. Had not

Jawaban: A

10. Students_________ in the class

A. Drinks B. Dunk C. Did not drink D. Does not drink

Jawaban: C

11. Arrange the jumbled words below into good sentences of simple past tense.

1. At 2. yesterday 3. they 4. the 5. lunch 6. had 7. Restaurant

A. 4 3 5 6 1 2 7

B. 4 5 6 1 2 3 4

C. 3 6 5 1 4 7 2

D. 3 6 5 7 1 4 2

Jawaban: C

12. Dona. this delicious food for us, 1 hour ago

A. Cooking B. Cooked C. Cooks D. Cook

Jawaban: B

13. I.. this floor yesterday

A. Swept B. Sweep C. Sweeps D. Sweeped

Jawaban: A

14. Ito the school alone yesterday

A. Walk B. Walked C. Walks D. Walking

Jawaban: B

15. Wein this restaurant 2 days ago

A. Ate B. Eaten C. Eating D. Eat

Jawaban: A

16. Iin this sofa with him

A. Sleeping B. Sleep C. Slept D. Sleped

Jawaban: C

17. We each other 2 years ago

A. Love B. Be loving C. Are love D. Loved

Jawaban: D

18. Ithis scissors to cut the grass yesterday

A. Cuted B. Cuting C. Cut D. Be cutted

Jawaban: C

19 he read novel last night?

A. Do B. Did C. Done D. Are

Jawaban: B

20. My brother.this novel yesterday

A. Reading B. Reads C. Read D. Readed

Jawaban: C

21. Weto the collage yesterday

A. Walking B. Walk C. Walked D. Be walking

Jawaban: C

22. My studentshard last night

A. Study B. Studied C. Was study D. Studying

Jawaban: B

23. My about this mathematic last year

A. Taught B. Teaching C. Teaches D. Teach

Jawaban: A

24. Ia cake to your house last night

A. Bring B. Brought C. Brings D. Bringing

Jawaban: B

25. active student last year

A. Were B. Was C. IsD . Are Jawaban: B

26. He didnt . . . . . the answer for that question

A. Knew B. Knows C. Know D. Knowing

Jawaban: C

27. Ten years ago, a holiday trip to Australia . . . . . cheap.

A. Was not B. Did not C. Were not D. Is not

Jawaban: A

28. Maria to market 2 days ago.

A. Go B. Goes C. Went D. Gone

Jawaban: C

29. She bought a t-shirt

A. Yesterday B. Tomorrow C. Tonight D. Today

Jawaban: A

30. It small size.

A. Does B. Do C. Are D. Was

Jawaban: D

31. Miss Yoannita . . . . . here yesterday

A. Is B. Are C. Was D. Were

Jawaban: C

32. Maman . . . . . the Headmaster of my school in 2010.

A. Is B. Was C. Were D. Are

Jawaban: B

33. She didnt . . . . . her holiday anywhere

A. Spen tB. Spending C. Spend D. Spends

Jawaban: C

34. Did he . . . . . english last night?

A. Studies B. Studied C. Study D. Studying

Jawaban: C

35. They . . . . . a soccer player before the accident happened.

A. Am B. Are C. Was D. Were

Jawaban: D

A. Complete these sentences below!

1. I (be)____________at the cinema last night

Jawaban: was

2. They (be)___________late for the interview

Jawaban: were

3. __________ (be) she beautiful?Jawaban: was

4. Why (be) _______you late?Jawaban: were

5. He (study, not)_______last night

Jawaban: did not study

B. Change the sentences into simple past form!

1. The boys bring a bag.

Jawaban: The boys brought a bag.

2. She buy a new dress.

Jawaban: She brought a new dress.

3. She does not do the home work.

Jawaban: She did not do the home work.

4. Does She visit her family?

Jawaban: Did she visit her family?

5. She is a rich women.

Jawaban: She was a rich women.

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