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Governments either the epitome of incompetence or the minds of the people collectively dwarfed by a single toad flattened on the


Strike One
Satanic under public pressure introduce the

Canadian Bill of Rights PFEE

Prima Facia Evidence Exposed Original PRICK words to paper self admitted by the introduction of the Bill of Rights ever persistent to justify the S to their interests instead of enforcing with prerequisite punishment "Recompense injury with justice recompense kindness with kindness" Whistleblowers harassed instead of provided the red carpet The Canadian Bill of Rights is a federal statute and bill of rights enacted by Prime Minister John Diefenbaker's government on August 10, 1960. It provides Canadians with certain quasi-constitutional[1]rights in relation to other federal statutes. It was the earliest expression of human rights law at the federal level in Canada, though an Implied Bill of Rights had already been recognized.[1] The Canadian Bill of Rights remains in effect,

but its widely acknowledged ineffectiveness

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms was adopted in 1982.

Strike Two
Satanic under public pressure introduce the

Canadian Charter of Rights
The innumerable issues of inconsistencies with the Constitution governed by the Supremacy of God that obstructed the SOS Sanctity of Spirit Left this individual's guaranteed Charter rights unprotected and recompensed irrefutably proven were provided to all political parties and innumerable others whose -email addresses are published in the AAAALIST prior to Stephen Harper becoming Prime Minister and after, that instead of acting in the S of the Constitution addressing all inconsistencies obstructive to the SOS administering due punishment with exemplary attentiveness to deterrence with the Constitution Establishment having had every opportunity to address the admitted incompetence of their predecessors to structure an effective due process to equally protect and benefit all people as has been mandatory consistent with the Principles of Democracy and the

Rule of Law not subject to

cannot address every situation with the

governing S - Spirit vividly defined we can deem the realities of the legal system

Strike Three
Satanic under public pressure introduce the

Accountability Act, 2006

Again refuse to apply the S monolithic Sanity Clause persistent to using their Satanic Clause Have the people believe they are Santa Clause allowing the Satanic HAT to fill their PRICK bags to over flowing The trickle down effect will seem like pennies from heaven invariably the means the Satanic Thy Kingdom satisfaction comes

Not a Human Achievement

Who knew?
I for 1 Enough to grow to monolithic proportions

United Nations League of Nations failed to prevent WW II

Strike One
Created United Nations to prevent Illegal aggression, reduce the impoverished and prevent WWW III Failed to stop USA illegal aggression Afghanistan and Iraq and played a major role in world economics financial collapse

Strike Two
World War III

Strike III and we are all out

How much does the world economy suffer financing these Satanic Assholes?

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