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Questions Answer

1. What symbols or images are a. Culture: Respect is the general perception of

depicted in Filipinos.
the portrait? Choose at least three (3) committed to their families and upholders of
significant symbols. Explain each. customs, highlighting the significance of cultural

b. Heroes: Various professions during the

epidemic symbolize modern heroes, emphasizing
common people acts in addition to community
voluntary activity.

c. Sacrifice: Individuals have to decide between

pursuing opportunities abroad and serving their
country, demonstrating the conflict between the
needs of their country and their own goals.
2. What is the message of the photos The image's main theme is about cultural
given above? Can you relate to R.A. bravery, selflessness, and individuality,
1425? highlighting how interdependent these aspects are
in Filipino society. It aligns itself with R.A. 1425,
emphasizing historical studies, the expansion of the
contemporary understanding of heroism, and
research on national heroes of the Philippines like
Jose Rizal. R.A. finds resonance in the sacrificial
motif. The declaration of consciousness and respect
for the selfless acts of Filipino heroes in 1425. In
addition, the conflict between personal goals and
national duty is reminiscent of two of Rizal's
themes: nationalism and selfless devotion.

3. Who do you think is the intended In addition to appealing to a wider audience, the
audience for the poster? Explain poster especially addresses Filipinos. Through its
portrayal of cultural values, bravery, and sacrifice,
it promotes a sense of community and national
pride while also serving as a reminder to people of
their social obligations. This meets R.A. standards.
The goals of 1425 are to have Filipinos become
more nationalistic and patriotic.

Nathaniel Madrigal


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