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Republic of the Philippines

Region 02
Schools Division Office of Isabela
Cordon North District
Cordon, Isabela
SCHOO Dallao Elementary School Grade FOUR
GRADE 1 to 12 L Level
DAILY LESSON TEACH Eugene R. Camahin Quarter THIRD
I. Objectives Using adverbs (adverbs of manner, place, and time) in sentences

A. Content Standards The learner listens critically to various text types and expresses ideas
accurately in both oral and written forms

B. Performance Standards Demonstrates confidence in the use of the language to meet everyday

C. Learning Competencies/Objectives Use adverbs (adverbs of manner, place, and time) in sentences
(Write the LC code for each)

II. Content Adverbs of Place, Time, and Manner

III. Learning Resources E-Video Lesson


1.Teacher’s Guide pages MELC page 135

2.Learner’s Materials pages SLM ENGLISH 4 QUARTER 3 MODULE 1 pages 1-17

3.Textbook pages

4.Additional Materials from Learning Resources (LR) Portal


Other Learning Resources


A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new Arrange the jumbled letters into their correct spelling. Write your answer
lesson in your answer sheet.

1. nidies – answers where the action happened

2. yadot – answers to when the action happened
3. admly – answers how the action happened

B. .Establishing a purpose for the lesson Read the following sentences carefully. Choose the correct adverb in each
to form a sentence inside the box below. Write your answer in your
answer sheet.

Inside the room Madly Today

1. Mother went ________________.

2. We will have our exam _______.
3. She was ________ criticized by the people.

4. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson Inside the room is an example of adverb of place, today is an example of
adverb of time and madly is an example of adverb of manner.

5. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills A. Adverbs of manner tell how things are done. They answer the
#1 question “how.” Most adverbs of manner are formed from
Examples: slow-slowly, kind-kindly

1. Grandmother walks slowly down the stairs.

2. Mom asked kindly if we still want more food

B. Adverb of Place are words that answers “where”. Some

adverbs of place also function as prepositions. The most
common are AT, IN and ON.
- In general, we use at for a point
Example: Jane is waiting at the bus stop for you.
- In for an enclosed area
Examples: Sarah opened the front door and went in.
- On for a surface
Examples: You are standing on my foot.

1. I cannot find it anywhere.

2. He put the book on the shelf above.

C. Adverbs of time tell “when” an action is done.


1. The team practiced last Monday.

2. Mother will teach me how to bake today.

6. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills Write AP if the phrase is an adverb of place, AT for adverb of time, and
#2 AM for Adverb of Manner.

1. _____ last week

2. _____ at home

3. _____ noisily

4. _____ in October

5. _____ gently

6. _____ at the park

7. _____ behind the door

7. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative A. Using Adverbs of Manner. Analyze the following sentences
Assessment) carefully. Write the letter of the correct adverb of manner on your
answer sheet.
1. When the leader talks too ___________, it is difficult to understand
what he’s trying to say.
A. quick B. quickly C. slowly
2. The singers ________ followed the directions of their conductor.
A. easily B. goodly C. well
3. The audience cheered __________ at the great show.
A. gently B. loudly C. successfully
4. Children _________ joined the parlor games.
A. angrily B. excitedly C. sadly
5. Participants waited for their turn __________.
A. correctly B. loudly C. patiently
B. Using Adverbs of Place. Complete each sentence by writing the
appropriate adverb of place on your answer sheet. Choose your
answer from the words in the box.

in the library at the park everywhere

outdoors on the seashore

1. We enjoy having picnic ____________________.

2. Children love to read books __________________.
3. It is nice to exercise _____________________.
4. We can see God’s creations _______________.
5. They enjoyed making sand castles ____________.

C. Using Adverbs of Time. Choose the letter of the correct adverb

of time to complete the sentences.
1. Mother went to market __________________.

A. today B. tomorrow C. yesterday

2. Sister will help me do my homework __________.

A. later B. last Tuesday C. a few hours ago

3. She will wash our dirty clothes_____________.

A. last night B. on Wednesday C. never

4. I promise to clean my room _____________

A. last year B. tomorrow C. yesterday

5. I am busy working on my projects ______________.

A. tomorrow B. last week C. now

8. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in Ask: Who among you goes to the supermarket? What are the things that
daily living we do when we go to the supermarket? Here are some of the things that
we do when we go to the supermarket.

Read the sentences below and choose the adverbs in each sentence. Write
your answer in your answer sheet.

1. My mother bought tilapia at the supermarket.

2. My mother went to the supermarket yesterday.
3. My mother happily went to go shopping.
9. Making generalizations and abstractions about the Complete the following sentences.
lesson These words describe or modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.
They are called (1) _______. The adverbs that answer the question where is
an adverb of (2) ___________, adverbs of (3) ___________ tell when or
how frequent an action is done, and adverbs of (4) ______________
answers the question how.

Place Adverbs Time Manner

10. Evaluating Learning Complete each sentence by using the appropriate adverb of place or time.
Choose your answer from the phrases in the box then write it on your
answer sheet.
last Sunday last month in school
next summer
early in the morning at home at the front yard
1. Mother prepared breakfast___________________.
2. Father keeps himself busy by fixing the fence
3. We missed Grandmother so we visited her __________ after
4. Parents train us in doing household chores ______.
5. My brother bought a new bike _______________.
6. Our teachers teach us to read ______________.
7. For the ____________, we plan to visit Boracay.

Write or compose clear and coherent sentences using adverbs

of manner from the given choices.

8. It is important to have notes organized __________.

9. Pupils should __________ join school activities.
10. Everybody should practice answering exams __________.
honestly properly Actively

11. Additional activities for application or remediation Popcorn Graphic Organizers

Think of as many adverbs as you

can and create your own Popcorn

Graphic Organizer for the three types

of adverbs to show them.

Here is an example of a Popcorn

Graphic Organizer for Adverbs of Time.

V .Remarks
A. No. of learners who earned 80% of the formative
B. No. of learners who require additional activities to
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did

these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or

supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized material did I use/discover

which I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Approved by:


Teacher School Head

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