Clase 3 PM 2

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wallet flower pot


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1) Discúlpame! Yo he olvidado mi billetera en casa
2) Tenés vos un cenicero?
3) Yo compraré tres macetas para mis nuevas plantas
4) Tené cuidado! El pollo está aún en el horno
5) No tenemos luz! Sabes vos dónde están las velas?
6) Hay muchas piedras en este camino
7)Dale los crayones a los niños
8) Podrías vos poner la mesa? Aquí tienes el mantel
9) Podría usar tu inodoro por favor?
10) Yo no puedo encontrar el encendedor!
11) Vos sabes dónde está mi cartuchera?
12) Pásame la lapicera por favor
1) What are your plans today at night?
2) When was the last time you meet your friends?
3) How many times a week do you train?
4) Are you an anxious person? Why yes or why not?
5) Would you like to change some habit in your daily life?
6) What has been your greatest achievement this month?
7) Did you have a bad experience in this last time?
8) Which is your favourite season? Why?
9) Did you have a stressfull situation lately?
10) How is an ideal weekend for you?
11) Do you look like your dad or mum? In what aspects?
12) Do you have a best friend?
13)Have you been disappointed about something recently?
14)Do you have a hobby?
15)What is the economical situation in the country that you are living
16) Are you a tidy person or an untidy person?

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