T.L.E. 9 Module 3 Activity Answers

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List down at least five factors to consider in establishing a crop farm or a vegetable garden.

1. Climate and Soil Conditions

2. Water Availability and Irrigation

3. Sunlight Exposure

4. Crop Selection and Rotation

5. Land Topography and Drainage


Read each statement carefully. Write T if the statement is correct. If it is false, change the underlined word/s that will
make the statement correct.

T 1. One of the best practices when it comes to planning is conducting a feasibility study.

Flexible 2. The location of the farm and the layout should be fixed.

Longer 3. The shorter the distance of the water supply, the higher the capital and the maintenance cost are.

T 4. The amount invested for facilities and equipment would somehow influence the yields of the farm.

T 5. Plants are dependent on the nutrients of the soil in which they are planted.

Regular 6. Irregular farm arrangement leads to efficient and profitable farming experience.

T 7. The quantity of the soil can be upgraded by applying good management strategies.

Organic 8. Manure is a good source of inorganic matter.

T 9. The tools and equipment are kept in an orderly manner inside a cabinet or a box.

T 10. Contour map helps determine the most appropriate way to lay out the fields and irrigation systems.


Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What do you call the irrigation system where water is distributed across the land through the use of watering cans?
a. drip irrigation

b. localized irrigation

c. manual irrigation

d. surface irrigation

2. What is the irrigation system where water is spread under low pressure, through a pipe network and is applied to each

a. localized irrigation

b. manual irrigation

c. surface irrigation

d. sprinkler irrigation

3. What is the other term for trickle irrigation?

a. drip irrigation

b. manual irrigation

c. surface irrigation

d. sprinkler irrigation

4. What is the other term for flood irrigation?

a. drip irrigation

b. localized irrigation

c. manual irrigation

d. surface irrigation

5. What do you call the irrigation system that can be associated to water rainfall, wherein the water is being distributed
in the crop area through a system of pipes?

a. localized irrigation

b. manual irrigation

c. surface irrigation

d. sprinkler irrigation

Identify what is being asked in each of the statements. Write your answer on the line.

Nursery Seeding 1. It is a method of planting the seeds first in a seed box.

Rainfed Agriculture 2. It sustains crops through direct rainfall.

Direct Seeding 3. It is a method of planting crops where seeds are planted directly on the field.

Irrigation 4. It is the artificial application of water to the soil by means of tubes, pumps, or sprays.
Broadcast Seeding 5. It is a method of direct seeding where seeds or grains are scattered and spread over a well-
prepared soil.


Identify what is being asked in each of the statements. Write your answer on the line.

Nursery Seeding 1. It is a method of planting the seeds first in a seed box.

Rainfed Agriculture 2. It sustains crops through direct rainfall.

Direct Seeding 3. It is a method of planting crops where seeds are planted directly on the field.

Irrigation 4. It is the artificial application of water to the soil by means of tubes, pumps, or sprays.

Broadcast Seeding 5. It is a method of direct seeding where seeds or grains are scattered and spread over a well-
prepared soil.


Identify what is being asked in the following statements. Write your answer on the line.

Pond Design 1. This refers to the framework where the pond will be constructed.

Quality of Materials 2. This is another concern of a fish farmer in purchasing materials aside from the reputation of the

Documentation/Records 3. This should be kept for record purposes.

User Manual 4. This refers to a material that should be read, analyzed, and reviewed carefully for proper usage and
performance of an equipment.

Water Quality Management 5. This maintains the water quality of the pond.


Complete the crossword puzzle below.


4. This is basically a decomposed plant or animal waste.

5. This stimulates the development of healthy leaf growth through the production of chlorophyll.

6. This is done by manually uprooting the weeds from the soil.

7. This refers to solid wastes of hogs, chickens, and cattle which improve and maintain the soil.

8. This is a fertilizer that is derived from compost, manure, and remains from plants or animals.

9. This is an essential element for proper management of crops for better yields.


1. This is done by spreading the fertilizer over the field.

2. This is the most common growth enhancer.

3. This is also known as commercial fertilizer.

6. This is a chemical that eliminates weeds.


Match the items in column A with the items in column B. Write your answer on the line.

C 1. This refers to the total concentration of calcium and a. ammonia
magnesium ions in fresh water.
B 2. This comes from atmospheric oxygen and photosynthesis. b. DO
A 3. These are waste products or nitrogenous metabolism of c. hardness
aquatic organisms.
D 4. This measures the acidity or alkalinity present in pond d. pH
E 5. It indicates the saltiness in the body of water. e. salinity
f. temperature

Read each statement carefully. Write T if the statement is true. If it is false, change the underlined word/s to make the
statement correct.

T 1. Spring flows naturally from a permeable rock that transmits groundwater to the Earth's surface.

T 2. Deep well is an excavated source of water that has an access to groundwater.

RESERVOIR 3. Lake is a storage space of water.

T 4. River is a natural freshwater that flows towards the other bodies of water like ocean, sea, and lake.

RAINFALL RUNOFF 5. Irrigation canal is a source of water that may only be applicable during rainy season or in a short
period of time.

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