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Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

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Bio-functional properties of probiotic Lactobacillus:

current applications and research perspectives

Jagrani Minj, Priyanka Chandra, Catherine Paul & Rakesh Kumar Sharma

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Sharma (2020): Bio-functional properties of probiotic Lactobacillus: current applications
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Published online: 10 Jun 2020.

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Bio-functional properties of probiotic Lactobacillus: current applications and

research perspectives
Jagrani Minja, Priyanka Chandrab, Catherine Paula, and Rakesh Kumar Sharmac
Department of Food Science and Technology, Nebraska Innovation Campus (NIC), University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA; bICAR-
Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal, India; cDepartment of Biosciences, Manipal University Jaipur, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

Lactic acid bacteria as a starter culture are very important component in the fermentation process Bioactive metabolites; lactic
of dairy and food industry. Application of lactic acid bacteria as probiotic bacteria adds more func- acid bacteria;
tionality to the developed product. Gut colonizing bacteria have attractive benefits related to Lactobacillus; probiotics
human health. Bio-functional properties such as antimicrobial activity, anti-inflammatory, ACE-
inhibitory, antioxidant, antidiarrheal, antiviral, immunomodulatory, hypocholesterolemic, anti-dia-
betic and anti-cancer activities are the most applicable research areas of lactic acid bacteria.
Different strains of Lactobacillus are generally consumed as probiotics and colonize the gastro-
intestinal tract. Sometimes these bacteria may possess antimicrobial activity and may positively
influence the effect of antibiotics. Use of Lactobacillus spp. for the development of functional
foods is one of the promising areas of current research and applications. Individual bacterial spe-
cies have unique biological activity, which may vary from strains to strains and identification of
this uniqueness could be helpful in the development of functional and therapeutic food products.

Introduction generation probiotics (O’Toole, Marchesi, and Hill 2017). As

the research is progressing, different related concepts includ-
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) group are known to play an
ing paraprobiotics (inactivated probiotics), postbiotics (bio-
important role in the fermentation processes in small house-
active soluble factors: produced by bacterial metabolism or
holds, food and dairy industry. Among different LAB,
released from cell rupture) and psychobiotics (probiotics,
Lactobacillus are mainly used for the production of lactic
which provide mental health benefits) have also been intro-
acid but these are also responsible for the production
duced (Barros et al. 2020). However, the role of lactobacilli
organic acids, gas, flavor, aroma and texture development in
the food and dairy products. These bacteria are also known in all these preparations may be well correlated.
to boost therapeutic and health benefits to the consumers. Lactobacillus species are widely used in the dairy prepara-
The health promoting properties of any LAB is related to its tions because of its efficient fermentation ability and related
probiotic characteristics. Definition of probiotics is “live health benefits (Tachedjian et al. 2017). On food processing
microorganisms which when administered in adequate point of view, the role of Lactobacillus is not limited to fer-
amounts confer a health benefit on the host”. Probiotic bac- mentation but also deals with therapeutic aspects.
teria enters into the human gastrointestinal tract and adhere Consumers’ awareness is steadily increasing about the health
to the intestinal epithelial cells and shows various beneficial benefits of fermented food, thus, numerous functional foods
biological activities, like competitive adhesion to the epithe- with probiotics (i.e., fermented foods containing probiotic
lial layer and production of small antimicrobial molecules microbes as starters or adjuncts culture) are readily available
and peptides that suppress the harmful bacteria, stimulation in the market. Therapeutic properties of Lactobacillus are
of various immunomodulatory cytokines for the balance of regulated by the metabolites produced during fermentation,
pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines, produc- which posses unique functional properties (Plaza-Diaz et al.
tion of anti-tumor compounds, bacteriocins (glycoproteins, 2019). Some bioactive peptides having a positive influence
which possesses antimicrobial and bactericidal activity) etc. on human health are either produced through degradation
Positive health effects of probiotics in the combination of of food proteins during food processing or food digestion.
prebiotics (collectively known as synbiotics) have also been Applications of enzymes e.g. phytases from LAB in food
reported (Markowiak and Slizewska 2017). Such formula- processing industries to enhance the micronutrient uptake
tions may positively influence the growth of bacteria in have been well explored (Sharma, Chandel, et al. 2020).
human intestine. Probiotic bacteria with some additional Numerous studies have been conducted targeting the pro-
properties have also been explored and developed as next duction and physiological actions of bioactive peptides, i.e.

CONTACT R. K. Sharma Department of Biosciences, Manipal University Jaipur, Jaipur 303007, Rajasthan, India;
Priyanka Chandra ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal, India
ß 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

antioxidants, antimicrobial, antithrombotic and immuno- contradictory results were also reported while using a com-
modulatory activities (Chandra and Vij 2018; Chandra, mercial probiotic preparation including L. acidophilus, L.
Sharma, and Singh Arora 2020). Thus, this comprehensive rhamnosus and L. sporogenes, which revealed that these pro-
review includes the compilation of bio-functional properties biotics were not as effective as the antibiotics used for eradi-
of common Lactobacillus spp., which are used as probiotics cation of H. pylori infection (Lee, Shih, et al. 2017). On the
or as starter cultures in the dairy and other food products. other hand, inhibitory action of L. acidophilus and L. planta-
Some of the Lactobacillus species used as probiotics in dairy rum against multidrug-resistant enteroaggregative
products are discussed in detail and enlisted in Table 1. Escherichia coli (MDR-EAEC) increased when all these
microbes were co-cultured. The synergistic antimicrobial
effect of both the probiotic bacteria was significantly higher
Lactobacillus acidophilus as compared to the individual probiotic bacteria (Kumar
Lactobacillus acidophilus is a normal flora of intestine, et al. 2016). Probiotic L. acidophilus ATCC 4357 played a
mouth and vagina in humans. According to several research key role in mediating the electro-neutral NaCl absorption in
findings, it provides various health benefits to the host by the intestinal epithelial luminal membrane NHE3 (Naþ/Hþ
the production of a variety of vitamins and enzymes exchanger 3) and DRA (Down-regulated in Adenoma; Cl/
(Akolkar, Sajgure, and Lele 2005). Enzyme lactase has been HCO3 exchanger). L. acidophilus ATCC 4357 thus counter-
known for the metabolic breakdown of lactose sugar into acted the inhibition of NHE3 and DRA expression in the
glucose and galactose. These broken smaller sugar molecules mice infected with Citrobacter rodentium (Kumar
are easily absorbed by the human intestinal cells. et al., 2016).
Additionally, the enzyme lactase may acts as a therapeutic Production of short chain fatty acids by L. acidophilus
agent for the lactose intolerance people. L. acidophilus is ATCC 4357 also enhanced its functional property. A short-
used in the making of yoghurt (as an additional culture), chain fatty acid butyrate was produced by this bacterium,
dahi, soy based fermented products like miso and tempeh which served as a major substrate for colonocytes and
and some fermented dairy products in food and dairy indus- reduced mucosal inflammation, and also stimulated NaCl
try. It can either be used as a single organism or in the com- absorption. L. acidophilus ATCC 4357 significantly increased
bination with one or more other microbes as per the Monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1) mediated butyrate
requirement of the final products. Gut LAB L. acidophilus uptake in Caco-2 cells. Furthermore, the culture supernatant
Pul13_14 may breakdown the starchy branched a-glucan of L. acidophilus ATCC 4357 enhanced the apical membrane
oligomers into short a-1, 6-branches. These starch glycans, levels of MCT1 protein by decreasing its basal endocytosis.
branched a-1, 6-glucans and glycogen act as a pool of meta- It also attenuated enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) mediated
bolic resources (prebiotics) for the intestinal microorganisms endocytosis of MCT1 and inhibition of butyrate uptake
because these are not degraded by the human enzymes (Kumar et al. 2015).
(Møller et al. 2017). Anti-candidal effects of probiotic L. acidophilus have
Probiotic L. acidophilus NCFM exhibited adherence prop- been reported earlier that could be a good choice for the
erty to the intestinal epithelial cells (Celebioglu et al. 2017). treatment of candidal infections (Matsubara et al. 2016).
Therapeutic application of L. acidophilus has been mostly EPS producing L. acidophilus strains are particularly useful
studied as antimicrobial, antiviral and toward eradication of in the yoghurt production. Co-culture of Bifidobacterium
diarrhea. L. acidophilus has also been very active against animalis subsp. lactis and L. acidophilus La5 produced EPS,
rotaviruses, enterobacteriaceae and candida infection. which may be directly used as natural antioxidants in the
Rotaviruses are the main cause of acute gastroenteritis and food industry (Amiri et al. 2019). Anti-diabetic potential of
diarrheal conditions mainly in children under the age of probiotic yoghurt containing L. acidophilus La5 and
5 years. Research work has been carried out on the preven- Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12 have been reported to improve
tion of rotavirus diarrhea using many probiotic bacteria, fasting blood glucose in patients (300 g/day) with type 2 dia-
among them L. acidophilus has demonstrated its potential to betes and it also improved the antioxidant enzyme level
inhibit infection of rotavirus under in vitro conditions. It (Ejtahed et al. 2012).
also decreased the duration of diarrhea in the pediatric
patients. The synergistic inhibitory action of probiotic bac-
Lactobacillus casei
teria L. acidophilus and Bifidobacterium longum against rota-
virus infections has also been reported (Lee et al. 2015). Lactobacillus casei is commonly found in human intestine
Antimicrobial activity of L. acidophilus is governed by the and considered as safe probiotic bacteria for the consump-
production of bacteriocins like acidocin, acidophilin, acido- tion. L. casei is a dominant species of nonstarter LAB gener-
philicin, acidophilucin, lactacins B, F and some organic acids ally used during the ripening process of cheddar cheese. L.
(Dinev et al. 2018). The antimicrobial activity of L. acidoph- casei also possesses numerous health promotional and pro-
ilus against Listeria monocytogenes, Helicobacter pylori, tective activities. Recently, a significant increase in different
Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aerugi- biological activities such as anti-cancer, antioxidant and
nosa, Salmonella, Shigella and Bacillus species has already angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory activities were
been confirmed. Helicobacter pylori infection has been reported during the storage of probiotic L. casei ATCC 393
treated with the probiotic supplementations but some of the (Abdel-Hamid et al. 2019). Cytotoxic activity against various

Table 1. Bio-functional properties of different Lactobacillus strains.

Starter culture /Used in Used dose/initial
dairy products/ concentrations and
S. No. Lactobacillus strain Food Products Biological activities time duration References
1. L. acidophilus NA Antibacterial activity, 5  107 CFU (48 h of (Shao et al. 2017)
ATCC 4356 Cholesterol lowering ability fermentation)
2. L. acidophilus NA Anti-tumor and immune 108 CFU (72 h of fermentation) (Hsieh et al. 2016)
BCRC 14079 modulatory activity
3. L. acidophilus W37 NA Antimicrobial activity 109 CFU (24–48 h of (Campana et al. 2017)
4. L. acidophilus La NA Antioxidant activity 3 days of fermentation (Lin and Chen 2017)
5. L. acidophilus NCFM NA Antioxidant activity 5  108 CFU/mL (6 h of (Hougaard et al. 2016)
6. L. acidophilus NCDC-15 Fermented milk (Lassi) ACE-inhibitory activity Cell free supernatant (12 h of (Padghan et al. 2017)
7. L. acidophilus LA-5 Iranian fermented Decontamination of 107 CFU/mL (28 d) (Sarlak et al. 2017)
milk drink Aflatoxins M1
8. L. acidophilus NA Maintenance of 103–106 CFU (3-9 d) (Azevedo et al. 2012)
ATCC NCFM immunological homeostasis
9. L. acidophilus NCC90 Synbiotic yoghurt Effect on bone mineralization 1–5  106 CFU/g (7 d) (Scholz-Ahrens
et al. 2016)
10. L. delbrueckii ssp. NA Antioxidant property EPS fraction (48 h of (Tang et al. 2017)
bulgaricus SRFM-1 fermentation)
11. L. delbrueckii ssp. NA Anti-biofilm Activity 107–108 CFU/mL (48 h of (Sarikaya, Aslim, and
bulgaricus A-12 fermentation) Yuksekdag 2017)
12. L. delbrueckii ssp. NA Antiproliferative activity 108 CFU/mL (28 d) (Sah et al. 2016)
bulgaricus Lb1466
13. L. bulgaricus Yogurt Immune stimulating activity 109 CFU (18 h of fermentation) (Makino et al. 2016)
14. Lactobacillius casei SB27 NA Antitumor activity 1.5  109 CFU/mL (EPS (Di et al. 2017)
fraction,36 h of
15. L. casei KNE-1 Fermented milk Thiamine and 0to 24 d  et al. 2015)
Riboflavin producers
16. L. casei CRL 431 Fermented milk Anti-tumor activity 1.2  10 CFU/day (2 d)
(Bonet et al. 2005)
17. L. casei strain Shirota Fermented milk Anti-hypertensive activity 0.9–40  109CFU (3 times (Aoyagi et al. 2017)
per week)
18. L. casei PRA205 Parmigiano Probiotic property 109 CFU/mL (10 months of (Solieri et al. 2014)
Reggiano cheese fermentation)
19. L. fermentum LB-69 NA Anti-biofilm activity 107–108 CFU/mL (48 h of (Sarikaya, Aslim, and
fermentation) Yuksekdag 2017)
20. L. fermentum KJ23 Fermented stinky bean Cell surface 109 CFU/mL (24 h of (Jampaphaeng, Cocolin,
(Sataw-Dong) hydrophobicity activity fermentation) and Maneerat 2017)
21. L. fermentum Fermented melinjo flour Antioxidant and DNA damage 108 cells/mL (48 h of (Siswoyo, Ardyati, and
protection activity fermentation) Hosokawa 2017)
22. L. fermentum I5007 Fermented milk Alteration of intestinal 6  109 CFU/day (14 days) (Liu et al. 2014)
microbial composition,
especially reduction in
Clostridium spp.
23. L. fermentum I5007 NA Antioxidant and anti- 5  109 CFU/day (7 days) (Hou et al. 2014)
inflammatory activity
24. L. fermentum I5007 NA Alleviation of oxidative stress 20 ml of 108 CFU/mL (21 d) (Wang et al. 2013)
25. L. helveticus MTCC5463 Swiss cheese, Parmesan Proteolytic activity 107 CFU/mL (12 h of (Hati, Sakure, and
cheese, Romano fermentation) Mandal 2017)
cheese, Provolone
cheese and
Mozzarella cheese
26. L. helveticus IMAU80851 Traditional fermented ACE-Inhibitory activity 106 CFU/mL (18 h of (Chen et al. 2015)
dairy product fermentation)
27. L. helveticus KLDS1.8701 Fermented Antifungal activity 107 CFU/mL (24 h of (Bian et al. 2016)
soybean milk fermentation)
28. L. helveticus MB2-1 Fermented whey Antioxidant activity EPS fractions (Li et al. 2014)
29. L. plantarum GD-2 NA Anti-biofilm activity 10 –108 CFU/mL (48 h of
(Sarikaya, Aslim, and
fermentation) Yuksekdag 2017)
30. L. plantarum 55 NA Anti-inflammatory, 108 CFU/mL (Peptide (Aguilar-Toala
antihemolytic, fractions,48 h of et al. 2017)
antioxidant activity fermentation)
31. L. plantarumLAT3 Fermented milk ACE-inhibitory activity 107 CFU/mL (Peptide fractions, (Chaves-L opez
36 h of fermentation) et al. 2014)
32. L. plantarum WHE92 Munster cheese Pathogen inhibitor 105 CFU/ml (7 d) (Ennahar, Assobhei, and
Hasselmann 1998)
33. L. plantarum YW11 Kefir Improvement of microbiota 4  108 CFU/mL (82 d) (Zhang et al. 2017)
34. L. plantarum CRL 2130 Fermented milk Vitamin producers 2  107 CFU/mL (4 d) (Levit et al. 2017)
35. L. plantarum NA Antimicrobial activity 107 CFU/mL (24–48 h of (Tremonte et al. 2017)

Table 1. Continued.
Starter culture /Used in Used dose/initial
dairy products/ concentrations and
S. No. Lactobacillus strain Food Products Biological activities time duration References
36. L. plantarum ZDY2013 NA Radical scavenging activity EPS fraction (24 h of (Z. Zhang, Guo,
fermentation) et al. 2016)
37. L. plantarum KJ03 Fermented stinky bean Cholesterol lowering activity 109 CFU/mL (24 h of (Jampaphaeng, Cocolin,
(Sataw-Dong) fermentation) and Maneerat 2017)
38. L. plantarum LP3 Fermented sarshir Radical scavenging activity 109 CFU/g (10 d) (Hashemi et al. 2017)
39. L. paracasei FT700 Goat cheese Proteolytic activity 107 CFU/mL (24 h of (Tulini et al. 2015)
40. L. paracasei FT700 Fermented milk Cytotoxicity and 107 CFU/mL (24 h of (Tulini et al. 2015)
immunomodulatory activity fermentation)
41. L. paracasei CBA L74 Fermented milk Anti-inflammatory activity 109 CFU (14 d) (Zagato et al. 2014)
42. L. paracasei subsp. NA Bactericidal activity Peptide fraction (Miao et al. 2016)
tolerans FX-6
43. L. paracasei subsp. NA Reducing effect on 108 CFU/day (3,6,9 weeks) (Chiang and Pan 2012)
paracasei NTU 101 hyperlipidemia,
atherosclerosis and
44. L. paracasei subsp. Fermented Neuroprotective effect 108 CFU/day (3,6,9 weeks) (Chiang and Pan 2012)
paracasei NTU 101 skimmed milk
45. L. reuteri DSM 17938 NA Membrane vesicles (MVs) 8.38  106 CFU/mL (24 h) (Grande et al. 2017)
formation which is useful
for communication
between beneficial bacteria
and intestinal mucosa cells
46. L. reuteri NA Improves the integrity of 2  109 CFU/mL (16 d) (Dicksved et al. 2012)
mucus layer and or
prevention from distortion
during colitis
47. L. reuteri BR11 NA Reduction in inflammatory 109 CFU/mL/day(12 d) (Atkins et al. 2012)
bowel disease
48. L. reuteri ATCC 23272 NA Maintenance of 103– 106 CFU (3–9 d) (Azevedo et al. 2012)
immunological homeostasis
49. L. reuteri NCIMB 30242 NA Improvement of vitamin 2.9  10 CFU/capsule
(Jones et al. 2013)
D status (9 weeks)
50. L. reuteri GMNL-263 NA Improvement in insulin 2  109 CFU/day (14 weeks) (Hsieh et al. 2013)
resistance and ameliorates
hepatic steatosis
51. L. reuteri NA Managing immune response 109 CFU/0.1 mL (43 d) (Huang, Lin, and
against food allergy Jan 2017)
52. L. rhamnosus GD-11 NA Anti-biofilm activity 107–108 CFU/mL (48 h of (Sarikaya, Aslim, and
fermentation) Yuksekdag 2017)
53. L. rhamnosus PTCC 1637 Fermented camel milk ACE-inhibitory activity Peptide fraction (21 d of (Moslehishad
fermentation) et al. 2013)
54. L. rhamnosus ZY NA Anti-oxidant and anti- EPS fraction (24 h of (Ng and Xue 2017)
pathogenic activity fermentation)
55. L. rhamnosusA238 Cottage cheese Antifungal activity 106 CFU/mL (up to 21 d) (Fernandez et al. 2017)
56. L. rhamnosus PRA172 Parmigiano Probiotic property 109 CFU/mL (10 months of (Solieri et al. 2014)
Reggiano cheese fermentation)
NA: Not known.

tumor cells has been well demonstrated by Lactobacillus casei BL23 promoted the functional changes in bacteria by
casei ATCC 25180. Antitumoural activity of this bacterium regulating the T cells and FoxP3 and also produced anti-
was mediated by peptidoglycan. It was observed that the inflammatory cytokine interleukin. It may potentially modify
peptidoglycan fragments enriched with D-configurations of the immunomodulatory properties of bacteria by cross talk
the amino acids Ala, Gln and Asn demonstrated a signifi- with the host cells (Jacouton et al. 2019). A recombinant L.
cant inhibitory effect on the mitochondrial enzyme activity. casei secreted fusion protein CTB (cholera nontoxic B sub-
Further, it was also observed that only D-amino acids could unit) with YVAD (tetra peptide composed of alanine,
enter complexes with hexokinase. So, the cytotoxicity of the aspartic acid, tyrosine, valine), which can translocate into
peptide was not only affected by animo acids but their con- intestinal epithelial cells, exerted anti-inflammatory effects in
figuration also governed the specific activity of a peptide the intestine (Hiramatsu et al. 2014).
(Fichera, Fichera, and Milone 2016). L. casei may produce many antibacterial peptides during
Immunomodulatory activity of L. casei ATCC 27139 has fermentation but their ability to produce biological active
been demonstrated by enhancing the host innate immunity peptides varies among different strains. An aproline rich
by helping the asparagine synthetase (asnH), which contrib- antimicrobial peptide PR39 of 4.7 kDa was produced by L.
uted to peptide synthesis in the peptidoglycan layer. Some Casei 393, which was active against Escherichia coli,
cell wall structures of L. casei were responsible for the Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella sp. (Zhang, Guo, et al.
improvement in host innate immunity (Ito et al. 2014). L. 2016). The antagonistic property against Salmonella

typhimurium has also been demonstrated by L. casei GG. the liver of mice (Wagnerberger et al. 2013). On the other
Colonization of L. casei GG significantly affected the mesen- hand, successful development of vaccine has been done
teric lymph nodes, liver and the spleen and delayed the using marker free strain L. casei ATCC 393. This recombin-
occurrences of mortality in the animals by 100% (Hudault ant bacterium has been found to be a safe tool for the
et al. 1997). L. casei ATCC 334 demonstrated the ability to effective food grade vaccine production (Song et al. 2014).
combat with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis,
a causative agent of Johne’s disease, one of the most infec-
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus
tious diseases worldwide in dairy cattle. The oral doses of L.
casei ATCC 334 significantly altered the cytokine responses Two specific yoghurt bacteria i. e., Streptococcus thermophi-
and their histology indicated a trend in immunomodulation lus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus in 1:1
and reduction of pathogenesis (Cooney et al. 2014). ratio commonly is used in the yoghurt production. These
Antifungal potential of L. casei has suggested its use to bacteria act in a synergistic way to promote the fermentation
increase the quality and safety of foods. Antifungal activity process and develop typical yoghurt flavor. Apart from syn-
of five L. casei strains has been established against different ergistic action in yoghurt itself, each bacterium also contrib-
food spoiling molds (Aspergillus flavus, Botrytis cinerea, utes to the promotion of bio-functional properties of the
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Penicillium expansum). product. Probiotic L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus boosts the
Significant antifungal activity was demonstrated by anti- health benefits of yoghurt, which has been reported to pre-
microbial compound 3-phenyllactic acid, which was pro- vent inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and colitis. The anti-
duced by L. casei 21/1 (Cortes-Zavaleta et al. 2014). The microbial activity of L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus has been
probiotic strains L. casei strain B and Lactococcus latics reported against many pathogenic bacteria including
subsp. lactis strain X extracts exhibited fungistatic activity. Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Shigella etc.
The antifungal compounds were identified as lactic acid and Production of lactic acid along with the organic acids, bio-
6-O-(a-D-glucopyranosyl)-1, 6-di-O-pentadecanoyl-a-D-glu- active peptides and bacteriocins may govern the antimicro-
copyranose, a novel fatty acids derivative having MIC of bial activity of L. bulgaricus. L. bulgaricus K41 showed
10 mg/ml (Nyanzi et al. 2014). antagonistic activity against L. monocytogenes and also
Apart from antibacterial and antifungal activities, the exhibited the anti-listerial activity by producing bacteriocins
metabolites of L. casei CMPUJ 415 demonstrated the ability (Zaeim, Soleimanian-Zad, and Sheikh-Zeinoddin 2014).
to reduce rotavirus infection by decreasing the damage to Similarly, Arabian yoghurt isolate L. bulgaricus Z55 exhib-
cells, which further prevented the loss of electrolyte. ited antimicrobial activity against other LAB and food borne
Produced metabolites interfered with the final amount of pathogenic bacteria. L. bulgaricus Z55 produced bacteriocin
intracellular NSP4 protein and controlled Ca2þ regulation, like compound which was stable at acidic and neutral pH
which was suggested as an approach to the mechanism used conditions and responsible for its inhibitory action against
by probiotic bacteria against rotavirus infection (Olaya other bacteria (Abdel-Shafi et al. 2014). Two simultaneous
Galan et al. 2016). health benefits such as anti-inflammatory and antibacterial
Reduction in total cholesterol and triglycerides levels by effects of L. bulgaricus have been analyzed in the chronic
L. casei Shirota is one of the most important health benefits wound healing. The wound dressing of polyvinyl alcohol/
to the heart related patients. It effectively decreased the Carrageenan hydrogel was loaded with L. bulgaricus extract
cholesterol level and also reduced the chance of atheroscler- and exhibited promising result on healing process and also
otic plaque development in aortic sinus in apo E-deficient down regulated the expression of TNF-a gene (El-Fawal,
mice. The cardio protective effect mediated through several Yassin, and El-Deeb 2017).
mechanisms that correspond to improving serum total chol- Immune stimulating and anti-inflammatory activity of L.
esterol concentration and decreasing cholesterol accumula- delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus have also been reported. L. del-
tion in the liver and aortic arterial tissue. Simultaneously, it brueckii subsp. lactis CNRZ327 isolated from cheese demon-
improved the level of high density lipoprotein (HDL) chol- strated the anti- inflammatory effect, in vitro as well as
esterol concentration and leading the inhibition of the for- in vivo. This strain showed protective effects in a mouse
mation of atherosclerotic lesion (Tang et al. 2014). Effects of dextran sodium sulfate colitis model by modulating the pro-
probiotic strain L. casei Shirota on the glucose intolerance, duction of TGF-b, IL-6 and IL-12 in colonic tissue, TGF- b
insulin resistance and lipid metabolisms in rats, which were and IL-6 in the spleen and it was also responsible for an
fed with a high fat diet, were studied. The results revealed expansion of CD4þ Foxp3þ regulatory T cells in the cecal
that it might affect the tissue-specific autonomic nerves lymph nodes (Santos Rocha et al. 2014). Anti-inflammatory
through the vagal nerve pathway to modulate glucose and potential of cheese starter culture L. delbrueckii subsp. lactis
lipid metabolism. Suppression of WAT-SNA, ASNA and CNRZ327 and Propionibacterium freundenreichii have also
Liv- SNA has also been observed in bacterial treated rats been reported to protect epithelial cell damage (Ple
(Tanida et al. 2014). The health benefits of L. casei Shirota et al. 2016).
has also been studied for its protection against nonalcoholic Antihypertensive activity of LAB is one of the most
fatty liver disease. Probiotic treatment decreased hepatic important biofunctional properties. Angiotensin-converting
steatosis and plasma alanine-amino transferase levels and enzyme (ACE) has been known for regulating the blood
also activated the Toll like receptor 4 signaling cascade in pressure by conversion of angiotensin-I to angiotensin-II,

which is a potent vasoconstrictor. Blood pressure and salivarius CNU1334 demonstrated the inhibitory activity
sodium retention increases due to the release of aldosterone, against methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
which was induced by enzyme angiotensin-II (Muro Urista (Kang et al. 2017). EPS produced by probiotic different L.
et al. 2011). Thus, inhibition of angiotensin-I to angiotensin- fermentum strains may also have an active role in its func-
II could be the best mechanism to reduce of higher blood tional properties (Ale et al. 2020).
pressure and sodium retention as well. To overcome the L. fermentum ATCC 11976 significantly lowered the con-
side effects associated with antihypertensive drugs, naturally centration of esterified cholesterol, hepatic free cholesterol,
produced antihypertensive enzyme by LAB may work as an phospholipids and triglycerides in animals suffering from
alternative. Antihypertensive and ACE inhibitor activity of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Fat deposition in liver,
L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus ACA-DC 87, Enterococcus serum total cholesterol, uric acid, triglycerides and insulin
spp. and Streptococcus thermophilus, which were isolated resistance also decreased in the L. fermentum ATCC 11976
from artisanal Greek yoghurt and fermented milk exhibited treated animals. All these significant changes were linked to
the probiotic properties. It was observed that N- or C- ter- the expression of key enzymes in the liver and significantly
minal is racidin peptide region of a S1-casein and two decreased in the marker enzymes for lipid peroxidation
internal peptide fragments j-casein and b-casein were (Bhathena et al. 2013). Human milk isolate L. fermentum
responsible for the ACE-I inhibitory activity (Georgalaki HM3 and fermented dates isolate L. buchneri FD2 strains
et al. 2017). Production of ACE inhibitor peptides by L. bul- were investigated for their probiotic properties in terms of
garicus LB6 during the fermentation of goat milk has also safety using sub-acute and acute oral toxicity tests in the
been demonstrated (Shu et al. 2014). rats as animal model. A significant reduction in b-glucosi-
Toxin neutralizing potential has also been reported in dase and b-glucuronidase enzymes was observed in the L.
some L. delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus strains. Mutant of L. fermentum HM3 and L. buchneri FD2 fed group of rats. It
delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus DUC3-17 has demonstrated the indicated toward the significant reduction in harmful patho-
decomposition of uremic toxins such as creatinine, homo- genic bacteria, as these are the marker enzymes of harmful
cysteine, phosphorus, parathyroid hormone urea nitrogen pathogenic bacteria. The effective and safe dose of these
and uric acid. These toxins decomposition property may be Lactobacillus strains have been noted up to 1010 CFU/kg
beneficial for the treatment of chronic renal failure (Bai, body weight per day in a 14 days or 28 days of treatment
Jiang, and Jiang 2014). Some of the contradictory results of period (Shokryazdan et al. 2016). Recently, abomasum
L. bulgaricus have also been demonstrated in the case of driven rennet cheese for the presence of lactobacilli have
Clostridium difficile associated diarrhea, as the use of pro- been screened for their potential probiotic properties.
biotic ACTIMEL (L. bulgaricus, L. casei and S. thermophilus) Parameters such as bile and acid resistance, antimicrobial
did not reduce C. difficile associated diarrhea in elderly activity against pathogenic bacteria and antibiotic suscepti-
orthogerietric patients (Mallina et al. 2018). bility were evaluated (Maleki Kakelar et al. 2019).

Lactobacillus fermentum Lactobacillus helveticus

Lactobacillus fermentum is mainly found in the fermented Lactobacillus helveticus is generally found in cheese milk and
food and dairy products, which provides several health ben- mainly used in the production of Swiss cheese. The main
efits to gastrointestinal tract. L. fermentum AGR1487 was purpose of this culture is to develop acid and ripening of
able to reduce the expression of intestinal cell tight junction cheese. Apart from Swiss cheese, L. helveticus has also been
proteins and genes, which resulted into reduced barrier used as a starter culture for various cheeses such as
integrity in the epithelial cell lines and increased the expres- Parmesan, Romano, Provolone and Mozzarella cheese. The
sion level of seven tubulin genes and three microtubule proteolytic nature of L. helveticus strain produces many bio-
associated proteins. These genes were linked to disassemble logically active peptides which are responsible for a typical
of tight junctions, present in the epithelial cell lines. The cheese flavor. Many L. helveticus strains possess key pro-
adherence ability of L. fermentum AGR1487 to caco-2 cell biotic properties, such as ability to survive in the gastro-
lines has also been improved by facilitating cell to cell inter- intestinal tract, adherance to epithelial cells, and antagonistic
action. However contradictory results have also been found activity against pathogens. L. helveticus DPC4571 prevented
as L. fermentum AGR1485 negatively affected the barrier the gastrointestinal infections, improved protection against
integrity in vitro. Later on its effect on pro-inflammatory pathogens, modulated host immune responses and enriched
response in germ-free rats colon have been observed in vitro intestinal microbiota (Slattery et al. 2010).
and the results showed that this bacterium activated TLR L. helveticus containing cheese was found to possess
signaling and induced pro-inflammatory cytokines in immuno-regulatory activities like increase in regulatory T
immune cells (Anderson et al. 2013). This indicated the cell and reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines in mice.
potential of a strain of the same species to differently elicit In an in vitro analysis, L. helveticus SBT2171 significantly
inflammatory responses to the host and highlighted the repressed the proliferation of mesenteric lymph nodes
importance of strain characterization in probiotics (MLN) immune cells and pro-inflammatory cytokines such
approaches to cure inflammatory conditions (Anderson as IL-6 and IL-b stimulated with anti-CD3/CD28. The anti-
et al. 2016). Recently, L. fermentum CNU1969 and L. proliferative potency of L. helveticus was also effective on

peyer’s patches and spleens stimulated with anti-Cd3/CD28 vegetables and meat products. L. paracasei along with L.
or lipopolysaccarides (LPS). L. helveticus SBT2171 decreased casei are used as a probiotic and dietary supplements for
the IL-1b production from spleens and LPS-stimulated IL-6 many clinical aspects. Changes in the gut microbial popula-
production from MLN, peyer’s patches and spleen tion may change the host health and its physiology.
(Yamashita et al. 2014). A probiotic mixture including Probiotic gut bacteria follow some specific metabolic path-
Bifidobacterium longum Bar33 and L. helveticus Bar13 ame- ways such as degradation of dietary carbohydrates. Similarly,
liorated immune response in older adults by increasing L. paracasei subsp. paracasei W20 has been reported to
naive, activated memory, regulatory T cells, B cells, and nat- degrade prebiotic inulin in the human gut and could be
ural killer activity and decreasing memory T cells. used as a commercial symbiotic (Boger, van Bueren, and
Characterization of S-layer protein (SlpA) and functional Dijkhuizen 2018).
role of L. helveticus M92 have been demonstrated as purified Probiotic L. paracasei K5 isolated from dairy products
SlpA from probiotic L. helveticus M92 showed immunomo- has been used for the Feta type cheese production. The use
dulatory effects in orally immunized mice. The SlpA was of immobilized biocatalyst which was composed of wheat
also involved in the autoaggregation of L. helveticus M92 bran prebiotic and L. paracasei K5 cells improved its aroma,
cells and co-aggregation of L. helveticus M92 with acceptability, quality and shelf life of the feta type cheese
Salmonella typhimurium. Probiotic L. helveticus M92 also (Terpou et al. 2018). L. paracasei subsp. tolerans JG22 was
reduced the infection of Salmonella typhimurium in mice, isolated from pepper-leaf and reported to have high survival
which was associated with competitive exclusion in the rate during its exposed to pepsin containing gastric juice
intestinal tract and thus enhanced the immune protection and intestinal fluid amended with oxgall. This strain showed
(Beganovic et al. 2011). L. helveticus has been studied for adherence to the caco-2 cell lines and resistance to rifampi-
several other health benefits such as inhibition of potential cin, erythromycin, cephalothin and ciprofloxacin. Its anti-
pathogens, antimutagenic and anti-tumorogenic activities, mutagenicity and mutagen binding ability demonstrated
anti-hypertensive activity, stimulation of immune and highest antimutagenicity against 2-nitroflourene (2-NF) with
digestive system, control of diarrhea and reduction of lactose 51.37% inhibition, and relatively lower against 4-nitroquino-
intolerances (Taverniti and Guglielmetti 2012). Milk fer- line-1-oxide (4-NQO). Therefore, it was suggested that this
mented by L. helveticus effectively increased calcium absorp- potential probiotic strain may have an important role in
tion, bone mineral density and bone mineral contents. It has decreasing the risk of cancer by suppressing the mutagenesis
also been shown to support the bone mineral density in ani- and absorbing mutagens (Lim 2014). b-Glucosidase and
mal models by increasing calcium absorption in postmeno- b-Glucuronidase have been known as potential carcinogenic
pausal women (Narva et al. 2004). In a study, it was biomarkers and L. paracasei 0919 reduced this enzyme activ-
demonstrated that L. helveticus LBK-16H fermented milk ity by 76% in the children and 82% in elder people (Nowak
contains certain tripeptides that showed a positive effect on and Sli_zewska 2014). L. paracasei DTA93 and L. paracasei
arterial stiffness. This tripeptide isoleucine-proline-proline DTA81 could survive in the simulated gastric conditions
demonstrated a significant reduction in high blood pressure and showed antimicrobial activity, bile salt hydrolase activ-
in rats (Seppo et al. 2003). Each peptide has unique func- ity, hemolytic activity, and inhibitory activity against biofilm
tional characteristics and this can be identified with various formation. It also exhibited anti-cancerous activity by attach-
available techniques. Genome sequencing of L. helveticus ing with HT-29 human cancer cell lines (Tarrah et al. 2019).
CNRZ 32 has revealed the presence of four proteinase genes Different LAB including L. paracasei were able to reduce the
i.e. prtH, prtH2, prtH3 and prtH4 in the proteolytic system. level of cholesterol and also produced bacteriocins like
During the study of proteolytic systems in 51 strains, several inhibitory substances, which showed antagonistic activity
strains of L. helveticus exhibited highly intra specific diver- against Listeria monocytogens, Salmonella enteritidis and
sity of genes, which encoded the cell envelope-associated Staphylococcus aureus (Iranmanesh, Ezzatpanah, and
proteinases (CEPs). These CEPs were responsible for the Mojgani 2014).
functional characteristics of this bacteria (Broadbent et al. Immune modulation property of L. paracasei was con-
2011). Several L. helveticus strains have been isolated from firmed by preventing the weight loss up to 50% in the colitis
traditional dairy products and nine of them confirmed the mice. L. paracasei strains KBL382, 384 and 385 have been
presence of two CEPs i.e. prtH and prtH2 (Nejati, Babaei, used for the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases via
and Taghi-Zadeh 2016). L. helveticus SBT2171 contributed immune modulation and positive impact on gut microbial
to the many properties including anti-allergic effects population. These strains of L. paracasei exhibited significant
(Yamashita et al. 2019). As L. helveticus has been reported improvement in the dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis.
to exhibit various techno-functional properties, it may be It significantly reduced the tumor necrosis factor, interleu-
used to promote the bio-functional and therapeutic proper- kin-4, IL-6, IL-17A and interferon gamma; whereas anti-
ties of the products. inflammatory cytokines such as IL-10, CD4þ, CD25þ,
Foxp3þ and Tregulatory cell populations were significantly
higher (Kim et al. 2019). Fermented milk containing L. par-
Lactobacillus paracasei
acasei strain CIDCA8339 has been given to the mice and it
Lactobacillus paracasei is commonly present in the human did not changed the IL-10, TNF-a and TGF-b mRNA
intestinal tract, which comes from fermented milk, expression as well as sIgA levels in the ileum. However, the

decreased level of anti-inflammatory cytokine INF-c has Milk fermented by probiotic L. plantarum K25 demon-
been reported in the ileum (Bengoa et al. 2019). Any alter- strated the production of volatiles such as acetoin and 2,3-
ation in the intestinal microbiota and immunosenescence is butanediol. Among different metabolites (glyceric acid, malic
generally associated with the aging also. Probiotics and fer- acid, succinic acid, glycine, alanine, ribose, and 1,3-dihy-
mented food might be helpful in the stabilization of altered droxyaceton), c-aminobutyric acid was the most prominent.
intestinal microbiota. L. paracasei strain Lpc-37 evaluated to This fermented milk also showed a significant increase in
modulate the immune markers including natural killer cell ACE inhibitory activity (Yang et al. 2020). Cheeses made
activity, cytokine profiles and phagocytic activity. Activity with different cultures exhibited different bio-functional
and composition of the intestinal microbiota in a random- activities e.g. cheese made with camel milk isolate EPS pro-
ized, double-blind and placebo-controlled group, showed a ducing culture exhibited higher a-amylase activity than com-
very limited effect on the intestinal microbiota and immune mercial EPS producing culture; whereas traditional culture
markers of healthy elderly population (Forssten et al. 2011). or non-EPS producing culture exhibited good radical scav-
Different metabolites produced by L. paracasei CBA L74 enging activity. The ACE-inhibitory activity has been
during fermentation of milk for infant formula and culture reported significantly higher in the cheese made with camel
media demonstrated significant anti-inflammatory properties milk EPS producing culture (Al-Dhaheri et al. 2017). The
on dendritic cells (DCs) in response to the inflammatory purified EPS from L. plantarum MYU 74 composed of glu-
enteric pathogenic bacterium Salmonella typhimurium cose and galactose with a molar ratio of 2:1 demonstrated
(Zagato et al. 2014). Allergic rhinitis (AR) generally occurs scavenging ability on hydroxyl radicals and protective effects
due to an imbalance between Th1 and Th2 cells. Subjects on H2O2-induced Caco-2 cells oxidative injury in vitro. This
with persistent AR who are treated with an oral H1-antihis- EPS demonstrated the scavenging of reactive oxygen species
tamine showed improvement in the quality of life due to (ROS), reduction of lipid peroxidation and up-regulation of
probiotic L. paracasei LP-33. This treatment also improved enzymatic & non-enzymatic antioxidant activities
the ocular symptoms consistently, whereas no change was (Yamamoto et al. 2019). An acidic EPS (12.4 kDa), consisted
observed in nasal symptoms (Costa et al. 2014). Insulin of many sugars with different composition, which exhibited
resistance (IR) is another crucial pathophysiological param- a very good antioxidant against ABTS (65.5%), DPPH
eter in the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases. (60.5%) and hydroxyl radicals (80.4%) at a concentration of
IR and steatosis induced rats were treated with L. paracasei 10 mg/mL (Min et al. 2019). Similarly, the amylolytic poten-
B21060 along with arabinogalactan and fructo-oligosacchar- tial of L. plantarum Bom2 could resist the acids, bile salts
ides. Liver inflammatory markers have been shown to be and antibiotics (Gotcheva et al. 2018). Among 63 isolated
down regulated and the expression of nuclear peroxisome LAB, L. plantarum OF101 demonstrated good hydrophobi-
proliferator activated receptors was increased in the rats city in the presence of xylene (46.2%) and n-hexadecane
who received the synbiotic treatment. Synbiotic treatment (43.6%), and the bacterium was resistant to low pH, bile salt
also reduced the cytokines synthesis and deregulated the and simulated gastric transit (Adesulu-Dahunsi, Jeyaram,
TLR 2, 4 and 9 mRNAs. Among all these functions, synbi- and Sanni 2018).
otic feeding effectively protected the gut barrier integrity Fermented soy milk with L. plantarum had more agly-
and reduced the population of harmful bacteria in the cones, which helped in decreasing the hepatic cholesterol
colonic mucosa (Mattace Raso et al. 2014). Synbiotic com- and serum triglyceride contents. It also reduced the hepatic
prised of probiotic L. paracasei DSM 46331 and triglycerides, serum free fatty acids and simultaneously ele-
Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis along with prebiotic vated the serum HDL-cholesterol and fecal cholesterol con-
oat b-glucan has significantly alleviated the high fat diet tent. This fermented soy milk down regulated the expression
induced obesity and weight gain. This synbiotic has also of SREBP-1c and SREBP-2 by targeting the genes FAS,
been played a significant role in the homeostasis of gut SCD1, LDLR and HMGCR. Fermented soy milk elevated the
microbiota (Ke et al. 2019). adipose tissues gene expression such as genes involved in
triglyceride rich lipoprotein uptake, fatty acid oxidation,
HDL-biogenesis and adiponectin signaling as well as the lev-
Lactobacillus plantarum
els of ACC and phosphorylated AMPK (Kim et al. 2014).
Functional properties of L. plantarum are regulated by the The oral dose of probiotics significantly improved the
production of EPS, bioactive peptides and some organic immunological parameters, reduced the pancreatic and plas-
acids. The metabolites produced by L. plantarum I-UL4 matic a-amylase activities, and protected the pancreatic tis-
exhibited selective cytotoxic effect on some cancer cells in sues and plasma glucose levels in the diabetic rats. L.
dose and time dependent manners. On the other hand, the plantarum TN627 demonstrated efficient protective effects
same metabolites did not cause any toxic effect or hemolysis to the liver and kidney by decreasing serum aspartate trans-
on normal cells. This selective toxicity was mediated by anti- aminase, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase activities, alanine
proliferative effect and induction of apoptosis against malig- transaminase, lactate dehydrogenase, urea and creatinine
nant cancer cells. On the basis of these results, postbiotic content. Thus, it was suggested that L. plantarum TN627
metabolites produced by Lactobacillus plantarum I-UL4 has the potential to combat with anti-diabetic effects and its
were suggested for their potential use as adjunctive treat- complications (Bejar et al. 2013). Any change in gut micro-
ment for cancer (Chuah et al. 2019). bial population directly affects the host immune system in

many ways. Probiotic treatment in ovariectomy mice signifi- cells and simultaneously it enhanced the production of IgA
cantly altered the immune system associated bone loss and in the small intestine and lung. Therefore, L. plantarum
bone mineral density. In ovariectomy condition, the level of strain AYA may be used for the enhancement of local
resorption marker C-terminal telopeptide and the urinary immunity by the production of mucosal IgA and to reduce
fractional excretion of calcium were improved by probiotic the risk of IFV infection (Kikuchi et al. 2014).
treatment. But the probiotic administration suppressed the Antibacterial property of L. plantarum might be due to
expression of two main inflammatory cytokines TNFa and its adherence ability to the intestinal epithelial cells and then
IL-1b, and simultaneously it also increased the expression of production of antibacterial compounds, which may inhibit
OPG, a possible inhibitor of osteoclastogenesis, in cortical the growth of harmful and pathogenic bacteria.
bone of ovariectomy mice (Ohlsson et al. 2014). Similarly Antimicrobial activity of L. plantarum ATCC 8014 against
bone health and age related osteoporosis studies have been Clostridium perfringens, C. butyricum and C. difficile has
done on mouse model. Dietary enriched powdered whole already been established. This inhibitory property of L. plan-
grape and probiotics (equal ratio of Bifidobacterium bifidum, tarum ATCC 8014 was facilitated by easy colonization abil-
B. breve, L. bulgaricus, L. casei and L. plantarum) had a ity and survival rate under the harsh acidic and bile salt
positive effect on bone health and did not alter the bone concentrations (Monteiro et al. 2019). Self-life of food prod-
micro architecture (Blanton 2018). ucts might be increased during long term preservation using
Fermented soshiho-tang (SST) made with L. plantarum antifungal strains and their produced metabolites.
KFRI-144 exhibited anti-proliferative activity in vascular Antifungal potential of L. plantarum UFG 121 has been
smooth muscle cell (VSMC). The SST fermented with this used for the production of oat-based beverage. This product
strain enhanced the inhibition of platelet derived growth fac- was artificially contaminated with Fusarium culmorum, while
tors (PDGF)-BB-induced VSMC proliferation. These inhibi- L. plantarum UFG 121 produced metabolites acted as a
tions were mediated through down regulation of Akt good bio-preservative against fungal contamination and
phosphorylation (Lee et al. 2014). Applications of L. planta- inhibited fungal growth (Russo et al. 2017). L. plantarum
rum KCCM 11322 have also been studied for the promotion HS produced different bioactive peptides sequences, but
of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) on vascular only one peptide sequence SGADTTFLTK significantly
and hair growth. The main angiogenic functions of VEGF reduced the growth of Aspergillus parasiticus (73%) and
includes: to increase the vascular permeability, stimulation Penicillium expansum (58%) (Luz et al. 2017). Similarly,
of capillary formation, induction of proliferation of endothe- antifungal activity against Candida albicans and Candida
lial cells etc. The hydrolysate of L. plantarum KCCM 11322 krusei has also been observed (Bulgasem et al. 2016).
with enzyme proteases, treated with MG-63 osteoblasts Aflatoxin produced by certain molds can be degraded by
showed the excellent VEGF production in the C57BL/6 male L. plantarum. L. plantarum MYS44 was highly useful in the
mice (Woo et al. 2019). degradation of toxic aflatoxin- B by growth inhibition as
Milk allergy with protein b-lactoglobulin can also be well as suppression of aflatoxin-B production
treated with the oral probiotic supplementation. Probiotic L. (Poornachandra Rao et al. 2019). The antifungal substances
plantarum ZDY2013 and L. rhamnosus GG have been produced by L. plantarum K35 were resistant to physical
reported to suppress the allergic response, decrease the sterilization as well as to some proteolytic enzymes (trypsin
serum IgE concentration and were able to relieve the ana- & proteinase K). L. plantarum K35 supernatant caused
phylaxis symptoms (Fu et al. 2019). It was reported that the severe damages to the cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane
fermented ginseng extract significantly inhibited the secre- along with the complete destruction of cell organelles
tion of interleukin-4 (IL-4) and b-hexosaminidase from the including mitochondria and nucleus of fungal strains
mast cells, which are known as allergic causing agents (Sangmanee and Hongpattarakere 2014). Thus, antifungal
(Hwang et al. 2018). agents from L. plantarum supernatant could be effectively
A study reported that the patients produced a higher used for the prevention of food and food products from
inflammatory response toward L. plantarum WCFS1 as spoilage and aflatoxin.
compared to APCs from healthy and HIV negative controls.
APC expression of TLR2 and CD36 increased the signaling
Lactobacillus reuteri
through p38-MAPK, and on the other side the expression of
MAP Kinase phosphatase-1 (MKP-1) decreased in chronic Lactobacillus reuteri has also been widely studied for its dif-
HIV infection. However, an enhancement in responsiveness ferent aspects of bio-functional activities such as antimicro-
of APCs to the commensal lactobacilli might have contrib- bial, antidiarrheal activity, improvement of gastrointestinal
uted to the immune activation (Nagy et al. 2013). L. planta- microflora, adhesion to the intestinal epithelial surface and
rum strain AYA also provided the protection against balancing the composition of healthy bacteria in the gut.
Influenza Virus (IFV) infection. IFV infection has been Antibacterial activity of L. reuteri can be positively corre-
known to infect the local immunity and it continuously lated with a metabolite, reuterin, which has demonstrated
weakens the immune system. L. plantarum strain AYA bactericidal and bacteriostatic activities against a large num-
induced the anti-inflammatory cytokines by the promotion ber of gram positive and gram negative bacteria and even
of IgA and protected from IFV. Moreover, L. plantarum though to some fungi. Reuterin produced by L. reuteri
strain AYA produced the IL-6 in Peyer’s patch dendritic ATCC 55730 demonstrated bactericidal activity at a

concentration of 0.08 to 20.48 mM against H. pylori. This to antibiotics. Immunomodulatory effects have also been
antibacterial activity of reuterin did not alter the gut micro- observed by significant increase in IgA content (Martınez-
bial populations. Simultaneously, H. pylori virulence genes Abad et al. 2016). Similarly, the immune modulatory effects
flaA and vacA were also down regulated by reuterin of probiotics on the neonatal gnotobiotic piglets infected
(Urrutia-Baca et al. 2018). Preventive impact of L. reuteri with virulent human rotavirus revealed that total IgA levels
ATCC 6475 on fast food induced obesity and age associated in the post and pre human rotavirus challenged piglets
weight gain in mice was studied using oral administration. serum were significantly higher in Escherichia coli Nissle
This therapy altered the pro-inflammatory immune cell pro- colonized piglets rather than L. rhamnosus GG colonized
file and prevented the abdominal fat pathology and age piglets. This study have suggested that different strains have
associated weight gain in mice. L. reuteri ATCC 6475 sig- difference in adherence properties in the intestinal micro-
nificantly restored the CD4þ T cell balance and also helped environment, which further contributed differentially in the
in the weight management (Poutahidis et al. 2013). Anti- modulation of rotavirus infection and immune cell
inflammatory effects of L. reuteri in the trinitrobenzene sul- responses (Kandasamy et al. 2016). The immune mediated
fonic acid (TNBS)-induced colitis in mouse model was diseases such as allergy could also be treated with the long
observed, which revealed that L. reuteri possess a chromo- term perinatal probiotic administration and have been con-
somal hdc gene cluster (genes hdcA, hdcB, and hdcP) and sidered as safe for the reduction of allergy prevalence in the
could also repressed human TNF production. Suppression of children (Lundelin et al. 2017).
acute colitis in mice have been documented by colonic Cranberry proanthocyanidins fermented by Lactobacillus
injury, serum amyloid A (SAA) protein concentration, rhamnosus ATCC 9595 under anaerobic conditions pro-
diminished weight loss and lowering the uptake of [18F] flu- duced different metabolites including: 4-hydroxyphenylacetic
orodeoxyglucose by positron emission tomography (Gao acid, 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid, hydrocinnamic
et al. 2015). acid, catechol, and pyrogallol. The extract containing these
Antibacterial activity and gastrointestinal symptoms such metabolites completely inhibited human hepatocellular car-
as gastrointestinal disturbances and gastritis in the case of cinoma HepG2 cells proliferation. The cytotoxic effect of the
diarrhea caused by H. pylori was cured and eradicated by L. extract was found to be mitochondria-controlled and not by
reuteri DSM 17938 and L. reuteri ATCC PTA 6475 proapoptotic caspase-3/7 dependent (Rupasinghe, Parmar,
(Francavilla et al. 2014). Similarly, antimicrobial activity of and Neir 2019). Extract containing the metabolites produced
probiotic L. reuteri has been studied in 104 strains isolated by L. rhamnosus MD 14 exhibited both antigenotoxic and
from porcine feces. Out of which, 16 strains exhibited higher cytotoxic potential against colon cancer. These metabolites
and 8 strains showed lower anti pathogenic effect against contained both high and low molecular weight heat sensitive
two pathogens related to swine, Escherichia coli and organic acids and proteins along with the chemical com-
Salmonella enteric subsp. enteric serovar typhimurium. pounds such as ethers, amides, esters, etc (Sharma, Chandel,
Furthermore, these strains have been selected for genomic et al. 2020).
comparison and results demonstrated the group differences The antibacterial potential of L. rhamnosus GG was
in the pdu-cbi-cob-hem gene cluster, involved in the reu- mediated by the production of low molecular weight non-
terin and cobalamin biosynthesis (Lee, Shih, et al. 2017). proteinaceous, heat stable bactericidal substance, which has
Thus, it could be concluded that bacteriocins like molecule been active at acidic pH conditions against pathogens.
reuterin was responsible for the inhibitory action against Another therapeutic application of probiotic L. rhamnosus
swine-related pathogens. A 47 kDa, putative sulfated-galacto- GG has also been observed on antibiotic associated diarrhea
sylceramide (sulfatide)-binding protein purified from the cell and Clostridium difficile associated diarrhea, however, the
surface of L. reuteri JCM1081 also exhibited the potential effectiveness of this probiotic was dose depended
binding ability to the mucosal surfaces. This purified protein (Mantegazza et al. 2018). Synbiotic containing B. infantis, B.
has been identified as elongation factor-Tu (EF-Tu) and EF- breve, L. acidophilus, L. casei, L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgari-
Tu (Nishiyama et al. 2013). cus, L. rhamnosus, S. thermophilus and a prebiotic fructo-
oligosaccharide was able to reduce colic in breastfed infants
(Mugambi et al. 2012). Similarly, the biological activities of
Lactobacillus rhamnosus
L. rhamnosus NCDC17 have been reported in the manage-
Lactobacillus rhamnosus may easily adhere to the mucous ment of obesity and different types of diabetes. L. rhamnosus
membrane of intestinal epithelial cells and it plays a signifi- NCDC17 improved the oral glucose tolerance test and many
cant role in the homeostasis of intestinal microbiota. This other biochemical parameters such as fasting blood glucose,
adherence property of L. rhamnosus further promotes the free fatty acids, glycosylated hemoglobin and cholesterol
innate immune response and enhances the adaptive immun- level. Improvement in the antioxidant enzymes such as cata-
ity. It also produces antibacterial compounds and some lase, glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and thio-
other health promoting biologically active compounds. barbituric acid reactive substances, expression of glucagon
However, all these properties of L. rhamnosus cumulatively like peptide-1 gene, tumor necrosis factor-a, and interlukin-
promote the gut barrier functions. Probiotic strain L. rham- 6 incresed in L. rhamnosus NCDC17 fed group of rats
nosus DR20 has shown good adherences to the intestinal (Singh et al. 2017). Freeze-dried strains of L. acidophilus, L.
mucous in vitro, resistant to bile salt, low pH and sensitive rhamnosus, L. casei, L. bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophiles,

Figure 1. Possible mechanisms of resistant lactobacillus to transfer the antibiotic resistance and production of bioactive metabolites for health benefits.

Bifidobacterium longum and Bifidobacterium breve and However, there is a risk associated with the use of probiotic
100 mg of prebiotic fructo-oligosaccharide with lactose as strains having antibiotic resistance genes, as these resistant
carrier substance have been supplemented in the form of bacteria may potentially pass these genes to other probiotic
capsules to see its effects on the type 2 diabetes patients. or pathogenic bacteria through horizontal gene transfer,
The regular consumption of this probiotic supplements for while retain the gene through vertical gene transfer
six weeks significantly decreased fasting plasma glucose and (Figure 1). Commercially available probiotic formulations
increased the HDL cholesterol concentrations (Razmpoosh may possess antibiotic resistance genes (Rozman et al. 2020).
et al. 2019). Antioxidant activity of a human breast milk iso- These genes are generally present in mobile genetic elements
late, EPS producing six L. rhamnosus strains has been e.g. plasmid and transposons. On the other hand, some spe-
reported to chelate the metal ions, which is considered as cies of LAB may have intrinsic resistance to a number of
one of the antioxidant mechanisms (Riaz Rajoka et al. antibiotics i.e. bacitracin, beta-lactams, kanamycin, teico-
2018). L. rhamnosus IMC 501 accelerated the bone depos- planin, and vancomycin (Imperial and Ibana 2016). The
ition through stimulation of the expression of gene Mpk1/3, influence of resistant or susceptible probiotic lactobacillus
involved in ossifications. Thus, this probiotic strain helped during the administration of antibiotics on gut colonization
in the skeleton development and treatment of bone disorder has been illustrated in Figure 2. Probiotic containing resist-
(Maradonna et al. 2013). Probiotic containing foods have ant microbes may lead to a case with higher gut coloniza-
also been used to prevent respiratory tract and gastrointes- tion by resistant bacteria (G2), while the probiotic dose
tinal infections in adult and pediatric patients. Treatment containing susceptible or native bacteria will result in nor-
with probiotic L. rhamnosus GG and Bifidobacterium lon- mal gut colonization (E1). Thus, it may be recommended to
gum reduced the lung injury, infection and sepsis (Khailova provide a susceptible probiotic strain for longer duration
et al. 2014). even after finishing the antibiotic dose.

Influence of antibiotics on gut colonizing probiotic Role of Lactobacillus as a supportive treatment in

Lactobacillus strains emerging disease
Besides preventing antibiotic associated diarrhea, probiotic Lactobacillus has shown its potential toward the treatment
Lactobacillus may help to maintain the gut microorganisms for various infectious diseases. Recent outbreak of SARS
and restore the micro-flora during antibiotic treatment. It Covid 19 has been declared as pandemic by WHO. There
also helps in fighting off the pathogenic bacteria even in are several reports being published on this deadly disease
children (Mohseni et al. 2013; Wu et al. 2018). However, but none of them could establish a significant role of pro-
taking probiotic lactobacilli along with antibiotics may biotic doses with the treatment of Covid 19. Lower gut
decrease its effectiveness as most of the bacterial probiotics microbiota diversity in old age can be positively correlated
are generally sensitive to generally prescribed antibiotics. with lesser immunity. It was suggested that higher gut
Such antibiotics may disturb the diversity of native gut colo- microbiota colonization and diversity may be achieved by
nizing microbiota (Mousavi Khaneghah et al. 2020). To personalized nutrition and supplementation, which may
avoid this interaction and alteration in the diversity of gut improve immunity and the impact of this disease can be
microbiota, a time interval is required. Alternatively, use of minimized in elderly and immune-compromised patients
resistant lactobacillus as probiotic was also suggested (Neut, (Dhar and Mohanty 2020). Recently, a case study of recov-
Mahieux, and Dubreuil 2017). ered Covid 10 patient Dr. Jaime F. Flor (ENT specialist)
Various bioactive metabolites and antibiotic producing communicated by himself, clears some of the points related
lactobacillus are considered as second generation probiotics. to the supporting role of Covid 19. He consumed two

Figure 2. Schematic presentation shows the administration of susceptible or resistant lactobacillus during antibiotic treatment. A: Pathogen attack on the gut colo-
nizing lactobacillus; B: Pathogen – Lactobacilli interaction; C: Antibiotic administration; D1: Supplementation of susceptible probiotic lactobacillus increases the com-
petition; E1: Continued probiotic lactobacillus result in higher colonization of susceptible with a few resistant lactobacillus; In the second case, D2:Supplementation
of resistant probiotic lactobacillus; E2: Interaction between resistant lactobacillus and other microbes will increase the chances of horizontal gene transfer; F2:
Continued probiotic lactobacillus result in higher colonization of resistant bacteria; G2: Colonization by resistant lactobacillus.

consortium pills daily containing Lactobacillus acidophilus recommend that a proper diet plan including suitable dose
20 billion CFU along with antibiotics and other medicines. of probiotics may be prescribed to the patients suffering
L. acidophilus stimulated the Gut Associated Lymphoid from different emerging or well recognized diseases. Many
Tissue to produce antibodies against virus and bacteria. This research studies have been done in vitro which needs
dose of L. acidophilus stimulated sufficient production of the in vivo confirmation using an animal model as well as
IgG and IgM and the bacterium produced vitamin B12, human trials. Deciding optimum dosages of probiotics
which also played a positive role along with vitamin C and should be well defined during antibiotic treatment. A cross
Zinc (Flor 2020). validation and regular quality assurance is also important in
On the other hand, in a study, patients with Covid 19 the case of probiotic containing foods. Further, studying the
were given antibiotics, and diarrhea occurred in some of the effect of probiotic microbes on gene regulations may reveal
patients. To reinforce the colonic microbiota a probiotic molecular level interactions. Application of non traditional
combination consisted of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria was lactobacilli with different bio-functional properties can be
prescribed to the patients. These probiotics demonstrated explored for their use in probiotic formulation. These pro-
modest efficacy in reducing the antibiotic-associated diar- biotic microbes may be explored for postbiotic properties,
rhea. On the other hand, when a probiotics preparation con- which will increase the scope of their use in a wide variety
sists of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Bacillus subtilis, and of food including bakery items.
Enterococcus faecalis was given to critically ill patients on
mechanical ventilation, they developed significantly less ven-
tilator-associated pneumonia as compared to placebo (Mak, Disclosure statement
Chan, and Ng 2020). Thus, on the basis of this study the No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
efficacy of probiotics in the treatment of Covid 19 may not
be established, which needs further investigation, but a diet
plant with probiotics may be suggested as a supportive treat- ORCID
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