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International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy Online: 2015-07-03

ISSN: 2299-3843, Vol. 54, pp 1-10

CC BY 4.0. Published by Academic Open Access LTD, 2015


Department of Agricultural & Bio-Environmental Engineering Technology, Federal College of
Agriculture, Ishiagu, Ebonyi State
Department of Agricultural & Environmental Engineering, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Department of Agricultural Engineering Technology, Federal College of Agriculture, Moor
Plantation, Ibadan, Nigeria
E-mail address: a*,

Keywords: Charcoal, stove, supplemental air, efficiency, emissions

ABSTRACT Improved charcoal stoves are known to generally develop high thermal efficiencies,
but most generate appreciable level of gas emissions which has made them unsuitable for use within
residential buildings. In order to eliminate this constraint, a supplemental air supply power pack was
introduced to improve charcoal stove thermal and aesthetic performance. This paper described the
experimental setup, test procedures and results showing optimized performance. Comparison
between performance characteristics shows the air aspirated stove and other improved charcoal
stove showed more than 20% increased efficiency, power input of 2.26 kW (0.691Kw/hr) and
overall thermal efficiency of 36.74% for the improved stove, the stove is thermally efficient more
than the traditional stove.

Cookstove development has been an age long art since the stone ages when fire was ignited
with striking of two stones against each other to produce fire [1]. The slow but progressive
development of stove technology from the traditional 3-stone fire and mud stoves to improved
cookstove technologies and the gasifier stoves had revolutionized the industry and increased
awareness in its further development. Literature reports of stoves available locally do not at the
moment represent the best designs modern engineering can offer [2, 3]. However, the increasing
interest on issues of climate change and global warming has created awareness on the
environmental and social costs of using traditional fuels and stoves nowadays. Research results so
far showed that one stove may be efficient, another may heat faster, another safer, and each of them
pollutes more or less than the other [4]. It therefore depends on the stove designer to pick out a
design that best suits the locality and food types for which it is intended.
There exists a wide range of fuel used in cookstoves from firewood to biomass material
resources, to liquid fuel and fossil materials. Research results showed varied performance
characteristics of different fuel under different operating condition based on such performance
indicators as time spent in cooking 1kg of food material, specific fuel consumption values, burn
rates, thermal efficiency, among several other factors. Another critical indicator of stove efficiency
is the emission factor which became a topical factor in the 1980s [1]. Emissions of most concern are
particulate matter (PM), polycyclic organic matter (POM) and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions.
The report of ISO/DIS 13336, [2] pointed out two issues of particular concern (variability in
emission control performance of wood stoves operated at homes and laboratory and the use of wood
and biomass materials in residential homes). These issues and its cause-and-effect relationships are
difficult to quantify due to the large number of interrelated variables associated with them.

This paper is an open access paper published under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY)
2 ILCPA Volume 54

Significant progress has been made toward cookstove designs with reduced emissions and
increased efficiency [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10]. However, further reductions in emissions are required to
meet WHO guidelines for indoor air quality (IAQ) [11, 3] to achieve significant health benefits.
Emissions in cookstove are traceable to poor or inadequate air supply to support burning.
Common practice in traditional 3-stone and mud stove cooking involves fanning with leaves and
lightweight materials to increase air supply. This work therefore seeks to increase secondary air
supply to combustion chamber to increase oxygen supply to support burning in an improved
charcoal stove. This research equally seeks to optimize the stove performance by incorporating a
rechargeable DC power pack for continuous fan operation that could last the coking period.


Experimental stove description and design
In order to make charcoal stove more attractive and competitive to deliver high thermal value to the
cooking pot, convenient to use, environment friendly and cheap, a fan aspirated charcoal-fired stove
was developed. This is especially important in Nigeria where charcoal stoves and firewood stoves
are popular and available at very low costs but with very low thermal (heating) values. In order to
further improve performance, an artificial airflow device was incorporated.
Design equations
In the design of the stove, the power output desired, appropriate size of the stove and other
important parameters estimated by computation are taken into consideration
Stove heat energy requirement: The amount of heat required to be supplied by the stove was
determined using equation 1 based on the amount of food to be cooked and/or water to be boiled
and their corresponding specific heat energy [12].

= energy requirement, Kcal/hr, = mass of food, kg, = specific energy, KCal/kg, T =
cooking time, hr
Airflow rate required for combustion was estimated to determine the size of the fan required.
The airflow per unit mass of fuel is dependent on the stoichiometric air (theoretical air) required to
burn the charcoal. Air flow rate can be computed using equation 2.

AFR = air flow rate, m3/hr
= equivalence ratio, 0.3 to 0.4
FCR = rate of consumption of fuel, kg/hr
SA = stoichiometric air of charcoal is 7.1 kg of air for 1 kg of Coal [13]
= air density, 1.25 kg/m3
A preliminary test using traditional test stove was conducted to determine the fuel consumption rate
(0.40kg/hr) and the amount of fuel consumed (0.38kg). Using an equivalent ratio of 0.4, the air flow
rate estimated using equation 3 is 0.35 m3/hr. The superficial air velocity within the fuel is
computed using the formula,
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy Vol. 54 3

= superficial gas velocity, m/s
AFR = air flow rate, m3/hr
The choice of size of the combustion chamber dimensions between 95 and 105 mm and the
superficial velocity of 0.05 m/s for was made considering literature studies on gasifier stove design
and testing to meet the objectives of power, burn time, and minimum emission of particulate matter.
The resistance to airflow exerted by fuel and ash inside the combustion chamber during burning
was evaluated using the expression,

Resistance of fuel, cm of H2O
= height of combustion chamber, m
= specific resistance, cm of water/m of fuel
Stove components description
The experimental stove has a vertical Y- shaped structure consisting of two compartments namely,
combustion chamber (fire box) with internal clay lining and an ash/char compartment. The cooking
pot rests on the pot stand constructed of ¼ “mild steel rod while the combustion chamber consists
of 518.6 cm3 of insulating clay lining encased by a mild steel plate designed to accommodate
charcoal. A metal grate and screen 100x100mm (Figure 1) is provided as supports for fuel in the
combustion chamber to allow for free flow from aspirated air and ash drop during combustion.

Figure 1: Experimental stove showing fan assembly and power pack

For efficient fuel combustion (charcoal), an air inlet duct was designed to incorporate a blower for
supplementary air supply within the stove. Beneath the combustion chamber, is a 25mm diameter
air inlet pipe provided to connect the blower assembly to the stove. The ash collection tray is a light
rectangular metal box which serves as storage for ash produced. It is located beneath the
combustion chamber and is provided with a door for easy disposal of ash. The power pack is
incorporated to supply aspirated air into the combustion chamber for efficient operation.
The power pack comprises of the following components and description:
The battery charging unit comprises of a 12V step-down transformer which steps down the 220
Volts AC to 15Volts AC output. This is connected to two diodes to convert the 15 volts AC into a
15 Volts DC to boost the battery voltage supply. The 12V DC battery with a power requirement of
4Ah provides residual power for the fan and lasts for 10hrs of operation at full charge.
4 ILCPA Volume 54

Figure 3: Charging circuit

The charging switch is a push type for easy of charging the battery when connected to the AC
mains. The charging switch is located at the side of the battery casing. System charging is turned on
by pressing down the switch to allow AC current flow into the primary coil winding of the
transformer. A single full charge permits 10 cooking cycles and would need about 4 h of charging
before fresh use. A single full charge can last about 5–6 cooking cycles and the charging time is an
hour and a half.
The transformer comprises of a 12V step-down transformer which steps down the 220 Volts AC to
15Volts AC output while rectification is achieved by four diodes to convert the 15 volts AC into a
15 volts D.C and a 15 volt capacitor with 1000F capacitance for smoothing the rough waves into
small rippers and more linear form suitable for induction coil use. The fan selected is an axial flow
type fan with 0.42 m3/hr air flow rate; consisting of a rotating assembly of blades and a rotor, or a
runner contained within a housing or case to direct the airflow or increase safety by preventing
objects from contacting the fan blades.

Figure 4: a) Rectification components, b) Axial fan

The speed is controlled by a 3-speed variable switch to vary the fan speed and air flow rates.
Stove performance test materials and instrumentation
The following materials and instruments are needed in testing the performance of the stove:
a. Fuels: Fuels used for the test include; charcoal.
b. Spring-scale balance: This device is used to measure the weight of rice husk fuel as well as the
weight of food to be cooked and the weight of water to be boiled.
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy Vol. 54 5

c. A stop watch was used to monitor time of each of the activities (i.e. cooking and boiling)
during the tests.
d. Volumetric flask and beaker used to measure the volume of water before and after the boiling
e. Test stoves: A conventional charcoal cook stove (Figure 5) which is popular among the rural
households in South East Nigeria was used for control test.

Figure 5: A conventional charcoal test stove, South East Nigeria

Stove performance tests and variables
In this study, the performance of the stove under simulated cooking conditions was intended using
two of the standard stove test procedures to determine quantitative and qualitative information
about the fuel and stove performance; i.e. water boiling test (WBT) and controlled cooking test
(CCT) [14] Stewart (1987). The procedure and formulae employed in the calculation of parameters
were based on the approaches used by [15, 16, and [17].
Some test parameters used in evaluating stove performance include:
a. Start-up time: This is the time required to ignite the fuel.
b. Operating time: This is the duration from the time the fuel lasted in burning.
c. Total operating time: This is the duration from the time the fuel is ignited until the fuel is
completely burnt in the stove. Basically, it is the sum of the startup time and the operating time
of the stove.
d. Time to consume fuel: This refers to the total time required to completely burn off the fuel in
the combustion chamber. This includes the time to ignite the fuel plus the time to completely
burn all the fuel in the stove. The density of the fuel ( ), the volume of the combustion
chamber ( ), and the fuel consumption rate (FCR) are the factors used in determining the total
time to consume the fuel in the stove. As shown below, this can be computed using the formula,

= time required to consume the fuel, hr
= volume of the combustion chamber, m3
= fuel density, kg/m3
FCR = rate of consumption of fuel, kg/hr
e. Percentage char produced: This is the ratio of the amount of char produced to the amount of
charcoal used. This can be computed using the formula presented by [12].
6 ILCPA Volume 54


Experimental setup
The completed experimental setup showing special features of the stove is shown in Figure 1. Equal
amount of some physical characteristics of fuel such as weight, volume were measured, and loaded
into the two stoves and ignited. The first cooking experiment was carried out using yam. The pot
containing water and yam was placed on the glowing fire and left to cook. When the cooking was
properly done, the mass of the cooked yam and time to achieve cooking were recorded with the aid
of a stopwatch. Also, the mass of the fuel remaining after cooking was also recorded. The process
was repeated for each stove using rice.
The start-up time was set at zeros for both stoves. The ignition time of the fuels in the stove is
between 3 to 5 minutes, which was lesser (3min 38sec) in the improved stove compare to traditional
stove. This is due to low draft requirement of the fan which gives more air to start the fire in the
improved stove. After igniting the fuel, the time required for the fuel to produce flammable gas is 2
to 5 minutes, depending on the quality of the fuel and the volume of air introduced into the fuel
during firing. The emission of combustible gasses was observable in the traditional stove but not
significant in the aspirated stove. Directly measured time-based parametric constants for each stove
is shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Directly measured time-based parameters

Constant variables Traditional
Improved (min)

Time at start of test 0 0

Ignition time 4.2 3.38

Time spent to consume fuel 90 86

Total operating time to consume

94.3 89.6

Time spent for water to boil 25.3 18min

Total operating time to boil water 29.4 21.3

Water temp before test (amb.)

30C 30C

Water temperature after test (C) 100C 100C

Time spent in cooking rice 60 45.8

Time spent in cooking yam 34.2 50min

Table 2 shows the test characteristics of the materials (stoves, fuel and food) used for the test and
measured weights of test parameters before and after the tests. At full load, the combustion chamber
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy Vol. 54 7

can accommodate 0.8kg of charcoal, and 0.6kg of charcoal. At 75% loading, the amount of charcoal
that can be loaded is 0.55kg kg, while at 50% load, it is 0.48kg.
Table 2: Weight of measured test parameters before and after the test (full load)

Traditional stove (g) Improved stove (g)

Sample weight
Before test After test Before test After test

Weight of stove 330 330 860 800

Weight of charcoal 800 100 800 100

Weight of charcoal 600 60 600 600

Weight of charcoal + stove 1130 398 940 868

Weight of charcoal + stove 930 390 1460 920

Weight of water added 1000 1000 1000 1000

Weight of empty pots 500 500 500 500

Weight of pot + water 1500 1450 1500 1460

Weight of rice 600 630 600 640

Weight of yam 776 680 775 680

Weight of rice + pot 1100 1130 1100 1140

Weight of yam+ pot 1276 1700 1276 1700

Water boiling and cooking test (WBT) results

The water-boiling and cooking time responses using a liter of water, (from 28 C to 100 C), is
shown in (Table 3). Boiling a liter of water with each stove would take 0.5 hr/kg and 0.36 hr/kg
respectively while total specific time spent in boiling yam, with 1ltr of water was 0.95kg/hr to
1.48kg/hr for traditional and improved stoves. In cooking rice, the traditional stove spent 1.17hr/kg
while improved stove spent 0.89hr/kg.
Table 3: Water-boiling and cooking tests time responses using a liter of water

Traditional Improved stove (full

Performance variables
stove load)
Total operating time to boil water 29min 43sec 21min 38sec
Total time spent in cooking yam 34min 18sec 50min
Total time spent in cooking rice 1hr 40min 1hr 16min
Specific time capacity in boiling
0.5 hr/kg 0.36 hr/kg
Specific time capacity in cooking
0.95 hr/kg 1.48 hr/kg
Specific time capacity in cooking
1.17 hr/kg 0.89 hr/kg
8 ILCPA Volume 54

With these results, using 0.57kg of charcoal in the improved stove is sufficient to provide
energy to cook a household meal and excess energy can be used to heat water for other domestic
purposes. Results of the operating performance of charcoal in the stoves in terms of fuel
consumption rate, char produced, specific fuel combustion, burn rate, and specific burn rate is as
shown in Table 4. The computed fuel consumption rate of the stoves ranges from 0.45 to 0.39 kg
per hour for traditional and improved stove respectively. The percentage amount of char produced
from the stove ranges from 12.5 to 28.8%%. This can be attributed to the higher amount of air
supplied by the blower as when the reactor is fully loaded with rice husks.
Table 4: The operating performance of the stove

Performance variables Traditional stove Improved stove

Weight of charcoal consumed 0.70 kg 0.57 kg

% char produced 12.5% 28.8%
Equivalent charcoal consumed 0.47 kg 0.16 kg
1hr 34min20sec
Total operating time to consume fuel 1hr 29min 38sec (1.48hr)

Fuel consumption rate (FCR) 0.45kg/hr 0.39kg/hr

Specific fuel consumption 1.17 0.95

Burn rate (rcb) 0.314kg/hr 0.122kg/hr

Specific burn rate (SBR) 0.874kg/m2-hr 0.755kg/m2-hr

The stoves power performance characteristics are as shown in Table 12. With the power input of
2.26 kW (0.691Kw/hr) and overall thermal efficiency of 36.74% for the improved stove, the stove
is thermally efficient more than the traditional stove.
Table 5: Power output and efficiency of the stove
Power input Power output Thermal
(kW/hr) (kW/hr) efficiency (%)

Traditional 0.043 0.231 72.07

Improved 0.038 0.691 84.30

An air aspirated charcoal stove was developed, constructed and tested in comparison with a
conventional charcoal stove. In the design, parameters considered include air flow rate, superficial
velocity, insulation, and power thermal efficiency and emission rate. The incorporation of aspirated
air into the combustion chamber increased the thermal efficiency (by 12.23 %), reduce the fuel
consumption rate (by 13.33%), reduced charcoal usage (by 66%) and reduced gas emission which is
in line with the paradigm shift from fuel-efficient stoves to emission efficient stoves. There exists a
comparative advantage between an improved charcoal stove available in the market and the
aspirated stove when considering comfort, ease of operation and environmental friendliness as
tradeoff to cost. The average of cost of improved stoves ranges between N500.00 and N1, 400.00
while the cost of the aspirated stove (inclusive the stove and the power pack) is estimated at N2,
International Letters of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy Vol. 54 9

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