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Creation of Roman Mythology

According to the beliefs of the Ancient Romans, the world started out with only one
primordial deity, which was Chaos. Chaos was a dark, silent abyss that housed all creation. The
first thing to emerge from the abyss was the second deity, Gaia, the Earth. Gaia was said to be
the mother of the universe, and from her came Uranus, or the sky. Many other primordial deities
emerged from Chaos, notably including Cupid, the god of love.
After this first generation of gods, there were the Titans. The Titans were the offspring of
Gaia and Uranus. The first generation of Titans consisted of six sets of twins, each one a boy and
girls. The twelve were: Saturn, Oceanus, Lapetus, Hyperion, Crius, Coeus, Ops, Tethys, Theia,
Phoebe, Themis, and Mnemosyne. From this generation came the next generation of titans. The
most notable Titans from this generation are Prometheus is said to have given humans the gift of
fire stolen from Saturn, his uncle. Atlas is known for his punishment of holding up the sky after
the Olympian war.
Saturn and Ops had six children: Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Hestia, Juno, and Ceres. The
first five. Saturn ate at birth due to a prophecy that said he would be overthrown by one of his
children. The sixth, Jupiter, was stolen by Ops and taken to Earth to be raised by nymphs on the
island of Crete. Ops then fed Saturn a rock wrapped in a blanket, tricking him into thinking it
was Jupiter.
Once Jupiter was an adult, he returned to fight Saturn. He forced him to regurgitate his
five siblings and proceeded to fight the Titans. He and his siblings, known as the Olympic Gods,
defeated the gods with the help of Prometheus. These gods then set up their rule and distributed
the powers between them, along with gods that were children of other Titans, including Apollo
and Diana.

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