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Question to Understand You Better

1 What sort of jobs have you been applying for…? Why ?

2 Why are you suited to this position?

3 What is your biggest success?

4 Tell us about yourself?

5 What are your 3 strongest attributes?

6 What are your 3 weaknesses?

7 What are the job your like best? Why?

8 What are the job your hate most? Why?

9 Who are the boss/superior you like and dislike most? Why?

10 What are the 3 goals you want to accomplish in the next 3 years?
How are you going to achieve these goals?
Nama : Tanggal : 30-Dec-1899
MOST LEAST Response to the Environment Basic Style
No. JWB Karakteristik HASIL JWB HASIL Adapted Natural
2 b I C D X C c D
3 a X D S I X d I 100 100
4 b C S X I S a X
5 b X C X S C c D
6 c D S X X X d C 90 90
7 d X S D I I a C
8 b D I X X I d C
a d 80 80
9 I S D C I X
10 a D C X S D d S
11 b I S X D S a I
70 70
12 b X D C S D d S
13 a D I S X D d C
14 b C D I S D c I
60 60
15 b S X C X X c C
16 a I X X D I c C
17 d C S X D D c I
50 50
18 b I S X D S c C
19 d C D I S S c I
20 b D C X I C d I 40 40
21 c S X D C D b S
22 a I X D S I d S
23 b I C D X C d S 30 30
24 d D S I C C a D

Type Nilai Konv Nilai Konv

10 10
20 20

D 6 LD 48 4 59
I 5 HI 68 6 37 10 10
S 4 LS 45 5 59
C 6 HC 73 7 47
X 3 2 0 0
Total 24 HCHILDLS 24

Notes :

1. Circle the highest plotting on Graph I. Analyzer #60

Your "Adapted" behavior is a high C (D, I, S or C)
2. Circle the highest plotting on Graph II. Conductor #57
Your "Natural" behavior is a high D (D, I, S or C)
Nama : Tanggal : 30 December 1899


Graph I : Analyzer #60 Type : C
► A promoter of quality systems
► A good sense of urgency balanced with maintaining high standards
► Organized, even in relationships. Appreciates company of people with similar ideas, likes being organized and quality-conscious
► Sensitive to change in the social and work environment
► Being more accepting of others' ideas and beliefs
► Setting realistic goals
► Not being overly sensitive to other people's comments
► Goals: Diplomatic
► Judges others by: Who they know, prestige and accomplishments
► Influences others by: Strategy in good relations
► Value to the organization: Creates a good working environment
► Overuses: Tactfulness
► When under stress: Becomes too suave
► Fears: Having to trade quality for good relationships

Graph II : Conductor #57 Type : D

► Ability to come up with new ideas and follow them through to completion
► Appreciates others who are team players
► Ability to see the "big picture" along with the small details
► Determination and persistence
► Not being overly focused on one issue and missing other opportunities
► Being less concerned with personal standards
► Checking priorities with others
► Goals: Determined
► Judges others by: Amount of work completed
► Influences others by: Tenancity and persistence
► Value to the organization: Results oriented with a sense of consistency
► Overuses: Reliance on self
► When under stress: Stubborn,quiet and non-demonstrative
► Fears: Involvement with to many people
D I S C D I S C Code Nama Type Type
20 100 17 100 19 100 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 100 HCLDLILS Analyzer #7 C
16 97 16 100 16 100 1 87 1 86 1 96 1 95 HCLILDLS Analyzer #7 C
15 93 15 100 15 100 15 100 2 75 2 75 2 85 2 82 HCHSLDLI Coordinator #21 C
14 95 14 100 14 100 14 100 3 67 3 67 3 75 3 74 HCHSLILD Coordinator #21 C
13 83 13 100 13 100 13 100 4 59 4 55 4 67 4 65 HCHDLILS Implementor #24 C
12 79 12 100 12 97 12 100 5 53 5 46 5 59 5 58 HCHDLSLI Implementor #24 C
11 76 11 100 11 89 11 100 6 48 6 37 6 53 6 52 HCHILSLD Analyzer #60 C
10 73 10 97 10 85 10 100 7 42 7 28 7 42 7 47 HCHILDLS Analyzer #60 C
9 65 9 92 9 78 9 96 8 38 8 22 8 37 8 39 HCHIHDLS Analyzer #55 C
8 59 8 88 8 74 8 89 9 31 9 15 9 29 9 33 HCHDHILS Analyzer #55 C
7 53 7 83 7 67 7 84 10 28 10 10 10 23 10 23 HCHSHDLI Analyzer #38 C
6 48 6 73 6 61 6 73 11 25 11 7 11 15 11 14 HCHDHSLI Analyzer #38 C
5 43 5 68 5 55 5 66 12 21 19 0 12 8 12 7 HDLILCLS Conductor #1 D
4 38 4 56 4 45 4 54 13 15 13 4 13 3 HDLILCLS Conductor #1 D
3 33 3 43 3 38 3 40 14 11 19 1 16 0 HDHILSLC Persuader #12 D
2 24 2 35 2 30 2 29 15 8 HDHILCLS Persuader #12 D
1 15 1 20 1 22 1 16 16 5 HDHCLILS Implementor #9 D
0 3 0 8 0 11 0 0 21 1 HDHCLSLI Implementor #9 D
HDHSLILC Conductor #57 D
HDHSLCLI Conductor #57 D
HDHIHCLS Conductor #27 D
HDHCHILS Conductor #27 D
HDHSHCLI Conductor #42 D
HDHCHSLI Conductor #42 D
HSLDLCLI Supporter #5 S
HSLDLILC Supporter #5 S
HSLCLDLI Supporter #5 S
HSLCLILD Supporter #5 S
HSLILDLC Supporter #5 S
HSLILCLD Supporter #5 S
HSHCLDLI Coordinator #20 S
HSHCLILD Coordinator #20 S
HSHILDLC Relater #17 S
HSHILCLD Relater #17 S
HSHDLILC Supporter #59 S
HSHDLCLI Supporter #59 S
HSHIHCLD Supporter #35 S
HSHCHILD Supporter #35 S
HSHDHILC Supporter #50 S
HSHIHDLC Supporter #50 S
HILDLCLS Promoter #3 I
HILDLSLC Promoter #3 I
HILCLDLS Promoter #3 I
HILCLSLD Promoter #3 I
HILSLDLC Promoter #3 I
HILSLCLD Promoter #3 I
HIHDLSLC Persuader #13 I
HIHDLCLS Persuader #13 I
HIHSLDLC Relater #16 I
HIHSLCLD Relater #16 I
HIHCLDLS Promoter #58 I
HIHCLSLD Promoter #58 I
HIHSHCLD Promoter #47 I
HIHCHSLD Promoter #47 I
HIHDHSLC Promoter #30 I
HIHSHDLC Promoter #30 I
NAMA TYPE 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 Goal JudgesInfluence Value to org
When under Stress Fears
Analyzer #7 Ability to Alert andProfession OrganizatBeing lesGoing "byMore enthAccuracyCorrect r Use of daHigh stanRules andBecomesHigh-risk o decisions
Coordinator #21 Ability t Alert andAbility t Ability t Stating t Less concMore conSecurity Precise sDependabil ConscientDependen BecomesAntagonism
Implementor #24 Ability t Ability t Ability t Experts aBeing sens Being lesShowing D mesignin Their ownSetting aPrecise, Facts andTakes onDisorganization
Analyzer #60 A promote A good seOrganized SensitiveBeing mor Setting reNot beingDiplomatiWho theyStrategy Creates TactfulneBecomesHaving to trade quality for goo
Analyzer #55 Ability t Ability t Ability to MaintainsNot over B c eing reaBecomingMany chaTheir ski Being optCombined StandardBecomesMissing
c deadlines
Analyzer #38 Ability t Ability t Avoids faWill combBeing lesNot hidinSharing iProblem sTheir useFacts andIndepende PerfectioBecomesPeople contact, high risks and
Conductor #1 Ability t Forward-lAbility t Initiates Being lesNot coercPatience,DominancTheir abilForce of Show 'emChallengeBecomesLosing q control
Persuader #12 Results-oDecisive Initiates ExtrovertBecomingNot takinMore foll AggressivAbility t Friendlin Good plan Position BecomesLosing
r and failing
Implementor #9 Sets highAware and StructureSystematiMore warBeing mor Not beingDominancTheir ownCompetitiInitiate Bluntness, Driving Not being influential
Conductor #57 Ability t AppreciatAbility to Determina Not beingBeing lesCheckingDeterminAmount oTenancityResults oReliance Stubborn,Involvement with to many peo
Conductor #27 Results t Faces obs High persSense ofBeing mor Slowing dDevelopinAggressivTeam part Persuasi InnovatedStrong wilImpatientNot achieving desired goals
Conductor #42 Ability t Single-miCareful sAbility to Sharing kNot hesitDevelopinSelf-suffi Comprehe Rational,Self-startSelf-reli AmbivalenDeadlines without time for qua
Supporter #5 Ability t Ability to A team me Enjoys prProjectin Less reli More init DependabiTheir conA congeniStabilize ComposuNon-exprNot being appreciated, and th
Coordinator #20 Ability t Willing t Excels inDemonstra Learning Using a dDisplayinAchieve hUse of k Ability to Adding foResisten Becomes determined, stubborn
Relater #17 Good listeSkilled a Gifted at Ability t Being assBeing lesMore streAcceptanLoyalty,sOffering Support, KindnessWithdrawDissension, conflict,not being
Supporter #59 Ability t PersistenExcels atTeam play Demonstra Using new Not resisPersonalTheir ac PerseverWorks indBluntness, Obstinate,
Not attaining,desired results
Supporter #35 Ability to Sociable Ability t Good anal Staying f Having a Sincere aStatus quFriendshiConsiste Planner,cModesty,A grudgeConflict,losing face
Supporter #50 Ability t Excels atPositive Good at bPrioritizinMore weig Being morSuccess Lt oyal fri PersuasivSolves prIntensity PassionatNot being supported by the te
Promoter #3 Very optiPlaces foDevelopsUses a c Keeping sBeing lesBeing orgObliging The warmFriendlin Communica Dependen EmotionalNot being liked enough
Persuader #13 Ability to Communic Ability to Ability t Making de Being wilHaving reMaintain Influenti Inspirati Stable, dEnthusia Overly veFailure
Relater #16 Ability t Protects Good listener and Being assNot avoidMore init Maintain Their loyaPersonal Good listToleranc A grudge-Confrontation
Promoter #58 Ability to Ability t Ability to Prefers aBeing less Communica Being morApprovalTheir abi Poise an Relieves Control cVerbal,caLoss of uniqueness
Promoter #47 Ability t An optimiWill atte Patience Being lesMore cons More dir SystematiTheir abi DiplomacCareful aPosoiton PossessivNot being part of team
Promoter #30 Ability t Ability t Ability t Ability t Being lesGatheringMore atteSociable Their dedTaking res EnthusiasAmbitiou SuperficiaNot being seen as a team play
High-risk decisions
Having to trade quality for good relationships
Missing deadlines
People contact, high risks and lack of privacy
Losing control
Losing and failing
Not being influential
Involvement with to many people
Not achieving desired goals
Deadlines without time for quality assurances
Not being appreciated, and the unknown
mes determined, stubborn
Dissension, conflict,not being liked
Not attaining,desired results
Conflict,losing face
Not being supported by the team and change
Not being liked enough

Loss of uniqueness
Not being part of team
Not being seen as a team player
The PPA is a validated positive, non-critical, behavioral analysis of a person, emphasizing his/her strengths and capabilities in the work
environment. The PPA is not a test. You cannot pass or fail.
Name: No. WA
1) Pada tiap baris, pilihlah 1 (satu) kata yang PALING TEPAT menggambarkan diri anda dan 1(satu) kata paling TIDAK TEPAT.
2) Isilah pada KOLOM PILIHAN (Kolom M), HURUF yang menggambarkan kata PALING TEPAT untuk diri anda. M L
3) Isilah pada KOLOM PILIHAN (Kolom L), HURUFyang menggambarkan kata Paling TIDAK TEPAT untuk diri anda. PALING
4) Perhatikan contoh yang diberikan untuk baris 1 dan 2 PALING
1 2 3 4 TEPAT
1 a Lembut, ramah b Membujuk, meyakinkan c Sederhana, rendah hati d Asli, pribadi, pencipta 1 c a
2 a Menarik, mempesona b Mudah bekerja sama & setuju c Keras kepala, tidak mudah menyerah d Manis, menyenangkan 2 d b
Jawaban Anda :
1 a Lembut, ramah b Membujuk, meyakinkan c Sederhana, rendah hati d Asli, pribadi, pencipta 1 c d
2 a Menarik, mempesona b Mudah bekerja sama & setuju c Keras kepala, tidak mudah menyerah d Manis, menyenangkan 2 b c
3 a Mau dipimpin, mengikuti b Tangguh, berani c Loyal, setia, mengabdi d Mempesona, menyenangkan 3 a d
4 a Berpandangan terbuka, mau menerima b Tegar, suka menolong c Tekun, berkemauan keras d Periang, selalu bergembira 4 b a
5 a Periang, suka bergurau b Teliti, tepat c Kasar, berani, kurang sopan, tidak malu d Tenang, terkendali 5 b c
6 a Kompetitif, selalu ingin berhasil b Timbang rasa, peduli, bijaksana c Terbuka, ramah, suka senang-senang d Harmonis, mudah menyetujui 6 c d
7 a Rewel, cerewet, sulit puas b Taat, patuh c Tidak mudah mundur, fokus, ulet d Suka melucu, lincah, periang 7 d a
8 a Berani, tidak gentar, tangguh b Membangkitkan semangat, memotivasi c Patuh, berhasil, menyerah d Takut-takut, malu, pendiam 8 b d
9 a Suka bergaul dan ber-sosialisasi b Sabar, penuh keyakinan, toleransi c Percaya diri, mandiri d Halus/lembut, pendiam, menyendiri 9 a d
10 a Menyukai hal baru, suka tantangan b Terbuka, menerima ide dan saran c Ramah, hangat, bersahabat d Moderat, menghindari ekstrim 10 a d
11 a Banyak bicara, cerewet b Terkendali, mudah diatur c Melakukan hal biasa, tidak berlebihan d Tegas, cepat ambilkeputusan 11 b a
12 a Berbudi bahasa halus, tingkah laku yg halus b Berani, suka mengambil resiko c Diplomatik, bijaksana d mudah puas atau senang 12 b d
13 a Agresif, suka tantangan, penuh inisiatif b Menyukai hiburan, ramah, suka kumpul c Pengikut, Mudah kerjasama orang lain d Gelisah, khawatir 13 a d
14 a Berhati-hati b Fokus hal tertentu, tidah mudah goyah c Meyakinkan d Baik hati, menyenangkan 14 b c
15 a Rela berkorban, mengikuti arus b Antusias, selalu ingin tahu c Mudah menyetujui d Lincah, antusias 15 b c
16 a Percaya diri, yakin pada diri sendiri b Simpatik, orang yg pengertian c Toleran d Tegas, agresif 16 a c
17 a Disiplin, terkendali b Dermawan, suka berbagi c Suka berekspresi, banyak ekspresi d Gigih, tidak mudah menyerah 17 d c
18 a Terpuji, dapat dikagumi, patut dipuji b Ramah, senang menolong c Mudah Menyerah, menerima pendapat d Memiliki karakter kuat, tangguh 18 b c
19 a Menunjukkan rasa hormat b Pelopor, perintis, giat, mau berusaha c Optimis, pandangan positif d Selalu siap untuk membantu 19 d c
20 a Dapat ber-argumentasi b Fleksibel, mudah beradaptasi c Tak peduli, acuh tak acuh d Riang, tiada yg dipikirkan sama sekali 20 b d
21 a Dapat dipercaya, percaya kepada orang lain b Mudah puas, selalu merasa cukup c Selalu positif, tidak diragukan d Tenang, Pendiam 21 c b
22 a Mudah bergaul, suka berteman b Berbudaya, banyak pengetahuan c Bersemangat, giat d Toleransi, tidak tegas 22 a d
23 a Menyenangkan, ramah b Teliti, akurat c Terus terang, bicara bebas d Terkendali, emosi yang terkendali 23 b d
24 a Resah, tidak bisa santai b Baik hati, ramah c Populer, disukai banyak orang d Rapi, teratur 24 d a

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