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Numair Shahnawaz

Dear Sir,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. My name is Numair Shahnwaz and I am a student
of Haque Academy. I am also part of the MUN team and have recently been the captain of
my school cricket team. I have recently been to many malls around my area in DHA and have
noticed that all malls and the stores in them have increased their usage of plastic bags.

I strongly urge you to look into this matter as the usage of plastic bags has a detrimental
impact on our environment. The usage of plastic bags is one of the main causes of global
warming and it also majorly impacts the wildlife in the Arabian Sea which is located very
near to where I live. This is because of the fact that many of these plastic bags fly into the
ocean which results in our ocean getting polluted by unnecessary waste and could also cause
wildlife to lose their lives in case of them eating the bags. This is a major cause as I would
not want our sea which attracts a lot of tourism to have a bad look just because of the use of
plastic bags and not another type of bag. Many plastic bags are also littered which is a big
problem in Karachi and this makes our roads look dirty which is not the case. This issue
would be solved if we just banned the usage of plastic bags in these malls and retail stores.
I strongly suggest the stores use the alternatives to plastic bags such as reusable cloth bags or
even paper bags.

I strongly hope you, the city council, will take my thoughts into consideration when making a
decision regarding this subject.

Best Regards,
Numair Shahnwaz

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