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A Literature Survey on

Blockchain Based E-voting System

Shilpa S,2 Rakhi Umesh Chauvan, 3Sudeep GS
Bachelor of Engineering in ISE, HKBKCE – Bengaluru,
Karnataka, India

Abstract—This paper proposed an E-Voting model where digital and fingerprint patterns, the system not only reinforces
technology is used to help today’s people and improve their life identity verification but also ensures a seamless and efficient
where this model ensures security, privacy and transparency. voting experience.
Some problems can occur with the traditional electoral system. It This study is motivated by the imperative to contribute to
is with the organization that has full authority over the database the ongoing discourse on bolstering the resilience of electoral
but it can not be trusted, it is possible to tamper with the systems through technological innovation. By harnessing the
database. This model has security features which includes both power of AI and Blockchain, the research seeks to not only
authentication and authorization. Authentication is incorporated address existing challenges but also to set a foundation for a
by using a unique identification key and authorization is done by
robust, secure, and inclusive E-voting ecosystem. As
fingerprint where in this the vote is in the form of transaction,
which keeps track of votes Through which atomicity and integrity societies navigate the complex intersection of technology and
are maintained. And this will improve the voting scenarios governance, understanding the implications, benefits, and
potential risks associated with the proposed integration
Keywords: Authentication, Authorization, Node, Transaction, becomes crucial for the advancement of democratic
Miners,Chain, Consensus processes in the digital age.


In recent decades, the global landscape of electoral Electronic voting systems, while intended to streamline
processes has witnessed a notable shift towards embracing the democratic process, grapple with formidable challenges.
technology to enhance efficiency, security, and accessibility. One paramount issue is the susceptibility to security
Traditional voting systems, characterized by paper ballots and breaches, encompassing hacking and tampering. Instances
manual counting, are time-consuming processes, and lead to from various elections worldwide underscore the
potential errors, and susceptibility to fraudulent activities. The vulnerability of these systems to external threats, raising
advent of electronic voting (E-voting) systems emerged as a concerns about the sanctity of the electoral process.The lack
promising solution, seeking to address these issues and of a paper trail in many traditional e-voting systems
modernize the democratic process. exacerbates the security issue. Unlike traditional paper
The integration of the Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain ballots, which provide a tangible and auditable record,
technology emerges as a novel approach to fortify E-voting electronic votes can be altered without leaving a trace. This
systems against these concerns. The synergy between Artificial lack of transparency makes it challenging to verify the
Intelligence and Blockchain holds the promise of addressing accuracy of results and exposes the system to manipulation.
the vulnerabilities inherent in traditional and even some Furthermore, accessibility and inclusivity concerns persist
contemporary electronic voting methods. The rationale behind in traditional e-voting systems. Some segments of the
this integration lies in leveraging AI for advanced identity population, such as those with limited technology access or
verification and authentication, while Blockchain serves as an disabilities, may face barriers to participation. Addressing
immutable and transparent ledger, ensuring the integrity of the these challenges is pivotal for ensuring the democratic
entire voting process. process's integrity and fostering trust among citizens.

II. Objective
The objective of this research is to delve into the 1. Evolution towards Technology Integration:
implementation of AI and Blockchain technologies within the
E- voting paradigm, with a specific focus on capturing eye and Recognizing the shortcomings of traditional
fingerprint data. Recognizing that governments already possess e-voting systems, the trajectory has shifted towards embracing
extensive databases containing such biometric information, the advanced technologies. Blockchain and AI emerge as pivotal
research aims to capitalize on existing data repositories to components in this evolutionary process, promising to
enhance the accuracy and security of voter identification. By surmount existing challenges and usher in a new era of secure
integrating AI algorithms capable of recognizing unique eye and transparent elections.
* Blockchain Technology: Basics and Security Features-
Blockchain, the foundational technology behind the
cryptocurrencies, operates on a decentralized ledger, creating The role of AI in e-voting extends beyond identity
a tamper-resistant record of transactions. This inherent feature verification. AI algorithms can actively monitor the voting
makes it a compelling solution for enhancing the security of e- process, identifying anomalies and patterns indicative of
voting systems. Each vote has become a cryptographic block malicious activities. Real-time analysis of voting data
linked to the preceding one, forming an immutable chain. This allows for swift response to potential threats, enhancing the
decentralized structure eliminates the risk of a single point of system's overall security.Accuracy in vote counting is
failure, mitigating the potential for fraud or manipulation. another domain where AI excels. Machine learning
algorithms can process vast amounts of data with speed and
The transparency afforded by blockchain is equally precision, reducing the likelihood of errors in tallying votes.
significant. Every participant in the network has access to the Examining instances where AI has been deployed to
entire transaction history, fostering a high level of trust. This enhance the accuracy of e-voting systems offers valuable
transparency extends to the verification of election results, as insights into the practical implications and challenges of this
each vote's journey through the blockchain is visible and integration.
traceable. Examining successful implementations of
blockchain in voting systems worldwide provides valuable
insights into the practical applications and benefits of this 3. Methodology-
The methodology section of this type of research
encompasses a detailed exploration of the processes and
a. Artificial Inteigence in Voting: Utilizing Voting for strategies involved in implementing the integration of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain technologies into
Identity Verification-
the E-voting system. This section is crucial for elucidating
Artificial Intelligence, with its cognitive capabilities, the steps undertaken to ensure the successful incorporation
adds another layer of sophistication to the e-voting landscape. of advanced technologies while addressing key
Identity verification, a cornerstone of secure elections, can be considerations such as system architecture, data collection,
significantly enhanced through AI. Utilizing facial recognition and the implementation plan.
and fingerprint analysis, AI algorithms can ensure the
accuracy of voter identification. This not only reduces the risk
of fraudulent votes but also streamlines the voting process by A. System architecture-
automating identity verification. The integration of AI in *Integration of Blockchain:
identity verification introduces adaptability and resilience to
evolving threats. Machine learning algorithms can
continuously learn and improve, staying ahead of potential
exploits. Examining case studies where AI has been
successfully employed in identity verification processes sheds
light on best practices and potential pitfalls.

2. Enhancing Security and Accuracy-

Building on the foundations laid by blockchain and
AI, the overarching goal is to fortify the security and
accuracy of e-voting systems. The combination of these
technologies introduces a multi-layered approach to
safeguarding the electoral process.

Blockchain and AI’s Role in ensuring Security and Accuracy- The integration of Blockchain into the E- voting system
Blockchain, by design, ensures the security of the entire which serves as a foundational element, providing a
electoral process. Its decentralized nature removes the reliance decentralized and a secure platform for recording and
on a central authority, reducing the risk of manipulation. The managing voting data. The Blockchain architecture will be
cryptographic hashing of votes guarantees their integrity, designed to accommodate the unique requirements of the
creating a robust defense against tampering. Diving into voting process, ensuring the transparency, immutability, and
specific security features embedded in blockchain protocols the resilience against tampering. Smart contracts will play a
elucidates the mechanisms that will fortify the electoral pivotal role in automating various stages of the voting
infrastructure.he decentralized nature of blockchain which process, from voter registration to the validation of election
enables universal accessibility of the distributed database to results. The decentralized nature of Blockchain mitigates
all participants in the network,which is governed by a the risk of single-point failures and enhances the overall
consensus algorithm. Therefore, blockchain data are trustworthiness of the E-voting system.
immutable, additionally traces and validates transactions
based on their origins. This technique makes digital
transactions transparent, secure, and tamper-proof.
Considering these unique characteristics, blockchain is an
appropriate mechanism for integration with e-voting systems.
participants, such as election officials and designated
nodes, have the ability to validate transactions. This
*AI Algorithms for Eye and Fingerprint Data- approach balances the advantages of decentralization
Implementing advanced AI algorithms is central to the with the necessity for governance and control.
success of the proposed system. These algorithms will 1. Smart Contracts-
focus on the analysis and authentication of eye and
fingerprint data, utilizing machine learning models trained One of the key technical components in integrating
on comprehensive datasets. The objective is to create blockchain is the deployment of smart contracts. These
robust biometric recognition mechanisms that enhance the self-executing contracts encode the rules and conditions
security and efficiency of the voting process. By of the election process. Through predefined logic, smart
leveraging AI, the system can adapt to variations in contracts automate tasks such as vote validation, tallying,
individual biometric patterns, ensuring a high level of and result declaration. This not only reduces the reliance
accuracy in identity verification. Continuous learning and on intermediaries but also ensures the execution of the
improvement mechanisms within the AI algorithms will electoral process is transparent and immutable
be implemented to stay resilient against emerging threats .
and variations in biometric data. 2. Decentralized Consensus Mechanism-
The selection of an appropriate consensus
B. Data Collection- mechanism is paramount in ensuring the security and
*Government Data Sources- reliability of the blockchain. Practical Byzantine Fault
Tolerance (PBFT) or Proof of Authority (PoA) are often
Leveraging the existing government databases favored for their efficiency and resilience against
containing eye and fingerprint data is integral to the malicious nodes. Examining the specific consensus
research. Collaborative efforts with relevant government mechanism chosen in the implementation provides
agencies responsible for managing biometric information insights into the system's robustness.
will be established. The goal is to access reliable and
up-to- date datasets that form the basis for training the AI 3. Encryption Techniques-
algorithms. Ethical considerations will be at the forefront, To safeguard the privacy and integrity of votes,
ensuring that data usage adheres to privacy regulations encryption plays a vital role. Advanced encryption
and respects individual rights. Establishing secure techniques, such as homomorphic encryption, enable the
connections and protocols for data retrieval from counting of votes without decrypting them, preserving
government sources will be a critical aspect of this voter anonymity. Analyzing the encryption methods
process. employed in the blockchain integration sheds light on the
measures taken to protect sensitive voter information.
*Privacy and Legal Considerations- 4. Immutable Record-

The collection, storage, and utilization of The immutability of the blockchain ensures that once
biometric data require meticulous attention to privacy and a vote is recorded, it cannot be altered or deleted. This is
legal considerations. Compliance with data protection achieved through cryptographic hashing, where each
laws, such as GDPR or equivalent regional regulations, block contains a unique identifier based on the content of
will be a major priority. Consent mechanisms will be the previous block. This chain of blocks creates a secure
transparently communicated to individuals, ensuring they and transparent audit trail, enabling stakeholders to trace
are fully informed about how their biometric data will be the entire voting process
used in the context of the E-voting system. Encryption
protocols and secure storage practices will be AI Algorithms-
implemented to safeguard the confidentiality and integrity
of the collected biometric data. a. AI Algorithms for Identity Verification-
*Facial Recognition:
IV.IMPLEMENTATION AI-driven facial recognition algorithms play a
pivotal role in verifying the identity of voters. By
The integration of blockchain into the e-voting system analyzing facial features and comparing them to a
represents a pivotal step towards achieving a secure, database of registered voters, this technology ensures
transparent, and tamper-resistant electoral process. This that the person casting the vote is indeed the legitimate
section delves into the technical intricacies of how voter. The technical aspects involve deep learning
blockchain is implemented to fortify the foundation of models trained on diverse datasets to accurately
electronic voting.The implementation of blockchain in e- recognize faces under various conditions.
voting involves the creation of a decentralized ledger that
securely records each vote. The use of a permissioned *Fingerprint Analysis-
blockchain ensures that only authorized Leveraging AI for fingerprint analysis enhances the
biometric verification process.Machine learning
algorithms,particularly those based on
B. Future Work-
can efficiently match fingerprints against a secure
database. The utilization of minutiae points and ridge Guiding future research and development in e-voting
patterns ensures the uniqueness and reliability of systems is crucial for continuous improvement.
fingerprint-based identity verification. Suggesting potential areas for exploration is key to
advancing the field.
*Behavioral Biometrics-
AI algorithms can extend identity verification beyond
traditional methods by analyzing behavioral biometrics. *Enhanced Privacy Measures-
This includes the unique way individuals interact with Future research can delve into cryptographic
technology, such as keystroke dynamics or mouse techniques that safeguard voter anonymity without
movement patterns. Incorporating behavioral biometrics compromising transparency, ensuring enhanced privacy
provides an additional layer of authentication, making it in e-voting systems.
more challenging for malicious actors to impersonate Future research can delve into cryptographic
legitimate voters techniques that safeguard voter anonymity without
A. Summary of Findings- compromising transparency, ensuring enhanced privacy
The exploration of e-voting systems, blockchain in e-voting systems.
integration, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications *Usability and Accessibility-
underscores their transformative impact on democratic Focusing on user interfaces for diverse demographics
processes. Summarizing the key findings emphasizes the and addressing accessibility challenges for individuals
collective contributions of these technologies. with disabilities will contribute to a more inclusive and
user-friendly e-voting experience.
*Post-Election Audit- *Scalability of Blockchain Networks-
AI can aid in post-election audits by analyzing patterns Investigating methods to optimize blockchain
in voting data. This retrospective analysis helps identify protocols for varying election sizes ensures scalability
any discrepancies or patterns that may indicate while maintaining system security and efficiency.
manipulation. The technical implementation of these *Public Perception and Trust-
post-election audit algorithms contributes to the overall
robustness of the e- voting system. Understanding and improving public perception
and trust in e-voting systems is essential. Research can
The exploration of e-voting systems, blockchain explore strategies for effectively communicating the
integration, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications benefits and security features of blockchain and AI-
underscores their transformative impact on democratic integrated systems to the public.
processes. Summarizing the key findings emphasizes the
collective contributions of these technologies.
*Blockchain Integration in E-voting- In conclusion, the integration of blockchain and AI in e-
voting systems is a transformative step in redefining
The incorporation of blockchain addresses security and democratic processes. Future research promises to
transparency challenges in e-voting. Decentralized ledgers address current challenges and elevate standards in
ensure tamper-resistant records, and smart contracts security, transparency, and inclusivity. As technology
automate the electoral process, enhancing efficiency. The evolves, opportunities to enhance the democratic
immutability of the blockchain provides an auditable trail, experience for global citizens continue to unfold.
assuring stakeholders of the process's integrity.
The evolution of blockchain-based e-voting systems
*AI Algorithms for Identity Verification and Security from 2017 to 2023 has beenmarked by significant
Enhancement- advancements, as evidenced by research papers from this
AI algorithms, particularly in identity verification, period.Significant studies emerged, proposing a novel
bolster e-voting system security. Facial recognition and approach to utilizing blockchain technologyor recording
fingerprint analysis introduce sophisticated biometric votes for different voting scenarios. These systems aimed
verification. Behavioral biometrics add an extra layer of to address common limitations in existing voting systems
authentication, and AI actively monitors for anomalies and involved a critical evaluation of popularblockchain
and adapts to emerging threats, enhancing overall frameworks suitable for e-voting applications. During the
security. years, the primary research emphasis shifted towards
*Combined Impact on Security and Efficiency- enhancing security and developing robust frameworks
for blockchain-based e-voting systems. In recent years,
The synergy between blockchain and AI fortifies e- the other aspects of e-voting systems,scalability and cost
voting systems, addressing vulnerabilities in traditional efficiency, have received more attention.
methods. This combined impact creates a robust
framework for secure, transparent, and efficient
democratic processes.

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