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MacEwan University

Math 114 (AS 03) Midterm Fall 2018

1. Phones and any other technology must be turned off and put away from the
desk where you write the exam.
2. The exam is closed book.
3. Attempt every question.
4. All work must be shown. No marks will be given for answers alone.
5. No marks will be given for guess methods.
6. You have 100 minutes to complete this exam.
7. Calculators or formula sheets are not allowed.
8. The maximum score is 70.
9. Good Luck!

1. [8] Start with the graph of a basic function to sketch the graph of the following function:
! = −2 sin(3* + ,)
Explain each transformation in words and with an accurate graph.

2. [10] Let . (* ) = √9 − * 1 and 2(* ) = √7 − *.

(a) Find the domain of . and the domain of 2.

(b) Evaluate .(2(2)) and 2(.(0)).

(c) Determine the domain of the composition .∘ 2 (where (.∘ 2)(*) = .(2(*))).

3. [12] Evaluate the limit, if it exists. If the limit is infinite, determine if the limit is +∞
or −∞.

* 1 + 5* + 6
(7) lim > B
;→=1 2* 1 − 8

2 − √* + 3
(C) lim > B
;→D 1−*

1 − 2*
(F) limI
;⟶H * 1 − 3*

sin(* − 2)
(J) lim
;→1 * 1 − * − 2

4. [4] The piecewise function f is defined as follows:

L* 1 , if * < 3
.(* ) = K12* , where L is a constant.
, if 3 ≤ *

Determine all possible values of L that will make . continuous at x = 3

5. [10] (a) Use the definition of the derivative to find .′(Z) where the function . is given by
.(* ) = 3* 1 − 2* + 1

(b) Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve ! = 3* 1 − 2* + 1 when * = 1.

6.[8] Find the derivative of the given function. You do not need to simplify your answer:

(7) .(*) = \ + * √H + , H
√* [

(C) ! = sin1 (* + cos(* H ))

7. [6] Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve * H + ! H − 9*! = 0 at the point (2,4).

8.[6] A 10 ft long ladder leans against a wall and begins to slide down the wall. If the top of
the ladder is sliding down the wall at a rate of 2 ft/sec, how fast is the angle between the ladder
and the ground decreasing when the top of the ladder is 6 ft above the ground?

9.[6] Use linear approximation or differentials to estimate sin(59° ).

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