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Growth parameters

Primary parameters
Fresh weight
Dry weight
FW/DW ratio
Water content
Ash weight
Organic weight
Shoot, root and plant lengths and ratios
Leaf area
Leaf/ plant elongation rate (cm cm-1 day-1)
Stem diameter/ girth
RGR (g g-1 day-1)

Secondary parameters
Biomass allocation (%)
Succulence (g H2O g-1 DW) = (FW-DW)/ DW
Specific leaf area (SLA, cm2 g-1) = leaf area / leaf dry weight
Leaf tissue density (LTD, g g-1) = (DW/FW) x 100
Shoot tissue density (STD, g g-1) = (DW/FW) × 100
Leaf mass to area ratio (LAR, cm2 g-1) = leaf area/ plant mass
Root length ratio (RLR, cm g-1) = Root length/ plant mass
Shoot length ratio (SLR, cm g-1) = Soot length/ plant mass
Root mass fraction or root weight ratio (g g-1) = Root mass/ plant mass
Shoot mass fraction or shoot weight ratio (g g-1) = Shoot mass/ plant mass
Leaf mass fraction or Leaf weight ratio (g g-1) = Leaf weight / total plant weight)
Specific root length (SRL, cm g-1) = root length / root dry weight)
Specific shoot length (SSL, cm g-1) = shoot length / shoot dry weight)
Unit leaf rate (ULR): rate of increase of total dry weight per unit of total leaf area.
ULR (g m−2 d-1) = (1/LA /DW/day)

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