Bahasa Inggris

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Jalan Raden Patah No.

171, Semarang 50122,

Yayasan Kanisius Indonesia
(024) 3517009
SD Kanisius Kobong


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VI (Enam)
Nama : .......................................

I. Cross (x) the correct answer on a, b, c, or d.

1. Satria ... every morning
a. drinks milk
b. washes hair
c. takes a bath
d. brusheh teeth

2. Rio ... every day

a. eats rice
b. drinks his milk
c. washeh his hair
d. brushes his teeth

3. Malika always ... her hands before eating.

a. eats b. drinks c. washes d. brushes
4. Dewa usually ... up at 5 am in the morning
a. gets b. takes c. brings d. drinks
5. The students ... a break at 09.00 o’clock.
a. get b. take c. have d. bring
6. Devi : “How often do you wash your hair in a week?”
Vika : “...”
a. By bicycle b. with shampoo c. with toothpaste d. three times a week
7. I usually ... to the dentist once a month.
a. go
b. get
c. take
d. have

8. The play performance starts at ... .

a. a quarter to six
b. a quarter to five
c. a quarter past six
d. a quarter past five

9. Vincent usually starts to study at ... .

a. half past seven
b. half past eight
c. a quarter to eight
d. a quarter past eight
10. Juan goes to school at ... .
a. a quarter to six
b. a quarter to five
c. a quarter past six
d. a quarter past five

II. Complete the sentences below with the words provided.

1. Alam usually ...

2. Pedro always ...

3. it is ...

4. My father always ... vitamin three times a week.

5. I usually ... my breakfast at 06.00 o’clock in the morning.

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