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Unit # 4: Respiration

Glossary words.
Words Meanings
Respiration Breathing / Ventilation
Organ Part of body/ biological structure
Exhale Breath out
Alveoli Air sac
Diffuses Disperse
Aerobic Requiring oxygen
Addictive Habit forming
Inhale Breath in
Exchange Interchange
Answer the following questions.
1. How will you define respiratory system?
Ans. The organ that helps to get oxygen from air into your blood, and to get rid of carbon
dioxide, makes up the respiratory system.
2. What are alveoli?
Ans. Alveoli are the tiny air sacs of lungs
That allows the rapid gaseous exchange.
3. Name the two substances that are formed when glucose reacts with oxygen?
Ans. The substances that are formed when glucose reacts with oxygen are Carbon dioxide and
C6H12O6 + O2 CO2 + H2O
4.What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration?
Aerobic respiration Anaerobic respiration
This is the process of respiration in the Anaerobic respiration occurs in the absence
presence of oxygen. of oxygen.
5. Explain why a professional sportsman need a diet contain carbohydrates and proteins?
Ans. As we know muscles are made up of protein and for a sportsman there is greater need of
protein and carbohydrates which provide energy to his muscles and body cells for efficient
6.What do you know drug ?
Ans. A drug is a substance that changes the way a body works. . Some drugs for example
aspirin and antibiotics are useful. However nicotine is harmful drug.
7. Explain why smokers find very hard to give up smoking?
Ans. As cigarette contain nicotine which is a drug. A person who smoke get addicted of
nicotine. Therefore due to addiction a smoker find very hard to give up smoking.
Long question.
Q1. Write down a comparison between the healthy lungs and smoker lungs?
Healthy lungs Smoker lungs
Size: The lungs of healthy person are of Size: The lungs of a smoker become
normal size. Hyper inflated.
Inflammation: The lungs of healthy Inflammation: Patches of inflammation
person never inflate. occurs in the lungs of smoker.
Diaphragm: Diaphragm remain dome Diaphragm: Diaphragm muscles losses
shaped. due to smoking.
Q2. Draw a diagram of human respiratory system?

Draw a flowchart of a healthy diet that you need to take and also the unhealthy food you
need to take off?
Unhealthy food Side effects Healthy diet Benefits
Unit # 7: Mixtures
Glossary words.
Words Meanings
Mixture Blend/ Combination
Alloy Fusion
Condense Liquefy
Chromatography Reversed phase
Dissolve Break down
Transparent Glassy / clear
Dilute Thin
Saturated Soaked
Variables Changeable/shifting
Answer the following questions.
1.What is a difference between compound and mixtures?
Compounds Mixtures
Compound is formed by the combination of Mixture is made up of different kinds of
two or more than two element bonded particles that are mixed together but not
chemically. chemically bonded.
Example : baking soda , Aspirin Example : Air, ink , crude oil
2:Explain what an alloy is.
Ans .Metal mixtures are called alloys. Alloys are made by mixing different metals together.
Example: Bronze, steel etc.
3. Explain how the steam changes back into a liquid inside the condenser?
Ans. When the water vapor cools enough, the attractions between the molecules bring them
together. This causes the water vapor to change state and become tiny drops of liquid water.
The process of changing from a gas to a liquid is called condensation.
4.What is chromatography? Also write uses of chromatography?
• Ans. Chromatography is a process for separating components of a mixture..
Chromatography is useful in determining which antibodies fight various diseases and viruses. .
• Food testing.
• Beverage testing.
• Drug testing.
• Forensic testing.
5. What is a difference between solvent and solute?
Ans. The solute is the substance that is being dissolved, while the solvent is the dissolving
medium. Solutions can be formed with many different types and forms of solutes and solvents.
Example: In sugar solution sugar is solute while water is a solvent.
6.What is a saturated solution?
Ans.A saturated solution is a solution that has dissolved as much solute as it is capable of
dissolving. In a saturated solution, no more solute can be dissolved at a given temperature.
Long question.
Q1. Define chromatography also write the procedure and uses of it?
Chromatography is a process for separating components of a mixture
Chromatography process:
1. Special paper like filter paper or blotting paper is used.
2. A small drop of ink has been placed on the paper.
3. The paper than has to be soaked into water.
4. As the water moves up the paper the colours in the ink separate out.
5. The resulting paper is called chromatogram.
Uses of chromatography:
For food dye detection: Chromatography is used to study the dyes used in studies.
Forensic testing:
Chromatography is useful in determining which antibodies fight various diseases and viruses. .
Q2.Define solubility and write down the effect of temperature on solubility?
Ans. Solubility is a measure of how much of solute will dissolve in a solvent.
Effect of temperature on solubility:
Most solute will dissolve more quickly in hot water than in cold water. Furthermore as
temperature increases the solubility of most solutes also increases.
For example: If you have 100g of water at 20 OC you can dissolve204g of sugar in it. if you heat
the water to 80 OC , you can dissolve 362g sugar in it.
Q3: Write down about the solubility of different compounds?
Ans. Learn table from book page # 89.
1. State with a reason whether each of the following is a homogeneous mixture (solution)
or a heterogeneous mixture (mechanical mixture):

a. freshly squeeze grapefruit juice

b. pop

c. apple juice

d. vegetable soup

2. Give an example of the following:

a. pure substance water

b. an Acid HCL

c. a base NAOH

d. a gas mixture air

e. a compound sodium chloride

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