Practicum Management of Education

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Practicum: Management of Education

1. Effects of change of organization due to globalization and information technology.

The effects of changes in educational organizations due to globalization and information

technology are transformative and have reshaped the landscape of education worldwide. These
changes have led to shifts in teaching methods, curriculum design, student engagement, and
administrative processes.

Students and educators can access a wealth of information, research papers, and online courses
from around the world, enhancing the quality of education. Educational organizations can now
offer courses and degrees to students as well as educators for professional development
anywhere in the world, breaking down geographical barriers and expanding access to education.
And adopting technology to streamline administrative tasks, including enrollment, scheduling,
grading, and communication with students and parents.

Both have led to greater connectivity, access to knowledge, customized learning experiences,
and a global perspective. While these changes have brought numerous benefits, they also
require educators and institutions to adapt to new teaching methods, technology integration,
and cross-cultural understanding.

2. Identify the problems in the school (Matrix in a Tabular Form)

a. Areas of concern
b. Objectives
c. Strategies
d. Persons Involved
e. Resources Needed
f. Remarks

There are many aspects to be considered and can vary based on the specific context of the
school. It's essential for schools to adapt strategies and allocate resources based on their unique
circumstances to effectively address the identified concerns. As per my school assignment these
are identified problems in the different areas of concern:

Areas of
Concern Objectives Strategies Persons Involved Resources Needed Remarks

Improve test Implement data- Teachers, Data analysis tools,

Academic scores and driven teaching Academic professional Progress tracked
Performance outcomes methods Coordinators development regularly
Areas of
Concern Objectives Strategies Persons Involved Resources Needed Remarks

Ensure safe and Implement anti- Principal, Awareness

Bullying and respectful bullying programs Counselors, campaigns, Regular monitoring
Harassment environment and policies Teachers workshops and reporting

Source funding for Principal,

Provide necessary textbooks, Procurement Budget allocation, Efficient allocation
Lack of Resources learning materials technology Team grant applications and tracking

Renovate and Regular

Infrastructure and Improve school upgrade school Principal, Funding, construction maintenance and
Facilities infrastructure buildings Facilities Team expertise planning

Organize parent- Teachers, Parent- Regular

Parental Increase parental teacher meetings, Teacher Communication communication
Involvement engagement workshops Association tools, event planning channels

Individualized Special Education
Special Needs Provide inclusive Education Plans Teachers, Specialized training, Regular assessment
Support education (IEPs) Counselors resources and adaptation

Identify at-risk Tracking and

Reduce student students and provide Counselors, Counseling services, follow-up
Dropout Rate dropouts support Teachers mentoring programs mechanisms

Technology Integrate Incorporate tech into Teachers, IT Computers, software, Monitoring and
Areas of
Concern Objectives Strategies Persons Involved Resources Needed Remarks

technology lessons and

Integration effectively assignments Department training tech support

Ensure student Provide balanced

health and well- meals and health School Nurse, Nutritious food, Regular health
Health and Nutrition being services Cafeteria Staff health supplies checks and services

Budget efficiently
Funding and Budget Optimize resource for educational Principal, School Budget planning, Transparent
Constraints allocation needs Board financial reports financial practices

3. Discuss the rationale of the following terms in education:

a. Management
b. Stress
c. Managerial Competencies
d. Communication System
e. Power
f. Influence

a. Management: Management in education refers to the organized and

strategic administration of educational institutions, resources, and processes.
The rationale behind management in education is to ensure efficient and
effective operations that lead to the optimal achievement of educational
goals. Educational institutions need management to provide structure,
allocate resources, make informed decisions, and create an environment
conducive to teaching and learning.

b. Stress: Stress in education refers to the emotional and physiological

responses that individuals, including students and educators, experience due
to academic, social, and personal pressures. The rationale behind
understanding stress in education is to address its impact on well-being,
mental health, and academic performance. Recognizing and managing stress
is crucial to creating a positive and supportive learning environment.

c. Managerial Competencies: Managerial competencies in education refer to

the skills, knowledge, and abilities that educational leaders and administrators
need to effectively manage educational institutions. The rationale behind
emphasizing managerial competencies is to equip educational leaders with
the skills to make informed decisions, allocate resources, handle conflicts, lead
teams, and foster a conducive learning environment.

d. Communication System: A communication system in education refers to

the structured channels and processes through which information flows
among stakeholders, including students, teachers, parents, and administrators.
The rationale behind establishing a communication system is to ensure
transparent and efficient communication that promotes collaboration,
understanding, and informed decision-making among all stakeholders in the
education ecosystem.

e. Power: Power in education refers to the influence or authority that

individuals, such as educators, administrators, and policymakers, possess to
make decisions and enact change within the education system. The rationale
behind understanding power in education is to recognize how it impacts
decision-making processes, resource allocation, and policy implementation.
Acknowledging power dynamics helps ensure fair and equitable governance.

f. Influence: Influence in education refers to the ability to affect the

thoughts, actions, and decisions of others in the educational context. The
rationale behind recognizing influence is to understand how individuals can
inspire positive change, foster collaboration, and drive educational innovation.
Influence plays a significant role in shaping educational policies, practices, and

4. Importance of having knowledge of the community

Having knowledge of the community is of paramount importance in various contexts, whether

it's in education, business, social services, or any other field that involves interactions with
people in a specific area. In the field of education, it plays a vital role in shaping educational
practices, curriculum development, student engagement, and overall educational success. It
enhances the quality of teaching and learning, promotes inclusivity, and prepares students to
navigate a diverse and interconnected world. The community, including parents, families, local
organizations, and businesses, are stakeholders in the education system. Their input, feedback,
and collaboration are vital for shaping education policies, programs, and initiatives.

Parents play a crucial role in their children's education. Their involvement in school activities,
parent-teacher associations, and decision-making processes contributes to a supportive learning

The community can reinforce values of respect, responsibility, and civic engagement, fostering
the development of responsible and informed citizens. It bridges the gap between classroom
instruction and the real lives of students, fostering a more impactful and meaningful educational

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