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Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 30, Nr.

2, Aprilie, 2022 125



Approaching Risk Management in Medical Laboratories

Remona Eliza David*

Doctoral School, George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of
Targu Mures, Romania

Risk is one of the greatest challenges in a medical laboratory. Risk-based thinking is a concept that always preoc-
cupies medical laboratory technicians. The objectives of this work were to bring forward the specialty standards
recommendations for the implementation of risk management principles in medical laboratory, the accreditation
requirement of ISO 15189:2012; to demonstrate that the understanding of the fundamental notions of the concept
of risk, the effectively apply of the means of identifying, assessing and controlling risks, and the risk monitoring and
handling through strategies of acceptance, elimination, transfer and mitigation of risks can ensure the continuous
improvement processes. A model to approach to risk management in a medical laboratory establishes the inputs,
the outputs, the techniques, and the activities carried out in each of the following sub-processes of the risk man-
agement process: risk management process planning, risk identification, risk analysis and evaluation, development
of the risk response plan and risk monitoring, control and revision. The concepts of risk and risk management are
applied accordingly to standards ISO 31000:2018 and ISO 22367:2020 of International Organization for Stan-
dardization (ISO). Risk management ensures that the fundamental requirements for healthy, proactive internal
control of the medical laboratory are met.
Keywords: quality control and evidence based laboratory medicine
Received: 1st March 2022; Accepted: 28th March 2022; Published: 9th April 2022

1. Introduction tion regarding an event—the consequences that

cannot always be anticipated or that would not
Every organization, regardless of its size, faces have been considered plausible. Currently, there
internal and external factors that lead to uncer- are approximately 40 definitions of risk in 140
tainty concerning the achievement of its pro- ISO standards. ISO 22367:2020 (3) and the Clin-
posed objectives (1). According to the ISO Guide ical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI)
73:2009, section 1.1, risk is “the effect of uncer- EP18-A2 standard (4) adopted their definition of
tainty on the achievement of objectives [econom- risk from ISO 51:2014 (5), which consider it as
ic, social, health or safety]” (2). Uncertainty is the combination of the probability of occurrence
a context associated with the lack of informa- of harm and the severity of its consequences.

Corresponding author: Remona Eliza David, Doctoral School, George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy,
Science, and Technology of Targu Mures, Romania. E-mail: elizaremona@yahoo.com
126 Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 30, Nr. 2, Aprilie, 2022

Risk management analysis associates the exist- present in ISO 9001:2015, which allows the es-
ing situation with the future desired situation; it tablishment, implementation, maintenance, and
has the following purposes: continuous improvement of quality management
• early warning for potential nonconforming system) in the context of medical laboratory (3,
events (risks) using risk and/ or quality indi- 8, 9).
cators (6) that detect changes in the analyzed ISO 9000:2015, section 3.4.1, respectively ISO
process; 15189:2012, section 3.17, define a process as “a
• mitigation of the effect/ impact of risks by set of related or interacting activities that trans-
taking preventive actions (7); form inputs into outputs, undertaken to achieve
• development of risk response strategies (1). an objective according to specific requirements”
ISO 15189:2012 brought to the attention of med- (8, 10). A schematic representation of a process
ical laboratories a clause regarding risk man- shows the interaction between sequences of dif-
agement (4.14.6), which states that a laboratory ferent stages of its sub-processes facilitating the
must evaluate the impact of possible working development of a risk management process ap-
process errors on the patients’ health, and thus proach in a medical laboratory. In accordance
take actions to mitigate or eliminate risks (8). with these standards, a medical laboratory, in or-
Thus, medical laboratories had to document and der to document risk, establishes the inputs, the
to incorporate risk management into their own outputs, the techniques, and the activities carried
quality management system. Without any clear out in each of the following 5 sub-processes of
recommended methods from the standard re- the risk management process:
garding the implementation of risk management, • risk management process planning;
some laboratories choose to develop a risk man- • risk identification;
agement methodology following other standard • risk analysis and evaluation;
recommendations. • development of the risk response plan;
ISO 31000:2018 is an internationally accepted • risk monitoring, control, and revision.
standard based on the idea that risks arising from
a lack of organizational order can be controlled The laboratory can design a template for each
through good management and governance. This sub-process of the risk management process that
standard has no detailed instructions on how to comprises key elements which must be taken into
identify, analyze, and evaluate risks (1). consideration when risk analysis is performed
The risk management analysis is addressed to for any of the processes. Examples of templates
each process or department in a medical labo- for each of the risk management sub-process are
ratory and is performed with the participation of illustrated bellow in the article for the pre-ana-
all laboratory personnel and relevant stakehold- lytical process in a medical laboratory.
ers, with the management of the laboratory pre- In the first stage, it is recommended to compare
siding over the procedures. the elements included in each of the 5 sub-pro-
To facilitate risk management based on the med- cesses of the risk management process docu-
ical laboratory requirements of ISO 15189:2012, mented in a medical laboratory (Supplemental
section 4.14.6 becomes useful the quality man- Table 1, column A), with the principles, frame-
agement principles described in ISO 9001:2015, work, and requirements needed for the risk man-
namely the process approach. Furthermore, ISO agement process according to ISO 31000:2018
22367:2020 Annex A introduces the concept (Supplemental Table 1, column B), thus making
of risk-based thinking (this concept that is also sure that the ISO 31000:2018 requirements were
Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 30, Nr. 2, Aprilie, 2022 127

met (1). In the next stage, the laboratory tech- ganizations in the medical laboratory. According
nicians identify the most important processes in to ISO Guide 73:2009, section 2.1.3, the risk
the medical laboratory, and their interactions and management plan (RMP) is a “program included
correlations, which offer a good operation (Sup- in the framework of risk management that spec-
plemental Table 1, Column C). This approach ifies the approach, management components
makes available necessary information for the (procedures, practices, assignment of responsi-
risk management analysis through procedures bility, succession and activities schedule) and the
and connected informational circuits. resources used in risk management” (2).
Most laboratories have a quality management Table 1 is an example of a template for the risk
system (QMS) implemented according to ISO management planning sub-process for pre-ana-
15189:2012, section 4.2, and its efficiency will be lytical process of the Biochemistry Department
strengthened by adopting the risk-based thinking
in a medical laboratory, in which it mentions the
concept. Supplemental Table 1, column D, men-
inputs, tools and techniques used, and outputs of
tions the ISO 15189:2012 requirements included
this sub-process.
in the risk management analysis documented by
When elaborating the methodology, a set of fun-
a medical laboratory (8). ISO 22367:2020 Annex
A offers guidance to laboratories that have im- damental elements and organizational require-
plemented ISO 15189:2012 on how to incorpo- ments, included in the framework of risk man-
rate risk management in appropriate parts of their agement are taken into account (2).
QMS (Supplemental Table 1, Column E) (3). Leadership and commitment: the policy of the
ISO 22367:2020 suggests that the risk man- laboratory regarding risk management and qual-
agement process should include the following ity management (intentions and general guide-
elements: risk management plan; risk analysis; lines of the laboratory) in accordance with ac-
risk evaluation; risk control; risk management creditation and regulatory requirements; the ob-
review; risk monitoring (3). jectives of the risk management process taking
into account the objectives and strategies of the
2. The Risk Management Process medical laboratory; analysis of external and in-
ternal context; relevant stakeholders identified;
Risk management process planning
formation of the risk management team, coor-
Risk management process planning represents
dinated by the person holding the management
the sub-process in which it is decided how to
approach the risk management activities for the position, which includes the heads of the depart-
selected process in a medical laboratory. Plan- ments or their deputies from the organizational
ning has the aim of transforming the principles structure, with the manager accountable for the
and guidelines of risk management into deci- risks; job description which assigns responsibil-
sions and actions (e.g., laboratory policy regard- ities and authorities to the appropriate levels of
ing risk management) that can contribute to the the risk management laboratory; necessary re-
development of a methodology adapted to the sources for risk management; risk indicators se-
medical laboratory regarding risk management lected and lined up with laboratory performance
(Risk Management Plan), whose implementa- indicators; communicating the inclination to-
tion derives from the necessity to apply quality ward risk or risk aversion of the medical labora-
and risk standards required by accreditation or- tory (1, 2, 8-12);
128 Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 30, Nr. 2, Aprilie, 2022

Table 1. Example of the template for risk management process planning for the pre-analytical process


- develops the aspects presented in ISO 22367:2020, section 4 (Risk management); and ISO 31000:2018, sec-
tions 5 (Framework) and 6 (Risk management process)

Forming the risk assessment team: Risk Management Plan (RMP) adapted to the pre-an-
- involvement of people with experience and exper- alytical process, which includes:
tise in the field of risks in their respective fields of Definition of the responsibilities and roles of team mem-
interests bers in the job descriptions.
- involvement of interested persons, internal or exter- Risk evaluation scales:
nal to the medical laboratory - the scale of the probability of failures occurrence
- relevant stakeholders: the chairman of the orga- - the scale of severity
nization, the general manager of the laboratory, the - the scale of the probability of nonconformity detection
laboratory manager
- involvement of executants - definition of risk categories
- department manager * - the scale of risk exposure
- suppliers: the head of quality assurance, the medi- Methods and techniques chosen for analysis of risk man-
cal director, collaborating physicians, nurses, biolo- agement: Ishikawa diagram, Pareto diagram, FMEA (3,
gist 4, 38-40), FTA ( 4, 38, 39, 42)
Accreditation and regulatory obligations: Risk tolerance established by management decision
ISO 15189:2012 standard (8) Establishing the risk owner
Procedures, guidelines, and standards adopted by Results assessment guideline
the laboratory: Establishing the manner of internal and external report-
Procedure for the collecting and processing of blood ing of results of the risk management analysis
specimens Establishing the person responsible for the implementa-
Procedure for the transport of blood specimens tion and maintenance of the risk management framework
Procedure for patient and sample identification
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (14) Establishing the periodicity of the risk assessment
Normative documentations of the Health Ministry Implementation schedule for the RMP
ISO 31000:2018 standard (1)
ISO 22367:2020 standard (3)
Description and preparation of the maps:
Pre-analytical process map
Processes map
Risk management process map
Note: FMEA - Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, FTA - Fault Tree Analysis, GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation,
RMP - Risk Management Plan
* The department manager has knowledge of how to carry out the stages of the testing process and knows the pre-analytical
process, ensures that accreditation requirements and customer expectations are met, provides guidance to people involved in the
activities of the pre-analytical process.
Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 30, Nr. 2, Aprilie, 2022 129

Identification of processes in the medical labora- of medical test results; ordering reagents, control
tory (the process approach): materials, calibrators, and supplies; transport
• Management processes: follow-up (time) and transport conditions (tem-
1. Laboratory quality policy, quality objectives perature); ordered product delivery (8, 9,18);
and description of the quality management ele- 2. Service/ testing result management process:
ments implemented according to the accredita- startup of automatic equipment; reagent verifi-
tion requirements of ISO 15189:2012 (8); cation; checking the validity of the calibration
2. Internal and external communication process: and performing the calibration, if applicable;
assigning a responsible person to inform and preparation of control materials; verification of
communicate new national legislative require- the internal control results; receiving the analy-
ments (e.g., normative documentations of the sis command (for example: biochemical tests);
Health Ministry, Public Health Department re- patient identification; sampling of venous blood;
quirements, General Data Protection Regulation, transporting and processing samples; receiving
accreditation requirements); laboratory informa- and examining samples (7, 8, 18-23);
tion management; competence compliance and 3. Service/ result release control process: valida-
acknowledgment, and involvement of personnel tion of results; identification and control of non-
from all laboratory levels; establishing the ways conformities; preventive and corrective actions
of communicating results with clinical or criti- (1, 8, 9, 17, 24-26);
cal meaning; establishing the policy for dealing • Support processes: maintenance process (pe-
with complaints received from clients regarding riodic maintenance of equipment); IT (Infor-
the activity of the medical laboratory; releasing mation Technology) process; service planning
the analysis reports; identifying, preparing, an- process (electricity and water supply, disposal of
alyzing, approving, disseminating, modifying, biological waste, human and financial resourc-
archiving, and destroying all documents, while es); internal audit process; staff training process
specifying the responsibilities of the personnel (1, 8, 9, 15, 19, 27);
involved in the document control activity (8, 9,
12-15); Schematic representation of the elements of the
3. Measuring, analyzing, monitoring, and im- analyzed process:
provement process: identifying the necessity A model of representation of the pre-analytical
of training the laboratory personnel (both in process is shown in Figure 1. The final result/
the professional field and in the management service is more efficient and effective when its
system); planning, conducting, and evaluating activities and resources are considered as one
training results; systematic and regular analysis process. The medical laboratory drafts the work-
of the quality system by the management at the sheet which includes the following information:
highest level, in order to ensure its adequacy and analyzed process definition and evaluation of ob-
effectiveness, as well as to introduce necessary jectives and planned targets; related processes;
changes and improvements; the procedure of performance objectives and quality indicators
resolution of complaints; decisions of improve- of the process; input data of the process; output
ment (8, 9, 15-17); data of the process; activities (flowchart of the
• Processes for achieving the product or service: analyzed process); establishing clear respon-
1. Sourcing process: selection of service provid- sibilities for the defined process management;
ers, equipment, reagents, control materials, cal- identification of the interface between organiza-
ibrators, and supplies that may affect the quality tional processes; identification of the necessary
130 Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 30, Nr. 2, Aprilie, 2022

resources for process functioning; identification by decreasing the number of nonconforming

of risks, causes and consequences for clients and samples by 30% in 2021 compared to 2020;
all relevant stakeholders; noting opportunities SO6: identifying the possible interferences on
for continuous improvement (1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 17, biochemical tests (for example: icterus, hemoly-
28-35). sis, lipemia) in 2021;
SO7: preventing rejection of samples about to be
Establishing the general and specific objectives tested and reporting rejections when they occur
for the analyzed process (e.g., total testing pro- (percentage of rejected samples);
cess): SO8: identifying errors associated with inappro-
• The objective is the basis for managerial plan- priate storage or transport of patient samples;
ning by establishing directions for future action. SO9: identifying errors associated with inappro-
The objectives must meet the following char- priate storage or transport of reagents;
acteristics in a cumulative manner: specific, SO10: increasing satisfaction of clients’ require-
measurable, achievable, relevant, time-framed ments and expectations by 30% in 2021.
targets. Examples of the general and specific ob-
jectives set out in a medical laboratory for the Establishing risk management objectives:
total testing process are given below, but are not • appropriate decision-making after risk man-
limited to them. agement analysis;
• Hierarchy of objectives: general objective and • maintaining threats within acceptable limits;
specific objectives
• continuous performance improvement of the
1. general objective (GO): Increase patient safe-
medical laboratory.
ty by implementing a QMS according to the re-
quirements of the ISO 15189:2012 standard;
Established performance indicators and targets
2. specific objectives (SO):
for selected objectives
SO1: improving patient safety through training
CLSI QMS12-A offers guidelines in selecting
programs conducted in the first half of 2021 for
and using the quality/ performance indicators
personnel responsible for recording patient data
and information in the laboratory information in medical laboratories (6). A performance indi-
system (LIS); cator is a quantifiable measure that the medical
SO2: identifying the errors associated with the laboratory uses to determine how well it fulfills
registration of patient identification data or re- operational objectives and established strategies
quested tests in 2021 and comparing the errors (6). Supplemental Tables 2-5 are not comprehen-
with the targets values and results obtained in sive, but provide a few examples of indicators
2019 and 2020; selected and monitored in a medical laboratory.
SO3: increasing the degree of specialization
of nurses from remote collection sites through Concepts and ground rules:
internal training programs for the purpose of • definitions (e.g., risk, risk management, risk
learning and acknowledging the significance of source, event, consequence, likelihood/ proba-
complying with the identification of patient pro- bility of occurrence, stakeholder, process, spe-
cedures for the collection of blood samples; cific objective, risk strategy, etc.) (2, 10);
SO4: updating the function chart according to • establishing the criteria for measuring the prob-
the requirements of the laboratory; ability of occurrence and the impact of risks ac-
SO5: increasing the quality of medical services cording to the planned objective (32, 36);
Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 30, Nr. 2, Aprilie, 2022 131

• risk classification: low, medi-

um, or critical (32, 36);
• The medical laboratory es-
tablishes its own scales for the
probability of occurrence and
for the impact in 5 steps, detail-
ing the risk exposure on a scale
of 25 “values”. The risk profile
obtained is much more analyti-

Fig.1. Processes diagram and schematic representation of the pre-analytical process

cal, supposing that the risk man-
agement is more mature and
capable of treating a risk with
a risk exposure (occurrence x
severity) of “very low-high”
differently to a risk with a risk
exposure of “high-very low”
(32, 36).
• defining risk response strate-
1. risk acceptance – when the
risk exposure is lower than the
risk tolerance, it is not necessary
to take control measures;
2. risk avoidance – this consists
of eliminating activities that
generate risks. It must be men-
tioned that for the medical lab-
oratory, this option was signifi-
cantly reduced;
3. risk transfer – this includes
the participation of a third party
in risk management, but it does
not mean the elimination of the
risk. A contract is concluded
(for example: insurance poli-
cies) which aims to reduce the
risk exposure of the laborato-
ry. However, the laboratory re-
mains accountable to the clients
in case a risk occurs (risks asso-
ciated with the credibility of the
laboratory cannot be transferred
to a third party);
132 Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 30, Nr. 2, Aprilie, 2022

4. risk mitigation – this is the most frequently fects Analysis), FTA (Fault Tree Analysis), “5
used strategy in the medical laboratory, and it Whys?” and Ishikawa diagram are the risk anal-
aims to reduce the probability of occurrence of ysis tools selected and used in a medical labora-
the causes of risks and/ or severity of the effects tory, but they not limited to these. Once selected,
when the risks occur. it is important that they continue to be used so
• The selection of a risk management strategy is that the results of the analyses can be interpreted
based on comparison of the cost of risk manage- correctly and the measures taken can prove their
ment with the benefits of implementing the strat- effectiveness.
egy, and the cost must be justified and lower than FMEA is used to identify potential errors and to
the cost of the consequences that the laboratory determine their effects and causes. In the FMEA
would face if the risk occurred. table, for each potential error, values are record-
• techniques and instruments used (including in- ed for severity, occurrence probability, and de-
structions for use and result interpretation guide) tectability. The control measures are established
(37, 38); for the moderate and severe risks, both for the
• risk tolerance; prevention of cause occurrence, but also for the
• periodicity and manner of reporting the results detection of causes of potential errors. Supple-
of the risk management analysis (for example: mental Tables 6-7 have the format of the work-
annually, whenever necessary meetings are or- ing document of FMEA in a medical laboratory.
ganized to analyze data on new identified risks, Despite the advantages, by analyzing each com-
or reporting secondary risks of the proposed ac- ponent and creating a list of potential failure
tions to counteract the inherent risks). modes, the FMEA technique cannot establish
relationships between potential failure modes.
Risk identification According to the recommendations of the safety
Risk identification is the sub-process that gives standards, the techniques of FMEA and FTA are
the medical laboratory the opportunity to contin- used in combination. FTA is a practical analysis
uously adapt to change, and a permanent char- for causal analysis of unwanted events, being a
acter for effective risk management. The med- top-down analysis.
ical laboratory can use different techniques to
identify risks. ISO 31010:2020 is very general, Risk analysis and evaluation
but it offers a guideline regarding selection and Risk qualitative analysis is the sub-process in
application of different techniques to evaluate which the qualitative evaluation of identified
risks. CLSI EP18-A2 is a specific standard that risks is performed, leading to prioritization
is meant to offer guidelines both for the device according to the severity of effect(s) on the
manufactures, but also for the laboratory manag- achievement of the proposed objectives. For this
ers to identify risks and to develop control strat- analysis, the probability of causes of occurrence
egies for these risks. scale, the severity of the effects scale and risk ex-
Table 2 is an example of a template for the risk posure scale are used. The risk analysis and eval-
identification sub-process for pre-analytical pro- uation sub-process are shown in Table 3, which
cess of the Biochemistry Department in a medical is an example of a template for the risk analysis
laboratory, which mentions the inputs, tools and sub-process. The elements contained in the tem-
techniques used, and outputs of this sub-process. plate can be applied and found in each particular
Most commonly, FMEA (Failure Modes and Ef- analysis for each medical laboratory process.
Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 30, Nr. 2, Aprilie, 2022 133

Table 2. Risk identification for the pre-analytical process

- develops the aspects presented in ISO 31000:2018, sections 6.4 (Risk assessment), sub-section 6.4.2, and
ISO 22367:2020, section 5 (Risk analysis), sub-sections 5.5-5.7
Risk assessment team An exhaustive list of risks:
Analysis of the outputs from other processes: - includes all risks regardless of their severity
Description of the pre-analytical process - it is specific to the pre-analytical process
Structure of activities Potential effect list
Planning of activities Risk register
Estimation of duration and costs of activities Types of risk:
Resources plan Quality risks
Risk Management Plan (RMP) Management risks
Applying techniques for gathering information and Internal risks
identifying the causes of risks and their effects: Ishi- External risks
kawa diagram, FMEA technique, FTA technique, “5 Identification of and establishing risk indicators
Whys?” technique
Process map or revised process map *
Information from the literature, databases, pub-
lished studies
Historical information
- previous management review/audit reports
Note: The elements contained in the template can be applied and found in each particular analysis for each medical laboratory
process. * Revised process map is the result of observing deviations from the initial objectives during the monitoring and con-
trolling phase. FMEA - Failure Modes and Effects Analysis, FTA - Fault Tree Analysis

Table 3. Risk analysis and evaluation for the analyzed process

- develops the aspects presented in ISO 31000:2018, section 6.4, sub-sections 6.4.3 (Risk analysis) and 6.4.4
(Risk evaluation) and ISO 22367:2020, section 5
Risk assessment team List of categorized risks in accordance with the
Risk register probability of occurrence
Risk management plan (RMP) Pareto analysis was used
Risk evaluation scales: Risk list in accordance to risk exposure
- scale of the probability of occurrence Risk matrix
- scale of severity Establishment of the risk profile
- scale of risk exposure Classification of risks according to the definition of
- scale of probability for nonconformity detection risk categories
- definition of risk categories (critical, medium, low) Classification of risks according to NPR (Number
Exhaustive list of risks Priority Risk = O x S x D)
Risk register Priority risk list
Moderate risk list, for further analysis and monitoring

Potential effect list

Note: D - Detection, O - Occurrence, S - Severity, NPR - Number Priority Risk
134 Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 30, Nr. 2, Aprilie, 2022

Development of the risk response plan measures must be identify, and secondary risks,
The development of the risk response plan is the for which the procedure needs to be revised.
sub-process in which the aim is to exploit the op- Each identified risk needs control measures for
portunities and reduce the threats to which the the residual risk to be mitigated up to a clinical
laboratory is exposed in order to achieve the ob- acceptable level. Once the residual risk is ac-
jectives. For each risk, both the main treatment ceptable, the control measures are included in
strategy and a backup treatment strategy are se- the “Quality Control Plan”. Thus, the establish-
lected. ment of the “Quality Control Plan” is based on
Risk management means assumed responsibili- risk assessment (7, 42).
ty; the “come what may” attitude is not accepted. Once the risks occurred, the determination of the
For this reason, the achievement of laboratory cause that led to the occurrence of the noncon-
objectives becomes possible when there exist: a forming event followed. Risk manifestation rep-
properly designed map of the analyzed process; resents a nonconformity.
established internal control measures to keep Table 5 is an example of a template for the risk
risk at an acceptable level (preventive actions); monitoring sub-process for each process in a
measures to be taken if the risk occurs. medical laboratory, in which it mentions the in-
An example of a template for designing the risk puts, tools and techniques used, and outputs of
response plan is shown in Table 4, maintaining this sub-process.
the inputs, applied techniques, and outputs.
3. A Model of Approach to Risk
Risk monitoring, control, and review
Management in a medical laboratory
Risk monitoring, control, and review is a con-
tinuous sub-process. The closely monitored risks The schematic representation of the risk analysis
are the critical risks, for which additional control in a medical laboratory is shown in Figure 2.

Table 4. Risk treatment strategies and risk response plan for the analyzed process
- develops the aspects presented in ISO 31000:2018, section 6.5 (Risk treatment)
Risk assessment team Risk response plan
Risk management plan (RMP) Each risk identified is a triad “cause–risk–effect” linked
Establishing the risk owners to the objective.
Risk register updated with all risk characteristics Responsibilities assigned for risks.
Establishing the risk strategies for each risk
Priority risk list Level of the residual risk accepted
Moderate risk list for further analysis and moni- Residual risks list
toring Secondary risks list
Potential effect list Backup plan A (contingency plan)
Risk tolerance established by management deci- Measures taken when the risk occurs
sion Includes activities, budget, managers
Risk treatment options: Backup plan B
- avoidance, transfer, mitigation, acceptance Measures applied to the accepted risks if “Plan A” has
Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 30, Nr. 2, Aprilie, 2022 135

Table 5. Risk monitoring and control for the analyzed process

- elaborates the aspects presented in ISO 31000:2018, section 6.6 (Monitoring and analysis) and
ISO 22367:2020, section 10 (Risk monitoring, analysis and control activities)
Risk assessment team Emergency plan
Risk management plan (RMP) - previously unplanned measures that will be taken for
- outputs of sub-process planning of risk manage- new risks
ment process Corrective actions
Risk response plan Updates to the risk response plan
- output of the previous sub-process - risks that arise will be documented, assessed and with-
List of moderate risks for further analysis and drawn from the “Risk Register”
monitoring Laboratory’s own risk database
Identification of previously unanalyzed risks Updates of risk lists
Results of performance measurement using qual- Proposals for changes in the pre-analytical process
ity indicators following changes detected in the risk profile
Reports of audits

Through this approach, the answers to the fol- risk profile is created. Risk exposure has mean-
lowing questions can be found: ing only in relation to risk tolerance. The limit
What can happen? (Through risk identification) of risk tolerance is established through compar-
Risk identification and description is done in re- ison of the cost control measures and the cost
lation to the established objectives of the labo- associated with risk occurrence. Based on the
ratory. Risks do not exist in isolation. For each deviation of risk exposure from risk tolerance,
identified risk, the triad “cause–risk–effects” decisions are made regarding the magnitude of
correlated to the objective is established. control measures.
Why? What is the probability of occurrence in What is the process approach? What is the de-
the future? What are the consequences? partment approach?
Risk analysis includes establishing the probabil- Risk-based thinking is used in the process ap-
ity of risk occurrence and the consequences of proach. In most cases, organizations are hier-
risks, if it occurred, taking into consideration the archically structured on functional departments
presence and efficiency of the existing control and led vertically. In this situation, the final client
measures. (patient, physician) or any relevant stakeholder
Are there any control measures that can reduce is not always visible to all involved in the activ-
the consequences of risk or probability of occur- ities of the organization, and thus the problems
rence? that occur at each departmental interface receive
Is the risk level acceptable/ tolerable? Is a fol- a smaller priority than the short-term objectives
low-up risk treatment necessary? of the respective departments. Hence, improve-
The estimated probability level and estimated ments associated with the final client are low or
impact level are combined to establish the risk even missing, because the improvement actions
level (risk exposure), according to which the are concentrated on the local benefit associated
136 Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 30, Nr. 2, Aprilie, 2022

with the departmental level

function, and not on the or-
ganizational global benefit.
In accordance with ISO
9001:2015, the process
approach allowed the in-
troduction of horizontal
management activities
and elimination of barriers
between different depart-
ments, thus the collective
effort was concentrated on
the main objectives of the
laboratory (9).
The process approach in-
volved systematic defini-
tion and management of

Fig. 2. Risk analysis methodology

both processes and interac-
tions, establishing responsi-
bilities for the main actions,
measuring the capabilities
of the main activities, iden-
tifying the interfaces of the
main activities from the
medical laboratory frame-
work and its functions, fo-
cusing on factors that can
improve the laboratory
activities (resources, meth-
ods, materials), and eval-
uating the impact of risks,
consequences, and activi-
ties on the clients and other
Can the risk be controlled
by the medical laboratory?
Control measures are meant
to both lower the probabili-
ty of occurrence of causes,
but also to increase their
detectability. From the ex-
perience gained in the risk
analysis, we recommend
Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 30, Nr. 2, Aprilie, 2022 137

the determination of causes of potential errors ties for quality improvement. Some laboratory
using the combination of different tools (e.g., “5 personnel believe that reporting all types of inci-
Whys?”, FTA); to limit the causes that can be dents can lead to filling out too many forms, and
measured using quality indicators, and to avoid they are encouraged to resolve nonconformities
as possible, establishing human resource as pos- and continue their work (43). Jeffs et al. state
sible cause. that this “solve - not report” approach means that
Assessing the effectiveness of control measures the lessons learned are only for the person who
becomes possible when nonconformities are re- solved the nonconformity, and it could become a
ported by laboratory personnel, both as a way to normality (43).
improve quality and patient safety, and as an op- The presence of persons in the laboratory who
portunity to learn from mistakes (“The only real “always ask awkward questions” could be the
mistake is the one from which we learn noth- first step in the “solve and report” approach,
ing” according to John Powell). Some studies allowing the dissemination of information, and
have analyzed the attitude of medical personnel thus helping several colleagues to solve similar
towards nonconformities or incidents or errors problems.
encountered (26, 43).
Laboratory personnel have two options for the Conclusions
encountered nonconformity:
• solving the encountered nonconformity and re- Risk management ensures that the fundamental
porting it; requirements for healthy, proactive internal con-
• solving the encountered nonconformity and trol of the medical laboratory are met.
“forgetting” its existence (43).
The medical laboratory reports the encountered
nonconformities that “affect patient safety”, ac-
cording to ISO 15189:2012, section 4.14.6 (8). None.
The Canadian Patient Safety Institute classifies
nonconformities encountered in the laboratory Conflict of interest
• accidents – events that affect the patient’s None to declare.
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