The Undergraduate Geoscience Fieldwork e

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The Geological Society of America

Special Paper 461


The undergraduate geoscience fieldwork experience:

Influencing/actors and implications/or learning
Alison Stokes
Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) Experiential Learning in Environmental and Natural Sciences,
University of Plymouth, Plymouth, PIA BAA, UK

Alan P. Boyle
Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Liverpool, L69 3Gp, UK


Fieldwork has always been a crucial component of undergraduate geoscience

degrees, yet our understanding of the learning processes that operate in a field envi-
ronment is limited. Learning is a complex process, and there is increasing interest in
the role played in this process by the atTective domain, in particular, the link between
atTect (emotion and attitude) and cognition (understanding). This study investigates
the impact of residential geoscience fieldwork on students' atTective responses (e.g.,
feelings, attitudes, motivations), and their subsequent learning outcomes. Qualita-
tive and quantitative data were collected from 62 students from a single UK univer-
sity undertaking a 9 d geologic mapping-training field course. Pre-field class positive
atTects became strengthened, while negative feelings and attitudes were ameliorated
as a result of the fieldwork. However, some aspects of the students' experience gener-
ated new negative responses, while extracurricular social and cultural activities gen-
erated unexpectedly positive responses. In terms of outcomes, the fieldwork enabled
students to develop generic as well as subject-specific skills, e.g., teamwork, decision
making, and autonomy, while engagement in social interactions both within and out-
side of the field environment enabled students to develop valuable interpersonal skills.
Such skills are seldom assessed as learning outcomes, but they are an important part
of students' development from novice to expert geoscientists, and a vital component
of the wider competences required by employers and society.

INTRODUCTION which students learn in the field is limited. Many geoscientists

might argue that it is not necessary to understand the "how"
Fieldwork is widely considered to be one of the most of fieldwork-it should just be done. But simply taking stu-
effective means of learning in the geosciences (e.g., Mond- dents into the field does not mean that they will learn, nor
lane and Mapani, 2002; Butler, 2008; Kelso and Brown, this does it guarantee that learning will be effective (Lonergan and
volume). Most importantly, it enables students to contextual- Andresen, 1988; Kent et aI., 1997) or, for that matter, effec-
ize knowledge and make sense of the world through hands- tively measured. Increasing threats to fieldwork mean that
on interaction with their environment, and to become profi- geoscience departments are under growing pressure to justify
cient in a range of subject-specific and generic transferable its continued inclusion in the undergraduate geoscience cur-
skills. However, general understanding of the processes by riculum (Boyle et aI., 2007), so it is important to understand

Stokes, A., and Boyle, A.P., 2009, The undergraduate geoscience fieldwork experience: Influencing factors and implications for learning, in WhiLmcycr, S.1.,
Mogk, D.W., and Pyle, E.1., eds., Field Geology Education: Historical Perspectives and Modem Approaches: Geological Society of America Special Paper 461,
p. 291-311, doi: 10.113012009.2461 (23). For permission to copy, contact ©2009 The Geological Society of America. All rights reserved.

292 Stokes and Boyle

the particular characteristics of fieldwork as a learning envi- academic task, and assessment (Pintrich et aI., 1993). Previous
ronment that help promote learning. studies have shown fieldwork to promote development in both
Learning objectives can be classified into three main types the cognitive and affective domains (Kem and Carpenter, 1984,
or "domains": cognitive, affective, and psychomotor (Bloom, 1986; Nundy, 1999; Elkins and Elkins, 2007). A recent study
1956; Kratwohl et aI., 1964; Dave, 1970). In geology, as in most by Boyle et aI. (2007) outlined the link between indicators of
other field disciplines, specified outcomes typically emphasize positive affect, such as confidence, motivation, and interest, and
the cognitive domain (knowledge, understanding, and con- approaches to learning likely to give successful cognitive out-
ceptualization) and, to some extent, the psychomotor domain, comes, based on findings from a large (n > 300) cross-institution
(practical skills) but they exclude the affective domain. The term and cross-disciplinary study. They suggested that the success of
"affective" refers to representations of value, and the affective fieldwork as a learning environment lies, above aU, in its abil-
domain deals with outcomes such as emotions, moods, atti- ity to promote positive affective states, and concluded from their
tudes, and feelings, which reflect positive or negative personal findings that "fieldwork is good."
value (Clore et aI., 2001). Affective outcomes are valuable in
themselves, e.g., the development of attitudes and behaviors Some Theoretical Considerations
appropriate to professional practice, but they can also strongly
influence cognitive outcomes (Ashby et aI., 1999; Isen, 2000). This study aims to further our understanding of the learning
According to Eiss and Harbeck (1969), sensory input, e.g., from processes that take place in the field by investigating the experi-
seeing or hearing, prompts responses in the affective domain ences of undergraduate students engaged in residential geologic
that interact with the cognitive and psychomotor domains to fieldwork. We aim to test the hypothesis that fieldwork prompts
produce learning (Fig. 1). Hence, the affective domain may positive affective responses in students, to identify the factors
playa much more fundamental role in learning than previously influencing these responses, and to explore the relationship
considered, acting as the "driver" for the entire learning process between affective responses and learning outcomes. Fieldwork
and therefore representing a necessary precondition for learn- per se is relatively untheorized, but wider pedagogic theories can
ing to occur (Eiss and Harbeck, 1969; Iozzi, 1989; Perrier and provide a useful framework in which to investigate the learning
Nsengiyumva, 2003; Beard and Wilson, 2005) (Fig. 1). Exam- processes operating in a field environment. These theoretical per-
ining the role of the affective domain is thus crucial to under- spectives provide a series of "lenses" through which the findings
standing learning processes (Koballa and Glynn, 2007). of this study are interpreted and discussed.
The relationship between affect and cognition is of particu- The link between affective and cognitive learning outcomes
lar interest since it is cognitive outcomes that educators typically is mediated by "approaches to learning," where a deep approach
seek to enhance. This relationship is influenced by aspects of the is characterized by the intention to understand and a surface
academic context such as learning environment, nature of the approach is characterized by a focus on memorization (Table 1).
The approach that students adopt is influenced by their percep-
tions of the learning environment, which can in tum influence
learning outcomes (TrigweU and Prosser, 1991; Lizzio et aI.,
2002), where deep approaches lead to imprOVed understanding
and therefore better performance. A link has also been shown
between approaches to learning and affect (Marton and Saljo,
1976), where deep approaches are characterized by interest and
intrinsic motivation, and surface learning is characterized by
extrinsic motivation and fear of failure (Entwistle and Ramsden,
1983; Entwistle and Smith, 2002). Students' affective responses
to fieldwork can thus act as indicators of their approaches to
LEARNING learning in the field (Boyle et aI., 2007), and hence influence their
PROCESS learning outcomes from field activities.
When students feel positive, they exhibit greater self-efficacy
i (confidence in being able to accomplish a task) and hence hold

I higher expectations of success (Bandura, 1997; Breen and lind-

say, 1999; Clore and Schnall, 2005). Interest acts as an intrinsic
SENSORY .............................................................:
motivator for learning, promoting the desire to learn for its own
sake and enhancing cognitive engagement (Silvia, 2008). Con-
versely, extrinsic motivation promotes the need to perform tasks
Figure 1. The learning model of Eiss and Harbeck (1969). Learning in order to gain something outside of the activity itself (Whang
is initiated by sensory input and driven by interaction among the af·
and Hancock, 1994), e.g., recognition or high grades. Motivation
fective, cognitive, and psychomotor domains. Overt behavior by the
learner indicates whether or not the required learning has taken place. is further reflected in students' perceptions of the importance of a
The undergraduate geosciencefieldwork experience 293


Deep approach Surtace approach
• Intention to understand • Intention to complete task requirements
• Vigorous interaction with content • MemoriZe information needed tor assessments
• Relate new ideas to previous knowledge • Failure to distinguish principles from examples
• Relate concepts to everyday experience • Treat task as an external imposition
• Relate evidence to conclusions • Focus on discrete elements without integration
• Examine the logic of the argument • Unreflectiverless about purpose or strategies

task, the value attached to the outcomes (Bandura, 1986; Pintrich real geology. The exact mechanism by which this engagement
and De Groot, 1990), and whether their goal for learning is to occurs is poorly understood, but it may reflect enhanced sen-
achieve mastery of particular concepts or skills, or to prove their sory stimulation (i.e., involving all the senses, not just vision)
ability through performance (Ames and Archer, 1988; Murphy and the receiving of self-relevant feedback (Millar and Millar.
and Alexander, 2000; Pintrich, 2000). Boyle et al. (2007) found 1996; Beard and Wilson, 2005). Active participation in fieldwork
residential fieldwork to be effective in promoting high levels of also promotes the development of "memorable episodes," which
interest and motivation (the antecedents of deep learning), and to can aid in the retention and recall of subject-specific information
be highly valued as a learning activity. (Gagne and White, 1978; Mackenzie and White, 1982; Nundy,
Perhaps unsurprisingly, negative feelings such as anxiety can 1999). In his study of elementary school children, Nundy (1999)
have the opposite effect, causing students to become demotivated found these memorable episodes to be commonly based around
and disengage from learning. Orion and Hofstein (1994) found events that created a positive emotional response, e.g., that were
that "novelty space" associated with geographic, cognitive, and fun and enjoyable. In short, affective responses such as emotion
psychological factors inhibited student engagement with field can aid memory, and hence enhance learning.
activity, thus creating a barrier to learning that could be reduced Links between affect and learning can be further explained by
by adequate preparation. This desire to reduce negative feelings neuroscientific processes. For example, the production of adrena-
such as uncertainty and anxiety is natural (Deci and Ryan, 1985; line during emotional experiences (positive or negative) can assist
Bar-Anan et aL, 2009), but it may not always be achievable in a the transfer of memories from short-ternl to long-term (Cahill and
field situation. Affective states such as moods and emotions can McGaugh, 1998; Ashby et aI., 1999), while dopamine released in
also facilitate different ways of thinking, e.g., they can influence response to positive experiences (e.g., the gaining of reward) can
problem-solving ability, decision making (Ashby et aI., 1999; increase levels of motivation and cognitive engagement (Ashby et
Isen, 2000), and the way in which information is processed dur- ai., 1999; Zull, 2002; Turner and Curran, 2006). In the context of
ing learning (Gasper and Clore, 2002; Clore and Schnall, 2005; fieldwork, such positive experiences might relate to the receiving
Storbeck and Clore, 2005). Most significantly, positive moods of positive feedback on performance, the discovery of a particu-
can encourage superficial and less systematic processing strate- larly useful outcrop, or simply good weather. Negative emotions,
gies (Schnall et aI.. 2008), while negative moods tend to trig- on the other hand (e.g., resulting from a lack of perceived reward
ger more vigilant and effortful processing styles (Forgas, 200 I). or stress/anxiety) can result in reduced concentration and disen-
Hence, a happy mood may not always be conducive to the learn- gagement from the learning process by inhibiting activity in cer-
ing task at hand, particularly if it requires attention to detail! tain areas of the brain (e.g., Gold, 2005).
Active participation is an important factor in the learning Finally, our understanding of fieldwork as an effective
process (e.g., Kolb, 1984; Bransford et aI., 1999). Active learning means of learning can be enhanced by considering the social
can result in greater retention of materials, enhanced problem- processes operating during field activity. All learning environ-
solving abilities, and improved attitudes and motivation (Snyder, ments are to some extent cultural, social, and interactive (Tobin,
2003), and it is influenced significantly by the extent to which 1998; Tal, 2001), but the degree of social interaction and cultural
students engage with their learning environment (Turner and engagement offered by the field is unique. This is particularly so
Curran, 2006). According to Kolb's experiential learning theory, in the case of residential fieldwork, where students are required
learning is "a process whereby knowledge is created through the to become fully immersed in the discipline of geology rather than
transformation of experience" (1984, p. 41), and transformation simply "do" geology for a day. The types of social interaction
proceeds through discrete stages of concrete experience, reflec- promoted within field environments enable students to construct
tion, generation of new ideas, and subsequent testing. Part of the knowledge and meaning through collaboration with experts and
assumed effectiveness of fieldwork lies in its ability to promote peers, while at the same time developing their ability to perform
interaction with "real-life" examples of abstract concepts and tasks and solve problems independently (Vygotsky, 1978; Ban-
processes. However, interaction with reality alone is not enough dura, 1986). By engaging in shared activities and experiences
to generate learning. As indicated by Figure 1, the student must with other students and faculty members, both within and out-
be engaged both mentally and emotionally, and a key to the lat- side of the field environment, students become familiar with the
ter is the affective responses generated by direct interaction with language, culture, and the ways of thinking and practicing that are
294 Stokes and Boyle

characteristic of the discipline of geology, and thus they start to The field course began with a 2 d faculty-led introduction to
shape their identity as "geoscientists" (Lave and Wenger, 1991). the local geology and the principles of geologic mapping, during
Given that students' perceptions of social and cultural context which five members of academic faculty each provided instruc-
can be significant to their learning (Alsop and Watts, 2(00), and tion to groups of -12 students. Students then worked in self-
given the overtly social nature of most undergraduate fieldwork, selected groups of three (occasionally four) for the remainder of
it is surprising that the social context of geoscience fieldwork the course and were responsible for planning their activities and
has received relatively little attention. A notable exception is the managing their time. Faculty were present in the field area for
recent study by Elkins and Elkins (2007), which identifies social students to consult for feedback and guidance 。セ@ and when they
"novelty" as a specific, significant influence on students' motiva- required, and they were also available for fixed periods during
tion to learn, and an additional component of the "novelty space" the evening. Each student キ。セ@ expected to work autonomously
identified by Orion and Hofstein (1994). within their group, and final grades were awarded on the basis of
individual, rather than group, performance.
STUDY POPULATION AND SETTING Despite the emphasis of the learning objectives on the cog-
nitive and psychomotor domains, several aspects of this field
Sixty-two students entering the second year of a 3 or 4 yr course were considered likely to impact the affective domain.
geoscience degree program at a UK university participated in a The timing of the course at the end of the summer break maxi-
9 d geologic-mapping-training field course in the Teruel Prov- mized "novelty space" by precluding any opportunity for formal
ince of eastern Spain. The study group consisted of 44 males and preparatory sessions, or for the students to become reacquainted
18 females, and ages ranged from ] 9 to 37 yr. The study area socially or refresh their existing knowledge or skills (Orion and
featured a succession of well-exposed Mesozoic-Tertiary marine Hofstein, 1994; Elkins and Elkins, 2007). Once at the field loca-
and continental sediments, and contained large-scale tectonic tion, the local. terrain was physically challenging in places, and
structures that were easily observed from the surrounding land- the climate offered extremes of heat during the day and low
scape (Simon, 2004) (Fig. 2). The students mapped discrete areas temperatures at night. In addition, all students and members of
of increasing structural and stratigraphic complexity in order to faculty/technical staff were accommodated at the local camp-
determine the regional geologic and geomorphologic evolution. site, which had limited, and basic, facilities-thus requiring the
By the end of the Held course, they were expected to have met the sharing of both social and living spaces between students and
following learning objectives: "experts" (Nairn, 2003). From a social perspective, the course
(I) demonstrate competence in a range of practical field skills; coincided with the local village fiesta-a cultural extravaganza
(2) produce a geologic map, lithostratigraphic column, anno- involving two to three days (and nights) of activities including
tated cross section, and supporting Held notes; and dances, parades, and bull-running-which provided the students
(3) demonstrate an ability to operate in a safe, professional, with some particularly memorable (and emotional!) episodes.
logical, and systematic manner. From a geologic perspective, the successions were well exposed
and relatively continuous throughout the area, but they were also
sufficiently complex, both stratigraphically and structurally, to
reflect the complexity and variability (and hence uncertainty)
inherent in "real" geologic data.
Training in geologic mapping is a fundamental requirement
of undergraduate geoscience education in the UK and Ireland
(Boyle et al., this volume), and in many respects, the field experi-
ence described here is typical of those provided by British and
Irish institutions. In the United States, similar experiences might
be provided by field camps for geology majors, or by some of
the activities described in this volume (e.g., Marshall et aI., this
volume; May et aI., this volume). Despite the focus of this study
on a mapping-training course, the wider implications should be
applicable to a broad range of field experiences, including those
for nonmajors or school students, particularly if they include a
residential element or overseas travel.

Figure 2. Overview of the field mapping area nonh of Aliaga, Spain. This study used pre- and postexperience surveying, indi-
The area is characterized by well-exposed marine and continental sedi-
ments featuring prominent limestone units (A), and large-scale tec-
vidual and group interviews, and direct observation of student
tonic structures in the fonn of folds (B) and faults (C). activities to address the following questions:
The undergraduate geoscience fieldwork experience 295

1. What are the factors influencing students' affective approach (Patton, 1990). Interviews would open with a prede-
responses to residential fieldwork? termined question such as "why do you think it is important to
2. How do these factors impact on the learning process? learn to map?" or, later on in the field course, "how do you feel
We build on the "generalized" findings of Boyle et ai. you are progressing?" after which the researcher would allow
(2007) by investigating changes in affective responses within the conversation to progress naturally, and thus enable themes
a single group of students participating in a common geologic and topics to emerge. Qualitative interviews of this type are valu-
activity. Pre- and postexperience survey data provide a "quan- able because they allow flexibility in the subject and sequence of
tifiable measure" of changes in the students' feelings and atti- the discussion, and enable students to define their experiences in
tudes, but they provide little or no information about factors their own words (Cohen et al., 2000). Themes identified during
likely to have influenced these changes, or about the students' interviews earlier in the field course, such as difficulty in visual-
learning process or experiences (Taber, 2000; Rabiee, 2004). izing structures, or issues relating to motivation, formed the basis
By applying a mixed qualitative/quantitative approach, this for questions asked during later interviews. As this approach
study gains valuable additional insight into both the learning required distracting the student from their task, interview times
processes operating within a field environment, and the fac- were restricted to -5-10 min.
tors influencing them. This combination of statistical analysis An additional group interview of approximately 1 h dura-
and contextual data has been used successfully by previous tion was conducted with ten students at the end of day seven.
researchers and can inform practice at both local and wider This took a slightly more focused approach using topics and
scales (Libarkin and Kurdziel, 2002a). issues identified from the in situ interviews, but with the word-
ing and sequencing of questions decided during the course of the
Data Collection interview (Patton, 1990). Issues addressed included motivation,
social and cultural aspects, difficulties experienced by the stu-
Surveys dents, the impact of the field course on learning in general, and
Students completed a modified version of Boyle et aI.'s issues specific to mapping such as visualizing in three dimen-
(2007) survey instrument at the beginning and end of the field sions. In contrast to the field interviews, the setting was outside of
course. This survey uses a combination of Likert scale (three- the learning environment and during the students' free time. Par-
point), ranked, continuous-scale, and free-text questions to ticipants were entirely voluntary and included a mix of genders,
investigate learning in the affective domain. Question formats ages, and degrees of physical mobility. This approach enabled
varied according to the nature of the data being sought, and discussions to develop between the participants and a wide range
to promote student engagement with the survey (i.e., prevent of responses to be gathered (Cohen et aI., 2000), thus provid-
them becoming bored with one particular format). Key sections ing a clearer indication of, and deeper insight into, the range of
within the survey relevant to this study are: attitudes and opinions present within the group (Rabiee, 2004;
1. core/demographic data; Breen, 2006).
2. feelings about fieldwork (ranked); All interviews were recorded using a digital voice recorder
3. anticipation of fieldwork (Likert scale); and transcribed verbatim by the researcher conducting the inter-
4. collaboration, motivation, and enjoyment (Likert scale); VIew.
5. procedures in fieldwork (Likert scale);
6. impact of fieldwork on knowledge (continuous scale); Observation
7. perceptions of fieldwork as being useful (continuous Observing learning processes directly can be difficult, and
scale); and this is one of the reasons why learning is typically considered
8. open questions relating to various aspects of the student in terms of products (i.e., learning outcomes) (Schmitz, 2006).
experience, including expectations, good, bad, and memora- Direct observation of fieldwork is rarely reported in the litera-
ble experiences, social relationships, and perceptions of skills ture (e.g., Orion and Hofstein, 1994; Lai, 1999), yet this proce-
acquired (free text). dure can provide valuable insight into the learning process (Lin-
Similar data were collected in both surveys (post-field coln and Guba, 1985). As with the interviews, a semistructured
course questions being reflective rather than anticipatory), with approach was applied to the observation that enabled us to gather
the exception of the demographic and some free-text data. Pre- data to illuminate specific issues (e.g., the nature of social inter-
and post-field course surveys were returned by 62 (100%) and actions) alongside more emergent themes (Cohen et aI., 2000).
53 (85%) students, respectively. Observations were undertaken by the two researchers during the
faculty-led introductory sessions and on the same days as the in
Interviews situ interviews, and focused on (1) looking for evidence from the
In total, 31 interviews were conducted by two indepen- students' behavior that fieldwork promoted positive (or nega-
dent researchers over three separate (i.e., nonadjacent) days tive) responses, and (2) finding clues as to the factors influencing
during the field course. Students were interviewed in situ (i.e., these responses. During the faculty-led days, the researchers each
while engaged in field activity) using an informal conversational accompanied and observed different groups of students as they
296 Stokes and Boyle

were introduced to the study area and embarked upon prelimi- Kurdziel, 2002b; Hsieh and Shannon, 2005). Some codes were
nary data collection. For the remainder of the time, the research- assigned a priori. e.g., w here a specific topic had been introduced
ers located themselves in specific, but separate, parts of the field by the researcher, while others were assigned inductively based
area and observed students as they worked within that area. on the words and phrases used by the students. Constant com-
Spending time with the students during the introductory period parison (Taber, 20(0) was used to check the internal consistency
helped them to become used to the presence of the researchers, of the codes 。セウゥァョ・、@ to the data, and coding was modified where
and thus to reduce reactivity effects (Cohen et al., 2000). appropriate. A similar approach was taken to coding the obser-
Data were collected in the form of in situ and reflective field vation data. The researchers assigned the data a total of 74 and
notes, and photographs. The combination of interviews and obser- 83 codes, respectively. and achieved over 70% agreement in the
vations in this way is a particularly useful means of cross-check- first instance. Further comparison and discussion resolved any
ing and hence validating the findings from qualitative research. remaining discrepancies. The data were then subject to secondary
Observations provide checks on information gathered from inter- coding (Miles and Huberman, 1984), and the dominant themes
views, while interviews enable the researcher to explore the inter- fonning the basis for subsequent interpretation were identified.
nal feelings of the students, rather than just their external behavior Free-text survey responses were analyzed using thematic
(Patton. 1990). Both data sets were strengthened through immer- content anal ysis to identify the main categories of response to
sion in the learning context over time (Morrison, 1993). In this each question, and then they were quantified to provide a semi-
study, the observational data are used to support and provide fur- quantitative estimation of the "strength" of students' perceptions
ther context for inteIp£etations based on the survey and interview or views on particular a'ipects of their experience (Kempa and
data. rather than as the basis for interpretations per se. Orion, 1996).
It should be stressed that this investigation makes no attempt
Data Analyst.. to identify gains in knowledge or understanding resulting from
this fieldwork-we focus on furthering our understanding of the
Quantitative Data student experience of residential fieldwork, and on identifying
Quantitative survey data were analyzed using Excel and factors that influence the learning process.
SPSS. All data were subject to descriptive statistical analysis,
while inferential statistics were used to investigate differences QUANTITATIVE FINDINGS
between pre- and post-fieldwork responses. Paired data were
collected either a'i three-point (i.e., ordinal) Likert scale data This section summarizes key findings from the pre- and
(l = =
positive, 0 neutral, -1 = negative), or continuous-scale post-field course surveys. Boyle et al. (2007) provided empirical
data in which students indicated their agreement with statements evidence that students' feelings and attitudes toward residential
by marking an X along a continuum (10 em line) ranging from fieldwork improve as a result of their field experience. Based on
"totally disagree" (0) to "totally agree" (10). The students' score a sample of over 300 students participating in a variety of field
represented the distance to the X from the zero point, measured courses across seven UK institutions, they identified statistically
to the nearest 0.1 cm. Boyle et a1. (2007) applied pararnetric tests significant gains (at 95% confidence level or above) in affective
to their paired data on the grounds that these are more powerful responses relating to anticipation, knowledge, usefulness, collab-
than nonparametric tests and are robust against minor violations, oration, motivation and enjoyment, and procedures. The findings
particularly if sample sizes are large (Kinnear and Gray, 2000). presented here are based on 62 students from a single UK institu-
This study had a significantly smaller sample size than Boyle et tion participating in a single, common field activity.
al. (2007), and the majority of data were found not to be nonna! Iy
distributed; hence, all paired data were compared using nonpara- Anticipation and Reflection
metric methods. The continuous data were analyzed using the
Wilcoxon signed ranks test, which is the non parametric equiva- As a preliminary measure of anticipation and reflection, stu-
lent if the t-test and assumes a continuous scale of measurement. dents were asked to select and rank three options from a choice
Paired Likert scale data were analyzed using the Sign test, which, of ten (five positive and five negative) that best reflected their
although relatively low power, is more appropriate for the limited feelings at the beginning and end of the field course. The find-
scale range (three-point). which can result in a high proportion of ings are summarized in Figure 3. Students' feelings were found
tied ranks, and hence erroneous calculations of P values using the to be generally positive at the start of the field course (64% of all
Wilcoxon signed ranks test (Roberson et at, ] 995). Differences responses), and to become strengthened as a result of undertak-
between subgroups, e.g., gender, were tested using the X2 test ing the fieldwork (89% of all responses). However, we found that
32 students (57%) selected at least one negative feeling in the
Qualitative Data precourse survey, implying that over half of the cohort embarked
All interview transcripts were coded independently by on the fieldwork with some degree of anxiety or concern. At the
both researchers using NVivo 2.0, and key themes were identi- end of the field course, this had reduced to ] 3 students. most of
fied using thematic content analysis (Patton, 1990; Libarkin and whom indicated that they "found it hard:'
The undergraduate geoscience fieldwork experience 297

A Positive feelings Negative feelings


rI) 30
0 25
セ@ '"
15 20
.0 15

Eageny Can't Relaxed Happy Confident Concerned Warned Don't Don'l Apprehensive
anticipating wait about want
what is what to to go
expected expect

B Positive feelings Negative feelings

'"t: Q)

'"0c, 25



Z 10

Leamed Worthwhile Thoroughly Glad we Want to Found Wish not Did not Lived up Didn't
a lot enjoyed it had to go gO again it hard compulsory enjoy 10 my fears know
what 10
Figure 3. Students' feelings toward fieldwork as measured (A) pre-field course and (B) post field course. Students were
presented with ten options (indicated on the x-axis) and asked to select and rank the three that they felt reflected their own
feelings. Positive feeling amongst the students increased as a result of the field course.

A series of three-point Likert scale questions enabled closer Bracken and Mawdsley, 2004), Gender differences in relation to
investigation of students' feelings toward specific field activities coping with physical challenges were found to be weakly signifi-
(Table 2). Differences in pre-- and post-field course data were cant prior to the field course (Xl 5.67,p = 0.059), where males
found to be significant in relation to visiting a different place, were more positive about their abilities than females, although
and getting to know facility members (at 90% confidence level no significant difference was identified at the end. This finding
or above). Mean scores also increased in relation to getting to seems to confirm that of Boyle et al. (2007) that fieldwork can act
know other students, working all day in the outdoors, and achiev- as a leveler of affective responses.
ing Ihe academic demands of the work, and decreased in rela-
tion to coping with physical challenges. Although none of these Collaboration, Motivation, and Enjoyment
changes is statistically significant, the data are indicative of gen-
erally positive feelings. Perceptions of physical fitness and ability Students' feelings in relation to collaboration, motivation,
to meet physical challenges have previously been recognized as and enjoyment did not appear to change significantly as a result
sources of anxiety, particularly amongst females (Maguire, 1998; of Ihe fieldwork (Table 2). However, positive feelings toward
298 Stokes and Boyle

Pre-fieldwork data Post-fieldwork data Significance
AnticiEation and reflection n mean SD n mean SD (two-tailed)
a) Getting to know the staff (faculty) 62 0.742 0.477 51 0.882 0.325 0.077§
b) Visiting a different place 62 0.887 0.319 51 1.000 0.000 0.016t
cJ Working all day in the outdoors 62 0.46B 0.671 51 0.529 0.644 0.607
d) Coping with physical challenges 62 0.629 0.579 51 0.588 0.572 1.000
e) Achieving the academic demands of the work 62 0.516 0.646 50 0.600 0.535 0.791
f) Getting to know the other students on the course 62 0.790 0.517 50 0.843 0.464 0.549
Collaboration, motivation and enj0:iment
a) Fieldwork is an activity I enjoy 61 0.689 0.564 53 0.792 0.409 0.267
b) I would recommend fieldwork to others 61 0.738 0.513 53 0.792 0.454 1.000
c) I like to be challenged in my academic work 61 0.557 0.646 53 0.755 0.477 0.167
d) The more fieldwork I undertake, the more interesting 61 0.574 0.618 53 0.679 0.547 0.238
the work becomes to me
e) It is important to be able to work with others 61 0.918 0.277 53 0.981 0.137 0.375
f) I use colleagues as an information source 61 0.639 0.517 53 0.642 0.484 1.000
g) I trust the contribution of my group/peers when 61 0.672 0.507 53 0.755 0.434 0.332
completing group work
h) I would always check the group's answer. and if I 61 0.574 0.531 53 0.774 0.466 0.096§
thought it was incorrect, I would make up my own
1) J sometimes lose interest in the work because of the 60 0.267 0.686 53 0.226 0.697 0.832
Procedures in fieldwork
a) I feel fully prepared for this fieldwork 62 0.210 0.656 53 0.264 0.593 0.648
b) The information that we have been given about this 62 0.258 0.676 53 0.509 0.576 0.052§
fieldwork has answered all of my questions
c) I am careful to record exactly what I observe 62 0.532 0.593 53 0.528 0.608 1.000
d) I am not fazed by having to use technical equipment 62 0.581 0.560 53 0.698 0.503 0.238
e) I am comfortable reading a map. Le., I can 62 0.645 0.603 53 0.906 0.295 0.003·
recognize hills, valleys, give accurate grid
references, etc.
f) I find it easy to visualize things in 3D 62 0.258 0.626 53 0.434 0.537 0.332
g) I know how to calculate true dip 62 0.306 0.715 53 0.792 0.409 0.000'
h) I know what is meant by strike 62 0.548 0.619 53 0.943 0.233 0.000'
I) I know the difference between the apparent offset 62 -0.032 0.768 53 0.358 0.682 0.001·
and actual offset of a fault
Note: Sign test was used to test data for statistical significance.
Key: SD-standard deviation; 3D---4hree dimensions,
'Significant at 99% or above.
tSignificant at 95% or above.
§Significant at 90% or above.

working with others were found to be exceptionally high both Manner, 1995), and that these feelings can become enhanced
before and after the field course, thus identifying collaboration as a result of engaging in field activity (Boyle et al., 2007). The
as a valued aspect of learning (Kempa and Orion, 1996). This in fact that this field course did not prompt statistically signifi-
it'!'elfis a significant finding, since the value that students attribute cant changes does not mean that the students did not enjoy or
to learning activities can be an indicator of motivation (Pintrich become motivated by their experience; indeed, the mean scores
and DeGroot, 1990; Breen and Lindsay, 1999), Students also val- for the majority of the statements in this section are extremely
ued the opportunity to work independently of academic faculty encouraging, indicating a high degree of positive feeling both at
(Marques et aI., 2003), showing high levels of trust in their col- the beginning and the end of the fieldwork. However, what these
leagues and a willingnes.<; to use them as sources of information. data do demonstrate is that, while fieldwork might be success-
The field course was designed to encourage both collaborative ful at prompting positive affective responses, it may not always
and independent working, and success in the latter is reflected enhance them.
in the students becoming increasingly positive about making up
their own minds in coUaborative situations (p = 0,096). Issues Procedures in Field work
relating to collaboration and wider social learning are further dis-
cussed in the qualitative analysis. Prior to the field course, students seemed unsure about their
Previous research has shown that students find fieldwork level of preparation, and their ability to perform some field tasks
enjoyable and motivating (Kern and Carpenter, 1984, 1986; (Table 2). Perceived lack of preparation can be a source of anxiety
The undergraduate geoscience fieldwork experience 299

(Glynn and Koballa, 2006), and this is likely to have contributed topics etc. studied in class makes it easier to understand them."
to the negative feeling identified at the start of the field course Thus, while the students recognized the value and importance
(Fig. 3). Despite this, at the end of the field course, the students of fieldwork, they appeared less certain about the impact of
demonstrated increased self-efficacy (i.e., belief in being able to fieldwork on their understanding. Similar findings concerning
complete a ta'lk) in field procedures such as reading and interpret- perceptions of understanding have been reported by Boyle et
ing a map and calculating true dip, and in their understanding al. (2007) and may reflect students' feelings about the interpre-
of concepts such as strike and the difference between actual and tive nature of geology, and the "fuzziness" of real geologic data
apparent fault offsets. While these procedures relate more to cog- (Raab and Frodeman, 2002).
nitive and psychomotor skills, feelings of efficacy Can be indica-
tors of interest and motivation (Bandura, 1986; Pintrich and De QUALITATIVE FINDINGS
Groot, 1990) and hence provide an indirect measure of change in
affective state. Ten major themes were identified from the qualitative data
The students were less certain about their ability to visual- as representing the key aspects of students' fieldwork experience
ize geologic features in three dimensions-positive responses (Fig. 4):
increased from just 35% to 45% after the field course, and there (1) demographic factors,
was no significant increase in mean scores. We found males to (2) personal factors,
be significantly more positive than females about their visualiza- (3) physical nature of field area,
tion abilities before the field course (X2 =6.45, p = 0.040), but no (4) academic context,
significant differences were identified between the genders at the (5) logistical factors,
end. This finding is interesting since previous research suggests (6) social/cultural context,
that males can develop better spatial-visualization skills than (7) experiential learning,
females (e.g., Orion et al., 1997), although the extent to which a (8) social learning,
true gender difference exists in relation to spatial understanding (9) geologic/academic outcomes, and
remains unclear (Ishikawa and Ka'ltens, 2005). (10) non geologic/nonacademic outcomes.
These themes are explored using the 3P learning model
Knowledge and Usefulness of Biggs (2003) as a conceptual framework. This model treats
learning as a system in which outcomes ("products") result from
Statements relating to knowledge and usefulness were used the interactions between input ("presage") factors (Le., those relat-
to explore students' perceptions of the academic value of field- ing to student characteristics and academic context) and students'
work. In general, We found agreement with statements to be approaches to learning (i.e., whether these are surface or deep)
high both before and after the fieldwork, thus demonstrating the (Entwistle and Ramsden, 1983). Boyle et al. (2007) found field-
extent to which fieldwork was valued as an academic activity work to be effective in promoting the positive affective responses
Crable 3). Interestingly, we identified a significant difference associated with deep approaches to learning, and, by implication,
between pre- and post-fieldwork data, and decrease in mean enhanced learning outcomes. While our qualitative data do not
score, relating to the statements "field work will help my under- provide direct evidence for a deep or surface approach, these can
standing of the SUbject" and "first-hand experience of themes/ be inferred from students' affective responses to presage factors,

Pre-fieldwork: data Post-fieldwork: data Significance
Knowledge n mean SO n mean SO Z (two-tailed)
a) Firsthand experience of themes/topics studied in class 62 8.302 1.880 53 7.994 1.685 -1.792 0.073'
makes it easier to understand them
b) Fieldwork gives me a chance to develop my problem- 62 7.976 1.963 53 8.338 1.515 -0.842 0.400
solving skills
Percet!tion of fieldwork as being useful
a) Fieldwork will help my understanding of the subject 62 8.682 1.672 51 8.365 1.397 2.076 0.0381
b) It is important to know how to solve problems in the field 62 8.576 1.813 51 9.124 1.057 -1.714 0.086'
c) Without a field experience, my degree subject would be 61 7.328 2.534 53 8.336 2.055 -3.334 0.001"
too academic and theoretical
d) Fieldwork skills will be important to me in my choice of 61 7.580 2.558 53 7.958 1.976 -0.136 0.892
Note: Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to test data for statistical Significance.
·Significant at 99% or above.
tSignificant at 95% Or above.
§Significant at 90% or above.
300 Stokes and Boyle

Presage Process Product

Student characteristics Learning Outcomes

セ@ [セ@ "

• age • prior experience • learning by doing • mappinglfield skills

• gender • preparation • linking theory with practice • subject-specific knowledge
• physical ability • expectations • engagement with reality • visualization skills
I • coping with uncertainty
Field course characteristics I
I Nongeologlc(
Geologic/Academic N d I
onaca emlc
• nature of !emlin! • accommodation
physical challenge • food I
• learning environment • weather
• social relationships/skills
• location • illness/injury • confidence

• nature of task/challenge • social activities

• teaching context • cultural activities
• social context • social relationships

Figure 4. Factors characterizing the students' learning experience as indicated by the qualitative data. Affective responses
to presage factors infiuence students' approaches to learning, which subsequently influence the learning outcomes. Ap-
proaches to learning are also implied from the learning processes observed within the field environment. Solid lines
indicate direct influences on Learning; dashed lines indicate indirect links to learning approaches. Factors are based on the
"3P" model of Biggs (2003) (see text for discussion).

and from their feelings and attitudes toward the learning pro- Demographic factors. We found that demographic factors
cesses operating during the fieldwork. were more likely to triangulate with other factors, e.g., attitudes
to physical challenges, than to produce affective responses in and
Factors Influencing the Student Experience of themselves. Hence, they are not considered here in detaiL
Personal/actors. As indicated by the survey findings, stu-
Six of the ten themes identified relate to the input, or "pres- dents embarked on the fieldwork with generally positive atti-
age" stage ofieaming (Fig. 4). These themes relate both to student tudes and feelings. While some students did not know what to
characteristics. and characteristics of the field course, the latter of expect from the field course (Fig. 3), the majority held opti-
which are subdivided according to academic/geologic aspects, mistic expectations that embraced the full range of cognitive,
and nonacademic/nongeologic (i.e., extra-curricular) aspects. It affective, psychomotor and social factors. Quotations from
is interesting to note the similarity among the four major field both interviews and written (survey) data are used throughout
cOllfSe characteristics identified from this study (boxes 3-6 in this section to provide further insight into, and context for, the
Fig. 4) and the factors defining "novelty space" (Orion and Hof- students' personal experiences of the fieldwork. The following
stein, 1994; Elkins and Elkins, 2007). This provides independent statements exemplify some of the students' expectations and
support for the novelty space theory, which states that barriers to hopes for the field course.
successful engagement with learning are created by geographical
(physical), cognitive (academic), psychological (logistical), and
social/cultural factors. "A better understanding of the subject, great experience and lots of fun."

Student Characteristics
Student characteristics are defined by demographic (e.g., age, "Learn new skills and improve on others, get to know other students
gender) and personal factors (e.g., prior experience, expectations). better."
The undergraduate geoscience fieldwork experience 301

Expectations can be shaped by prior experience, which itself to the physical aspects of the fieldwork, where a lack of confi-
is an important precursor to affective response (picard et al., dence amongst females during the early stages of fieldwork was
2004; Crossman, 2007). We found students' perceptions of their often exacerbated by a perceived (but not necessarily deliberate)
previous fieldwork experiences to be largely positive, and where "macho" attitude amongst some of the male students (Bracken
negative feelings were identified these did not persist to the end and Mawdsley, 20(4).
of the field course, further confirming that fieldwork can act as a
leveler of anxiety (Boyle et aI., 2(07).
"If there's a mountain to overcome the boys will no doubt run up it,
thinking 'we have to get up there before the girls do.'"
"I really didn't want to come here, but I'm glad I did, because like,
the social side's been really good-I've spoken to people I've never
spoken to before, even [on previous field courses)."
Ultimately, the females proved to be no less able than the
males, and although these differences in feelings decreased as
the field course progressed, they were no doubt influenced by the
Preparation is important for engagement with learning gender ratio within the group (which was biased toward males
(Orion and Hofstein, 1994; Marshall et aI., this volume) and 44: 18) and the tendency for single-gender mapping groups to
lack of preparation (real or perceived) can be a source of anxiety inhibit social interaction.
(Glynn and Koballa, 2(06). This is no doubt reflected by some of Academic factors. Students' feelings and attitudes toward
the less positive precourse feelings identified from the quantita- both fieldwork as a learning activity, and the field as a learning
tive data. The faculty-led introductory sessions helped students to environment, were overwhelmingly positive. They displayed a
overcome these feelings by providing the opportunity to refresh high degree of interest in their surroundings (geologic and social)
existing knowledge and skills, become reacquainted with col- and also expressed increased motivation to learn in the field com-
leagues, and thereby increase self-confidence. pared to other environments.

"I think 1 had forgotten over 95% of what 1 had learned so I was really "I have more motivation to be getting up here than 1 would at home or
happy with the lecturers having preparation sessions-it really helped." to be going to a lecture."

"If it's interesting you are a lot more likely to get up and do [fieldwork]."
Thus, in terms of personal characteristics, these findings
confirm the students' perceptions of the field course as generally
positive and influenced by their prior experiences of fieldwork.
They also provide further insight into some of the factors likely Some preference for more passive forms of learning was
to contribute to initial feelings of anxiety or concern, and identify encountered, albeit rarely, thus confirming that fieldwork is not
preparation as an important means of reducing these. necessarily enjoyable or desirable for all students.

Field Course Characteristics: Geologic and Academic Factors

Geologic and academic factors comprise the physical "I like the outdoors, but I find it easier to learn in a lecture hall than
in the field."
nature of the field course, (e.g., location, nature of terrain), and
the academic context (e.g., nature of the learning task, social
context of learning).
Physical factors. Student'>' attitudes toward the physical Although positive about fieldwork per se, some students were
location of the field course were generally positive. They enjoyed less positive about their learning task (geologic mapping) and dis-
being "away from the beaten track," and were impressed by the played mixed feelings about their abilities to perform and achieve
landscape and scenery. Feelings were more varied, however, academically. Visualizing in three dimensions and coping with
toward the local terrain and its associated physical challenges. uncertainty were identified as particular areas for concern--the
Students with mobility limitations expressed some frustration former being well recognized as "troublesome" for novice stu-
at their inability to access parts of the field area, although this dents (Ishikawa and Kastens, 2005; Rapp et al., 2(07). Students
did not necessarily prevent them from participating in learning also lacked confidence in their ability to work independently,
activities. Previous authors have discussed the "gendered" nature particularly during the early stages of the field course, although
of fieldwork (e.g., Nairn, 1996; Maguire, 1998; Hall et aI., 2004), the requirement to work collaboratively helped to counter these
and we identified perceptions amongst both male and female stu- feelings by providing students with an element of "social sup-
dents that fieldwork (and geology as a discipline) is a typically port." Concerns about academic achievement reflected not only a
"masculine" endeavor. This was particularly evident in relation desire to perfonn well, but also the recognition that independent
302 Stokes and Boyle

mapping would be a major requirement of the students' final year Logistical factors. Logistical factors, e.g., accommodation,
honor's project-for which many rightly viewed this fieldwork food, and climate (too hot during the day, too cold at night),
as "training." tended to induce negative rather than positive feelings and were
frequently encountered as demotivators to learning. Practi-
cal arrangements are well known to act as demotivating factors
"[Mapping] is my least tavorite thing about geology but I'm trying to (Fletcher and Dodds, 2004), and many students found issue with
battle through it because I know it's important."
the camping facilities and food, particularly during the early
stages of the field course when the novelty of being in an unfamil-
iar location was greatest. The degree of negative feeling toward
"It is just scary because we are so independent. I mean, being on our
own is really a confidence issue. We need to improve, and just believe the weather, however, which was consistently hot, dry, and sunny,
in our own assumptions." was somewhat surprising, especially given students' general lack
of enthusiasm for working in wind and rain. Nonetheless, weather
was identified by almost a third of the students a<; the "worst"
"Everything's counted now, everything at this stage of our degree is aspect of their experience. In addition, the climate exacerbated
counted, and [we] want to do well and get a good degree." feelings of tiredness caused by lack of sleep or length of time
spent in the field, causing loss of concentration and further イ・、オ」セ@
ing motivation levels. In light of this, many students (but not all)
These findings highlight the importance of physical and chose to develop strategies to avoid the hottest parts of the day.
academic factors in shaping students' feelings toward their
learning, and they provide important insight into motivational
factors. The comments relating to interest and preference for "The heat here is sometimes unbearable, it really smacks you in the
the field as a learning environment imply that, for some stu- face so it is difficult to concentrate."
dents, learning was intrinsically motivated. However, to suc-
ceed in their degree, students must demonstrate proficiency in
"¥inat we are doing is going at a reasonable rate with few breaks, and
geologic mapping, and this is reflected in their concerns about we seem to finish earlier so we can get out of the sun."
ability to perform and achieve academically, which are more
indicative of extrinsic motivation.
A further logistical factor impacting on motivation was the
Field Course Characteristics: Nongeologic or Nonacademic outbreak of a sickness bug amongst some students and academic
Factors faculty toward the end of the field course-student<; were not
Nongeologic and nonacademic factors emerged from the asked to comment on this 1
qualitative data as exerting a considerable influence on the stu- Social and cultural factors. In contrast, social and cultural
dents' affective responses, and their overall fieldwork experi- aspects of the field course were viewed as overwhelmingly posi-
ence (Table 4). tive, attracting the greatest number of responses in relation to the

Aspect of Number of Geologic/academic factors Nongeologic/nonacademic factors
eX2erience イ・ウセョ@
Best 50 Leaming process 20 Social activities 20
Placellocalion 6 Cultural activities 19
Engaging in physical activity 3 Camping/food
Receiving feedback Weather

Worst 50 Social context 2 Weather 18

Duration of field course 2 illness/injury 16
Safety 1 Tiredness 7
Uncertainty/confusion 1 Campinglfood 6
Lack of physical ability 1 Local people 5
Cultural activities 1
_7_ セ@

Most memorable 48 Geology/scenery 10 Cultural activities 32

learning process 2 Social activities 11
Camping/food 3
12 セ@
"Because a single response may contain more than one factor. the total sum of factors relating to a particular aspect
tgeolQgicJacademic + ョッセ・ャPAゥ」j。、ュI@ may be greater than the number 01 イ・ウセョN@
The undergraduate geoscience fieldwork experience 303

"best" and "most memorable" aspects of the field course; the We found that the nongeologic/nonacademic aspects of the
fiesta was identified by over half of the students as their "most field course generated mixed feelings among the students. Logis-
memorable" experience (Table 4). While academic factors were tical factors often prompted negative feelings, which reduced
rarely identified as the "most memorable," they attracted an motivation levels and caused students to disengage from their
equivalent number of responses to both social and cultural fac- learning. Students were motivated by the social and cultural activ-
tors a..<; the "best" aspect of the students' experience. ities, although this appeared to be primarily extrinsic, with the
activities providing a perceived "reward" for learning. However,
as evidenced by Nundy (1999), the positive feelings associated
"The academic and social are both important to me." with memorable experiences encountered during fieldwork can
play an important role in the learning process. Further, the social-
i703tion of the students outside of the field environment helped to
"It·s the social experience as well-there are certain things that you
strengthen social relationships and interactions during the field-
won't get at home, but over here the experience counts for more as you
are in the field as well." work. This is discussed further in the section on social learning.
Overall, we found that presage factors prompted both posi-
tive and negative feelings in the students, and that they appeared
The social benefits of fieldwork are well recognized (Fuller et both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated to learn. These find-
al., 2006), and in this study, the social and cultural activities pro- ings are suggestive of the students adopting both deep and sur-
vided enhanced opportunities for students to form social relation- face approaches to learning.
ships and friendships, and facilitated the breaking down of social
barriers- particularly between genders. These activities also acted Learning Processes
as motivating factors for learning and were viewed by some stu-
dents as a "reward" for completing academic work during the day. By interviewing the students while actively engaged in their
learning Lask, we gained "here and now" information about their
perceptions of, and feelings toward, their learning, and gained
"During the day ...there seems to be still the separate boy and girl groups. insight into the processes operating during fieldwork. Our find-
but when it comes to socializing in the evenings it's really different" ings suggest that learning was predominantly influenced by expe-
riential and social processes.

"r feel more motivated to get up and do work 'cos like, we have the Experiential Learning
evenings otlto do what we want so 1, like, think that I don't mind hav-
ing to work the long hours in the sun." This fieldwork provided students with the opportunity to
experience geology in an authentic setting, to contextualize their
existing knowledge by relating theory to reality, and to gain com-
"When I get to go out on the night ... you're kind of, like, getting a petency in a range of subject-specific and generic skills. They con-
reward for working hard in the day." sidered "learning by doing" highly significant to developing their
understanding of geology, and placed particular value in gaining
direct experience with their subject matter, linking theory with
Attitudes toward the social and cultural activities, and par- practice, and developing their confidence by applying their knowl-
ticularly the fiesta, were not unanimously positive, however, edge, and testing out new ideas and theories (I.e., learning from
and some students considered being unable to fully "opt-out" of their mistakes!). The fieldwork also provided the students with
activities (e.g., by suffering disturbed sleep through noise) det- "memorable episodes" (e.g., Mackenzie and White, 1982; Nundy,
rimental to their learning. Further, and perhaps unsurprisingly, 1999), which they felt contributed toward their overall learning.
motivation appeared to "peak" during the time of greatest social
and cultural activity, with a subsequent decline clearly evident
from the close of the fiesta (day seven) to the end of the course. "It's not just about physically putting stuff on a map. it's also under-
standing .. .like, you learn about faults, but you can't really understand
At this point, despite having made significant progress toward
them until you've experienced them."
meeting their outcomes. students began to lose motivation and
disengage from the learning task. AneCdotally, this effect is well
recognized by sea..'>oned field geologists, who frequently con- "You can learn the theory of [geology], but it's completely different
sider themselves at greatest risk toward the end of their fieldwork when you've got to put it into practice."
when thoughts start to tum to home.

"It's about confidence, I mean to go up and touch a rock and say 'it's
"We're thinking about going back and what we're going to do when we such and such: you need it, but if you're wrong, so what, it's a learn-
get back now, which is difficult and we're not focu.<;ing on [the work]." ing process."
304 Stokes and Boyle

"You need to get out in the field' cos, like, you learn a lot more. It is so
much better, it is an experience which will stay in your mind forever." Social Learning
The field is a social as well as a physical Jeaming environment
(Marques et al., 2003; Hall et aI., 2004), and both social and physi-
cal interactions are crucial to the learning experience (Meredith et
Visualization is a significant a..">pect of cognition (Zull, 2002) aI., 1997). These interactions were facilitated in the field by the
and, while experiential learning typically involves multiple sen- breaking down of social barriers via social and cultural activities,
sory experiences, "seeing" was the most critical a..<;pect of the and by the social context of the learning task. Attitudes to collab-
students' learning experience. Students often find the relationship orative working, and by implication socialleaming, were largely
between two-dimensional views and three-dimensional reality positive, and many students expressed a preference for smaller
troublesome (Ishikawa and Kastens, 2005; Petcovic and Libarkin, group sizes, which they felt allowed for greater interaction with
2007; Rapp et aI., 2007), and the survey data indicate that, to some faculty members, and encouraged a more active type of learning.
degree, this difficulty persisted for many to the end of the field
course. This wa..<; characterized in the field by negative responses
indicating confusion, reduced confidence, and frustration. "After a while [in a bigger group] you are just listening, you're not talk-
ing to other people. "it is just listening and then your brain becomes
tired because you're not occupied."
"It becomes annoying when you can't visualize it-you just sit there
and are really frustrated."
Social interaction is fundamental to cognitive development,
and the types of social learning in which students engaged were
According to Frodeman, "spatial understanding is kinetic; to found to vary over the field course. The initial stages of learn-
understand three-dimensional space one must move through it" ing were driven through interactions with faculty and graduate
(2003, p. 112). Spatial understanding is fundamental to geosci- students. Students were assisted in making initial observations
ence knowledge domains (Golledge et al., 2008), and we found and collecting preliminary data, and in constructing meaning
that the physical process of collecting data from three-dimen- from their findings (Vygotsky, 1978). Student,,> also gained the
sional geologic phenomena. translating the data onto the map, competencies necessary to work independently by observing and
and then visually relating the resulting two-dimensional patterns imitating the behavior of others (Bandura, 1986), for example,
to three-dimensional reality combined to be highly significant in learning how to take compass bearings, or translate field data
in helping students to develop their viSUal-spatial abilities, and onto their maps, Ultimately, the students were required to work
hence transform their understanding. As students became aware independently, but continued social interaction both within and
of their progress, so their self-confidence, feelings of self-efficacy, between the mapping groups enabled them to share information
and motivation to learn increased-aU important antecedents to and knowledge, collaborate on solving problems, and engage
cognitive engagement (Pintrich and De Groot, 1990) and a deep in "peer-support" (e.g., through keeping each other motivated,
approach to learning. working together to plan their activities, etc,), This, combined
with interaction with faculty and graduate students, enabled stu-
dents to gradually acquire the knowledge, skills, and behaviors
"Working around this area, and actuaUy being able to see the hills. and characteristic of geology, within the context of "real" field activi-
see the different units ... you can see what's going on on the ground. ties (Lave and Wenger. 199 I).
Whereas if you just look at a fiat page with different colors and lines,
it's not always easy to work out what it's doing." Many students had embarked on the field course with work-
ing relationships and friendships developed during previous resi-
dential fieldwork, while others formed entirely new social bonds,
"You first tUfnUp and you don't know what is going on or what you are These relationships were highly valued. particularly in terms of
looking at, but as time goes by, you start to see what is going on and future collaborative working and academic support.
understand what you are looking at, and you get enthused because you
actually understand what is going on."
"I think a big part of the degree was getting to know people when
you're in the field so you work together in the field, and then when you
These findings are clearly reflective of a deep rather than a get back you're working in groups in tutoria1s or lectures."
surface approach to learning (Table 1), Indeed, it is difficult to
see how students could develop an understanding of the geologic
evolution of the study area-which requires the integration of While a degree of friction, particularly within mapping
knowledge and ideas from a range of domains-without adopt- groups, was inevitable, at the end of the field course the major-
ing a deep approach, or without physically interacting with their ity of students reported improved relationships both with
learning environment their group members, and with other students. They were also
The undergraduate geoscience fieldwork experience 305

overwhelmingly positive about their relationships with "experts" transferable) outcomes (typically nongeologic!nonacademic) that
(e.g., faculty members, graduate students, and technical staff), and are not generally assessed a'i part of learning, and in particular the
many reported increased confidence in interacting with faculty affective outcomes likely to influence future field experiences.
members (Table 5). These findings reinforce the strongly positive Learning outcomes were achieved in the affective, cognitive,
feelings toward collaborative working identified from the quanti- and psychomotor domains, although students were assessed only
tative data. Students perceived "experts" a'i providers of guidance on the la'it two. This is common practice within geoscience (and
and support rather than "teachers" or transmitters of knowledge science in general), and reflects not only the relative difficulty of
and, while initially lacking in confidence about working inde- measuring outcomes based in emotion (Novak, 1979; Picard et
pendently, demonstrated a clear preference for developing their aI., 2004; Pyle, this volume), but also the "traditional" positivist
independence over being "taught." This is consistent with a deep view that science should concern facts rather than feelings (Alsop
approach to learning, whereby understanding can be enhanced and Watts, 2(03).
through working autonomously (Hill and Woodland, 2(02). The
receipt of feedback was particularly valued because it provided Geologic/Academic Outcomes
the only means by which students could gain a measure of their Coping with uncertainty can be difficult in situations where
progress. The guidance and reassurance provided through feed- motivation is driven by perfonnance (i.e., extrinsic). It is natural
back helped to improve the students' self-confidence, and thus to want to reduce or overcome feelings of uncertainty (Deci and
increase levels of motivation and engagement (Crossman, 2(07). Ryan, 1985; Bar-An an et aI., 2(09). and this was well reflected
in the students' concern over the variability between their maps.
The students had received their initial infonnation, thoughts,
"I don't want to be led into any answers, I just need some reassurance and ideas from a variety of academic faculty, meaning that they
to know that I am heading in the right direction. It is about building embarked on their independent mapping with a degree of uncer-
your confidence up."
tainty about what was "correct:' These feelings of uncertainty
were reduced by the students viewing a series of maps created
"We got the lecturer to check [the map] and he said it was looking on previous field courses by a single member of faculty (i.e., an
alright, so extra motivation, which was brilliant." "expert"). Although slightly different, they could see that all of
these maps provided a valid explanation of the field area. Hence,
they were able to appreciate that, rather than seeking a "right
Many of the learning environments that students encounler answer," they should instead focus on making sound observa-
over the course oftheir undergraduate studies involve some degree tions, and using their evidence to justify their interpretations.
of social learning, but this is most evident in relation to residen- Interacting and sharing knowledge with a range of academics
tial fieldwork, where students become immersed in "living," a'i also helped students to recognize the variability of opinion and
opposed to simply "doing," their discipline (Stokes, 2(08). In this practice that exists within the "expert" community, and thus to
study we found physical and social interactions to be fundamental accept uncertainty as an inherent characteristic of geology.
in helping students to acquire the knowledge, skills, and behav-
iors that are characteristic of the discipline of geology, and which
reflect their transition from novice toward expert geoscientists. "J think, looking at his [faculty member] maps, it's like-he's done
them slightly different each time he's come out, and if I were to take
an average of his [maps] .... [T]he main part of what I've done isn't that
Learning Outcomes dissimilar to what he's done. And, you know, from the average of his
[maps] I'm thinking 'well 1 can't be that far off.'"
As stated previously, it is not the intention of this study to
identify the cognitive learning outcomes or gains resulting from
this fieldwork (typically geologic/academic). Rather, we aim to "People could have told us [there was no right answer], but we wouldn't
describe evidence for subject-specific and more generic (and have taken it on board."

Change In relationship
Social group Number of Good or Unchanged Declined Other significant change N
セ@ __________________セイ・ウーッョ@ _____iセューイッカ・、@ ______-n________Mョセ@
Mapping group 52 41 e 0 Some conflict/differences 01 6
Other students 50 33 2 0 Got to know more people* 22
Academic faculty, graduate 51 51 0 0 Increased confidence to 12
students and technical staff approach
Jwィ・イセ@ a response referred to "getting to know more people," this was not assumed to indicate good or improved relationships, unless explicitly
306 Stokes and Boyle

highly valued by employers (Penn, 200 I; Gedye and Chalkley,

This ability to cope with uncertainty i<: an important out- 2006) and form part of the skills portfolio required for a student
come from the learning experience, since the complex and vari- graduating from a UK geoscience progranl (QAA, 2007). The
able nature of "real" geologic data requires expert geoscientists reasons why these were not recognized by the students as out-
to become highly skilled in subjective interpretation (Raab and comes from their fieldwork are unclear. It may reflect a greater
Brosch, 1996; FrOOeman, 2003). Further, the sense of achieve- perceived value in outcomes that are assessed (I.e., that will coo-
ment and satisfaction felt by students reflected the value attached tribute toward their final grades) and thus performance goals, or,
to the learning outcomes. and hence likely attitudes to future field- alternatively, the students may simply not be conscious of hav-
work (Pintrich and De Groot, 1990; Rozell and Gardner, 2000). ing acquired these important skills. Either way, it is important
that student;.<; are made aware of the significance of these skills
in terms of their academic and wider professional development.
"It is satisfying at the end of the day when you look at your map and Students' improved self-confidence in geologic mapping was
you think 'I did that.'"
the most significant affective outcome, and it occurred mainly in
response to improvements in the students' abilitie..<; to work inde-
pendently, and to cope with the uncertain nature of geologic data.
The students also recognized the value of the field course in As mentioned previously, many students were initially uncom-
enabling them to Jearn, develop, and apply a range offield-related fortable with differences that arose between individual maps as a
or subject-specific skills and competencies. They demonstrated result of working independently, but by the end of the field course
significantly increased self-efficacy in relation to a range of cog- this discomfort had largely reduced.
nitive and psychomotor tasks, and showed a clear appreciation of
the value of geologic mapping both to their overall learning, and
in terms offuture careers. "I'd feel more comfortable if [group members] had the same sort of
thing because it would tell me that I'm right."

"It's vital for geology."

"I mean, if you look among ... the variation amongst. . .1 mean just, even
us three [mapping group]. on our maps, it's a lot...and then amongst
the whole group, it's even more."
"For most jobs in geology you need to be able to do field work ...
you've got to be able to make a geologic map of an area."

In many respects, these nongeologic and nonacademic out-

comes might be considered more significant than subject-specific
Geologic environments are characterized by heterogeneity or academic skills, since these will find application in a mucn
and gaps in evidence (BrOOaric and Gahegan, 2001), and one broader range of contexts and careers. The important thing, how-
of the greatest challenges faced by geoscientists is learning to ever, is that successful outcomes were clearly achieved in all
cope with the uncertainty that is inherent in geologic inquiry. three learning domains. Gains in the cognitive and psychomotor
The incompleteness of fie.Jd exposure and the subjective nature domains are reflected in enhanced reasoning skills and practi-
of observation mean that, even when expert geologists work cal abilities, while the overcoming of negative feeling and the
together, there will be variability within their interpretations attribution of value to the learning outcomes reflected a positive
(BrOOaric and Gahegan, 200 I). In many respects it is this willing- impact on the affective domain. These outcomes will influence
ness to accept ambiguity that distinguisnes geology, and geologic students attitudes and feelings toward their subsequent fieldwork
reasoning, from other scientific disciplines (Ault, 1998). activities, and hence their approaches to future learning.

NongeologiclNonacademic Outcomes DISCUSSION

Students appeared less explicitly aware of the impact of the
fieldwork on their personal and social development. Indeed, wnen
asked to provide a free-text response to the question "what skills [LJeaming involves moving from the familiar to the unfamiliar, tra-
versing the emotional quagmire of success, self-doubt, challenge, and
have you learnt or developed during this fieldtripT only seven
classroom identity.
out of 48 responses referred to some kind of personal skill (e.g.,
セaャウッー@ and Watts (2003, p. 1043)
confidence), and only three specified social skills or teanlwork-
despite demonstrating improved social relationships with both
their peers and with faculty/staff. Skills such as working indepen-
dently, planning and managing time, and risk-awareness, were This study aims to enhance understanding of the learning
not mentioned, even though the sludents showed clear evidence processes operating during residential fieldwork by identifying
of possessing these abilities. These more generic outcomes are factors lilcely to prompt affective responses in students learning
The undergraduate geoscience fieldwork experience 307

geologic mapping, and exploring the impact of affect on learn- task (e.g., by increasing interest levels and hence motivation),
ing outcomes. The quantitative data provide general support for along with the physical, mental, and emotional experiences that
the hypothesis that residential fieldwork does prompt positive drive the learning process (Fig. 1). The nature of learning activity
affective responses. These are desirable because they promote seemed likely to encourage a deep rather than a surface approach
deep approaches to learning (the intention to understand) and to learning (Table I), and this was further reflected in the stu-
improved performance (e.g., Biggs, 2003; Silvia, 2(08). Figure 3 dents' affective responses and motivation levels.
shows that positive feeling toward the overall field experience Overall, the learning process was found to be positive,
became enhanced as a result of the field course, but the findings and the students successfully achieved outcomes in the cogni-
in relation to specific aspects of the fieldwork were less conclu- tive, affective, and psychomotor domains (Fig. 4). Despite this,
sive (Tables 2 and 3). in fact, in contrast to Boyle et aL (2007), many appeared to lack recognition of the value and importance
significant changes in feelings were rarely identified. It is inter- of generic skills. It may be that the acquisition of these skills
esting to note that geologic mapping was not represented in the simply needs to be made more explicit (Andrews et al., 2(03), or
nmge of residential field experiences contributing to Boyle et al.'s they may recognize that they have the skills, but be unaware of
data set, and this apparent lack of enhancement in positive affect the relevance to their wider personal and professional develop-
may be reflective of students' feelings toward mapping as a spe- ment-and this awareness may only increase as they come to
cific learning task, rather than fieldwork in generaL Nonetheless, plan their independent project. This has important implications
the overall positive nature of responses both before and after the for employment, since students may underrepresent important
field course is encouraging. skills and abilities if they do not fully recognize their value.
Clearer insight into the a.,pects of the field course that A good example is leadership skills. In business and industry,
prompt affective responses is provided by the qualitative data. leadership competencies are typically developed using outward-
We found factors relating to the presage, process, and product bound or adventure-style courses (Hattie et al., 1997), yet such
stages of learning (Fig. 4) to influence, and be influenced by, the skills can be successfully developed through geoscience field-
students' affective states both directly in terms of their feelings work, especially field mapping training where students are prob-
and emotions, and indirectly in terms of their levels of motiva- lem solving in difficult terrain.
tion and confidence. At the presage, positive feelings were most
commonly encountered in relation to student characteristics (e.g., Wider Implications
prior experiences, expectations), fieldwork in general (both as a
learning activity and environment), the geographical setting of This study has identified factors prompting positive and neg-
the field course, the social context of learning (working collab- ative affective responses in relation to a specific field experience.
oratively), and extracurricular social and cultural activities. These Where identified, the overall change in affect resulting from this
findings concur broadly with the quantitative data, particularly in field experience was positive, although the trajectory of change
relation to perceptions of fieldwork and collaborative learning. was not straightforward. Rather, it resulted from a complex inter-
Negative feelings were encountered most frequently in rela- play between both positive and negative feelings and emotions
tion to geologic mapping as an activity, meeting physical chal- linked to a wide range of academic and nonacademic factors.
lenges, achieving academically, the social context of learning Future studies of this type might benefit from a finer-grained
(working independently), and logistical factors such as weather, approach, employing more sensitive data collection and analysis
accommodation, and lack of sleep. Although implied in part from techniques such that critical interactions and relationships can be
the quantitative data, these findings provide a clearer indication identified. An important finding from this study, however, is that
of the factors likely to contribute to pre-field course anxiety. the factors prompting affective responses varied between indi-
The attitude of the students toward geologic mapping is perhaps vidual students, and also over time.
unsurprising-it is difficult, and independent project work (for Some of the factors identified in this study may be com-
which this field course provides the training) is the hardest of all mon to all residential fieldwork, and further research is needed to
field activities. This difficulty was reflected in the students' com- confion whether this is the case. Others are likely to be specific
ments about mapping itself and their abilities to succeed, many to this particular experience, e.g., the nature of the learning task,
(but not all) of which implied a desire to perform well rather than the students' prior experiences, and the social and cultural activi-
achieve mastery of skills (Ames and Archer, 1988). ties. We would therefore expect the factors influencing learning
These negative feelings decreased as the students engaged to vary between field courses, along with the extent to which they
with the learning process. The faculty-led introductory period can be "controlled" (e.g., field activities or locations can be eas-
helped to reduce initial barriers to engagement (Orion and Hof- ily adapted to increase student engagement or interest, unlike the
stein, 1994), and feelings toward the physical and academic weather!). The likelihood of creating a field experience in which
a<;pects of the field course improved as the students gained exper- every student experiences only positive feelings and emotions is
tise and confidence through participation in active and social low: there will always be aspects of fieldwork to which at least
learning environments. These environments provided the sensory some students respond negatively, and which, by implication,
inputs necessary for emotional engagement with the learning may hinder or reduce their learning. However, negative affective
308 Stokes and Boyle

responses may not be altogether undesirable. While high levels tionships" between affect and cognition (Snow et al., 1996) that
of anxiety can hinder both motivation and achievement, and thus will provide a recipe for "effective" fieldwork. Effective learning
encourage a surface approach to learning, moderate levels have in the field will never simply result from favorable weather con-
been found to motivate learning and performance in assessment ditions, outstanding exposure, or a meticulously planned activity.
(Cassady and Johnson, 2002). Further, the apparent ability of However, identifying those aspects of fieldwork most likely to
mood to influence ways of thinking and information process- influence students' affective responses, and understanding their
ing (e.g., Ashby et aL, 1999; Isen, 2000; Forgas, 2001; Gasper impact upon attitudes and approaches to learning, should facili-
and Clore, 2002; Clore and Schnall, 2005; Schnall et al., 2008) tate the development of field activities that generate effective
means that, in some cases, a positive state of mind may impede learning outcomes in all three domains.
rather than promote learning, depending on the requirements of Geoscientists have always believed there to be something
the task. Hence, the relationship between affective response and uniquely valuable about the field learning experience, but until
approach to learning is perhaps less straightforward than it may fairly recently much of the evidence used to support this assump-
appear and therefore merits further investigation, particularly into tion has been anecdotal. The findings from this and other recent
the role of affective constructs such as motivation and attitudes in investigations provide empirical evidence for the effectiveness
fieldwork (Glynn and Koballa, 2006; Koballa and Glynn, 2007). of fieldwork as a learning experience and shed new light on the
Knowledge from disciplines such as neuroscience, psychology, factors that can influence the learning process. Such evidence is
and cognitive science can contribute greatly to our understanding vital for the future development of fieldwork and for its contin-
of affect and its influence on student learning in fieldwork (and ued inclusion on the undergraduate geoscience curriculum. Fur-
geoscience more generally), and we have much to gain by col- ther, geoscience students need to be made aware of their sublimi-
laborating with such disciplines in future research. nal acquisition during fieldwork of valued generic employability
The extent to which social and cultural factors influenced the skills such as leadership.
students' experience is a particularly important finding from this
study. These were highly valued as extracurricular activities and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
acted as motivators for learning and as the basis for "memorable
episodes" (Mackenzie and White, 1982; Nundy, 1999). While Grateful thanks go to Kirsty Magnier for help with data col-
the contribution of these factors to the final learning outcomes is lection and analysis, and to all the students and faculty who
unclear, they were significant in generating the positive affective participated and cooperated in this study. Ruth Weaver, Eric
responses associated with increased motivation, a deep approach Pyle, and two anonymous reviewers are thanked for their help-
to learning, and ultimately to the successful achievement of learn- ful comments on earlier versions of the manuscript.
ing outcomes. Our findings also identify significant improve-
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