Design of Working Piles

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Grade of Concrete = M 30 Grade of Steel = Fe 500

Pile diameter, D= 750 mm Clear cover (to all r/f) = 50 mm

Maximum safe working load = 200 t Load factor for working pile design = 1.5

Hence test load = 1.5 * 200 = 300 t

C/s area of pile , Ac = 4418 sq cm

Reinforcement provided in pile = 9 nos 16 tor + 9 nos 16 tor

i.e. As = 36 sq cm Pt = 0.815 %

Refer Cl. 39.3 of IS:456-2000,

Pu = 0.4. fck . Ac + 0.67. fy . As = 0.4 * 300 * 4418 + 0.67 * 5000 * 36

= 650760 Kg = 651 t > 300 t

B FOR LATERAL LOAD ONLY (Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Appendix C )

Maximum safe lateral load = 6t

Hence working load , Q = 1.5 * 6 = 9t

Determination of depth of fixity :

As the top soil is cohesionless, K1 = 0.040 ( for loose sand )

E = Modulus of elasticity of pile material = 5000. ( fck )1.2 N/mm2 = 27386.1279 N/mm2
= 273861.279 Kg/cm2

I = Moment of inertia = p. D4 / 64 = 1553155.55 cm4

Therefore, T = ( E.I / K1 )1/5 = 403 cm = 4.03 m

Unsupported pile length considered, L1 = 2.7 m => L1 / T = 0.67

For working piles fixed head is considered.

From Fig 2 of IS:2911 (Part 1 Sec 2 ) - 1979 , Lf/T = 2.04

Hence, Lf = 822 cm = 8.222 m Total cantilever length, L1+Lf = 10.92 m

Moment , Mf = Q * (L1 + Lf )/2 = 49.15 tm

Moment reduction factor , m = 0.9 Refer Fig 3A for free head piles

Design Moment, Mu = 44.23 tm

Mu / fck. d3 = 0.035 d' / d = 0.088

Pu / fck. d2 = 0 From SP:16, Chart 60, p/fck reqd = 0.025

p reqd = 0.75 % Ast reqd = 33.14 cm2 .

Reinforcement provided in pile = 9 nos 16 tor + 9 nos 16 tor

i.e. As = 36 sq cm
(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Appendix C )

Maximum factored working load , Pu = 300 t

Maximum factored design Moment, Mu = 44.23 tm

Mu / fck. d3 = 0.035 d' / d = 0.088

Pu / fck. d2 = 0.178 From SP:16, Chart 57, p/fck reqd = 0

p reqd = 0% Ast reqd = 0 cm2 .

Reinforcement provided in pile = 9 nos 16 tor + 9 nos 16 tor

i.e. As = 36 sq cm

Minimum reinforcement reqd = 0.4 % = 17.67 cm2 .

(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Cl. 5.11.1 )

Hence provide 18 nos 12 tor alth at bottom i.e. As reqd = 20.36 cm2 .


Grade of Concrete = M 25 Grade of Steel = Fe 500

Pile diameter, D= 600 mm Clear cover (to all r/f) = 50 mm

Maximum safe working load = 120 t Load factor for working pile design = 1.5

Hence design load = 1.5 * 120 = 180 t

C/s area of pile , Ac = 2827 sq cm

Reinforcement provided in pile = 5 nos 12 tor + 6 nos 12 tor

( minimum reinft at bottom - refer following pages )
i.e. As = 12 sq cm Pt = 0.424 %

Refer Cl. 39.3 of IS:456-2000,

Pu = 0.4. fck . Ac + 0.67. fy . As = 0.4 * 250 * 2827 + 0.67 * 5000 * 12

= 322900 Kg = 322.9 t > 180 t

(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Appendix C )
Maximum safe lateral load = 6.6 t

Maximum factored working load , Pu = 180 t

Factored lateral load , Qu = 1.5 * 6.6 = 9.9 t

Determination of depth of fixity :

As the top soil is clayey K2 = 48.820 Kg/cm2 . ( for unconfined compressive

strength between 1 - 2 Kg/cm2 )
E = Modulus of elasticity of pile material = 5000. ( fck ) 1.2
N/mm =2
25000 N/mm2
= 250000 Kg/cm2

I = Moment of inertia = p. D4 / 64 = 636172.512 cm4

Therefore, R = ( E.I / K2 )1/4 = 239 cm = 2.389 m

Unsupported pile length considered, L1 = 0m => L1 / R = 0

For working piles fixed head is considered.

From Fig 2 of IS:2911 (Part 1 Sec 2 ) - 1979 , Lf/R = 2.2

Hence, Lf = 526 cm = 5.256 m Total cantilever length, L1+Lf = 5.26 m

Moment , Mf = Q * (L1 + Lf )/2 = 26 tm

Moment reduction factor , m = 0.82 Refer Fig 3B for fixed head piles

Maximum factored design Moment, Mu = 21.35 tm

Mu / fck. d3 = 0.04 d' / d = 0.11

Pu / fck. d2 = 0.2 From SP:16, Chart 57, p/fck reqd = 0.01

p reqd = 0.25 % Ast reqd = 7.068 cm2 .

Reinforcement provided in pile = 6 nos 16 tor + 5 nos 16 tor

i.e. As = 22 sq cm

Minimum reinforcement reqd = 0.4 % = 11.31 cm2 .

(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Cl. 5.11.1 )

Hence provide 11 nos 12 tor alth at bottom i.e. As reqd = 12.44 cm2 .
(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Appendix C )

Maximum horizontal base shear under silo empty case = 178.1 t, say 179 t

Total no. of piles provided = 67

Maximum lateral load per pile during silo empty case = 2.672 t

Design lateral load per pile (considering 25% overloading during seismic case ) = 2.137 t
say , 2.5 t
Minimum vertical load on the piles during silo empty case = 38.62 t

Factored lateral load , Qu = 1.5 * 2.5 = 3.75 t

Factored vertical load , Pu = 1.5 * 38.62 = 57.93 t

Depth of fixity = 5.26 m => Moment = 5.26 * 2.5 = 13.15 tm

Moment reduction factor = 0.82

Factored design moement after reduction = 10.78 tm

Mu / fck. d3 = 0.02 d' / d = 0.11

Pu / fck. d2 = 0.064 From SP:16, Chart 57, p/fck reqd = 0.001

p reqd = 0.025 % Ast reqd = 0.707 cm2 .

Reinforcement provided in pile = 5 nos 16 tor + 6 nos 16 tor

i.e. As = 22 sq cm

Minimum reinforcement reqd = 0.4 % = 11.31 cm2 .

(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Cl. 5.11.1 )

Hence provide 11 nos 12 tor alth at bottom i.e. As reqd = 12.44 cm2 .



Grade of Concrete = M 25 Grade of Steel = Fe 500

Pile diameter, D= 500 mm Clear cover (to all r/f) = 75 mm

Maximum safe working load = 130 t Load factor for working pile design = 1.5

Hence design load = 1.5 * 130 = 195 t

C/s area of pile , Ac = 1963 sq cm

Reinforcement provided in pile = 4 nos 12 tor + 3 nos 12 tor

( minimum reinft at bottom - refer following pages )
i.e. As = 8 sq cm Pt = 0.408 %

Refer Cl. 39.3 of IS:456-2000,

Pu = 0.4. fck . Ac + 0.67. fy . As = 0.4 * 250 * 1963 + 0.67 * 5000 * 8

= 223100 Kg = 223.1 t > 195 t



(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Appendix C )
Maximum safe lateral load = 4t

Design lateral load per pile (considering 25% overloading during seismic case ) = 5t
say , 5t
Maximum factored working load , Pu = 195 t

Factored lateral load , Qu = 1.5 * 5 = 7.5 t

Determination of depth of fixity :

As the top soil is cohesionless, K1 = 0.146 Kg/cm3 . ( for loose submerged sand )

E = Modulus of elasticity of pile material = 5000. ( fck )1.2 N/mm2 = 25000 N/mm2
= 250000 Kg/cm2

I = Moment of inertia = p. D4 / 64 = 306796.158 cm4

Therefore, T = ( E.I / K1 )1/5 = 221 cm = 2.208 m

Unsupported pile length considered, L1 = 0m => L1 / T = 0

For working piles fixed head is considered.

From Fig 2 of IS:2911 (Part 1 Sec 2 ) - 1979 , Lf/T = 2.2

Hence, Lf = 486 cm = 4.859 m Total cantilever length, L1+Lf = 4.86 m

Moment , Mf = Q * (L1 + Lf )/2 = 18.23 tm

Moment reduction factor , m = 0.82 Refer Fig 3B for fixed head piles

Maximum factored design Moment, Mu = 14.94 tm

Mu / fck. D3 = 0.048 d' / D = 0.191

Pu / fck. D2 = 0.312 From SP:16, Chart 62, p/fck reqd = 0.06

p reqd = 1.5 % Ast reqd = 29.45 cm2 .

Reinforcement provided in pile = 4 nos 25 tor + 3 nos 25 tor

upto at least 4.86 m + Ld below Pile cut off level.
i.e. As = 34 sq cm

Minimum reinforcement reqd = 0.4 % = 7.852 cm2 .

(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Cl. 5.11.1 )

Hence provide 7 nos 12 tor alth at bottom i.e. As reqd = 7.917 cm2 .


(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Appendix C )

Maximum lateral load per pile = 4t

Design lateral load per pile (considering 25% overloading during seismic case ) = 5t
say , 5t
Minimum vertical load on the piles (assumed) = 20 t

Factored lateral load , Qu = 1.5 * 5 = 7.5 t

Factored vertical load , Pu = 1.5 * 20 = 30 t

Depth of fixity = 4.86 m => Moment = 4.86 * 7.5/ 2 = 18.23 tm

Moment reduction factor = 0.82

Factored design moement after reduction = 14.94 tm

Mu / fck. D3 = 0.048 d' / D = 0.191

Pu / fck. D2 = 0.048 From SP:16, Chart 62, p/fck reqd = 0.05

p reqd = 1.25 % Ast reqd = 24.54 cm2 .

Reinforcement provided in pile = 4 nos 25 tor + 3 nos 25 tor

upto at least 4.86 m + Ld below Pile cut off level.
i.e. As = 34 sq cm

Minimum reinforcement reqd = 0.4 % = 7.852 cm2 .

(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Cl. 5.11.1 )

Hence provide 7 nos 12 tor alth at bottom i.e. As reqd = 7.917 cm2 .


Grade of Concrete = M 25 Grade of Steel = Fe 500

Pile diameter, D= 500 mm Clear cover (to all r/f) = 50 mm

Maximum safe working load = 120 t Load factor for working pile design = 1.5

Hence test load = 1.5 * 120 = 180 t

C/s area of pile , Ac = 1963 sq cm

Reinforcement provided in pile = 6 nos 25 tor + 6 nos 20 tor

i.e. As = 48 sq cm Pt = 2.445 %

Refer Cl. 39.3 of IS:456-2000,

Pu = 0.4. fck . Ac + 0.67. fy . As = 0.4 * 250 * 1963 + 0.67 * 5000 * 48

= 357100 Kg = 357.1 t > 180 t


Maximum safe uplift load = 30 t

Hence factored load = 1.5 * 30 = 45 t

Considering that full tension will be taken up by reinforcement (r/f same as above )

Strength of pile = 13.57 * 5000 / 1000 = 67.85 t > 45 t

C. FOR LATERAL LOAD ONLY (Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Appendix C )

Maximum safe lateral load = 4.5 t

Hence working load , Q = 1.5 * 4.5 = 6.75 t

Determination of depth of fixity :

As the top soil is clayey K2 = 48.820 Kg/cm2 . ( for unconfined compressive

strength between 1 - 2 Kg/cm2 )
E = Modulus of elasticity of pile material = 5000. ( fck ) 1.2
N/mm =2
25000 N/mm2
= 250000 Kg/cm2

I = Moment of inertia = p. D4 / 64 = 306796.158 cm4

Therefore, R = ( E.I / K2 )1/4 = 199 cm = 1.991 m

Unsupported pile length considered, L1 = 0m => L1 / R = 0

For working piles fixed head is considered.

From Fig 2 of IS:2911 (Part 1 Sec 2 ) - 1979 , Lf/T = 2.2

Hence, Lf = 438 cm = 4.38 m Total cantilever length, L1+Lf = 4.38 m

Moment , Mf = Q * (L1 + Lf )/2 = 14.78 tm

Moment reduction factor , m = 0.82 Refer Fig 3B for fixed head piles

Design Moment, Mu = 12.12 tm

Mu / fck. d3 = 0.039 d' / d = 0.136

Pu / fck. d2 = 0 From SP:16, Chart 60, p/fck reqd = 0.032

p reqd = 0.8 % Ast reqd = 15.7 cm2 .

Reinforcement provided in pile = 5 nos 20 tor + 5 nos 20 tor

i.e. As = 31 sq cm
(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Appendix C )
Maximum safe lateral load = 6.6 t

Maximum factored working load , Pu = 180 t

Hence test load , Q = 1.5 * 6.6 = 9.9 t

Determination of depth of fixity :

As the top soil is cohesionless, K1 = 0.040 ( for loose sand )

E = Modulus of elasticity of pile material = 5000. ( fck )1.2 N/mm2 = 25000 N/mm2
= 250000 Kg/cm2

I = Moment of inertia = p. D4 / 64 = 306796.158 cm4

Therefore, T = ( E.I / K1 )1/5 = 286 cm = 2.861 m

Unsupported pile length considered, L1 = 2.7 m => L1 / T = 0.94366485

For working piles fixed head is considered.

From Fig 2 of IS:2911 (Part 1 Sec 2 ) - 1979 , Lf/T = 2.04

Hence, Lf = 584 cm = 5.837 m Total cantilever length, L1+Lf = 8.537 m

Moment , Mf = Q * (L1 + Lf )/2 = 42.26 tm

Moment reduction factor , m = 0.9 Refer Fig 3A for free head piles

Maximum factored design Moment, Mu = 12.12 tm

Mu / fck. d3 = 0.039 d' / d = 0.136

Pu / fck. d2 = 0.288 From SP:16, Chart 57, p/fck reqd = 0.012

p reqd = 0.3 % Ast reqd = 5.889 cm2 .

Reinforcement provided in pile = 6 nos 25 tor + 6 nos 20 tor

i.e. As = 48 sq cm

Minimum reinforcement reqd = 0.4 % = 7.852 cm2 .

(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Cl. 5.11.1 )

Hence provide 12 nos 12 tor alth at bottom i.e. As reqd = 13.57 cm2 .
(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Appendix C )
Maximum safe uplift load = 30 t

Maximum factored uplift load , Tu = 45 t gc = 1.5

Maximum factored design Moment, Mu = 12.12 tm

m = (gc / 1.5 ).Mu / fck.Ac.h = 0.05 c/h = d' / d = 0.136

n = (gc/1.5).Tu / fck. Ac = 0.092

From Columns 2.2-F3 of Ghanekar & Jain's Book, w = (gc/1.5)*As*fy / Ac*fck = 0.24

Ast reqd = 2356 mm2 . = 23.56 cm2 .

Reinforcement provided in pile = 6 nos 25 tor + 6 nos 20 tor

i.e. As = 48 sq cm

Minimum reinforcement reqd = 0.4 % = 7.852 cm2 .

(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Cl. 5.11.1 )

Hence provide 12 nos 12 tor alth at bottom i.e. As reqd = 13.57 cm2 .

Beyond the depth of fixity the tension will travel upto the bottom of the stem.
(assumed on conservative side)
Considering that full tension will be taken up by reinforcement (with the minm r/f provided)

Strength of pile = 13.57 * 5000 / 1000 = 67.86 t > 45 t

Hence okay


Grade of Concrete = M 25 Grade of Steel = Fe 500

Pile diameter, D = 600 mm Clear cover (to all r/f) = 50 mm

Maximum safe working load = 100 t Load factor for initial test pile design = 3

Hence test load = 3 * 100 = 300 t

C/s area of pile , Ac = 2827 sq cm

Reinforcement provided in pile = 6 nos 16 tor + 6 nos 16 tor

i.e. As = 24 sq cm Pt = 0.849 %

Refer Cl. 39.3 of IS:456-2000,

Pu = 0.4. fck . Ac + 0.67. fy . As = 0.4 * 250 * 2827 + 0.67 * 5000 * 24

= 363100 Kg = 363.1 t > 300 t


Maxm uplift load considered = 35 t

Hence test load = 3 * 35 = 105 t

Considering that full tension will be taken up by reinforcement

Reinforcement provided in pile = 6 nos 20 tor + 6 nos 16 tor

i.e. As = 31 sq cm Pt = 1.097 %

Strength of pile = 31 *0.87* 5000 / 1000 = 134.85 t > 105 t

C FOR LATERAL LOAD ONLY (Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Appendix C )

Maximum safe lateral load = 8t

Hence test load , Q = 3*8 = 24 t

Determination of depth of fixity :

As the top soil is cohesionless, K1 = 4.400 * 103 kN/m3 = 0.44 kg/cm3

( for Granular soil , Table 3 corresponding to N = 31)
E = Modulus of elasticity of pile material = 5000. ( fck )1.2 N/mm2 = 25000 N/mm2
= 250000 Kg/cm2

I = Moment of inertia = p. D4 / 64 = 636172.512 cm4

Therefore, T = ( E.I / K1 )1/5 = 205 cm = 2.049 m

Unsupported pile length considered, L1 = 0m => L1 / T = 0

For test piles free head is considered.

From Fig 4 of IS:2911 (Part 1 Sec 2 ) - 2010 , Lf/T = 1.9

Hence, Lf = 389 cm = 3.894 m Moment , Mf = Q * (L1 + Lf ) = 93.45 tm

Moment reduction factor , m = 0.4 Refer Fig 5A for free head piles

Design Moment, Mu = 37.38 tm

Mu / fck. d3 = 0.069 d' / d = 0.11

Pu / fck. d2 = 0 From SP:16, Chart 60, p/fck reqd = 0.062

p reqd = 1.55 % Ast reqd = 43.82 cm2 .

Reinforcement provided in pile = 6 nos 25 tor + 6 nos 20 tor

i.e. As = 48 sq cm
DESIGN OF WORKING PILES ( 1000 MM DIA ) - pile length = 24 m


Grade of Concrete = M 30 Grade of Steel = Fe 500

Pile diameter, D= 1000 mm Clear cover (to all r/f) = 60 mm

Maximum safe working load = 65 t Load factor for working pile design = 1.5

Hence design load = 1.5 * 65 = 97.5 t

C/s area of pile , Ac = 7854 sq cm

Reinforcement provided in pile = 8 nos 16 tor + 8 nos 16 tor

( minimum reinft at bottom - refer following pages )
i.e. As = 32 sq cm Pt = 0.407 %

Refer Cl. 39.3 of IS:456-2000,

Pu = 0.4. fck . Ac + 0.67. fy . As = 0.4 * 300 * 7854 + 0.67 * 5000 * 32

= 1049680 Kg = 1050 t > 97.5 t

Provide 8 tor @ 250 c/c alth


(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Appendix C )
Maximum safe lateral load = 9 t

Design lateral load per pile (considering 25% overloading during seismic case ) = 11.25 t
say , 11.5 t
Maximum factored working load , Pu = 97.5 t

Factored lateral load , Qu = 1.5 * 11.5 = 17.25 t

Determination of depth of fixity :

As the top soil is cohesionless, K1 = 0.200 * 103 kN/m3 = 0.02 kg/cm3

( for Granular soil , Table 3 corresponding to N = 3)
E = Modulus of elasticity of pile material = 5000. ( fck )1.2 N/mm2 = 27386.1279 N/mm2
= 273861.279 Kg/cm2

I = Moment of inertia = p. D4 / 64 = 4908738.52 cm4

Therefore, T = ( E.I / K1 )1/5 = 583 cm = 5.828 m

Unsupported pile length considered, L1 = 0 m => L1 / T = 0

For working piles fixed head is considered.

From Fig 3 of IS:2911 (Part 1 Sec 2 ) - 2010 , Lf/T = 2.2

Hence, Lf = 1282 cm = 12.82 m Total cantilever length, L1+Lf = 12.82 m

Moment , Mf = Q * (L1 + Lf )/2 = 111 tm

Moment reduction factor , m = 0.82 Refer Fig 4B for fixed head piles

Maximum factored design Moment, Mu = 90.67 tm

Mu / fck. D3 = 0.03 d' / D = 0.068

Pu / fck. D2 = 0.033 From SP:16, Chart 61, p/fck reqd = 0.02

p reqd = 0.6 % Ast reqd = 47.12 cm2 .

Reinforcement provided in pile = 8 nos 25 tor + 8 nos 20 tor

upto at least 12.82 m + Ld below Pile cut off level.
i.e. As = 64 sq cm

Minimum reinforcement reqd = 0.4 % = 31.42 cm2 .

(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Cl. 5.11.1 )

Hence provide 8 nos 16 tor + 8 nos

16 tor alth at bottom
i.e. As reqd = 32.17 cm2 .
Provide 8 tor @ 250 c/c from top upto 8.6 m + Ld and 8 tor @ 190 c/c thereafter upto bottom


(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Annex C )
Maximum safe uplift load = 10 t (refer pile requirement calculation)

Maximum factored uplift load , Tu = 15 t gc = 1.5

Maximum factored design Moment, Mu = 90.67 tm

m = (gc / 1.5 ).Mu / fck.Ac.h = 0.038 c/h = d' / d = 0.068

n = (gc/1.5).Tu / fck. Ac = 0.006

From Columns 2.2-F2 of Ghanekar & Jain's Book, w = (gc/1.5)*As*fy / Ac*fck = 0.14

Ast reqd = 6597 mm2 . = 66 cm2 .

Reinforcement provided in pile = 8 nos 25 tor + 8 nos 25 tor

upto at least 12.82 m + Ld below Pile cut off level.
i.e. As = 78.5 sq cm

Minimum reinforcement reqd = 0.4 % = 31.42 cm2 .

(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Cl. 5.11.1 )

Provide 8 nos 16 tor + 8 nos 16 tor alth at bottom i.e. As reqd = 32.17 cm2 .

Beyond the depth of fixity the tension will travel upto the bottom of the stem.
(assumed on conservative side)
Considering that full tension will be taken up by reinforcement (with the minm r/f provided)

Strength of pile = 32.17 * 5000 / 1000 = 160.85 t > 15 t

Hence okay

Minimum reinforcement reqd = 0.4 % = 31.42 cm2 .

(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Cl. 5.11.1 )

Hence provide 8 nos 16 tor + 8 nos 16 tor alth at bottom

i.e. As reqd = 32.17 cm2 .

Provide 8 tor @ 250 c/c from top upto 8.6 m + Ld and 8 tor @ 190 c/c thereafter upto bottom
DESIGN OF WORKING PILES ( 600 MM DIA ) - pile length 24 m


Grade of Concrete = M 30 Grade of Steel = Fe 500

Pile diameter, D= 600 mm Clear cover (to all r/f) = 60 mm

Maximum safe working load = 41.24 t Load factor for working pile design = 1.5

Hence design load = 1.5 * 41.24 = 61.86 t

C/s area of pile , Ac = 2827 sq cm

Reinforcement provided in pile = 5 nos 12 tor + 5 nos 12 tor

( minimum reinft at bottom - refer following pages )
i.e. As = 11 sq cm Pt = 0.389 %

Refer Cl. 39.3 of IS:456-2000,

Pu = 0.4. fck . Ac + 0.67. fy . As = 0.4 * 300 * 2827 + 0.67 * 5000 * 11

= 376090 Kg = 376 t > 61.86 t

Provide 8 tor @ 190 c/c alth


(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Appendix C )
Maximum safe lateral load = 3 t

Design lateral load per pile (considering 25% overloading during seismic case ) = 3.75 t
say , 4 t
Maximum factored working load , Pu = 61.86 t

Factored lateral load , Qu = 1.5 * 4 = 6 t

Determination of depth of fixity :

As the top soil is cohesionless, K1 = 0.200 * 103 kN/m3 = 0.02 kg/cm3

( for Granular soil , Table 3 corresponding to N = 3)
E = Modulus of elasticity of pile material = 5000. ( fck )1.2 N/mm2 = 27386.1279 N/mm2
= 273861.279 Kg/cm2
I = Moment of inertia = p. D4 / 64 = 636172.512 cm4

Therefore, T = ( E.I / K1 )1/5 = 387 cm = 3.873 m

Unsupported pile length considered, L1 = 0 m => L1 / T = 0

For working piles fixed head is considered.

From Fig 3 of IS:2911 (Part 1 Sec 2 ) - 2010 , Lf/T = 2.2

Hence, Lf = 852 cm = 8.52 m Total cantilever length, L1+Lf = 8.52 m

Moment , Mf = Q * (L1 + Lf )/2 = 25.56 tm

Moment reduction factor , m = 0.82 Refer Fig 4B for fixed head piles

Maximum factored design Moment, Mu = 21 tm

Mu / fck. D3 = 0.032 d' / D = 0.113

Pu / fck. D2 = 0.057 From SP:16, Chart 61, p/fck reqd = 0.02

p reqd = 0.6 % Ast reqd = 17 cm2 .

Reinforcement provided in pile = 5 nos 25 tor + 5 nos 20 tor

upto at least 8.52 m + Ld below Pile cut off level.
i.e. As = 40 sq cm

Minimum reinforcement reqd = 0.4 % = 11.3 cm2 .

(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Cl. 5.11.1 )

Hence provide 5 nos 12 tor + 5 nos

12 tor alth at bottom
i.e. As reqd = 11.31 cm2 .
Provide 8 tor @ 250 c/c from top upto 8.6 m + Ld and 8 tor @ 190 c/c thereafter upto bottom


(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Annex C )
Maximum safe uplift load = 10 t ( considered conservatively - refer pile requirement
calculations )
Maximum factored uplift load , Tu = 15 t gc = 1.5

Maximum factored design Moment, Mu = 21 tm

m = (gc / 1.5 ).Mu / fck.Ac.h = 0.041 c/h = d' / d = 0.113

n = (gc/1.5).Tu / fck. Ac = 0.018

From Columns 2.2-F3 of Ghanekar & Jain's Book, w = (gc/1.5)*As*fy / Ac*fck = 0.21

Ast reqd = 3562 mm2 . = 35.62 cm2 .

Reinforcement provided in pile = 5 nos 25 tor + 5 nos 20 tor

upto at least 8.52 m + Ld below Pile cut off level.
i.e. As = 40.3 sq cm

Minimum reinforcement reqd = 0.4 % = 11.31 cm2 .

(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Cl. 5.11.1 )

Provide 5 nos 12 tor + 5 nos 12 tor alth at bottom i.e. As reqd = 11.31 cm2 .

Beyond the depth of fixity the tension will travel upto the bottom of the stem.
(assumed on conservative side)
Considering that full tension will be taken up by reinforcement (with the minm r/f provided)

Strength of pile = 11.31 * 5000 / 1000 = 56.55 t > 15 t

Hence okay

Minimum reinforcement reqd = 0.4 % = 11.31 cm2 .

(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Cl. 5.11.1 )

Hence provide 5 nos 12 tor + 5 nos 12 tor alth at bottom

i.e. As reqd = 11.31 cm2 .

Provide 8 tor @ 250 c/c from top upto 8.6 m + Ld and 8 tor @ 190 c/c thereafter upto bottom
DESIGN OF WORKING PILES ( 600 MM DIA ) - pile length 20 m


Grade of Concrete = M 30 Grade of Steel = Fe 500

Pile diameter, D= 600 mm Clear cover (to all r/f) = 60 mm

Maximum safe working load = 23 t Load factor for working pile design = 1.5

Hence design load = 1.5 * 23 = 34.5 t

C/s area of pile , Ac = 2827 sq cm

Reinforcement provided in pile = 5 nos 12 tor + 5 nos 12 tor

( minimum reinft at bottom - refer following pages )
i.e. As = 11 sq cm Pt = 0.389 %

Refer Cl. 39.3 of IS:456-2000,

Pu = 0.4. fck . Ac + 0.67. fy . As = 0.4 * 300 * 2827 + 0.67 * 5000 * 11

= 376090 Kg = 376 t > 34.5 t

Provide 8 tor @ 190 c/c alth

(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Appendix C )
Maximum safe lateral load = 4.2 t

Design lateral load per pile (considering 25% overloading during seismic case ) = 5.25 t
say , 5.5 t
Maximum factored working load , Pu = 34.5 t

Factored lateral load , Qu = 1.5 * 5.5 = 8.25 t

Determination of depth of fixity :

As the top soil is cohesionless, K1 = 0.200 * 103 kN/m3 = 0.02 kg/cm3

( for Granular soil , Table 3 corresponding to N = 3)
E = Modulus of elasticity of pile material = 5000. ( fck )1.2 N/mm2 = 27386.1279 N/mm2
= 273861.279 Kg/cm2

I = Moment of inertia = p. D4 / 64 = 636172.512 cm4

Therefore, T = ( E.I / K1 )1/5 = 387 cm = 3.873 m

Unsupported pile length considered, L1 = 0 m => L1 / T = 0

For working piles fixed head is considered.

From Fig 3 of IS:2911 (Part 1 Sec 2 ) - 2010 , Lf/T = 2.2

Hence, Lf = 852 cm = 8.52 m Total cantilever length, L1+Lf = 8.52 m

Moment , Mf = Q * (L1 + Lf )/2 = 35.14 tm

Moment reduction factor , m = 0.82 Refer Fig 4B for fixed head piles

Maximum factored design Moment, Mu = 28.82 tm

Mu / fck. D3 = 0.044 d' / D = 0.113

Pu / fck. D2 = 0.032 From SP:16, Chart 61, p/fck reqd = 0.02

p reqd = 0.6 % Ast reqd = 17 cm2 .

Reinforcement provided in pile = 5 nos 25 tor + 5 nos 20 tor

upto at least 8.52 m + Ld below Pile cut off level.
i.e. As = 40 sq cm

Minimum reinforcement reqd = 0.4 % = 11.31 cm2 .

(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Cl. 5.11.1 )

Hence provide 5 nos 12 tor + 5 nos

12 tor alth at bottom
i.e. As reqd = 11.31 cm2 .
Provide 8 tor @ 250 c/c from top upto 8.6 m + Ld and 8 tor @ 190 c/c thereafter upto bottom
(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Annex C )
Maximum safe uplift load = 10 t ( considered conservatively - refer pile requirement
calculations )
Maximum factored uplift load , Tu = 15 t gc = 1.5

Maximum factored design Moment, Mu = 28.82 tm

m = (gc / 1.5 ).Mu / fck.Ac.h = 0.057 c/h = d' / d = 0.113

n = (gc/1.5).Tu / fck. Ac = 0.018

From Columns 2.2-F3 of Ghanekar & Jain's Book, w = (gc/1.5)*As*fy / Ac*fck = 0.2

Ast reqd = 3392 mm2 . = 33.92 cm2 .

Reinforcement provided in pile = 5 nos 25 tor + 5 nos 20 tor

upto at least 8.52 m + Ld below Pile cut off level.
i.e. As = 40.3 sq cm

Minimum reinforcement reqd = 0.4 % = 11.31 cm2 .

(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Cl. 5.11.1 )

Provide 5 nos 12 tor + 5 nos 12 tor alth at bottom i.e. As reqd = 11.31 cm2 .

Beyond the depth of fixity the tension will travel upto the bottom of the stem.
(assumed on conservative side)
Considering that full tension will be taken up by reinforcement (with the minm r/f provided)

Strength of pile = 11.31 * 5000 / 1000 = 56.55 t > 15 t

Hence okay

Minimum reinforcement reqd = 0.4 % = 11.31 cm2 .

(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Cl. 5.11.1 )

Hence provide 5 nos 12 tor + 5 nos 12 tor alth at bottom

i.e. As reqd = 11.31 cm2 .

Provide 8 tor @ 250 c/c from top upto 8.6 m + Ld and 8 tor @ 190 c/c thereafter upto bottom
DESIGN OF WORKING PILES ( 600 MM DIA ) - pile length 28 m


Grade of Concrete = M 30 Grade of Steel = Fe 500

Pile diameter, D= 600 mm Clear cover (to all r/f) = 75 mm

Maximum safe working load = 49.28 t Load factor for working pile design = 1.5

Hence design load = 1.5 * 49.28 = 73.92 t

C/s area of pile , Ac = 2827 sq cm

Reinforcement provided in pile = 5 nos 12 tor + 5 nos 12 tor

( minimum reinft at bottom - refer following pages )
i.e. As = 11 sq cm Pt = 0.389 %

Refer Cl. 39.3 of IS:456-2000,

Pu = 0.4. fck . Ac + 0.67. fy . As = 0.4 * 300 * 2827 + 0.67 * 5000 * 11

= 376090 Kg = 376 t > 73.92 t

Provide 8 tor @ 190 c/c alth


(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Appendix C )
Maximum safe lateral load = 4.2 t

Design lateral load per pile (considering 25% overloading during seismic case ) = 5.25 t
say , 5.5 t
Maximum factored working load , Pu = 73.92 t

Factored lateral load , Qu = 1.5 * 5.5 = 8.25 t

Determination of depth of fixity :

As the top soil is cohesionless, K1 = 0.200 * 103 kN/m3 = 0.02 kg/cm3

( for Granular soil , Table 3 corresponding to N = 3)
E = Modulus of elasticity of pile material = 5000. ( fck )1.2 N/mm2 = 27386.1279 N/mm2
= 273861.279 Kg/cm2
I = Moment of inertia = p. D4 / 64 = 636172.512 cm4

Therefore, T = ( E.I / K1 )1/5 = 387 cm = 3.873 m

Unsupported pile length considered, L1 = 0 m => L1 / T = 0

For working piles fixed head is considered.

From Fig 3 of IS:2911 (Part 1 Sec 2 ) - 2010 , Lf/T = 2.2

Hence, Lf = 852 cm = 8.52 m Total cantilever length, L1+Lf = 8.52 m

Moment , Mf = Q * (L1 + Lf )/2 = 35.14 tm

Moment reduction factor , m = 0.82 Refer Fig 4B for fixed head piles

Maximum factored design Moment, Mu = 28.82 tm

Mu / fck. D3 = 0.044 d' / D = 0.138

Pu / fck. D2 = 0.068 From SP:16, Chart 61, p/fck reqd = 0.02

p reqd = 0.6 % Ast reqd = 17 cm2 .

Reinforcement provided in pile = 5 nos 16 tor + 5 nos 16 tor

upto at least 8.52 m + Ld below Pile cut off level.
i.e. As = 20 sq cm

Minimum reinforcement reqd = 0.4 % = 11.31 cm2 .

(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Cl. 5.11.1 )

Hence provide 5 nos 12 tor + 5 nos

12 tor alth at bottom
i.e. As reqd = 11.31 cm2 .
Provide 8 tor @ 250 c/c from top upto 8.6 m + Ld and 8 tor @ 190 c/c thereafter upto bottom


(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Annex C )
Maximum safe uplift load = 13 t ( considered conservatively - refer pile requirement
calculations )
Maximum factored uplift load , Tu = 19.5 t gc = 1.5

Maximum factored design Moment, Mu = 28.82 tm

m = (gc / 1.5 ).Mu / fck.Ac.h = 0.057 c/h = d' / d = 0.138

n = (gc/1.5).Tu / fck. Ac = 0.023

From Columns 2.2-F3 of Ghanekar & Jain's Book, w = (gc/1.5)*As*fy / Ac*fck = 0.21

Ast reqd = 3562 mm2 . = 35.62 cm2 .

Reinforcement provided in pile = 5 nos 25 tor + 5 nos 20 tor

upto at least 8.52 m + Ld below Pile cut off level.
i.e. As = 40.3 sq cm

Minimum reinforcement reqd = 0.4 % = 11.31 cm2 .

(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Cl. 5.11.1 )

Provide 5 nos 12 tor + 5 nos 12 tor alth at bottom i.e. As reqd = 11.31 cm2 .

Beyond the depth of fixity the tension will travel upto the bottom of the stem.
(assumed on conservative side)
Considering that full tension will be taken up by reinforcement (with the minm r/f provided)

Strength of pile = 11.31 * 5000 / 1000 = 56.55 t > 19.5 t

Hence okay

Minimum reinforcement reqd = 0.4 % = 11.31 cm2 .

(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Cl. 5.11.1 )

Hence provide 5 nos 12 tor + 5 nos 12 tor alth at bottom

i.e. As reqd = 11.31 cm2 .

Provide 8 tor @ 250 c/c from top upto 8.6 m + Ld and 8 tor @ 190 c/c thereafter upto bottom


Grade of Concrete = M 25 Grade of Steel = Fe 415

Pile diameter, D = 600 mm

Maximum safe working load = 130 t Load factor for initial test pile design = 3

Hence test load = 3 * 130 = 390 t

C/s area of pile , Ac = 2827 sq cm

Reinforcement provided in pile = 5 nos 25 tor + 6 nos 25 tor

i.e. As = 54 sq cm

Refer Cl. 39.3 of IS:456-2000,

Pu = 0.4. fck . Ac + 0.67. fy . As = 0.4 * 250 * 2827 + 0.67 * 4150 * 54

= 432847 Kg = 433 t > 390 t


Maximum safe uplift load = 26 t

Hence test load = 3 * 26 = 78 t

Considering that full tension will be taken up by reinforcement

Strength of pile = 54 * 4150 / 1000 = 224.1 t > 78 t

C FOR LATERAL LOAD ONLY (Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Appendix C

Maximum safe lateral load = 6.5 t

Hence test load = 3 * 6.5 = 19.5 t

Determination of depth of fixity :

As the top soil is cohesionless, K1 = 0.146 ( for loose sand )

E = Modulus of elasticity of pile material = 5000. ( fck )1.2 N/mm2 = 25000 N/mm2
= 250000 Kg/cm2

I = Moment of inertia = p. D4 / 64 = 636172.512 cm4

Therefore, T = ( E.I / K1 )1/5 = 256 cm

Unsupported pile length above GL, L1 = 0 m => L1 / T = 0

For test piles free head is considered.

From Fig 2 of IS:2911 (Part 1 Sec 2 ) - 1979 , Lf/T = 1.95

Hence, Lf = 498 cm = 4.983 m Design moment , M = 97.16 tm

Moment reduction factor , m = 0.4 Design Moment M = 38.86 tm

DESIGN OF WORKING PILES ( 600 MM DIA ) - pile length 30 m


Grade of Concrete = M 30 Grade of Steel = Fe 500

Pile diameter, D= 600 mm Clear cover (to all r/f) = 75 mm

Maximum safe working load = 50.62 t Load factor for working pile design = 1.5

Hence design load = 1.5 * 50.62 = 75.93 t

C/s area of pile , Ac = 2827 sq cm

Reinforcement provided in pile = 5 nos 12 tor + 5 nos 12 tor

( minimum reinft at bottom - refer following pages )
i.e. As = 11 sq cm Pt = 0.389 %

Refer Cl. 39.3 of IS:456-2000,

Pu = 0.4. fck . Ac + 0.67. fy . As = 0.4 * 300 * 2827 + 0.67 * 5000 * 11

= 376090 Kg = 376 t > 75.93 t

Provide 8 tor @ 190 c/c alth


(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Appendix C )
Maximum safe lateral load = 4.2 t

Design lateral load per pile (considering 25% overloading during seismic case ) = 5.25 t
say , 5.5 t
Maximum factored working load , Pu = 75.93 t

Factored lateral load , Qu = 1.5 * 5.5 = 8.25 t

Determination of depth of fixity :

As the top soil is cohesionless, K1 = 0.200 * 103 kN/m3 = 0.02 kg/cm3

( for Granular soil , Table 3 corresponding to N = 3)
E = Modulus of elasticity of pile material = 5000. ( fck )1.2 N/mm2 = 27386.1279 N/mm2
= 273861.279 Kg/cm2
I = Moment of inertia = p. D4 / 64 = 636172.512 cm4

Therefore, T = ( E.I / K1 )1/5 = 387 cm = 3.873 m

Unsupported pile length considered, L1 = 0m => L1 / T = 0

For working piles fixed head is considered.

From Fig 3 of IS:2911 (Part 1 Sec 2 ) - 2010 , Lf/T = 2.2

Hence, Lf = 852 cm = 8.52 m Total cantilever length, L1+Lf = 8.52 m

Moment , Mf = Q * (L1 + Lf )/2 = 35.14 tm

Moment reduction factor , m = 0.82 Refer Fig 4B for fixed head piles

Maximum factored design Moment, Mu = 28.82 tm

Mu / fck. D3 = 0.044 d' / D = 0.138

Pu / fck. D2 = 0.07 From SP:16, Chart 61, p/fck reqd = 0.02

p reqd = 0.6 % Ast reqd = 17 cm2 .

Reinforcement provided in pile = 5 nos 16 tor + 5 nos 16 tor

upto at least 8.52 m + Ld below Pile cut off level.
i.e. As = 20 sq cm

Minimum reinforcement reqd = 0.4 % = 11.31 cm2 .

(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Cl. 5.11.1 )

Hence provide 5 nos 12 tor + 5 nos

12 tor alth at bottom
i.e. As reqd = 11.31 cm2 .
Provide 8 tor @ 250 c/c from top upto 8.6 m + Ld and 8 tor @ 190 c/c thereafter upto bottom


(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Annex C )
Maximum safe uplift load = 12.4 t ( considered conservatively - refer pile requirement
calculations )
Maximum factored uplift load , Tu = 18.6 t gc = 1.5

Maximum factored design Moment, Mu = 28.82 tm

m = (gc / 1.5 ).Mu / fck.Ac.h = 0.057 c/h = d' / d = 0.138

n = (gc/1.5).Tu / fck. Ac = 0.022

From Columns 2.2-F3 of Ghanekar & Jain's Book, w = (gc/1.5)*As*fy / Ac*fck = 0.21

Ast reqd = 3562 mm2 . = 35.62 cm2 .

Reinforcement provided in pile = 5 nos 25 tor + 5 nos 20 tor

upto at least 8.52 m + Ld below Pile cut off level.
i.e. As = 40.3 sq cm

Minimum reinforcement reqd = 0.4 % = 11.31 cm2 .

(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Cl. 5.11.1 )

Provide 5 nos 12 tor + 5 nos 12 tor alth at bottom i.e. As reqd = 11.31 cm2 .

Beyond the depth of fixity the tension will travel upto the bottom of the stem.
(assumed on conservative side)
Considering that full tension will be taken up by reinforcement (with the minm r/f provided)

Strength of pile = 11.31 * 5000 / 1000 = 56.55 t > 18.6 t

Hence okay

Minimum reinforcement reqd = 0.4 % = 11.31 cm2 .

(Refer IS:2911 Part 1/Sec 2, Cl. 5.11.1 )

Hence provide 5 nos 12 tor + 5 nos 12 tor alth at bottom

i.e. As reqd = 11.31 cm2 .

Provide 8 tor @ 250 c/c from top upto 8.6 m + Ld and 8 tor @ 190 c/c thereafter upto bottom

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