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Outline for your Reporting:

I. Introduction
II. Hook
III. Question
IV. Key Figures
V. Contribution in the field of medicine


Hello, I am Ana Rose Gajeles, I am tasked to report and introduce to you the proponents of Artificial
Organs or the people behind in this field. How each of these individuals contributes to the success and
some setbacks of this whole change in the area of medicine.


Before we will delve to the exciting part of our “getting to know” to all of them, let me ask you first what
is the most interesting part in knowing a person? Aside from knowing its name it is also necessary to
have details about that certain person. Yes. Also, the most important part in knowing a person is that
you will be able to give credits to their certain contribution of change to the world as well as to the lives
of every people.

Key Figures:

Because we are in the field of medicine the people must be in the field of medicine. So, they are mostly
doctors. If you want to be doctors in the future, or pursue being doctor and at same time teacher, here’s
your chance to know and have a glimpse this following individuals.

First on the list is-

1. Dr. William Kolff: Also known as father of Artificial Organs. In 1940, he successfully developed
the first artificial organ which is the kidney dialysis machine. His work laid the foundation for the
development of other artificial organs.
2. Dr. Michael DeBakey: A pioneering cardiovascular surgeon, the first who implanted the first
artificial heart in a patient in 1960s, his work paved the way for further research and
development in artificial heart technology.
3. Dr. Robert Jarvik: He is best for developing Jarvik- 7 artificial heart. An aluminum and
polyurethane device was connected to a 400-pound air compressor that would accompany Clark
for the rest of his life. It is William DeVries, MD implanted the Jarvik 7 total artificial into Barney
Clark, a seattle dentist who volunteered to undergo the pioneering procedure because he want
to make a contribution to medical science.
4. Dr. Anthony Atala: He successfully implanted the first lab-grown organ, a urinary bladder, in a
patient in the late 1990s. 1999, He led research team the successfully implanted the world’s
first laboratory-grown bladder.
5. Dr. Pablo Macchiarini: He is known for successfully implanting the first 3D- Printed synthetic
trachea in a patient in 2011. By 2011, he was working in Sweden at one of the world’s most
prestigious medical universities, the Karolinska Institure, whose professors annually select the
winner of the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine. Macchiarini was turning the dream of
regenerative medicine into a reality. But it argued later on that convincingly that Macchiarini’s
artificial windpipes were not the lifesaving wonders that people in their time have been led to
believe. On the contrary, they seemed to do more harm than good.

Overall, There are just some of the individuals along with many others also researchers and scientists,
medical professionals have play roles in the development and advancement of the artificial organs. Their
work has saved countless lives and continues to inspire new innovations in saving lives.

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