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Proposed by Baddeley and Hitch


Phonological Visuo spatial

Episodic buffer
loop sketchpad

Long term
storage memory

 Controls the sub systems.
 It can multitask only to a certain capacity.
 It switches attention and focus.
 It is a flexible system that can process information in any sense modality.

Acoustic component: sounds and recognition

Articulatory component: the production of sub-vocal speech.

 It is also known as the ‘inner voice’.

 Sometimes done unconsciously.
 Works most effectively for speech based information.


Visual component: distinguishes objects via shape and colour.

Spatial component: remembers routes and locations.

Memory traces within the store fade after 2 seconds.

There were originally three components in the Working Memory model, however, they did not account for Long Term Memory
(LTM) and so the episodic buffer was introduced in the year 2000. It orders memories into chronological order and items are
moved to LTM via semantic meanings.

Pauelesu et al (1993)

Aim To investigate the phonological loop in working memory.

Method Participants were asked either memorise a series of letters or to rehearse the sounds of the letters in their heads.
At the same time, the blood flow in their brains was monitored using a PET scanner.
Results Each type of task produced a very different pattern of blood flow in the brain. The sound rehearsal produced
increased blood flow in Broca’s area of the brain, while the letter-memory task was associated with another part of
the brain.
Conclusion It appears that the phonological loop has two components, on which stores sounds (the primary acoustic store),
and one which involves mental rehearsal (the articulatory loop).
Evaluation -It is invasive due to the use of a PET scanner, injecting radioactive glucose which may cause physical or
psychological effect.
Use of a lab experiment: demand characteristics, however, you can generalise it.
Use of independent measures design: subject variables, reduces order effects.


-The concept of the central executive has remained vague, even though this is the most important component of the working
memory model. It is said to have a limited capacity but there is no evidence to what it is.

+The Multi Store Model, however, has detailed information about the capacities of the stores.

-The episodic buffer wasn’t introduced until 2000; it is an afterthought to the model. This isn’t credible and reliable.

- It is a hypothetical model, we can’t generalise information to complex situations.

+ However, there is reliability to the model with the use of scientific experiments.

+Functional imaging studies have identified the phonological store within Wernicke’s area and the articulatory rehearsal process
located within Broca’s area.

+Unlike multi store model, it emphasises that there are sections of short term memory not just one unit.

+It is the most contemporary model and as it is still being researched and modified, it has provided valuable insight into the
complexities of short term memory.

1. Identify the key component of the working memory model and explain this function of the component.

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