Physics Coursework Craters Hypothesis

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Struggling with your physics coursework on craters hypothesis?

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This may have meant that the full extent of the crater was not shown. Based on that, I used the
equation to find the crater collapse factor. Circular feature Layers bent upward 02.13.a1 Notes
Possible explanations:(1) rising salt, (2) rising magma, and (3) meteoroid impact 02.13.b2 List at least
one prediction that follows from each explanation What types of information would you like to
know to further constrain the origin of the dome. I found that measuring accurately was important so
there wouldn’t be any odd results. I will repeat each height three times to give an accurate range of
results. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some
feedback. This is a computer generated gravity map image of the Chicxulub crater. The. When it hits
the sand the kinetic energy is transferred into the sand as heat and more kinetic energy moving the
sand out of the way. His superb images of the Moon’s surface are regularly featured on the LPOD
web site, and I would strongly recommend that you check them out in the original resolution. The
complication is this: the simple fact of the crack opening and propagating along its length to its tips
induces new stresses at the tips themselves. Through filmed footage of meteorite discoveries
throughout the world, computer graphics, and astonishing. Investigate how mass affects the diameter
of an impact crater. There are just two obvious and clear outliers, which I have circled in blue as
well. The results for this relationship are not sound enough for a conclusion to be made. If the sand
was compact then the marble would make a less deep crater than if the sand was less compact.
Investigate a factor that might affect the size of a crater made by a falli. Begin by looking at craters
in photographs of the Moon and asking students their ideas of. Overall in this experiment there is a
minimal chance of being injured. Firstly the material which was to be dropped into needed to be
decided upon. This result is what got me confused about the crater collapse factor in the first place.
However if you were to drop the marble from a high distance, the gravitational potential energy is
much higher, as it has more time to build up this energy, which gives you a bigger crater and more
kinetic energy. Copernicus has to be one of the all-time favourite craters for amateur lunar observers.
Much of the material ejected from the crater is deposited in the area surrounding the. The higher the
drop height, the greater the velocity of the. I have also joined all the data with a dark blue, again
indicating the strong correlation. Mark well the various kinds of minerals, note their properties and
their mode of origin. (Petrus Severinus, 1571). Immediately after the impact various processes can
occur, including a subsidence of the ground immediately outside the initial crater. Browse other
questions tagged planets or ask your own question. Crater diameter has its anomalous result at the
very lowest drop height. To investigate the height dropped from a crater and the affect in the size.
I thought that if a graph of distance across the crater against height the ball was dropped from would
produce a graph with a straight line meaning that they were proportional. With that caveat, I would
guess the factor of 1.3 is the ratio of the rim diameter to the excavation diameter. Crater diameter
has its anomalous result at the very lowest drop height. Rock material excavated (or thrown out) of
the crater is called ejecta. Both the Earth and the Moon are the targets of a continuing bombardment
of meteoroids. Peak Ring Basins - A large impact basin featuring a ring of massifs (mountains) on
the. I obtained accurate and reliable results, which enabled me to create revealing graphs. So from
this information it would prove my hypothesis, as you increase the height of the marble being
dropped from the diameter of the crater increases as well. We’ve also included a few images from
other sources, that I’ll point out as we go. I have predicted this because the higher the object is
dropped from the more gravitational potential energy the. I will not change the type of sand, as the
sand grains and consistencies vary in size. These are much easier to read from than a ruler and they
are much more accurate. I should have just left it in the crater and measured around it. Overall in this
experiment there is a minimal chance of being injured. The complication is this: the simple fact of the
crack opening and propagating along its length to its tips induces new stresses at the tips themselves.
Egede, on the other hand, is flooded and defined by a crater rim that looks like a hybrid between a
circle and a polygon: in this case a distorted square (4 sides). I also chose to do this because if I
found a way of carrying out the experiment using a better technique to gather more reliable results, I
also did a preliminary test in order to choose suitable heights for the experiment and to decide to
what degree I will be measuring the diameter with e.g. 2 D.P. Chicxulub crater has been filled with
sediments, so the original topographic. Once the marble is halfway down both of these forces are
equal so the higher the marble is dropped then the more kinetic energy it will have making the crater
become deeper. The ejecta patterns created by the colored paint or sand are dramatic. Only a
frictional force was available to stop the smooth ball. I will need to be careful while adjusting the
clamp stand as I could hurt my fingers. A lot more reasonable than holding the ruler upright with my
hand. The ball was rolled 3 times and an average of crater length and depth taken. Write a review
Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. As the sand is
pushed down it has nowhere else to go but out, this means the diameter of the crater increases. Look
at the crater rim - and separate the base of the collapsed terraces and landslides from the outer rim
scarps. Measuring large heights was impractical with metre rules, and only a certain number of balls
were available at a good range of diameters. This is because the force by the sand would have to be a
The situation mid-way along the length of the crack is pretty simple; a tensile (pulling apart) stress
(red) acts to open the crack. One thing I can predict with my graph is that there is a limit to how big
the crater can become this is clear from the graph because on both graphs there is a slight curve near
to the end which I predict that will level off at some point due to the fact the it will not be able to
gain anymore speed at some point onwards. Fossil Fuels Limited supply Alternative energy—any
alternative to fossil fuels Nuclear (non-renewable) Wind, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric. My simple
explanation here applies to tensional cracks, but the same general principles apply to sliding cracks
too. However if you were to drop the marble from a high distance, the gravitational potential energy
is much higher, as it has more time to build up this energy, which gives you a bigger crater and more
kinetic energy. Looking at just the south and east sides, I’m struck by the angularity of the network
of long discrete scarps in the south vs the smooth arc of landslide material, both at the foot of the
scarps and in the east where the scarps are absent. Firstly the material which was to be dropped into
needed to be decided upon. On the back of this chart draw the craters you made on your simulated
planetary. They have both been highlighted on the graphs with a red circle. Simple crater formations
tend to be bowl-shaped, complex crater formations are much larger. Overall in this experiment there
is a minimal chance of being injured. Each mass was dropped 5 times and an average taken for the
crater diameter and depth (to the nearest millimetre). I think this is because the marble is at the top
of the stand and the gravitational energy on the marble is very high. After several craters, the flour
and tempera can be. Notes Mediterranean Sea Salt Layer Why doesn’t it dissolve. The inside of the
crater rim contains a series of terraces and. There were a few which were not accurate and this was
probably due to the ball being dropped with force or at an angle. Circular feature Layers bent
upward 02.13.a1 Notes Possible explanations:(1) rising salt, (2) rising magma, and (3) meteoroid
impact 02.13.b2 List at least one prediction that follows from each explanation What types of
information would you like to know to further constrain the origin of the dome. I have predicted this
because the higher the object is dropped from the more gravitational potential energy the. This
impact happened 65 million years ago creating the Chicxulub crater. The ejecta patterns created by
the colored paint or sand are dramatic. In order to improve my reliability of the results I. The ruler
has increments of millimetres; this is useful because I expect craters to be small enough to measure in
millimetres. Immediately after the impact various processes can occur, including a subsidence of the
ground immediately outside the initial crater. Which VMware product is used to create desktop
security or secure Virtual Machines. This is because the force by the sand would have to be a
constant. This is very difficult and needs to be done with great care. Posner, Jackie. The Magic
School Bus Out of This World: A Book About Space Rocks. This was indeed the fundamental
conclusion of a Finnish PhD thesis in 2009. The semi-log graph should be a straight line, if the
relationship is exponential.
I have predicted this because the higher the object is dropped from the more gravitational potential
energy the. My data can be more reliable because I can adjust the height a lot, while many of the
other variables would either be difficult to vary or would produce categorical data. The “bulls-eye”
pattern appears to be a 140-kilometer- (86-mile)-wide impact scar. So, when I say “Growing Old
Polygonally”, by “old” I mean immediately after the initial impact cavity formed and the crater walls
began to collapse - which is really pretty young, if you get my meaning. The ball could then be filled
with plasticine and reassembled with very thin sticky tape, so as not to alter the shape of the ball.
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conditions. The terraces are best seen on the east side of the crater where they look like the pictures
you may have seen in travel magazines of rice paddies decorating steep hillsides in many Asian
countries. Rays - Bright streaks extending away from the crater sometimes for great distances. Also
with more averages, it would make it far more accurate, thus giving me a more reliable conclusion
and graphs. I think I repeated each height enough times to make this investigation reliable but there
is room for improvement if I was to redo it. But it certainly has one straight segment to its outer rim
(lower right): so I would identify this as a hybrid too. Why hexagonal ? I suggest that 6 is the
minimum number of fractures required to circumscribe an initially circular planform of the initial
transient impact cavity. Each drop was repeated 3 times and an average taken. This was because the
ball was creating a crater in the loose surface sand which was easily moved outwards when the ball
hit the surface. By using averages, it is much easier to make a clear judgment of how the results are.
Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. On
the Earth impact craters are harder to recognize. CATALLYST mean stack mean stack mean stack
mean stack mean stack mean stack mean stack mean stack NuttavutThongjor1 2023 MAP Data
Analysis - St. To show how you can tell a surface is older by the increased number of craters, use
three. Overall in this experiment there is a minimal chance of being injured. For instance if the sand I
was dropping the marble into had already been disturbed, my results would be different to what they
should have been, therefore giving me an inaccurate datum. Observe this scene and then think of
options for all the ways in which a crater could form 02.12.a1 Notes Observe the rocks in the rim of
the crater 02.12.a2 Rim of crater has angular blocks of fractured rock Notes Observe this geologic
cross section across the crater. Vol. 1, Menace from the Sky; Vol. 2, Witnesses from Beyond the
Times. This type of ejecta morphology is characteristic of many. Sprinkle cinnamon over the flour to
make an even coat of brown over the flour. Do not press the surface down - allow it to settle with its
own weight. This will vary my results, therefore making it easier and more reliable to make a clear
conclusion on my results. Bear in mind that your experiments will be far from typical of real impacts.
On the back of this chart draw the craters you made on your simulated planetary. Moon lacks water,
an atmosphere, and plate tectonics, three forces that act to erode the.
This is due to the gravitational potential energy being bigger at a higher point. Ejecta - Material
thrown out of the crater area during an impact event, or a blanket of. Callipers could be used to
measure the width of the crater whereas better technology could be used to drop the ball. But on the
whole I believe using the compass made my results far more accurate than they would be if I just
used the ruler. I am going to use the same ball bearing and the same depth of sand throughout in
order to make this a controlled, fair test. What causes... Notes Can you name any earth mysteries.
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Impact Basins - Very large (over 300 kilometers in diameter) impact structures are. However this still
leaves the question of those early angles, why aren’t they following any kind of trend. Historical
notes. Catastrophism Landscapes developed by catastrophes James Ussher, mid-1600s, concluded
Earth was only a few thousand years old (created in 4004 B.C.) Modern geology Fundamental
principle of geology. To predict this I had to assume that width across the crater was proportional to
depth because if a graph of depth versus height dropped from was plotted a straight line should have
been produced. Features footage of meteors and interviews with experts discussing the possible
effects of a large object. On this occasion there is no obvious and major outliers, which makes the
graph very accurate and reliable. Investigate how impact speed and direction affects crater size and
shape. The ball could then be filled with plasticine and reassembled with very thin sticky tape, so as
not to alter the shape of the ball. New analyses of gravity measurements in the region have turned up
evidence that. Now, many of these stray chunks of rock have been caught by the gravity of big
planets.). I have chosen to use a marble because it is perfectly rounded without any jagged edges,
which will make the almost perfect semi-sphere for a crater. The vertical height above the landing
tray was kept constant so the GPE of the ball ( mgh ) remained the same. The science behind this
experiment is quite simple. I think they’re also absent from the north and west sides, but the
illumination isn’t definitive in this image. Which VMware product is used to create desktop security
or secure Virtual Machines. Egede, on the other hand, is flooded and defined by a crater rim that
looks like a hybrid between a circle and a polygon: in this case a distorted square (4 sides). The only
disadvantage is that by using this formula, the crater has to be a perfect semi-sphere, however by eye
the crater was obviously not a perfect semi-sphere. With more time it would have been interesting to
drop more balls at these lower heights to investigate the way in which the sand behaves on impact.
NO DATE Record the following question in the light bulb. This will vary my results, therefore
making it easier and more reliable to make a clear conclusion on my results. There are just two
obvious and clear outliers, which I have circled in blue as well. Circular feature Layers bent upward
02.13.a1 Notes Possible explanations:(1) rising salt, (2) rising magma, and (3) meteoroid impact
02.13.b2 List at least one prediction that follows from each explanation What types of information
would you like to know to further constrain the origin of the dome.

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