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For Bank Use Only

Instruction New Authorized Signatory
Customer No.
T yp e Signature Update of Existing Authorized Signatory Bank/Branch No.
1. Basic Customer Information
Full Legal Name English

Account Name English

2 . Au t h o r i z e d S i g n a t o r y D e t a i l s

Full Name (First Name, Middle Name, Last Name)

Do you hold prominent public position in the Philippines / a Foreign State / an International
Active Authorized Signatory/ies; Director/Trustee; Primary Officer (i.e., President, Treasurer
and Corporate Secretary); Stockholder holding/owning at least 20% of the voting stock?
Contact no. CIF (to be filled by bank)

Type ID Issue Date YYYY/MM/DD

Identification Document
No. ID Expiry Date YYYY/MM/DD

Place of Birth Date of Birth/Registration

Philippine Resident status Resident Non-resident Nationality/Citizenship

Position Business/Industry

(Current) Residential /Registered Address

Specimen Signatures (Sign 3 times)

1. 2. 3.

For Bank Use Only

Relationship Team - Acknowledgement
Processed by AA/ARM and RM Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Approved by Business Head Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Signature Over Printed Name and Staff ID Signature Over Printed Name and Staff ID

C u s t o m e r S e r vi c e T e a m - F o r D a t a I n p u t ( S i g n o n t o p o f p r i n t e d n a m e )
Maker Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Checker Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Signature Over Printed Name and Staff ID Signature Over Printed Name and Staff ID

BOC Authorized Signatory Update - Corporate v15Aug23

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