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Title: The Challenge of Crafting a Comprehensive Hurricanes Thesis Statement

Crafting a thesis statement is an essential aspect of academic writing, demanding a precise

articulation of the main argument or perspective in a concise manner. When it comes to tackling the
complex topic of hurricanes, students often find themselves grappling with the intricacies and
nuances that this subject presents. The difficulty lies not only in the scientific aspects but also in
conveying the gravity and impact of these natural phenomena. Recognizing the challenges associated
with writing a thesis on hurricanes, it becomes imperative to seek assistance from reliable sources.

A hurricanes thesis statement requires a deep understanding of meteorology, climatology, and

environmental science. Comprehending the scientific intricacies of the formation, development, and
impact of hurricanes demands extensive research and analysis. Additionally, the social, economic,
and ecological ramifications of hurricanes further contribute to the complexity of the thesis. Striking
a balance between the technical details and broader implications is a daunting task for many students.

Moreover, the vast amount of information available on hurricanes can be overwhelming, making it
challenging to discern relevant and crucial details for the thesis. Selecting appropriate sources,
analyzing data, and synthesizing information into a coherent argument necessitate time, dedication,
and expertise in the field. The pressure to deliver a well-researched and insightful thesis statement
can be a source of stress for students pursuing this challenging topic.

For those seeking assistance in navigating the intricacies of crafting a hurricanes thesis statement, a
reliable option is ⇒ ⇔. The platform specializes in providing academic support
and guidance to students facing challenges in their writing endeavors. With a team of experienced
writers and subject matter experts, ⇒ ⇔ ensures that your hurricanes thesis
statement is not only technically accurate but also effectively communicates the broader impact of
these natural phenomena.

In conclusion, the difficulty of writing a thesis on hurricanes stems from the multifaceted nature of
the topic, requiring a comprehensive understanding of scientific principles and their broader
implications. Seeking assistance from reputable platforms like ⇒ ⇔ can alleviate
the burden, providing students with the support they need to produce a well-crafted and impactful
thesis statement on hurricanes.
We use cookies to create the best experience for you. In particular, the findings explore and answer
three questions of what this hurricane was, how it damaged the most developed country in the world
and what responses were given by the authorities and the non-governmental organizations together
with the criticisms of the people. He describes the rain falling to bullets from a gun he does this so
he can show how fast a painful the rain is falling on to the people and to the environment. This
number was equal to over one-fifth of the annual output of oil production in the Gulf of Mexico
(Chapter One: Katrina in perspective). Small atmospheric disturbance occur that creates low pressure
area. Schade 2,490 6. Application of Simulation Modeling for Hurricane Contraflow Evacuation
Planning By Gary P. It tarnished a president’s tenure and caused unbearable burdens for the
government along with the numerous criticisms from the people (Cornwell 2010). If the East
Antarctica ice sheet melted, sea levels would rise by more than 210 feet (Poore, Williams, Tracey,
2000). The hurricane's eye varies but is usually about 20 to 40 miles in diameter in the midst of the
hurricane. In 1951 the United States name storm by phonetic alphabet (Able, Baker, Charlie) but
they found it confusing. Direct observation and Indirect observations make it possible for humans to
follow activities of a tropical cyclone. The University of North Texas’ Doctor Bernard Weinstein put
the total loss in economy up to 250 billion dollars (2008, p.3). This disaster truly and deeply
damaged the economy of the most developed country in the world. The homeless count was
800,000, of the countries 5 million inhabitants. This is done because the writer can show the
importance of the hurricane and also, so he can create suspense. High Winds--This is the most
important effect of a hurricane since it. There are three main factors that determine tropical cyclone
formation. Consequently, the hurricanes occurred in a number of states. Consequently, three years
later, after the last year in the four-year tenure of a President of the United States, the first black
president was elected as a result of efforts made by voters to overcome the racial discrimination that
Katrina created (Cornwell 2010). This is achieved by showing only Rubin’s side of the story and
depicting him as being treated completely unfairly and unjustly which is completely biased. The
author interprets the tempest as a way of the Caribbean, her home country, telling her “that the earth
is the earth is the earth”, in verse 36. By using non-linear structure, the composer has been able to
subtly and successfully persuade the audience that the story is factual and has therefore achieved to
manipulate their views. The storm also demolished 113 offshore oil and gas platforms, damaged 457
oil and gas pipelines, and discharged almost as much oil as the Exxon Valdez oil disaster. Thesis
Statement - Hurricane-Katrina-Fema Is this a good hook and thesis statement. You can never find
hurricanes in cold locations like the Antarctic and Arctic regions of the earth. It is one of the most
ferocious and devastating natural phenomena. Edited by Kieran Hickey Available on Delivered by
?119 (ex. This theory explains why Katrina became a powerful hurricane after approaching the warm
water in the area of Gulf Mexico, where the wetlands had been destroyed by the human. Normally,
the influence of a mature hurricane extends over an area 805km in diameter and it is nearly circularly
symmetrical. It knocked out over 3 million phone lines, 1.477 cell towers and affected many
broadcast stations (Chapter One: Katrina in perspective; Chapter Four: a week of crisis). Moist air
and thermal energy from the ocean surface, high atmospheric pressure atmosphere and convection
lifts air is taken through deepening low pressure center.
The storm also caused several breaches in the levees around New Orleans, which made the city
flooded. In other words, the usual suspects—Exxon, Chevron, BP, and so on—are called upon to
shoulder the blame for Mother Nature doing what Mother Nature does from time to time, which is
wreak the occasional havoc upon civilization. Automated Surface Observation Systems (ASOS) give
reports as with the condition of the hurricane when it is approaching or has landed. The most severe
loss of life and property took place in Louisiana and New Orleans. The poem starts in the third
person, with the verse “it took a hurricane, to bring her closer”, however already in verse 8,9 and 10,
“talk to me Huracan talk to me Oya talk to me Shango”, Grace Nicholson, speaks directly with the
storms. We can feel her Caribbean voice invoking, directly in the Caribbean language, the name of
the three gods of the tropical wind. It also determines what causal factors were important to
recovery following Hurricane Katrina. The hurricane was sucking everything in like a black hole.
Where do the billions of dollars promised in aid by Congress go. Further, after reaching high
altitudes of tens of thousands of feet above the surface, finally, this air is forced out toward the
storm's periphery which eventually creates the spiral bands of clouds that can easily be identified in
satellite photographs. The writer also uses shot sharp sentences so it creates more suspense he also
uses interrogative sentences. The word “ah” is also a sign of relief and in the following verses, she
talks about “break the frozen lake in me, shaking the foundations of the very trees within me”. That
amount of rain can create inland flooding that can totally. Moreover, Katrina was considered as the
most destructive disaster in the history of the United States that its overall damages excessively took
over those caused by any other major disaster such as the Chicago Fire in 1871, the San Francisco
Earthquake and Fire in 1906, and Hurricane Andrew in 1992 (Chapter One: Katrina in perspective).
Crime rate increased (over 200people arrested in 1 day) and businesses were looted. The entire storm
dominates the ocean surface and lower atmosphere over thousands of square miles. Thesis Statement
- Hurricane-Katrina-Fema Is this a good hook and thesis statement. Apart from the Tsunami, which
is a rather rare calamity and is linked with deep sea earthquakes, these two natural disasters pose a
more immediate threat to life and property located along the coastlines of various nations. Bush lost
its reputation among the people who wanted to be protected properly by their authority. TITLE:
'Advances in Hurricane Research - Modelling, Meteorology, Preparedness and Impacts'. Hurricane
Warning- will hit into he next 24 Winds from cloud motions. You can use our samples for inspiration
to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself. Water is usually
800F (270C) in this part of the earth. This paper seeks to explore this natural hazard; generally, the
paper examines the nature of hurricanes and its impacts on the United States and other geographical
regions which are highly prone. This relation with the ancestors is also visible in verse 6, in the
sentence “like some dark ancestral spectre”, she is involving the ghosts. I turned my head again
towards the window, the death trap was seemingly getting even more closer. Hurricanes, also known
as Typhoons, Cyclones and Willy Willies, are extremely powerful low-pressure systems. They are
natural Disasters that are responsible for a great number of deaths as they are virtually unstoppable.
Content Alerts Brief introduction to this section that descibes Open Access especially from an
IntechOpen perspective How it Works Manage preferences Contact Want to get in touch. The fact of
the matter is that Big Oil is not even really to blame. Consequently, the speed of the storm’s spin will
be accelerated. There are many factors that contribute to storms end or decay.
The figures provided by The White House indicates that the unemployment rate doubled from 6 to
12 percent in the most influenced areas of Louisiana and Mississippi during the time of crisis which
was between August and September. Katrina crippled thirty-eight 911 call centers, resulting in
disruption in local emergency services. In the history of American natural disasters, the Hurricane
Katrina is notorious for being one of the worst. Moreover, Katrina was considered as the most
destructive disaster in the history of the United States that its overall damages excessively took over
those caused by any other major disaster such as the Chicago Fire in 1871, the San Francisco
Earthquake and Fire in 1906, and Hurricane Andrew in 1992 (Chapter One: Katrina in perspective).
The point has been to determine whether global warming and climate change are leading to more
powerful and destructive hurricanes. Winds of 39 miles per hour (34 knots) and greater can extend
200 miles or more in all directions from the centre of the hurricane. A week or two has been the
longest reported case yet. For that, the blame for the lethality of the storm was mainly given by the
human, themselves. He does this so he can get his message through quickly and also so he can show
the importance of the weather. Hot air then comes into contact with cold air aloft and results into
thunderstorms. If the conditions are favorable like locations with high humidity and hot weather, a
hurricane is most likely being formed. Gulf Coast in 2005 Katrina was deadly and most destructing
in this year along the Atlantic. Also he describes the hurricane as being 'dangerous'. Torrential rains
from the storm inflict further damage by causing floods and landslides, which maybe occur many
miles further from the coastline. Despite the fact that all hospitals and disasters are unique and exist
in a unique communal environment, various elements in disaster management, such as evacuation,
preparing for vulnerable populations, and communicating the management plans are universal. The
area immediate to the eye is called the eye wall. Unlike a typhoon, which can be much more
detrimental— hurricanes are put into classifications to classify them. The purpose of achieving self-
financial sustainability did not have a positive outcome. Additionally, according to the reports of The
Department of Energy, this powerful storm made roughly 2.5 million customers suffer from power
outages (Chapter Four: A week of crisis). The key ways in which the composer does this is through
the structure of the movie and the use of techniques such as non-linear structure and foreshadowing.
Walmart operates both physical and online stores to enhance convenience for its global consumers. I
took a move. I was pacing quite fast, I turned around. Hurricanes moisture source is halted and
spinning sustainability is reduced due to friction when it passes over land. In a year, four hurricanes
develop in the Atlantic region and an approximate of sixty hurricanes rise from tropical seas and
swirls through the globe. For a named example, describe how hurricanes can affect human activity.
The whole second stanza, from verse 8 to 12, can be described as a memory of devastation. This was
a storm that most of the American have long feared (Nagin 2005, cited in Cornwell 2010). Where do
the billions of dollars promised in aid by Congress go. Low pressure systems with accompanying
thunderstorms are called tropical cyclones. It not only enhances economic integration but also
motivates trade liberalization. The argument is bolstered by the sensational aspect of it all.
In the event that a storm attains wind speeds of about 38 miles (61 kilometres or less) an hour, the
storm is otherwise referred to as a tropical depression. The trees wavered like a stand full of
supporters at a football match. The first signs that warned the people in urban areas were not only the
in your face issue of global warming but also the increase in the price of energy. As air nears the
centre, the air rises rapidly and condenses into clouds and later rain. And then in 1890? 4 tropical
storms and 2 hurricanes—one of which was major. She suddenly realises the significance of the
hurricane and knows that her “heart is unchained”. Basically, hurricanes start as a collection of
tropics storms over the ocean. Typical hurricanes are usually up to at least 300 miles in diameter,
although hurricanes vary in their sizes. Its surge struck 466 facilities handling large amount of
dangerous chemicals, 31 hazardous waste sites (Chapter One: Katrina in perspective). This latent
heat warms the cool air aloft, thereby causing it to rise. Tropical storm has showers and
thunderstorms that are moving closer to circulation. Additionally, FEMA should be heavily criticized
for not having cooperated with other NGOs in the disaster-response operation. The storm also
demolished 113 offshore oil and gas platforms, damaged 457 oil and gas pipelines, and discharged
almost as much oil as the Exxon Valdez oil disaster. A vast lake was formed in the city centre of
Tegucigalpa as the Rio Choluteca became swollen. Because of the poor portfolios of the clients,
MFIs could not demand repayment of the debts from the borrowers. Central Dense Overcast--Or,
CDO, as it is commonly known as, is the mass of. So, yes, warmer waters will make conditions for
stronger hurricanes more likely. The fact of the matter is that Big Oil is not even really to blame.
What theories can I apply for a research work on attitude of female journalism students towards
business journalism as a profession. The hurricane’s eye is the spot monitored by weather
administration to pose warning systems for locations affected by the weather disturbance. The fact is:
climate change is a part of nature —it’s a part of history—it’s a part of life (Bell, 2012). Content
Alerts Brief introduction to this section that descibes Open Access especially from an IntechOpen
perspective How it Works Manage preferences Contact Want to get in touch. Social costs of
displacement in Louisiana after hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Winds over the ocean stirred in spiral
into the disturbance’s low pressure area. Tropical cyclones emerge over these waters from intensified
pre-existing tropical disturbances. Use the “Unsubscribe” link in our newsletters that you receive.
Majority of disasters today, while are natural by nature, are increasingly caused by man, including
earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes, which makes them predictable. This theory explains why
Katrina became a powerful hurricane after approaching the warm water in the area of Gulf Mexico,
where the wetlands had been destroyed by the human. There are three main factors that determine
tropical cyclone formation. Instructor? Request an Exam Copy As an IntechOpen contributor, you
can buy this book for an Exclusive Author price with discounts from 30% to 50% on retail price.
There was panic and distress in every soul, the cries of children, the frantic screams of mothers and
the saddening wailing of helpless men. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an
academic expert. Hurricane probabilities References Websites: Videos. This is done because the
writer can show the importance of the hurricane and also, so he can create suspense. This is 100%
legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Sandy
occurred in 2012 and caused a lot of destruction and damage too. Hurricanes represent massive heat
engines that generate energy at an immense scale. Instructor? Request an Exam Copy As an
IntechOpen contributor, you can buy this book for an Exclusive Author price with discounts from
30% to 50% on retail price. Sustainability is where Humans can sustain themselves without harming
the planet, or at least have the biggest effect on the planet than Earth herself. Please note that mailing
lists are independent from each other. Additionally, according to the reports of The Department of
Energy, this powerful storm made roughly 2.5 million customers suffer from power outages (Chapter
Four: A week of crisis). It wais both the costliest and one of the five deadliest hurricanes recorded in
America. It shows that there are ups and downs in nature—cycles of activity in which there are both
extreme and mild conditions. Contrary to President Clinton who utilized the FEMA to deal with a
series of hurricanes, President Bush suffered major political blow due to his ability to intervene in
Hurricane Katrina disaster (Olasky, 2006). Hurricanes usually start as tropical disturbances in warm
ocean waters with surface waters temperatures reaching at least 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26.5 degrees)
or warmer. A mudslide resulted that destroyed 4 villages with a layer of mud 6 metres high. High
Winds--This is the most important effect of a hurricane since it. There is a great debate amongst
many as to whether global warming is real( some call it a hoax). They also paid the hotel costs for
families that were homeless for months (Hurricane Katrina 2005). Power was lost; there were floods,
several casualties and deaths. How could such a Third World disaster happen in the leader of the
First World. Katrina showed the world that there had been too many problems inside the United
States, especially in the time of chaos. These initial responders must also be capable of collecting
information regarding the immediate requirements of disaster victims. Radio broadcasts National
Weather Service warnings, watches, forecasts and other hazard. As a result, interactions between
businesses, society, and government have greatly developed. Dreier (2006) claimed that The Bush
administration’s actions should have been considered as indifferent rather than incompetent. We use
cookies to create the best experience for you. After reading these two articles students are given a
prompt for an expository essay on how hurricanes are formed. Gulf Coast in 2005 Katrina was
deadly and most destructing in this year along the Atlantic. The whole second stanza, from verse 8
to 12, can be described as a memory of devastation.
Ships and buoys are also employed to take measurements. When the hurricane makes landfall, they
normally weaken. After many efforts of trying to start the car, the car would still now move. 'What a
time for the car not to work I thought to myself'. A mudslide resulted that destroyed 4 villages with a
layer of mud 6 metres high. The key ways in which the composer does this is through the structure
of the movie and the use of techniques such as non-linear structure and foreshadowing. They
blamed Bush administration for failing to upgrade the levee system which caused New Orleans’
flood, failing to provide emergency services for Katrina’s victims and leaving behind a large number
of black people. The average pressure for a hurricane is approximately 950mb. Initialization of
Tropical Cyclones in Numerical Prediction Systems By Eric A. With Hurricane Harvey of two
thousand and seventeen tying with Hurricane Katrina of two thousand and five as the most costly
tropical storm on record, Harvey used catastrophic rainfall-triggered flooding in the Houston
metropolitan area and Southeast Texas which ended up causing twenty five billion United States
dollars in damage. In the Northern Hemisphere the wind circulation is counter clockwise, due to the
corriolis force acting on the earth, and reaches maximum velocity in a circular band extending
outward 20 to 30 miles from the rim of the eye. These initial responders must also be capable of
collecting information regarding the immediate requirements of disaster victims. Grace Nichols was
born in the Caribbean and emigrated later on in her life to England, for that reason her poems are
often about Caribbean tradition, culture and rhythm or have a Caribbean meaning behind it. This is
achieved by showing only Rubin’s side of the story and depicting him as being treated completely
unfairly and unjustly which is completely biased. You can use our samples for inspiration to write
your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself. Storm-force wind can
stretch up to 400 miles from the center of a large hurricane. The Coriolis force at the equator is zero
and gets larger as. Mitigation is a sustained action Mitigation function differs from other emergency
management disciplines since it focuses on the long-term solutions rather than preparedness for
hazards or short-term recovery from hazard event. Tropical storms usually visit destruction ashore in
diverse ways. Fonseca 2,132 7. Transport of Nitrate and Ammonium During Tropical Storm and
Hurricane Induced Stream Flow Events from a Southeastern USA Coastal Plain In-Stream Wetland
- 1997 to 1999 By J. M. Novak, A. A. Szogi, K.C. Stone, X. Chu, D. W. Watts and M. H. Johnson
1,632 8. Meeting the Medical and Mental Health Needs of Children After a Major Hurricane By
Robert C. There must also be little change of horizontal wind with height. Hurricane Katrina was
category 3 hurricanes winds between 111-130mph while hurricane Sandy was post-tropical cyclone
and classified as category 2. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage
cookies. There is also an outline sheet included for students to use in order to help them organize
their essay. However, the three most significantly affected fields are social life, economy and politics.
Despite the fact that all hospitals and disasters are unique and exist in a unique communal
environment, various elements in disaster management, such as evacuation, preparing for vulnerable
populations, and communicating the management plans are universal. Major route ways were also
destroyed as 50 bridges on highways fell victim to the hurricane. In addition, verse 12, “my
sweeping, back home cousin” emphasises the ancestral correlation with the tropical storm, as if it
would be part of the family. The objective of this paper is to provide a commentary on the tragic
event that transpired in New Orleans Metropolitan Area, to explore the reason such a calamity was
hardly unforeseen, and to contemplate on a number of geographical potentialities of a post-Katrina
New Orleans. The writer also uses shot sharp sentences so it creates more suspense he also uses
interrogative sentences. Direct observation and Indirect observations make it possible for humans to
follow activities of a tropical cyclone.

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