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Short Description: This 16-week course delves into the crucial world of procurement and
sourcing, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to optimize your organization's
purchasing power. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the entire procurement cycle, from
identifying needs to managing supplier relationships.

Course Learning Objectives (CLOs)

 CLO 1: Demonstrate foundational knowledge of procurement and sourcing processes

and best practices.
 CLO 2: Apply effective decision-making and negotiation skills to optimize procurement

Procurement and Sourcing: Mapped Lecture Plan and CLOs (16 Weeks)

Week Lecture Topic CLO Key Learning Outcomes

1 Introduction to 1 Define procurement and its role in
Procurement & organizational success. Understand the
Sourcing procurement cycle and key stages.
2 Procurement Principles 1 Identify core procurement principles and
& Best Practices good practices. Analyze the impact of
ethical sourcing.
3 Understanding Needs & 1 Master techniques for needs identification
Requirements and specification development. Apply cost
analysis and value engineering concepts.
4 Market Research & 1 Conduct effective market research to
Supplier Identification identify potential suppliers. Analyze supplier
qualification criteria and selection methods.
5 Sourcing Strategies & 2 Differentiate between single and multiple
Techniques sourcing approaches. Apply effective
negotiation strategies and tactics.
6 RFP/RFQ Development 2 Develop RFPs and RFQs that accurately
& Evaluation represent requirements. Evaluate supplier
proposals and select winning bids.
7 Contract Management 2 Draft effective contracts with clear terms
& Performance and conditions. Implement strategies for
Measurement supplier performance measurement and
8 Managing Risks in 2 Identify key procurement risks and develop
Procurement mitigation strategies. Understand business
continuity planning for supply chain
9 Leveraging Technology 1 Analyze the role of technology in
in Procurement streamlining procurement processes.
Explore best practices for implementing
procurement systems.
10 Sustainability & Ethical 1 Integrate sustainability considerations into
Sourcing Practices sourcing decisions. Understand ethical
sourcing principles and regulations.
11 Case Studies & 1, 2 Analyze real-world procurement scenarios
Simulations: Applying and apply acquired knowledge. Develop
Concepts strategic sourcing plans and negotiation
12 Supplier Relationship 2 Build and maintain strong relationships with
Management Strategies key suppliers. Foster collaboration and
communication for mutual benefit.
13 Advanced Procurement 1, 2 Explore emerging trends and technologies in
Topics & Trends procurement. Analyze their impact on future
procurement practices.
14 Group Project - 2 Collaborate with peers to solve a practical
Sourcing Challenge sourcing challenge. Develop and present a
comprehensive proposal.
15 Exam Preparation & 1, 2 Review key concepts and prepare for final
Review assessment. Clarify doubts and address
16 Final Exam & Course 1, 2 Demonstrate overall understanding of
Evaluation procurement principles and practices.
Reflect on learning experience and provide

Assessment Criteria:

Assessment Percentage CLO Description

Type Weight Mapping
Assignments 40% CLO 1 & 2 Case studies, research projects, written
Exams 30% CLO 1 & 2 Midterm and final exams testing
theoretical knowledge and application
Presentations 20% CLO 2 Group presentations showcasing
strategic sourcing plans and negotiation
Class 10% CLO 1 & 2 Active engagement in discussions,
Participation exercises, and peer-to-peer learning

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

 Develop and implement strategic sourcing plans.

 Evaluate and select competitive suppliers.
 Negotiate advantageous contracts and manage supplier relationships.
 Identify and mitigate procurement risks.
 Leverage technology and tools to streamline procurement processes.
 Integrate sustainability and ethical considerations into sourcing practices.

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