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Business Intelligence with SQL

Course Description: This intensive 16-week course equips you with the essential skills to
unlock valuable business insights from data using SQL, the industry-standard querying
language. Through a blend of theoretical foundations, practical exercises, and real-world case
studies, you'll master data retrieval, manipulation, and analysis, becoming a skilled BI

Course Learning Objectives (CLOs):

1. Master SQL Fundamentals: Build a strong foundation in SQL syntax, data types, operators, and
functions for efficient data retrieval and manipulation.
2. Craft Powerful Queries: Design and execute complex queries using joins, subqueries, window
functions, and aggregations to answer diverse business questions.
3. Analyse and Visualize Data: Apply data analysis techniques and interpret results using powerful
visualization tools, presenting actionable insights for informed decision-making.

Detailed Lecture Plan:

Week 1-2: Introduction to Business Intelligence and SQL Foundations
Content: Understanding BI concepts, data warehouses, and SQL basics (syntax, data
types, operators).
 Key Learning Outcomes: Define BI, explain data warehouse functions, identify data
types, write basic SELECT statements.

Week 3-4: Working with Data: Filtering, Sorting, and Aggregations

Content: Filtering data with WHERE clause, sorting with ORDER BY, and summarizing data with
aggregate functions (COUNT, SUM, AVG).
 Key Learning Outcomes: Create filtered datasets, apply sorting techniques, calculate
aggregate values.

Week 5-6: Joining Tables: One-to-One, One-to-Many, and Many-to-Many Relationships

Content: Understanding joins (INNER, LEFT, RIGHT, FULL), merging data from multiple tables
based on relationships.
 Key Learning Outcomes: Implement different join types, retrieve data across related

Week 7-8: Subqueries and Advanced Functions: Nesting Queries and Data Manipulation
Content: Creating and using subqueries for complex operations, applying advanced functions
(DATE, SUBSTRING, etc.) for data manipulation.
 Key Learning Outcomes: Write nested queries, utilize advanced functions for data
Week 9-10: Data Analysis Techniques: Grouping, Pivot Tables, and Window Functions
Content: Grouping data, creating pivot tables for multi-dimensional analysis, using window
functions (RANK, PARTITION) for advanced calculations.
 Key Learning Outcomes: Analyze data by groups, build pivot tables, apply window
functions for complex computations.

Week 11-12: Data Visualization with BI Tools: Tableau and Power BI

Content: Introduction to data visualization tools, creating charts and graphs, dashboards, and
interactive reports for impactful data communication.
 Key Learning Outcomes: Design clear and insightful visualizations, build dashboards
using BI tools.

Week 13-14: Real-World BI Applications: Case Studies and Industry Practice

Content: Applying BI skills to solve real-world business problems across various
industries, understanding industry-specific tools and practices.
 Key Learning Outcomes: Analyze real-world datasets, identify BI applications in different

Week 15-16: Project Development and Capstone Presentation

Content: Developing a hands-on BI project using acquired skills, applying SQL analysis and
visualization, preparing and presenting findings.
 Key Learning Outcomes: Design and implement a BI project, present data-driven insights

Mapping of CLOs with Content:

CLO Content Weeks
Master SQL Fundamentals 1-4
Craft Powerful Queries 3-8
Analyse and Visualize Data 9-16

Assessment Criteria:
Assessment Type CLOs Assessed Weight
Quizzes (weekly) 1, 2 40%
Practical Exercises (bi-weekly) 1, 2, 3 30%
Midterm Exam 1, 2 15%
Capstone Project (presentation & report) 3 15%

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