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July, 2023


This essay about customer service aims to emphasize the importance of the relationship
between the customers and sales and marketing, and how they can generate win-win
relationships between them. The need to improve customer service, emerges as a strategy to
compete in global markets, where the technology and innovation levels are significantly
high, and what really creates value and makes a difference in those markets is the level of
customer service. Nowadays companies do not create value through goods but through pre
and post sales service. This essay pretends to assess different theories that are usually used
to improve the quality of service, based on different authors and examples of companies
which want to be leaders in this matter, and to have enough tools to respond in global
This essay aims to make companies aware of how important the customer is, since this is
who helps to position the product or service in the market, and makes the company grow,
without customers, companies would tend to disappear, since in this globalized world all
organizations must exceed market expectations in order to please customers, make them
feel satisfied; This must be very proportional to the profits that the company can receive,
since customer service is related to the profits that a company can receive depending on
how it provides its service.


The market and its demands have made companies give more importance to working on
improving the quality of service, taking into account the continuous industrial development
that has occurred in this globalized world, the growth of markets, the appearance of new
products and services, the emergence of new companies, competition, the exchange of
cultures and other different aspects that we live in today's economy; It is important that
each organization have a high level of innovation and technology, but above all it is
essential to provide excellent customer service, which not only satisfies them but also
exceeds the needs and desires of consumers, who are the engine of companies; in such a
way that organizations must use their innovation and technology resources to offer an
increasingly better service.
Companies need to worry about working with their client since this marks a differentiation
in terms of their competition; this puts it ahead of many other companies that have other
priorities and may come to realize
All organizations must worry about exceeding all the expectations presented by the markets
in which they offer their products and services, this idea is also a complement to the idea
that relates customer satisfaction with a small proportion of profits, since by improving the
quality of the service, it improves its environment and reaches the position that it wants to
acquire in the market.
This essay also marks the position and importance that the client has in the organization, of
any size, offering a competitive advantage in the market; Bearing in mind that business and
the market are currently focused on offering increasingly better and higher quality products
and services; For this reason, it is important to raise awareness of the importance of
customer satisfaction, even if this important aspect is sometimes overlooked, since
neglecting it can harm the company's income, and affect it without thinking many times
about its prestige, since it is very difficult to earn it and get a good image; because having a
dissatisfied customer is attacking this prestige. Taking into account the continuous
industrial development that the globalized world has presented, the growth of markets, the
appearance of new products and services, the emergence of new companies, competition,
the exchange of cultures and other different aspects that we live in today's economy.
It is important that each organization have a high level of innovation and technology, but
above all it is essential to provide excellent customer service, which not only satisfies them
but also exceeds the needs and desires of consumers, who are the engine of companies; In
such a way that organizations must use their innovation and technology resources to offer
exceptional customer service, and not only try to be leaders in the market with
differentiating and innovative products, but also offer superior pre and post-sale service.
It can be seen in this globalized world, in the growth of markets, in the appearance of new
products and services, in the monitoring of new firms, in competition, in the exchange of
cultures and other different aspects that we live in today's economy, the importance of
innovation and technology in the company and how these two aspects can become strategic
points to focus on customer service so that the company can become competitive in the
markets of the globalized world.

Thinking a little about the continuous industrial development that we can see in this
globalized world, in the growth of markets, in the appearance of new products and services,
in the follow-up of new firms, in competition, exchange of cultures and other different
aspects that we live in today's economy, the
importance of both internal and external customer service, becoming one of the main tools
that leads companies to business success. With this essay, a very relevant aspect is
highlighted, which is the importance that must be given to service management as Albert
Karl says, "service is business today and the ability to serve customers effectively and
efficiently is a problem that all companies must face" and for this reason, this should be the
main task of the entire company in a challenge that must be faced, analyze the market,
propose innovative strategies and ideas and a number of activities that help and lead it to
respond to this challenge effectively and efficiently. mind to give the quality of service to
all customers who expect it so much.
For this reason, all members of the organization must be aware of and be clear that the
customer is the reason for a company's existence and is the reason why all the forces of a
company work to satisfy their desires and needs.


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