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1. What Is the Largest Desert in the world?


2. Which mountain top lies farthest from the Earth's center? PEAK OF CHIMBORAZO

3. Which Blood Type is rarest in Human? AB NEGATIVE

4. Roughly how long doesit takes the sun's light to reach Earth? 8 MINUTES

5. What is the largest known land animal? ELEPHANT

6. What part of the Body helps you move? MUSCLE

7. What is the biggest man-made structure on Earth? GREAT WALL OF CHINA

8. Penicillin is used to fight what type of infections? BACTERIAL

9. What is the name given to animals with backbones? VERTEBRATE

10. What is the name given to the group of rare earth elements in the periodic table? LANTHANIDES

11. What geologic time period came directly after the Jurassic period? CRETACEOUS

12. Rust on an Object is the result of what chemical process? OXIDISATION

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