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PM/ 16112/ 2

September 2022

उत्पाद मैनुअ ल
बीटा पपकोलिन - पिलिष्टट
16112 : 2013 के अनस
ु ार


ACCORDING TO IS 16112 : 2013

ु पता मूलयाांकन) विननयम 2018 की स्कीम-I के तहत यह उत्पाद मैनअ

भारतीय मानक ब्यूरो (अनरू ु ल प्रमाणीकरण
ु ांगता और पारदर्शिता सनु नश्चचत करने के र्लए सभी क्षेत्रीय/शाखा कायािलयों एिां लाइसेन्स
की सांचालन रीनत में सस
धाररयों द्िारा सांदभि सामग्री के रूप मे उपयोग ककया जाएगा। बीआईएस लाइसेन्स/प्रमाण पत्र प्राप्त करने के इच्छुक
भािी आिेदकों द्िारा भी इस दस्तािेज़ का उपयोग ककया जा सकता है।

This Product Manual shall be used as reference material by all Regional/Branch Offices & licensees to
ensure coherence of practice and transparency in operation of certification under Scheme-I of Bureau
of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018 for various products. The document may
also be used by prospective applicants desirous of obtaining BIS certification licence/certificate.

1. उत्पाद :
IS 16112 : 2013
िीर्षक : बीटा पपकोलिन
Title Beta Picoline
संिोधनों की संख्या : 04
No. of Amendments Four
2. नमूनाकरण ददिा ननदे ि
Sampling Guidelines:
कच्चा माि
a) : No specific requirement
Raw material
समूहीकरण ददिा ननदे ि : Not Applicable since there are no varieties
Grouping guidelines
c) नमूने का पररमाण :
200 g
Sample Size
PM/ 16112/ 2
September 2022

3. परीक्षण उपकरणो की सूची : कृपया Annex - A दे खें

List of Test Equipment Please see Annex – A
ननरीक्षण ि परीक्षण स्कीम कृपया Annex-B दे खें
4. Scheme of Inspection and : Please see Annex – B
5. एक ददन में संभापित परीक्षण
Possible tests in a day :
All the tests mentioned in the IS are possible to be carried out in a day
6. िाइसेन्स का कायषक्षेत्र / Scope of the Licence:
IS 16112 : 2013 के अनस
ु ार मानक महु र का उपयोग करने के लिए िाइसेन्स ननम्नलिखित कायषक्षेत्र
के लिए प्रदान ककया जाता है
Licence is granted to use Standard Mark as per 16112 : 2013 with the following scope:
उत्पाद का नाम बीटा पपकोलिन
Name of the product Beta Picoline


ManakBhawan, 9, Bahadur Shah ZafarMarg,
New Delhi – 110002
PM/ 16112/ 2
September 2022

ACCORDING TO IS 16112 : 2013
List of test equipment

Major test equipment required to test as per the Indian Standard

Tests used in with Clause Reference Test equipment
General Glassware
1. Solubility/Cl 3.2
Gas Chromatograph (with FID) with data acquisition system
and integrating chromatographic peaks, General purpose
nonpolar capillary GC column containing 100 percent
dimethyl polysiloxane (PDMS) or capillary GC column
containing high polarity polyethylene glycol (PEG) phase, 60
m long, 0.25 mm internal diameter, 0.25 μm film thickness
(The above gas chromatographic conditions are suggestive.
However any GC having different columns and different
carrier gas with different calibration technique (internal
Beta picoline content /Cl 3.3 Table 1 Sl no. standard, external standard, area normalization) may be used,
2. i) provided standardization/calibrations are done after setting
up chromatographic conditions for required resolution)
Certified Reference/Working Standard of 2-Ethylpyridine
Certified Reference/Working Standard of Alpha Picoline
Certified Reference/Working Standard of Beta Picoline
Certified Reference/Working Standard of Gamma Picoline
Internal Standard — Pentadecane
Electronic Balance with LC 0.1 mg
General Glassware

2- Ethyl pyridine content /Cl 3.3 Table 1 Same as above

Sl no. ii)
Alpha picoline content /Cl 3.3 Table 1 Sl Same as above
no. iii)
Gamma picoline content /Cl 3.3 Table 1 Sl Same as above
5. no. iv)
Other unknown impurities/Cl 3.3 Table 1 Same as above
6. Sl no. v)
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September 2022

Pyridine free Karl Fischer Reagent,

Karl Fischer Titrator apparatus with electrometric end point
Analytical balance,
Hot air oven,
Distilled water,
7. Moisture content/ Cl 3.3 Table 1 Sl no. vi)
Ice Bath,
Glass wares,
Reagents:-Methanol, 2-Methoxyethanol, Iodine, Pyridine,
Sulphur Di Oxide, Sodium Tartarate (Crystalline), Silicone
Base Grease

The above list is indicative only and may not be treated as exhaustive
PM/ 16112/ 2
September 2022

ACCORDING TO IS 16112 : 2013

Scheme of Inspection And Testing

1. LABORATORY - A laboratory shall be maintained which shall be suitably equipped (as per the
requirement given in column 2 of Table 1) and staffed, where different tests given in the specification shall
be carried out in accordance with the methods given in the specification.

1.1 The manufacturer shall prepare and implement a calibration plan for the test equipments.

2. TEST RECORDS – The manufacturer shall maintain test records for the tests carried out to establish

3. PACKING AND MARKING- –The Standard Mark, as given in the Schedule of the licence, shall be
printed on each container and on the label applied to the container; provided always that the material in each
container on which this Mark is thus applied conforms to every requirement of the specification.

3.1 Packing and Marking shall be done as per the provisions of the Indian Standard. In addition, the following
shall be incorporated on each container:

i) BIS Licence No. (CM/L……………)

ii) For details of BIS certification details please visit’.

4. CONTROL UNIT – For the purpose of this scheme, the entire quantity of the material produced in a day
shall be considered as a control unit.

5. LEVELS OF CONTROL – The tests as indicated in column 1 of Table 1 and the levels of control in
column 3 of Table 1, shall be carried out on the whole production of the factory which is covered by this
plan and appropriate records maintained in accordance with paragraph 2 above.

5.1 All the production which conforms to the Indian Standards and covered by the licence should be marked
with Standard Mark.

7. REJECTIONS –Disposal of non-conforming product shall be done in such a way so as to ensure that
there is no violation of provisions of BIS Act, 2016.
PM/ 16112/ 2
September 2022

TABLE 1 (Levels of Control)

(Para 5 of Scheme of Inspection and Testing)

(1) (2) (3)

Test Details Test equipment Levels of Control
Test R: required (or)
No. of
Cl. Requirement Method Test Method IS S: Sub- Frequency Remarks
Cl. Ref. contracting
3.1 Description 3.1 IS 16112 R Three Each Control Unit At every 8 h
3.2 Solubility 3.2 -do- R Three Each Control Unit At every 8 h
Cl 3.3 Beta picoline content Annex A -do- R One
Table 1 Each Control Unit
Sl no. i)
Cl 3.3 2- Ethyl pyridine content Annex A -do- R One
Table 1 Each Control Unit
Sl no. ii)
Cl 3.3 Alpha picoline content Annex A -do- R One
Table 1 Each Control Unit
Sl no. iii)
Cl 3.3 Gamma picoline content Annex A -do- R One
Table 1 Each Control Unit
Sl no. iv)
Cl 3.3 Other unknown Annex A -do- R One
Table 1 impurities Each Control Unit
Sl no. v)
Cl 3.3 Moisture content Annex B -do- R One
Table 1 Each Control Unit
Sl no. vi)

Note-1: Whether test equipment is required or sub-contracting is permitted in column 2 shall be decided by the Bureau and shall be mandatory.
Sub- contracting is permitted to a laboratory recognized by the Bureau or Government laboratories empanelled by the Bureau.

Note-2: Levels of control given in column 3 are only recommendatory in nature. The manufacturer may define the control unit/batch/lot and
submit his own levels of control in column 3 with proper justification for approval by BO Head.

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