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Processes of competition lie at the heart of the literature of marketing strategy. Indeed, it could be argued that
competitors and sustainable competitive advantage are to marketing strategy what customers and the marketing
concept are to marketing. The principle of sustainable competitive advantage argues that a firm can only be
successful in the marketplace if its products and services have a competitive edge over those of its rivals. This edge
should be one that is both important to customers and sustainable by the firm in the long run.

Easton, G. (1988),

Relevant literature review of marketing strategy implementation indicates that it has a signicant role to play on
companies’ performance through its integration with the marketing strategy formulation. Examining marketing
strategy implementation literature shows that there are gaps which need further investigation in the eld of
marketing strategy research with a special focus on marketing strategy implementation. Firstly, there is a critical
need to investigate marketing strategy implementation since most studies have concentrated on marketing
strategy formulation rather than its implementation. Secondly, the separation of marketing strategy formulation
and implementation is the most important “shortcoming” in the research area of marketing strategy. This
separation hurts companies’ performance. The rationale is most failures in companies have come from the poor
implementation of marketing strategies. Based on relevant literature review, this paper has suggested nine
variables, which may lead to the successful implementation of marketing strategy. These variables are change
management, internal marketing, company marketing assets and capabilities, resource commitment,
marketing strategy consensus, cross-functional teams, internal communication, organisational structure, and
marketing strategies.

Dr. Mamoun Akroush (2011)

The challenging times and competition pose a serious threat to the survival of enterprises. The main objective of
this chapter is to discuss the marketing strategies that help enterprises to continue their financial health in
challenging times such as during the period of recessions or in rapidly changing competitive markets. A
framework of strategies, which may enable enterprises to sustain and thrive their profitability in challenging and
competitive markets, is proposed based upon the strategies on which the literature has reached a broad
consensus. The proposed marketing strategies for challenging and competitive markets include creating customer
value, differentiation and innovation, finding alternative ways to price cut, emphasizing brand value, maintaining
marketing and advertising, focusing on targeted marketing communication, reviewing and measuring marketing
budget effectiveness, understanding marketplace, developing strategies based upon customer insight, becoming
customer-centered, focusing on customer retention and loyalty, and re-evaluating and prioritizing customer

By suphan Nasir

(Jan 07. 2021)

Strategic planning has different purposes at different levels of the organization. At the Corporate level, the central
purpose is planning for growth. At the level of the Business Unit or Division, the purpose of planning is to identify
strategic opportunities for future investment. Once those business opportunities are identified in terms of the
organization's key product lines and markets served, the real planning for a sustainable competitive advantage can
begin. Market Value Solutions' Value-Based Planning Process is designed to answer the key question posed at each
level of business planning. At the Corporate level, the selected growth options are informed by the tools of
customer value analysis. At the Business Unit level, we work with the management team to develop a
Product/Market Matrix in order to achieve strategic focus. And at the Product/Market level, we work with a cross-
functional team to identify value-based, market-driven strategies for a sustainable competitive advantage. We
engage a cross-functional team from the organization in development of the actual competitive marketing plans for
two important reasons. First, the value-based market opportunities typically require changes to the product or
service itself, new methods for marketing communications, changes in operations, and/or changes in pricing.
Managers from each of those functional areas need to be directly involved with the development of strategies,
objectives, and actions for which they will, ultimately, be responsible. Second, the goal of MVS is to teach our way
out of the consulting relationship. We do that by providing the planning tools and techniques, then teaching your
organization's managers how to use them so that they can develop future competitive marketing plans
independently. Using strategies to compete Competition exists in every successful market, and you must be able to
employ the strongest competition strategies to make the most of your business. Pricing Market research should
provide evidence of your competitors' prices and the price customers are willing to pay for your products and
services. It is vital to set your prices at a level that ensures your business remains profitable yet prevents your
customers from looking elsewhere

Madhoo Ghanshyam Pavaskar (2018)

Small retail business leaders use online marketing to connect with consumers and the community. The purpose of
this qualitative multiple case study was to explore the strategies some small retail business leaders use to
implement online marketing to increase sales. Data were collected from 4 small retail business owners who
successfully used strategies to implement online marketing in California. The conceptual framework for this study
was Rogers’s diffusion of innovation theory. Data collection techniques and sources were semistructured, face-to-
face interviews, and review of public business documents, company websites, social media websites, and analytical
tools. A thematic analysis of the data yielded 4 themes: social media platforms and strategies, online marketing
strategies and challenges, online content strategies, and follow-up strategies. Business leaders of small retail
organizations who want to increase revenue, remain competitive, overcome challenges associated with online
marketing, and increase communication by implementing new technology might elect to align with the strategies
identified in this study. The implications for positive social change include the opportunity for small retail business
leaders to increase revenue while providing more job opportunities to benefit employees, employees’ families, and
the community.

Asia Lockett(2018).

This study aims to examine the effect of business strategies to improve the competitive advantages of small and
medium enterprises (SMEs). Further, our study considers the importance of performance and innovation as
mediating variables in the relationship between business strategies and competitive advantage. The sample of the
study consists of 150 SMEs in the construction and real estate industry. Our findings show that business strategies
have a positive impact on competitive advantage. Better business strategies improve the competitive advantage of
SMEs. Further, business performance and innovation also mediate the relationship between business strategies
and competitive advantages. These results provide evidence of the importance of performance and innovation to
improve the competitive advantage. It is suggested that SMEs improve their performance and innovation capability
to strengthen their competitive advantages.

Ida Farida, Doddy Setiawan (2022)

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