Final Paragraph Design

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By: León Esteban Monsalve Cataño

1. The fragment of this book will explain the fundamental reason for the existence of
sacred writings.
2. The text will talk about the importance of sacred writings in religions.
3. The text will give us historical data on the main sacred writings.

Identifying the Main Idea and Summarization

The main idea of the reading is to demonstrate that sacred scriptures are part of the human
need to achieve the transcendence of their existence, making non-real representations of what
they consider to be above human power.

1. What is the oldest religious and fantastic representation of homo sapiens? R/. The lion
2. In which museum is the Lion Man located? R/. The Ulm Museum
3. Which hemisphere of the brain is in charge of religion? R/. Right hemisphere
4. Who wrote the text? R/. Karen Armstrong
5. What is the cause of our greatest achievements in science and technology? R/. The

Making Inferences
1. We are the only beings who have the ability to create images that do not exist in
objective reality.
2. The first religious manifestation that worshiped an objectively unreal figure occurred
with “The Lion Man” more than 40,000 years ago.
3. The part of the brain that is responsible for imagination and religious manifestations is
the right hemisphere.


The religion is the human manifestation of the desire to acquire the meaning of existence.
It is therefore important to trace one of the main languages that Homo Sapiens has used
to express their natural desire for transcendence: sacred scriptures. In this order of ideas,
it is necessary to get to the origin of the problem, which begins with the discovery of "The
Lion Man", a figurine that for scientists and experts on the subject of the religious
phenomenon, corresponds to the first manifestation of the human imagination to give
meaning to life. In short, the capacity that man has to appropriate reality and in this way
make a representation of the transcendent, is found in the capacity that he has to create
imagination, which would support the idea that the human being is capable of creating
from fantasy what is considered to be the foundation of life and it is the sacred writings that
guarantee that this information is passed from generation to generation.

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