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Answer the questions by choosing options A, B, C or D!

Read the dialogue below to answer the questions number 1 to 3.
Andri : Excuse me, Mom. Is Rifki at home?
Mrs. Indah : I’m sorry, he is at the field. He is helping his dad to harvest the green
beans. Should I call him to go home soon?
Andri : It’s not necessary. I just want to return this book. Please tell my gratitude
to him.
Mrs. Indah : Okay.
1. Where the diaogue happen?
A. In the office
B. On the beach
C. At Rifki’s home
D. At Rifki’s school
2. From the dialogue above, we can conclude that Rifki’s father is a ... .
A. farmer
B. merchant
C. carpenter
D. fisherman
3. “Should I call him to go home soon?” (line 3)
The word him refers to ... .
A. Andri
B. Rifki
C. Mrs. Indah
D. Rifki’s father
The following picture is for question number 4.

4. What is he doing?
A. He is taking a bath.
B. He is washing his hair.
C. He is combing his hair.
D. He is brushing his teeth.
The following picture is for questions number 5 to 6.
Jhon : Look! The horse and the donkey look like each other.
Rudi : But, the horse is bigger than the donkey.
Jhon : Yeah, the donkey is smaller than the horse, right?
Rudi : You are right.

5. The text tells us about the … of the horsey and the donkey.
A. size
B. height
C. weight
D. characteristics
6. “Look! The horse and the donkey look like each other”.
What does the word look like means?
A. The wild
B. The similarity
C. The dangerous
D. The differences
The following table is for questions number 7 to 9.
No Height
Name Age

1. Joe 11 years 150 cm

2. Julie 11 years 155 cm

3. Anne 12 years 160 cm

4. Maria 12 years 160 cm

5. Cherlly 11 years 165 cm

7. Based on the table above we know that …

A. Anne as tall as Joe.
B. Joe is taller than Julie.
C. Julie is the tallest of all.
D. Maria is shorter than Cherlly.
8. Joe is … than Julie.
A. taller
B. thinner
C. shorter
D. slimmer
9. Cherlly is the … of all.
A. oldest
B. tallest
C. shortest
D. youngest
The following dialogue is for questions number 10 to 11.
Salma : Hi, Richard. How was your vacation?
Richard : It was great.
Salma : Where did you go?
Richard : I went to Yogyakarta.
Salma : Wow! What did you see?
Richard : I saw many temples.
Salma : Did you like them?
Richard : I loved them, especially Prambanan and Ratu Boko Temple.
They were fantastic.
Salma : What did you buy?
Richard : I bought this for you there.
Salma : What a beautiful this miniature! Thanks.
10. According to the dialogue, we know that Richard is … .
A. Salma’s son
B. Salma’s uncle
C. Salma’s father
D. Salma’s friend
11. Based on the text above we can conclude that …
A. Salma do not like Richard.
B. Richard likes to go camping.
C. Richard is a generous person.
D. Salma is a welcoming person.
The following monologue is for questions number 12 to 13.
When I was 7 years old, I went to Yogyakarta with my mom. The weather was
nice the whole week and I really had a great vacation. I walked along Malioboro
Street on the first day. The next day we went shopping and bought some batik clothes
at Beringharjo market. We went to Yogyakarta palace one day. I saw the Sultan. I
enjoyed my vacation.

12. The text mostly tells us about … .

A. The writer’s family.
B. The writer’s vacation.
C. The writer’s accident.
D. The writer’s characteristics.
13. “ … and I really had a great vacation.”
The word “vacation” can be replaced by … .
A. trip
B. travel
C. holiday
D. journey
Arrange the jumbled word into good sentence.
14. What – Sunday – did – do – last – you –?
1 2 3 4 5 6
A. 3–2–1–5–6–4
B. 3–2–1–4–6–5
C. 1–3–6–2–5–4
D. 1–3–6–4–5–2
The following text is for questions number 15 to 18.
Last month my family and I went to Toraja to attend Grandpa’s funeral. It was
my first time to go to such a ceremony. We gathered there with our relatives. Overall,
the ceremony was quite complicated. It took about a week. Several days before the
ceremony was done, grandpa’s body was kept in a series of houses arranged in a
circular row around an open field. His corpse was dressed in a fine wearing.
The funeral was performed in two phases. First, we slaughtered the pigs and
buffaloes, and then moved the corpse to face north. In this ceremony, we wore black
clothes. After that, the corpse was placed in a wood coffin. Then, it was brought out
of the house and placed on an open stage under the granary.
On the last day, the grandpa’s coffin was lowered from the funeral tower and
brought up to the mountain side family graveyard. It was followed by great
excitement from the relatives and the guest. The funeral ceremony made my family
and I tired. However, we were grateful because it ran smoothly.
15. What is the writer’s intention of writing the text above?
A. To describe the funeral.
B. To invite the readers to see the funeral.
C. To inform the readers about the funeral.
D. To retell the past experience of attending the funeral.
16. The ceremony was quite complicated because … .
A. It involved many people
B. It made all people tired
C. It took about a week to hold it.
D. It consisted of a series of activities.
17. What is the conclusion taken from the text?
A. The writer can’t attend the funeral.
B. The writer very sad during the funeral.
C. The writer gets mad because the funeral is complicated.
D. The writer thanked to god because the funeral ran smoothly.
18. The ceremony took a long time … it needs many parts of ceremony.
A. but
B. and
C. since
D. because
The following text is for questions no. 19 to 22
It was about 3.30 in the afternoon. Mr. Tugiyo just come back from the forest
to home after collecting some firewood to take a bath and get some rest. Just as he
went into his house, there was a tiger standing in his living room. It was glaring at
him. He saw his wife, shocked, in front of the bedroom door, her face as white as
paper. He knew his family was also in danger.
Mr. Tugiyo took several steps back. He gave a sign to his wife to enter and
locked the bedroom. After he was sure that his wife was safe, he went out of his
house then he screamed for help from the neighbors. One of his neighbors called the
police. Later, some policemen and officers from the zoo arrived and caught the tiger.
Finally the tiger was brought to the zoo safely. The officers said that the tiger
was searching for food and it came from the nearby forest.

19. The text mostly tell us about the experience of … .

A. the police and the tiger.
B. a tiger in the nearby zoo.
C. finding food for the tiger.
D. a tiger in a villager’s house.
20. The third paragraph tells us about?
A. The killing of the tiger.
B. How the tiger looked at him
C. How Mr. Tugiyo sought for help
D. The transfer of the tiger to the zoo.
21. How did Mrs. Tugiyo save herself?
A. By lying on the bed.
B. By run away from the house.
C. By hiding herself behind the door.
D. By looking herself inside the bedroom.
22. “Her face was as white as paper.”
The underlined word as white as paper can be replaced with … .
A. soft
B. pale
C. clean
D. tender
The following text is for questions number 23 to 25.
Last Sunday, my brother, Sean, and I had my first fun camping outside the
school. We left for Cikoneng at 04.30 a.m. after a long and thrilling drive, we arrived
at the village and found a good camping site.
“Benny, let’s set up our (23)… here,” said my brother. Then, we started to (24)
… . In a short time the tent was ready and we put a small flag on the top of (25) … .
After that, I made a fire while my brother cooked our lunch. We were busy working.
The lunch was ready and we immediately started to eat. After that, we took a little
At 05.00 p.m. we had a coffee and some baked cassava. We enjoyed the
scenery. Though we were tired at that time, we were happy.
23. The correct noun to complete the text above is ... .
A. tent
B. house
C. blanket
D. firewood
24. The correct verb to fill the blank text is ... .
A. eat
B. work
C. drink
D. sleep
25. The correct pronoun to complete the text above is .... .
A. it
B. him
C. ours
D. them
26. Arrange the sentences to make a good personal recount
1. After the while I couldn’t find it.
2. Sadly my mom told me that I should go and find the money.
3. When I was young, I had a bad experience
4. My mom asked me to go a store to buy some bread for breakfast.
5. Finally, I returned home again without any bread for breakfast.
6. After that, I returned to my house.
7. When I arrived at the store, I just realized that I had lost the money.
The best arrangement of the recount text is … .
A. 3 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 7 – 3 – 6
B. 3 – 4 – 7 – 6 – 2 – 1 – 5
C. 3 – 4 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 7 – 6
D. 3 – 4 – 7 – 3 – 5 – 2 – 1
27. The following text is for questions number 27 to 29.

To celebrate our school anniversary, we will have a walk to the beach and
reforestation with coconut trees next Sunday. We will start from the school at 6 a.m
and rest at the beach area. Don’t forget to bring snacks, a big bottle of fresh water
and first aid kit.
Mr. Sukiyo

28. What is the writer’s aim of the writing the text?

A. to ask for help.
B. to invite a person.
C. to inform an event
D. to remind about an event.
29. What will the readers do after reading the text?
A. Joining the event.
B. Coming to school on time
C. Preparing school anniversary.
D. Attending at school at 6.30 a.m
30. “To celebrate our school anniversary, … ”
The word celebrate has closest in meaning to …
A. party
B. birthday
C. ceremony
D. commemorate
The following text is for questions number 31 to 33.



31. What is the purpose of the notice about?

A. to propose an idea.
B. to describe something.
C. to inform important thing.
D. to suggest people to save their things
32. By reading the notice, people will be … the safety of their belongings.
A. keen on
B. aware of
C. certain about
D. curious about
33. The word ‘loss’ has closeset in meaning with ... .
A. come up
B. wear of
C. disappear
D. disadvantage
The following text is for questions number 34 to 36.
Annual Students Music Festival is coming, guys!
This year will be conducted in Kebumen. Join the crowd and show your talent!
 Solo guitar
 Band Performance
 Vocal group performance

Free admission fee.

Contact your school staff for more info.

Indonesia Ministry of Education

34. Who will join the activity?

A. Staffs
B. Teachers
C. Students
D. Principals
35. To join the event, how much should we pay?
A. Without paying.
B. Taking a little money.
C. Giving a lot of money
D. Saving a little bit money.
36. “Vocal group performance”
The word “vocal group” can be replaced by …
A. alto
B. solo
C. duet
D. choir
37. Arrange these words into a good notice.
under – to visit – years – allowed – children – seven – are not
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A. 5–7–2–1–3–6–4
B. 5–6–7–2–1–4–3
C. 5–4–2–7–1–3–6
D. 5–1–6–3–7–4–2
The text is for questions number 38 to 40
You've gotta help me, I'm losing my mind
Keep getting the feeling you want to leave this all behind
Thought we were going strong
I thought we were holding on
Aren't we?
No, they don't teach you this in school
Now my heart's breaking and I don't know what to do
Thought we were going strong
Thought we were holding on
Aren't we?
You and me got a whole lot of history
We could be the greatest thing that the world has ever seen
You and me got a whole lot of history
So don't let it go, we can make some more, we can live forever
All of the rumours, all of the fights
But we always find a way to make it out alive
Thought we were going strong
Thought we were holding on
Aren't we?

38. The writer’s aim is writing the song lyrics is to …

A. describe their history.
B. show the readers about the history.
C. tell the readers that they could be the greatest thing in the world.
D. ask the reader to hold friendship so they can make a perfect history
39. “ You and me got a whole lot of history”
The word ‘history’ is closest in meaning by …
A. story
B. origin
C. reality
D. ambition
40. What is the lesson taken from the song?
A. We have to help other friends.
B. We should be afraid about friends.
C. We must keep our friendship forever.
D. We have to be aware of our friendship.

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