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Language A: language and literature Internal Assessment

Student outline form

Global issue: Examine the ways in which the impact of war on soldiers is presented through the content and
form of Dulce et decorum Est by Winfred Owen and an everlasting nightmare by Herold Thomas Watts.

Literary text: Dulce et decorum Est by Wilfred Owen – 1918

Non-literary Text: An everlasting nightmare.
Body Of Work: (War Letters).

Notes for the oral (maximum of 10 bullet points):


NIGHTMARE. REAL WORLD CONTEXT-Significantly increasing nationalism and individualism.
2. Simile - L1, L2, L12 - Soldiers are beggars. Physical Worn-out= physical torture. Irony of the known
image of soldiers as emotionless and inhumane.
3. Visual Imagery – L16, L21, L22 – invites the reader to feel of the cruelty of war on soldiers.
Depiction of a deadly effect of lime gas. It exposes the reader to acquire primary experiences and
drastic effect of war on soldiers.
4. Allusion - ‘the parable of the old man and the young’ - Allusion to a biblical story of Abraham and
Isaac. -Symbolic of the sacrificial role of soldiers for the selfish gains of their father who represent the
people in the authority (Government).
5. Symbolism - ‘The send off’ - ‘The white wreaths’ attached to their chests. - Foreshadow of the
soldier’s death. – Denotes the foreshadowed death of soldiers, acts as a revelation of the society’s
inconsiderate and unjust nature of sacrificing soldiers for their own gains.
6. Logos –The use of the numerical values ‘The last shell we had in camp, there was four killed and
seventeen wounded.’ Indicating of the normalised sacrificing of soldiers by the society. Reveals of the
massive killing of soldiers, which gives a hint on soldiers being victims of human rights violation.

7. Metaphor – ‘We are eaten up by Millions of flies’ – Flies are attracted by the strong stale smell from
the dead bodies. Employing a detached tone- implies of the normalized custom of having soldiers
8. ‘Fractured my skull’ – Direct address- Informal tone, engages the reader by ensuring of fully
confiding in them. Telling the worst part of being a soldier. L6, L7. ‘I have the piece of shell which
fractured my skull and shall look after it for a souvenir.’
9. ‘I look a great picture’ – A scathing tone- reveal the helplessness of the soldier who wants to move
from the trenches. Prompts the audience to empathize with the soldiers. =Implies sarcasm. ‘Well old
chap, I am glad I am wounded to get out of that hell, and if you ever meet a chap that says he wants to
go back call him a liar.’- Disapprove the dictated falsified glory that comes with being a soldier.
10. CONCLUSION – Falsified glory of being a soldier, meanwhile Owen and Harold denounce this as
they employ the realistic horrific and traumatic view and experiences of being a soldier. The sacrifice
of soldiers.

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