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CHARTER – Cultural Heritage sustainable societies and systems and employer

Actions to Refine Training, economies, including needs. The CHARTER Alliance

Education and Roles, is an transversal competences will mainstream the
Erasmus+ funded project, such as digital/technological methodologies and
starting from January 2021 and green/blue economy outcomes to ensure an
until December 2024.
skills. impact at European, national
and regional levels in order to
CHARTER seeks to create a
By combining strategic enable Europe to sustainably
lasting, comprehensive
collaboration and innovative protect, promote and
sectoral skills strategy to
approaches, the project will enhance its tangible and
guarantee that Europe has
bridge the gaps between intangible cultural heritage.
the necessary cultural
educational and occupational
heritage skills to support

Targets Policy
makers Other
The CHARTER Alliance will benefit
several target groups with its at local, Erasmus+
cultural heritage (CH) skills national and projects
blueprint: EU level
Education, Regions,
Cultural Heritage,
CH Industry &
Public Cultural Policy,
CH Professionals
VET centres & Bodies Museums
Trainers Archaeologists, architects, landscape
architects and conservator-restorers,
craft-restorers, art historians,
anthropologists, archivists, librarians Students
and other specialists, museum Undergraduates,
Universities, Higher
professionals in all profiles (educators, Graduates,
Education Institutes
curators, documentalists, etc.), heritage Career-changers, PhD
& Academics
managers and planners, mediators, students, PhDs of mainly
Professors, Senior heritage interpreter, digital and IT, cultural heritage/cultural
Teachers, Lecturers, etc. management faculties
Map the needs of the cultural heritage sector to identify skills shortages and mismatches in order to
develop training programmes for already-active CH professionals.

Support the education system to become responsive and adapt their curricula and learning goals in
accordance with the actual needs of the sector.

Use the mapping of the CH sector to provide and ensure qualitative professional development.
Statistical and economic visibility will demonstrate the value of CH professionals and ensure that
they are paid accordingly.

Create a transferable methodology and framework that will make it easy to recognise competences
and skills found across the CH sector.

Make upskilling of core and transversal skills easily accesible and encourage exchange, capacity
building and movement within Europe.

Make obvious the power and value of CH in creating a sustainable future and promoting social
cohesion in Europe. CH is integral in achieving social, economic and environmental sustainability.

Produce cultural heritage policy recommendations and advocate at EU level for the benefit of all
current and future CH workers and students.
Consortium FINLAND
Museovirasto – Finnish
Associate Members
Heritage Agency ICCROM - ICOM – ENCoRE – Europa Nostra –
CHARTER unites a total GERMANY
European Association for Architectural Education –
of 47 leading European Kultur und Arbeit
Direzione Generale Educazione, Ricerca e Istituti
Culturali (Italy) – Office of Public Works (Ireland) –
Cultural Heritage actors Verband der Restauratoren Istituto Centrale per la Patologia degli Archivi e del
(28 full/affiliate + 19 Freie Hansestadt Bremen Libro (Italy) – Historic Environment Scotland –
associate members) Regione Lombardia (Italy) - Viceconsejería de Cultura
BELGIUM y Patrimonio Cultural. Gobierno de Canarias (Spain) -
ENCATC Complexul National Muzeal ASTRA (Romania) -
E.C.C.O. ART-ER Attractiveness Research Territory -
ERRIN Emilia-Romagna (Italy) - Pôle patrimoine. Réseau de
European Historic coopération des acteurs du patrimoine culturel en
IRELAND Houses Pays de la Loire (France) - Teatro Pubblico Pugliese
Department of Housing, FARO (Italy) - EXARC - Experimental Archaeology (The
Local Government and Netherlands) - Swedish Association for Building
Heritage Conservation Contractors and Consultants (Sweden)
The Heritage Council - Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Faculdade de
Ciências e Tecnologia. Dep Conservação e Restauro
(Portugal) - CULTLAB - The Laboratory for the Study
and Conservation of Ancient & Modern Cultural
Properties. University of West Attica Faculty of
Applied Arts and Culture (Greece)
FRANCE Göteborgs Universitet
Université Sorbonne Västra Götaland
Paris 13 Nord

PORTUGAL National Heritage
ADRAL Board of Latvia

Universiteit AUSTRIA
Rotterdam Academy of ROMANIA
National Institute of
Fine Arts SLOVENIA Heritage Romania
SPAIN Vienna Institute for the
Universitat de ITALY Protection of Cultural
Barcelona Fondazione Scuola dei Beni Heritage of Slovenia
(COORDINATOR) e delle Attività Culturali
Basque Government Regione Toscana
Università di Genova
Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano
The European
Commission's support
for the production of this
publication does not
constitute an endorsement
of the contents, which reflect
the views only of the authors,
and the Commission cannot be
held responsible for any use
which may be made of the
information contained therein.

CHARTER GA No. 621572-EPP-1-2020-1-ES-EPPKA2-SSA-B

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