Presentation of Incheon Metropolitan City - Fin2

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Incheon Metropolitan City

CityNet Executive Committee Member

1. Overview of Incheon
2. Incheon’s Vision
3. Incheon’s Role as a CityNet Executive Member
4. Contribution to Sustainable Urban Development
by Sharing Incheon’s Best Practices
Overview of Incheon


AA metropolitan
metropolitan city city ofofthe
the Republic
Republic of
of Korea,
home to Incheon
home to Incheon International
International Airport Airport and and Seaport
Seaport,,asaswell as Free
wellas Free Economic
Economic Zone
1,066 ㎢
Covering 1,066
Covering ㎢ with
with three million
three million population
Location of 15 organizations
15 international international organizations including GCF
Various international events
Variousinternational events andandconferences
planned planned
to be held
to and hosted
be held and hosted
-•ADBADB Annual
Annual Meeting
Meeting to be
to be held held (2023)
Planning toAPEC
to host hostSummit
APEC Summit
(2025) (2025)

Ongoing City Diplomacy Activities Through CityNet Platform

- Sharing cooperation cases With Berlin in the bio sector, Urban regeneration, and smart city
- Sharing a collaborative model with Almeria to improve the environment and advance the clean and renewable industries
Incheon’s Vision
Incheon’s VISION
“A Global Hub of Inclusiveness and Prosperity”


·Improving Local Economy ·A Bio cluster Representing ·Improving Environment and ·Realizing an Inclusive City
and Quality of Life the Asia-Pacific Region Safety With Creation of New through Decent Job Ladder
through Digital Transformation Growth Engines
- Introducing smart factories - Creating a successful bio industry - Renewable energy sources - Root industry jobs
- Fostering AI and Robotics companies ecosystem - Eco-friendly vehicles - Public child daycare centers
- Developing Smart City - Leading global responses to - Green buildings - Lifelong educational centers
infectious diseases - Clean factories - Community health promotion
- Operating a bio manufacturing centers
training center for the Asia-pacific
region (K-NIBRT)
Incheon’s Role as a CityNet Executive Member Cooperating
With 15 international organizations
in Incheon
- UN offices (8), GCF (500 officials and staffers), CTCN
International Organizations Complex to be built (2028)

International events held in Incheon
- ADB Annual Meeting (2023)
- Planning to host APEC Summit (2025)

Role Sharing
Best practices
based on various experiences and capacities
- Bio Cluster, Renewable energies, Smart City, Safety City, etc.
Contribution to Sustainable Urban Development by Sharing Incheon’s Best Practices

Contribute to Sustainable Urban Development

by Sharing
Incheon’s Best Practices
Manufacturing and Supplying COVID-19 vaccines and treatment to mitigate the impact of pandemic

Sharing 10 Best Practices With Philadelphia, Burbank, and San Jose, US

Introducing the resource circulation policy to the Local Government of Apapa, Nigeria

Sharing the case of urban regeneration through IURC Project

Identifying the areas of cooperation in smart city, bio industry, and renewable energy
with Berlin, Germany and Almeria, Spain through ICP-AGIR Project

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