SOP-Harden Concrete 03.01.2024

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Concrete Permeability Test (Hardened concrete)

Scope :
Covers the method for determination of Permeability of Concrete Cube
Purpose :
To provide procedure for determination of Permeability of Concrete Cube
Equipment :
Permeability Apparatus, Measuring Scale, Oven, Thermometer, Loading Machine.
Procedure :
A three numbers of cube test specimen 150 mm x 150 mm size & Concrete Cylinder test specimen Dia
150 mm X Height 160mm shall be prepared. After 28 days of curing, the test will be conducted between
28 & 35 days. The test specimen shall be fitted in a permeability set up machine, such that specimen can
be subjected to water pressure up to 7 kg/sq.cms. The concrete specimen shall be subjected to a water
pressure of 5 kg/cm2 (0.5 N/mm2) from the top for a period of 3 days. The pressure shall be maintained
constant throughout the test period of 3 days. If the water penetrates through to the underside of the
specimen, the test may be terminated and the specimen rejected as failed. After 3 days, the pressure shall
be released and the sample shall be taken out. Then specimen shall be split in the middle by compression
applied on two bars attached on plate on opposite sides above & below. When the split faces show signs
of drying (after 5 to 10 minutes), the maximum depth of penetration in the direction of height shall be
measured with the scale or Vernier caliper and extent of depth water penetration established. The mean of
maximum depth of penetration obtained from three specimens thus tested, shall be taken as the test result
and it shall not exceed 25 mm.

Reference: Based on MORTH Clause 1717.7.5

Depth of Water Penetration in mm observed by scale .

Responsibility: - Technical Manager (Mechanical)

Name of Laboratory: Becquerel Industries Pvt. Ltd

Document No.: BIPL/SOP/MECH
SOP Name : Determination of Dimension (Brick) Page No.01 of 01
(Hardened concrete) /01
Issue Date:
Issue No.: 05 01.12.2020 Rev Prepared by: Issuedby:

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