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aeiner20%2 Using Windows 7's XP Mode — stap by stp Home> Top Story Using Windows 5 Mose — sep vst Using Windows 7's XP Mode — step by step By Fea Langa Aha Your it wi 7 Maa oe rity ono <9 Presa 9 ht iy ii Wino 7, Ando 0 DP Mada a a fos edn for Windova 7 Proeclonal,Umate, and Eerie — Win? Pare Pamir and Statar dav’ aualy. Forthosa vane, orn any ea where Microsoft's XP Mode does work. thar are other alemaives I discuss a the ond ofthis arti, within your carer OS, ghieg you 922298 to bath simultanoously. ba VPC, al the haunare fideo toa, barrie conte, ale, an OS needs erates of moderaed by the VPC setae. Win 3 Mode, the tual haraware bots and runs YP Pre SP3 within aWin? window 666 Figures 1 and 2) t's sort a tke hang a second mantr, but on your Win desktop, Figure 1. In this example, the large black area isthe Win? desktop. (Noto the Win? Propertios dialog inthe background.) The bus foreg eel ean Va 2002 emote Inet 2 uascFU dezon @ 26sch= 259s S128 ara Prysclbis race Figure 2 An enlarged view of te XP Mode System Properties window (seen in Figure 1} shows the emulated hardware under Computer bore stating Setting up XP Mode for the first time windowssecreis.comftop-storylsing-windows-7s-9-mode- step-by-step! aeiner20%2 Using Windows 7's XP Mode — stap by stp Flow thse for stops to got XP Mode up an unig: + Stop 1: Download and run XP Modes core fies, ‘To stat, go to Mirost's Windows Vitual PC Help & Howto downlad pags Too, you can sole he fos for Windows YP Nes with Vitual PC —or downoad ‘shat you noe for a Vital PC ony (ull you want trun some ther OS within Windows 7) Ue the page's pulldown manus t pick you version of Wand your 2 window sop up, sma othe even Figure 3. ‘much information, this page download all the necessary Flos Figure 3. Although it doesnot prov (Yeu can skip Stp ton that pape cower eveything you nes to know) Moving onto Mictoscts Step 2. clk ie Windows XP Mode Download buton, Choose ater Run a Sve (he download Mla I's up o you. Select Run, athe XP ode stup wil stan atomatealy ater he courload fishes; olek Save, ard youll hae to manual dvel-ck te dowmoaded soto star stu, ‘The Mires ste run 2 eldtlon check to ensure youre runing ae copy af Windows 7, bse it allows the downlos. Jus flow the promis. When the ‘sowload stars, you might a wall tke afew minstes to set your legs — Moda is abou a SOOM Wen the downoad ished, youl see the usual Win? permssins log Boxes (es, you do wart onthe fle yu just orloaded) before YP Mado wil ntl is cere Hes Wan ti ital setup ends, XP Made son your system, But beoe you can use i, you hae to nal the Virtual PC soe + Step 2: Setup a virtual PC. 1 baton oder Merooos 0p. (Go back tothe Microsoft daanlasdpaaa ard clk the Windows Virtual PC Downl ‘The downoad process might east your PG yet aon, and youl haw to accep nether round of downlod pemissiens — jst oo the pms — before the ‘VPC sofware (arlately small 5.3MB fe) downloads ar installs ‘Aker VPC nstales, yout nee to eboct your PC. You should see seal “Conguing updates.” serene, because Mlrost's Vitus PC sofa Is packages Windows Uedate (KB 988850. + Optional Step 3: There's one more download fr non-SP1 Win? systems youve aeady instal Senice Pack 1 or Windows 7 (aldouniad), skip his stop and goon fo my Stop 4, below. Irycure not runing SP, youl eet tum tothe dounload pag ard rn the Windows XP Mode Update Ist under Mrosat's Step 4 1+ Stop & Sot up XP Mode for frst use Anthough you now hav all the XP Mede soces in ace, t's not ready to. jst yet, Navigate to Wins Stat Al Programs / Windows Vitul PC ae thon select Windows xP Mode, as shown in Figue 4 windowssecreis.comtop-storylusing-vindows-7s-9-mode-siep-by-sep! 208 aeiner20%2 Using Windows 7's XP Mode — stap by stp Figure 4. Launch the final XP Mode setup by drlling down to Windows XP Mode Inthe Win? Start menu, ‘When XP Mode tis tunches, youl see an areas sses of sep soreers, ey sil lo whal you Se when you fs un on a pecontque, storebought PC. ‘hart be dialogs to accep the icensng, estab a user passwerd, part Automate Updtes, and soon. The Sup aso shows a bt iol (S00 Figure 5; Figure 6. The Information n XP Mode's short tutorial aide show fant deep, but i's worth reading for general background, Its aller sraightlonard — jus fallow ha prompts: usualy jst acco th oflred det When setp's done, youre ready trun XP on your Win? system. But wal! fs not require, but! strongly suggest you now hut evrything down, Close the XP Mode Window (tl sy I's hibernating) and esta your man system to ‘make sre no lose ends aol hangin, When yoursystem estas, eck back tothe Win? Al Program manu and relaunch Windows XP Mode — youl ear the anlar? startup sound, rd your rl > PG wll penn window on your Win? eesktep. Congratulations! Vour Windows 7's now ring a weual PC win acolo copy of¥P. Youre rnvng two OSes at the same time! How oa is that? Important first steps with your new XP Mode Running one operating Systm inside anshorcbvously creates new opsorunties for conksion, so read trough tis scton carly bere yng any ofthe describ solos o command. Fst, tke note of th extra tolbaraeoss the top of your? Modo wu PC window (shown Figur). S Figure 6. An XP Mode window add special toolbar acrosethe top to help manage the VPC and its operating sytem Heres what thse new tole do '+ The lolbars Action itm ofes options fo swch olsen mode (ait lik it yt oro rst, elgp, o cls (xt the XP Mode val PC ‘+ Te USB tem les the wl P Made PC connect to USS devoes that ae, n really, connected to your fal Wai compute. windowssecreis.comtop-storlusing-windous-7s.x9-made-siep-by-sep/ 38 aeiner20%2 Using Windows 7's XP Mode — stap by stp + The Toot om oltre sdarced conta ows the VPC tales. You wt nomaly haw 16 do anything with i ‘+ The Cie AlteDe tem sands thet keystoke combination tothe P Mode ua PC, tengng Up 36 Task Menaper— not Windows 7 You can resize, drag, maximize and mikmize the XP Mode window — al thet works rama, wth ane exception: when you maxinize the XP window, you cant S98 any pat of your Win? desktop. Se how do you get back to Win? When in ulscroen, X° Mode places a small, y-cttolar atthe top carar othe screen (00 Figo 7). lets you conta the VPC or minimize the VPC window an ota the Wit desktp. Forwhen tho fy-uttookar tacts, you can alnays make it reappear by placing your mouse cursor anyahere onthe lop-enter ods ofthe seoon Figure 7. When sat to fullscreen, xP Mo ts 2 small, y-out tool ‘The yout tobe fer the same Acton USB, and CI A+Del optons deserted ater, and adds a pehpin icon opin the tonsa i place si recommend you pin the toabarin place: helps aod ny “which OS am Lusing now" or how can | got back Win77" contin, aways sil. 1 your sn add YP usr, jst now switching to Win, you may be tampa fo load up XP Made wit al your cd pp and laa it st to flsrben. But thats no tbe bas Use of XP Mode or your apps — you ltt Windows 7 wl ve you seamless integration win all appatons running in Mode ‘eases to understané when you seein ston, Installing and using software in XP Mode ‘Yeu ral etre onto an 3P wu machine jst as you dl on your P-aased PC. Forth example, Ld ol the eldest mainseam Sowa | cou fed — od copy of WerosotOflce XP. That sotware does actully noed XP Mode (runs fine side Wi rately), Sue's pretend tat rns ely on 3 Win ete X Mode hav contol but waty, acess tothe sys harswar, pul the Oc XP setup CO in my Wess apical ive andthe, nse the XP Mods dow, clckes on 6 Star button, opening X's My Compute. The Oice XP seup csc was dseayos hee, ready for uso on the wu PC. ‘Sl inside 9P Mado, | clicked he CO to lunch the Ofc XP setup — and Wan fo complaton jt a shoud. (See Figue&) As fa a8 ce 2 knew, ws ing on 2 completely standard 2 box. (Sofware onan P Mode PC dosent ee tne Win endrormenstha's ely running th show.) woaraain ote batten res CO cppranentes Cpyrae sacs Figure 8. had no aifiutly instaling Offce XP on the XP Mode virtual machine. With Ose inal, now hae two ways fo nt — ot any eer XP Mode app. n° Mode, Lean launch the same way I would onary slandlone PP (lick on 2's Stat baton, clck to Al Programa, end select Meraok Word), Tat wore fn, but isa te es, Windows 7s soaieus integration reduces hat al to one click! As Fig 9 shows, Win ads your ited XP Moe appt ison Start menus Thi hes you one ck acess to your XP Mode apps instead ofhaung to frst launch XP Made and en manual launch he spp windowssecreis.comtop-storlusing-windous-7s.x9-made-siep-by-sep/ 416 aeiner20%2 Using Windows 7's XP Mode — stap by stp ‘Soa 6 saip Tepsyied fret esther Watch Live Most cee Windows Mos By Mosc fe! Windows XP Mode BS ricoh oma inden xP BB microt Otok (indore Ed ticrozePowereint (tina xP ror Secure Erte nee (gl eee tlie) New fie Docume ndoue |B ope oFiceDecament ingen os Figure 9. XP Mode apps ae automaticaly placed in Win?'s Al Programs directory under the heading “Windows XP Mode Applications" Launching XP Mode appllestons rely apans them an your Windows 7 declop — pst tke any Win? Based app (268 Figu 10. Figure 10, Wins seamless XP Modi tegration hides the VPC's underpinnings Not ery dos ths ntgation allow quicker access to ¥P Made apps, haps raduce any pont contslonasing rm malpe desktp (one fr Win, on for XP) open athe sara tine, ‘And when you do want access tothe Al P vital machine's no problem — just ack Wins Windows XP Mode rau tam, and P Mado launches nomi its ‘on ino Gotchas? Of course there are gotcha: Running a complete OS inside anchor OS ft a alas. takes af of CPU fort another machine rescuces For example, XP Moe's vtul hart die Ie a awh fe nthe Appdata fer on your frie! dive. A bale XP Mode installs wil occupy between 8-10GB of dive p20. tall Mogeapos, and in hd fle grows accardingly. And, ofcourse, al XP Mode dk acy is really cared aut by Win? on your ral se, There's an inowtableperterance nit Fer these reasons, XP Mode shouldnt be your rst choice in unring oer swore nslead, ty to instal your elder utara naman Windows 7. (Mast programs ta fin) Hyou do have rob, ry Wis compatitailty made to see whather you can got the sotware working Sect. witht tha ewmoad of launching an entirely sepast operating system, (Seo the Microsot Helo & How-Ta, “Make older programs ran in thi eon of Windows) DP Mode is bet resaned for hose fw programe tat simply cant be mae to work n Win? by cher, simpler means, (te: XP Mod wont help Keep older, Win? Incompatolehanore working) ‘Another gotcha: XP Mode isnt set and forget —I's a whole separate operating system, and it nseds to be kept up-to-date an oterise mairtaines just ast wore installed on a standsane system, Fo example, shoul haw is oun malware pitecion, inaled Micro's Feo Socury Essential (infldownied.) ‘Your welldowloped XP skis should make cating up and mainaring your XP VPC a breeze, But youu into snags or rd your XP know-how geting rusty, you ean windowssecreis.comtop-storylusing-vindows-7s-9-mode-siep-by-sep! 516 aeiner20%2 Using Windows 7's XP Mode — stap by stp search ine Windows Secrets aries fr a wean filamin on almost any XP-elated question you might he, 10. sarcent logins copy of Windows to use, Eroy your new 3° ial PC! Thaseadiiona sts can hap with other uations that + Windows 7 Hela & Howto, hal ad ute Windows XP Mode” + Windows 7 fears pane, "Windows XP Mode” + Windows Help & Howe, Windows Vital PC™ ‘Thire-paty, ualPC sotware that works on ll Windows versions: + Oracle's ro VatuatBon + Vilwar's oe and commer VPC peice Have more info on this abject? Pos! your tipi the WS Calimns um Relates post: ‘Somos Mase Lets Olt Sofware un ‘rng Windows Uodate Problems Flats poss: (Comoatbity Mode Lets Ol Sofware un ‘Aslecsy-sen ue formato boot times ‘Suna Windows Unde Protea AllWindows Secrets articles posted on 2011-09-2: Working wn imagas and txt Ofice 2010 Using Windows 7« XP Mode — step by sep Loaring that IH canbe abt sour 1.815 extemal ve goes down hat Ling ong cooke tras thoughout he We ‘About Fred Langa Free Langa is sonore. Ms Langalist Nowslotr merged wits Windows Secrets on Nov. 16,2008, Prt that, Fred was eter of ye Magazine (1867 to 193) an ela decker of CMP Media (188 fo 1996), ovrsoning Windows Magazine and others ‘lew al posts by Fred Langs -» Se en net oye windowssecreis.comtop-storlusing-windous-7s.x9-made-siep-by-sep/ we

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