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UOP CCRTM Modular Design Services


UOP CCR is used as part of PlatformingTM and Olefin
processes. In 1994, UOP developed modular design of
the CCR to ensure quality and lower capital costs. CCR
modular design services from UOP provide several
benefits to refiners. UOP can:
쮿 Deliver a complete design and layout of the unit
쮿 Provide quality assurance
쮿 Shorten project schedule
쮿 Reduce capital costs
쮿 Provide a fixed price

Design and layout

Significant benefits are derived from having UOP perform
design conforms to UOP’s engineering design specifica-
the detailed engineering design of the CCR section.
tions, customer specifications and applicable codes.
UOP incorporates its vast operating and design experi-
Typical unforeseen field construction problems (which
ence from the equipment and piping layout to the final
can cause long project delays) Can be corrected before
piping and instrumentation details. UOP uses computer-
the unit leaves the fabrication shop.
generated three-dimensional models that provide the
refiner with a detailed visual picture of the piping and
Project scheduling
instrumentation layout prior to construction.
Modular construction also shortens project schedules.
Because of the higher productivity of the fabrication and
assembly shops (compared with field construction), the
unit is built within the shortest possible time frame.

Capital costs
UOP’s modular design can reduce capital costs of the
CCR section. The productivity advantage of shop fabri-
cation results in a direct savings in capital cost. On a
CCR unit, where about half the cost of field construction
is attributable to labor, the savings with modular
construction can be significant.

Fixed price
The UOP modular CCR section is delivered to the refiner
for a fixed price and ready for efficient field erection.
Quality assurance
The modules can be fabricated so minimal field welding
UOP provides quality assurance with the modular is necessary. After the site preparation is completed,
design. The CCR section is constructed by experienced the erection of the modular CCR section can proceed
personnel under the close scrutiny of UOP inspectors, effeciently.
process engineers and field start-up engineers. The
UOP CCRTM Modular Design Services 2

Summary For more information

The layout and detailed engineering of the UOP modular For more information, contact your local UOP
CCR unit incorporates the design experience gained by representative or our Des Plaines sales office:
UOP in the engineering, start-up, and maintenance of
operating CCR sections. Modular construction from UOP
fax: +1-847-391-2253
is based on commercial process experience from more
phone: +1-847-391-2000
than 170 CCR units already in operation. UOP has
performed detailed design on more than 30 CCR sections
and has used modular construction on more than 20.

25 East Algonquin Road
© 2007 UOP LLC. All rights reserved.
Des Plaines, IL 60017-5017 The information in this document should not be construed as a representation for
which UOP assumes legal responsibility, or an authorization or recommendation
U.S.A. to practice a patented invention without a license. UOP 4523-5 1007

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